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Prior Experience

Presidential Candidate		        	    Elec  States
George Washington (VA)				     69    10

Political Experience: 
1759-1774 VA Assembly, House of Burgesses
1774 First Continental Congress
1775 Second Continental Congress
1787 president Constitutional Convention

Presidential Candidate		        	    Elec  States
George Washington (VA)				    132    15

Political Experience: 
1759-1774 VA Assembly, House of Burgesses
1774 First Continental Congress
1775 Second Continental Congress
1787 president Constitutional Convention
1789-1793 President

Presidential Candidate		        	    Elec  States
John Adams (F-MA)				     71    12
Thomas Jefferson (DR-VA)			     68     8

Political Experience: 
Adams					        Jefferson
1773 MA Assembly			        1769-1776 VA Assembly, House of Burgesses
1774 First Continental Congress		        1775 Second Continental Congress	
1775 Second Continental Congress	        1776 Declaration of Independence
1776 Declaration of Independence	        1779-1781 VA Governor
1778-1779 Minister to France		        1783-1784 Continental Congress
1779 MA constitutional convention	        1784-1789 Minister to France
1779-1781 Minister to Great Britain	        1790-1793 Secretary of State
1781-1782 Minister to Holland
1785-1788 Minister to Great Britain
1789-1797 Vice President

Presidential Candidate		        	    Elec  States
Thomas Jefferson (DR-VA)			     73     9
John Adams (F-MA)				     65    10

Political Experience: 
Jefferson					Adams
1769-1776 VA Assembly, House of Burgesses	1773 MA Assembly
1775 Second Continental Congress		1774 First Continental Congress
1776 Declaration of Independence	        1775 Second Continental Congress
1779-1781 VA Governor				1776 Declaration of Independence
1783-1784 Continental Congress		        1778-1779 Minister to France
1784-1789 Minister to France			1779 MA constitutional convention
1790-1793 Secretary of State			1779-1781 Minister to Great Britain
1797-1801 Vice President			1781-1782 Minister to Holland
						1785-1788 Minister to Great Britain
						1789-1797 Vice President
						1797-1801 President

Presidential Candidate		        	    Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
Thomas Jefferson (DR-VA)			    162    15    George Clinton (DR-NY)
Charles Cotesworth Pinckney (F-SC)		     14     2    Rufus King (F-NY)

Political Experience: 
Jefferson					Pinckney
1769-1776 VA Assembly, House of Burgesses	1769-1772 SC House of Commons
1775 Second Continental Congress		1774-1776 SC provincial congress
1776 Declaration of Independence	        1776-1786 SC General Assembly
1779-1781 VA Governor				1787 Constitutional Convention
1783-1784 Continental Congress		        1796 Minister to France
1784-1789 Minister to France			1801-1802 SC State Senator
1790-1793 Secretary of State
1797-1801 Vice President
1801-1805 President

Presidential Candidate		        	    Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
James Madison (DR-VA)				    122    12    George Clinton (DR-NY)
Charles Cotesworth Pinckney (F-SC)		     47     5    Rufus King (F-NY)

Political Experience: 
Madison						Pinckney
1774 committee of safety, Orange Co, VA		1769-1772 SC House of Commons
1776 VA constitutional convention		1774-1776 SC provincial congress
1776-1777 VA Assembly, House of Delegates	1776-1786 SC General Assembly
1777-1779 VA council of safety			1787 Constitutional Convention
1780-1783 Continental Congress		        1796 Minister to France
1784-1786 VA Assembly, House of Delegates	1801-1802 SC State Senator
1787 Continental Congress
1787 Constitutional Convention 
1789-1797 Representative VA
1791 drafted Bill of Rights
1799-1800 VA Assembly
1801-1809 Secretary of State

Presidential Candidate		        	    Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
James Madison (DR-VA)				    128    11    Elbridge Gerry (DR-MA)
DeWitt Clinton (F-NY)				     89     7    Charles Jared Ingersoll (F-PA)

Political Experience: 
Madison						Clinton
1774 committee of safety, Orange Co, VA		1798 NY Assembly
1776 VA constitutional convention		1798-1802 NY State Senator
1776-1777 VA Assembly, House of Delegates	1802-1803 Senator NY
1777-1779 VA council of safety			1806-1811 NY State Senator
1780-1783 Continental Congress		        1803-1807 Mayor New York, NY
1784-1786 VA Assembly, House of Delegates	1810-1811 Mayor New York, NY
1787 Continental Congress			1811-1813 NY Lt Governor
1787 Constitutional Convention 
1789-1797 Representative VA
1791 drafted Bill of Rights
1799-1800 VA Assembly
1801-1809 Secretary of State
1809-1813 President

Presidential Candidate		        	    Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
James Monroe (DR-VA)				    183    16    Daniel D Tompkins (DR-NY)
Rufus King (F-NY)				     34     3    John Eager Howard (F-MD)

Political Experience: 
Monroe						King
1783-1786 Continental Congress		        1783-1784 MA House of Representatives
1786-1790 VA Assembly				1784-1787 Continental Congress
1790-1794 Senator VA				1787 Constitutional Convention
1794-1796 Minister to France			1788-1789 NY General Assembly
1799-1802 VA Governor				1789-1796 Senator NY
1803-1805 Minister to France & Spain		1796-1803 Minister to Great Britain
1803-1807 Minister to Great Britain		1813-1825 Senator NY
1810 VA Assembly
1811 VA Governor
1811-1817 Secretary of State
1814-1815 Secretary of War

Presidential Candidate		        	    Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
James Monroe (DR-VA)				     231    24    Daniel D Tompkins (DR-NY)

Political Experience: 
1783-1786 Continental Congress
1786-1790 VA Assembly
1790-1794 Senator VA
1794-1796 Minister to France
1799-1802 VA Governor
1803-1805 Minister to France & Spain
1803-1807 Minister to Great Britain
1810 VA Assembly
1811 VA Governor
1811-1817 Secretary of State
1814-1815 Secretary of War
1817-1821 President

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
John Quincy Adams (DR-MA)		  113,122     84     7    John Caldwell Calhoun (DR-SC)
Andrew Jackson (DR-TN)			  151,271     99    11    John Caldwell Calhoun (DR-SC)
William Harris Crawford (DR-GA)		   40,856     41     3    Nathaniel Macon (DR-NC)
Henry Clay (DR-KY)			   47,531     37     3    Nathan Sanford (DR-NY)

Political Experience: 
Adams						Jackson
1794-1796 Minister to Holland			1796-1797 Representative TN	
1797-1801 Minister to Prussia			1797-1798 Senator TN	
1801-1803 MA State Senator			1798-1804 TN Superior Court judge
1803-1808 Senator MA				1821 military Governor FL
1809-1815 Minister to Russia			1823-1825 Senator TN	
1815-1817 Minister to Great Britain
1817-1825 Secretary of State

Crawford					Clay
1803-1807 GA Legislature			1803 KY Legislature
1807-1813 Senator GA				1808-1809 KY House of Representatives
1813-1815 Minister to France			1810-1811 Senator KY
1815-1816 Secretary of War			1811-1821 Representative KY, Sp 1811-1820
1816-1825 Secretary of Treasury			1823-1825 Representative KY, Sp 1823-1825

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
Andrew Jackson (D-TN)			  642,553    178    15    John Caldwell Calhoun (D-SC)
John Quincy Adams (NR-MA)		  500,897     83     9    Richard Rush (NR-PA)

Political Experience: 
Jackson						Adams
1796-1797 Representative TN			1794-1796 Minister to Holland
1797-1798 Senator TN				1797-1801 Minister to Prussia
1798-1804 TN Superior Court judge		1801-1803 MA State Senator
1821 military Governor FL			1803-1808 Senator MA
1823-1825 Senator TN				1809-1815 Minister to Russia
						1815-1817 Minister to Great Britain
						1817-1825 Secretary of State
						1825-1829 President

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
Andrew Jackson (D-TN)			  701,780    219    16    Martin Van Buren (D-NY)
Henry Clay (NR-KY)			  484,205     49     6    John Sargeant (NR-PA)

Political Experience: 
Jackson						Clay
1796-1797 Representative TN			1803 KY Legislature
1797-1798 Senator TN				1808-1809 KY House of Representatives
1798-1804 judge TN superior court		1810-1811 Senator KY
1821 military Governor FL			1811-1821 Representative KY, Sp 1811-1820
1823-1825 Senator TN				1823-1825 Representative KY, Sp 1823-1825
1829-1833 President				1825-1829 Secretary of State
						1831-1842 Senator KY

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
Martin Van Buren (D-NY)			  764,176    170    15    Richard Mentor Johnson (D-KY)
William Henry Harrison (W-OH)		  550,816     73     7    Francis Granger (W-NY)
Hugh Lawson White (W-TN)		  146,107     26     2    John Tyler (W-VA)
Daniel Webster (W-MA)			   41,201     14     1 

Political Experience: 
Van Buren					Harrison
1813-1820 NY State Senator			1798-1801 secretary Northwest Territory
1815-1819 NY Attorney General			1801-1812 Governor Indiana Territory
1821-1828 Senator NY				1804 Governor Louisiana Territory
1829 NY Governor			        1816-1819 Representative OH
1829-1831 Secretary of State			1819-1824 OH State Senator
1831-1832 Minister to Great Britain		1825-1828 Senator OH	
1833-1837 Vice President			1828-1829 Minister to Columbia	

White						Webster
1801-1807 TN Superior Court judge		1813-1817 Representative NH
1807-1809 TN State Senator			1822 MA House of Representatives
1808-1809 US District Attorney			1823-1827 Representative MA
1809-1815 TN Supreme Court			1827-1841 Senator MA
1817-1825 TN State Senator
1821-1824 Comm for Spanish land claims
1825-1840 Senator TN, President Pro Tempore 1832-1840

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
William Henry Harrison (W-OH)		 1,275,390    234    19    John Tyler (W-VA)
Martin Van Buren (D-NY)			 1,128,854     60     7    Richard Mentor Johnson (D-KY)

Political Experience: 
Harrison					Van Buren
1798-1801 secretary Northwest Territory		1813-1820 NY State Senator
1801-1812 Governor Indiana Territory		1815-1819 NY Attorney General
1804 Governor Louisiana Territory		1821-1828 Senator NY
1816-1819 Representative OH			1829 NY Governor
1819-1824 OH State Senator			1829-1831 Secretary of State
1825-1828 Senator OH				1831-1832 Minister to Great Britain
1828-1829 Minister to Columbia			1833-1837 Vice President
			                        1837-1841 President

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
James Knox Polk (D-TN)			 1,339,494    170    15    George Mifflin Dallas (D-PA)
Henry Clay (W-KY)			 1,300,004    105    11    Theodore Frelinghuysen (W-NJ)

Political Experience: 
Polk						Clay
1823-1825 TN House of Representatives		1803 KY Legislature
1825-1839 Representative TN, Sp 1835-1839	1808-1809 KY House of Representatives
1839-1841 TN Governor				1810-1811 Senator KY
						1811-1821 Representative KY, Sp 1811-1820
						1823-1825 Representative KY, Sp 1823-1825
						1825-1829 Secretary of State
						1831-1842 Senator KY

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
Zachary Taylor (W-LA)			 1,361,393    163    15    Millard Fillmore (W-NY)
Lewis Cass (D-MI)			 1,223,460    127    15    William Orlando Butler (D-KY)
Martin Van Buren (FS-NY)		   291,501      0     0    Charles Francis Adams (FS-MA)

Political Experience: 
Taylor		Cass				        Van Buren
none		1804-1806 Dist Atty Muskingum, OH       1813-1820 NY State Senator
                1806-1807 OH House of Representatives	1815-1819 NY Attorney General
                1807-1812 US Marshal for OH		1821-1828 Senator NY
                1813 Admin of MI and Upper Canada	1829 NY Governor
                1813-1831 Governor of MI Territory	1829-1831 Secretary of State
                1831-1836 Secretary of War              1831-1832 Minister to Great Britain
                1836-1842 Minister to France		1833-1837 Vice President
                1845-1848 Senator MI			1837-1841 President

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
Franklin Pierce (D-NH)			 1,607,510    254    27    William Rufus Devane King (D-AL)
Winfield Scott (W-NJ)			 1,386,942     42     4    William Alexander Graham (W-NC)

Political Experience: 
Pierce						Scott
1829-1833 NH State Legislature, Speaker	        none
1833-1837 Representative NH 
1837-1842 Senator NH
1844-1846 US District Attorney NH 

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
James Buchanan (D-PA)			 1,836,072    174    19    John Cabell Breckinridge (D-KY)
John Charles Fremont (R-CA)		 1,342,345    114    11    William Lewis Dayton (R-NJ)
Millard Fillmore (Am-NY)		   873,053      8     1    Andrew Jackson Donelson (Am-TN)

Political Experience: 
Buchanan			Fremont			Fillmore
1814-1816 PA Assembly		1850-1851 Senator CA	1828-1832 NY Assembly
1821-1831 Representative PA	                        1833-1835 Representative NY
1831-1833 Minister to Russia				1837-1843 Representative NY
1834-1845 Senator PA					1848-1849 NY comptroller
1845-1849 Secretary of State				1849-1850 Vice President
1853-1856 Minister to GB				1850-1853 President

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
Abraham Lincoln (R-IL)			 1,865,908    180    18    Hannibal Hamlin (R-ME)
John Cabell Breckinridge (D-KY)		   848,019     72    11    Joseph Lane (D-OR)
John Bell (CU-TN)			   590,901     39     3    Edward Everett (CU-MA)
Stephen Arnold Douglas (D-IL)		 1,380,202     12     1    Herschel Vespasian Johnson (D-GA)

Political Experience: 
Lincoln						Douglas	
1834-1846 IL Assembly				1835 IL State’s Attorney
1847-1849 Representative IL			1836-1837 IL Representative
1854 IL Assembly			        1840-1841 IL Secretary of State
                                                1841-1842 IL Supreme Court
                                                1843-1847 Representative IL
                                                1847-1861 Senator IL

Breckinridge					Bell
1849-1855 KY House of Representatives		1817-1819 TN State Senator
1857-1861 Vice President			1827-1841 Representative TN, Sp 1834-1835
                                                1841 Secretary of War
                                                1847 TN House of Representatives
                                                1847-1859 Senator TN

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
Abraham Lincoln (R-IL)			 2,218,388    212    22    Andrew Johnson (D-TN)
George Brinton McClellan (D-NY)		 1,812,807     21     3    George Hunt Pendleton (D-OH)

Political Experience: 
Lincoln						McClellan
1834-1846 IL Assembly				none
1847-1849 Representative IL
1854 IL Assembly
1861-1865 President

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
Ulysses Simpson Grant (R-IL)		 3,013,650    214    26    Schuyler Colfax (R-IN)
Horatio Seymour (D-NY)			 2,708,744     80     8    Francis Preston Blair (D-MO)

Political Experience: 
Grant						Seymour
none						1841-1842 NY Assembly
                                                1842-1843 Mayor Utica, NY
                                                1844-1845 NY Assembly
                                                1852-1854 NY Governor
                                                1862-1864 NY Governor

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
Ulysses Simpson Grant (R-IL)		 3,598,235    286    29    Henry Wilson (R-MA)
Horace Greeley (D-NY)			 2,834,761     66     8    Benjamin Gratz Brown (D-MO)

Political Experience: 
Grant						Greeley
1869-1873 President				1848-1849 Representative NY

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
Rutherford Birchard Hayes (R-OH)	 4,034,311    185*   21    William Almon Wheeler (R-NY)
Samuel Jones Tilden (D-NY)		 4,288,546    184    17    Thomas Andrews Hendricks (D-IN)

Political Experience: 
Hayes						Tilden
1865-1867 Representative OH			1843-1844 Counsel for New York, NY
1868-1872 OH Governor 				1846 NY Assembly
1875-1877 OH Governor				1866-1874 NY Democratic Party Chairman
                                                1874-1876 NY Legislature
                                                1875-1877 NY Governor

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
James Abram Garfield (R-OH)		 4,446,158    214    19    Chester Alan Arthur (R-NY)
Winfield Scott Hancock (D-PA)		 4,444,260    155    19    William Hayden English (D-IN)

Political Experience: 
Garfield					Hancock
1864-1880 Representative OH			none

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
Grover Cleveland (D-NY)			 4,874,621    219    20    Thomas Andrews Hendricks (D-IN)
James Gillespie Blaine (R-ME)		 4,848,936    182    18    John Alexander Logan (R-IL)

Political Experience: 
Cleveland					Blaine
1871-1874 Sheriff Erie Co, NY			1859-1881 ME Republican State Committee
1882 Mayor Buffalo, NY				1859-1863 ME Legislature
1883-1885 NY Governor				1863-1876 Representative ME, Sp 1869-1875
                                                1876-1881 Senator ME
                                                1881 Secretary of State

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
Benjamin Harrison (R-IN)		 5,443,892    233    20    Levi Parsons Morton (R-NY)
Grover Cleveland (D-NY)			 5,534,488    168    18    Allen Granberry Thurman (D-OH)

Political Experience: 
Harrison					Cleveland
1881-1887 Senator IN				1871-1874 Sheriff Erie Co, NY
                                                1882 Mayor Buffalo, NY	
						1883-1885 NY Governor
						1885-1889 President

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
Grover Cleveland (D-NY)			 5,551,883    277    23    Adlai Ewing Stevenson (D-IL)
Benjamin Harrison (R-IN)		 5,179,244    145    16    Whitelaw Reid (R-NY)

Political Experience: 
Cleveland					Harrison
1871-1874 Sheriff Erie Co, NY			1881-1887 Senator IN
1882 Mayor Buffalo, NY			        1889-1893 President	
1883-1885 NY Governor
1885-1889 President	

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
William McKinley (R-OH)			 7,108,480    271    23    Garret Augustus Hobart (R-NJ)
William Jennings Bryan (D-NE)		 6,511,495    176    22    Arthur Sewall (D-ME)

Political Experience: 
McKinley					Bryan
1877-1890 Representative OH			1891-1895 Representative NE
1892-1896 OH Governor
1892-1897 chairman Republican National Convention

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
William McKinley (R-OH)			 7,218,039    292    28    Theodore Roosevelt (R-NY)
William Jennings Bryan (D-NE)		 6,358,345    155    17    Adlai Ewing Stevenson (D-IL)

Political Experience: 
McKinley					Bryan
1877-1890 Representative OH			1891-1895 Representative NE
1892-1896 OH Governor
1892-1897 chairman Republican National Convention
1897-1901 President

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
Theodore Roosevelt (R-NY)		 7,626,593    336    32    Charles Warren Fairbanks (R-IN)
Alton Brooks Parker (D-NY)		 5,082,989    140    13    Henry Gassaway Davis (D-WV)

Political Experience: 
Roosevelt					Parker
1882-1884 NY Assembly				1885 Chairman NY Democratic Executive Committee
1885-1886 dep sheriff Billings, Dakota	        1885-1889 NY Supreme Court justice
1889-1895 US Civil Service Commission		1889-1896 NY Court of Appeals justice
1895-1897 NYC police commissioner		1896-1897 NY Supreme Court justice
1897-1898 Asst Secretary of Navy		1898-1904 Chief Justice NY Court of Appeals
1899-1901 NY Governor 
1901 Vice President
1901-1905 President

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
William Howard Taft (R-OH)		 7,676,258    321    29    James Schoolcraft Sherman (R-NY)
William Jennings Bryan (D-NE)		 6,406,801    162    17    John Worth Kern (D-IN)

Political Experience: 
Taft						Bryan
1888-1892 Superior Court judge 			1891-1895 Representative NE
1892-1901 US Circuit judge
1901-1903 Governor-General Philippines
1904-1908 Secretary of War 
1906 provisional Governor Cuba

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
Woodrow Wilson (D-NJ)			 6,293,152    435    40    Thomas Riley Marshall (D-IN)
Theodore Roosevelt (P-NY)		 4,119,207     88     6    Hiram Warren Johnson (P-CA)
William Howard Taft (R-OH)		 3,486,333      8     2    Nicholas Murray Butler (R-NY)

Political Experience: 
Wilson			    Roosevelt			        Taft
1911-1913 NJ Governor	    1882-1884 NY Assembly		1888-1892 Superior Court judge
                            1885-1886 dep sher Billings	        1892-1901 US Circuit judge
                            1889-1895 US Civil Service Comm	1901-1903 Governor-General Philippines
                            1895-1897 NYC police comm	        1904-1908 Secretary of War
                            1897-1898 Asst Secretary Navy       1906 provisional Governor Cuba
                            1899-1901 NY Governor 		1909-1913 President
                            1901 Vice President
                            1901-1909 President

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
Woodrow Wilson (D-NJ)			 9,126,300    277    30    Thomas Riley Marshall (D-IN)
Charles Evans Hughes (R-NY)		 8,546,789    254    18    Charles Warren Fairbanks (R-IN)

Political Experience: 
Wilson						Hughes
1911-1913 NJ Governor				1907-1910 NY Governor 
1913-1917 President				1910-1916 Associate Justice Supreme Court

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
Warren Gamaliel Harding (R-OH)		16,153,115    404    37    Calvin Coolidge (R-MA)
James Middleton Cox (D-OH)		 9,133,092    127    11    Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D-NY)

Political Experience: 
Harding						Cox
1899-1903 OH State Senator 			1909-1913 Representative OH
1903-1905 OH Lt Governor			1913-1915 OH Governor
1915-1921 Senator OH				1917-1921 OH Governor

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
Calvin Coolidge (R-MA)			15,719,921    382    35    Charles Gates Dawes (R-IL)
John William Davis (D-WV)		 8,386,704    136    12    Charles Wayland Bryan (D-NE)
Robert Marion La Follette (P-WI)	 4,832,532     13     1    Burton Kendall Wheeler (P-MT)

Political Experience: 
Coolidge				Davis				   La Follette
1907-1909 MA House of Representatives 	1898-1900 WV House of Delegates    1880-1884 Dist Atty Dane Co, WI
1910-1911 Mayor Northampton, MA		1911-1913 Representative WV        1885-1891 Representative WI
1912-1915 MA State Senator		1913-1918 US Solicitor General     1901-1906 WI Governor
1915-1919 MA Lt Governor		1918-1921 Amb to Great Britain     1906-1925 Senator WI
1919-1921 MA Governor
1921-1923 Vice President
1923-1925 President

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
Herbert Clark Hoover (R-CA)		21,437,277    444    40    Charles Curtis (R-KS)
Alfred Emanuel Smith (D-NY)		15,007,698     87     8    Joseph Taylor Robinson (D-AR)

Political Experience: 
Hoover						Smith
1917-1918 US Food Administrator			1904-1915 NY Assembly
1921-1928 Secretary of Commerce 		1916-1917 Sheriff New York Co
						1919-1921 NY Governor
                                                1923-1929 NY Governor

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
1932  (52.5% voter turnout)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D-NY)	22,829,501    472    42    John Nance Garner (D-TX)
Herbert Clark Hoover (R-CA)		15,760,684     59     6    Charles Curtis (R-KS)

Political Experience: 
Roosevelt					Hoover
1911-1913 NY State Senator			1917-1918 US Food Administrator
1913-1920 Asst Secretary of Navy		1921-1928 Secretary of Commerce
1929-1933 NY Governor				1929-1933 President

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
1936  (56.9% voter turnout)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D-NY)	27,757,333    523    46    John Nance Garner (D-TX)
Alfred Mossman Landon (R-KS)		16,684,231      8     2    William Franklin Knox (R-IL)

Political Experience: 
Roosevelt					Landon
1911-1913 NY State Senator			1933-1937 KS Governor
1913-1920 Assistant Secretary of Navy 
1929-1933 NY Governor
1933-1937 President

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
1940  (58.9% voter turnout)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D-NY)	27,313,041    449    38    Henry Agard Wallace (D-IA)
Wendell Lewis Willkie (R-IN)		22,348,480     82    10    Charles Linza McNary (R-OR)

Political Experience: 
Roosevelt					Willkie
1911-1913 NY State Senator 			none
1913-1920 Assistant Secretary of Navy 
1929-1933 NY Governor
1933-1941 President

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
1944  (56% voter turnout)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D-NY)	25,612,610    432    36    Harry S Truman (D-MO)
Thomas Edmund Dewey (R-NY)		22,017,617     99    12    John William Bricker (R-OH)

Political Experience: 
Roosevelt					Dewey
1911-1913 NY State Senator 			1931-1935 Chief Asst US Attorney
1913-1920 Assistant Secretary of Navy 		1935-1937 prosecutor New York, NY
1929-1933 NY Governor				1937-1941 Dist Attorney New York, NY
1933-1945 President				1943-1955 NY Governor

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
1948  (51.1% voter turnout)
Harry S Truman (D-MO)			24,179,345    303    28    Alben William Barkley (D-KY)
Thomas Edmund Dewey (R-NY)		21,991,291    189    16    Earl Warren (R-CA)
James Strom Thurmond (SR-SC)		 1,176,125     39     4    Fielding Lewis Wright (SR-MS)

Political Experience: 
Truman			Dewey					Thurmond
1915 postmaster		1931-1935 Chief Asst US Attorney	1933-1938 SC State Senator
1923-1925 county judge 	1935-1937 prosecutor New York, NY	1947-1951 SC Governor
1927-1934 judge	        1937-1941 Dist Attorney New York, NY
1935-1945 Senator MO	1943-1955 NY Governor
1945 Vice President
1945-1949 President

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
1952  (61.6% voter turnout)
Dwight David Eisenhower (R-NY)		33,936,234    442    39    Richard Milhous Nixon (R-CA)
Adlai Ewing Stevenson (D-IL)		27,314,992     89     9    John Jackson Sparkman (D-AL)

Political Experience: 
Eisenhower			Stevenson
1949-1951 Joint Chiefs		1933-1934 Asst Gen Counsel Agricultural Adjustment Administration
                                1934 Chief Attorney Federal Alcohol Control Administration
                                1941-1944 administrative asst to Secretary of Navy Frank Knox
                                1945-1946 special asst to Secretary of State James Byrnes
                                1946-1947 Alternate Delegate to United Nations
                                1949-1953 IL Governor

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
1956  (59.3% voter turnout)
Dwight David Eisenhower (R-NY)		35,590,472    457    41     Richard Milhous Nixon (R-CA)
Adlai Ewing Stevenson (D-IL)		26,022,752     73     7     Carey Estes Kefauver (D-TN)

Political Experience: 
Eisenhower			Stevenson
1949-1951 Joint Chiefs		1933-1934 Asst Gen Counsel Agricultural Adjustment Administration
1953-1957 President		1934 Chief Attorney Federal Alcohol Control Administration
                                1941-1944 administrative asst to Secretary of Navy Frank Knox
                                1945-1946 special asst to Secretary of State James Byrnes
                                1946-1947 Alternate Delegate to United Nations
                                1949-1953 IL Governor

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
1960  (62.8% voter turnout)
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (D-MA)		34,226,731    303    22     Lyndon Baines Johnson (D-TX)
Richard Milhous Nixon (R-CA)		34,108,157    219    26     Henry Cabot Lodge (R-MA)

Political Experience: 
Kennedy						Nixon
1947-1953 Representative MA			1947-1951 Representative CA
1953-1961 Senator MA				1951-1952 Senator CA
						1953-1961 Vice President

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
1964  (61.9% voter turnout)
Lyndon Baines Johnson (D-TX)		43,129,566    486    44     Hubert Horatio Humphrey (D-MN)
Barry Morris Goldwater (R-AZ)		27,178,188     52     6     William Edward Miller (R-NY)

Political Experience: 
Johnson						Goldwater
1935-1937 Dir Nat’l Youth Admin			1950-1952 Phoenix, AZ City Council
1937-1949 Representative TX			1953-1965 Senator AZ
1949-1961 Senator TX, Whip/Leader 1951-1955
1961-1963 Vice President
1963-1965 President

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
1968  (60.9% voter turnout)
Richard Milhous Nixon (R-CA)		31,785,480    301    32     Spiro Theodore Agnew (R-MD)
Hubert Horatio Humphrey (D-MN)		31,275,166    191    13     Edmund Sixtus Muskie (D-ME)
George Corley Wallace (Ind-AL)		 9,906,473     46     5     Curtis Emerson LeMay (Ind-OH)

Political Experience: 
Nixon				Humphrey			       Wallace
1947-1951 Representative CA	1942 MN Dir War Production Training    1946 AL Asst Atty General
1951-1952 Senator CA		1943 Asst Dir War Manpower Commission  1947-1953 AL House of Representatives
1953-1961 Vice President	1945-1949 Mayor Minneapolis	       1953-1959 Circuit Judge
                                1949-1965 Senator MN, Whip 1961-1964   1963-1967 AL Governor
                                1965-1969 Vice President

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
1972  (55.2% voter turnout)
Richard Milhous Nixon (R-CA)		47,169,911    520    49     Spiro Theodore Agnew (R-MD)
George Stanley McGovern (D-SD)		29,170,383     17     1     Robert Sargent Shriver (D-MD)

Political Experience: 
Nixon					McGovern
1947-1951 Representative CA		1953-1956 Executive Secretary, SD Democratic Party
1951-1952 Senator CA			1957-1961 Representative SD
1953-1961 Vice President		1961-1962 Food for Peace Director
1969-1973 President			1963-1981 Senator SD

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
1976  (53.5% voter turnout)
James Earl Carter (D-GA)		40,830,763    297    21     Walter Frederick Mondale (D-MN)	
Gerald Rudolph Ford (R-MI)		39,147,793    240    29     Robert Joseph Dole (R-KS)

Political Experience: 
Carter					Ford
1963-1967 GA State Senator 		1949-1973 Representative MI, Minority Leader 1965-1973 
1971-1975 GA Governor			1973-1974 Vice President
					1974-1977 President

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
1980  (52.8% voter turnout)
Ronald Wilson Reagan (R-CA)		43,904,153    489    44     George Herbert Walker Bush (R-TX)
James Earl Carter (D-GA)		35,483,883     49     6     Walter Frederick Mondale (D-MN)
John Bayard Anderson (Ind-IL)		 5,720,020      0     0 

Political Experience: 
Reagan			    Carter				Anderson
1966-1974 CA Governor	    1963-1967 GA State Senator 		1961-1981 Representative IL
			    1971-1975 GA Governor
                            1977-1981 President

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
1984  (53.3% voter turnout)
Ronald Wilson Reagan (R-CA)		54,455,075    525    49     George Herbert Walker Bush (R-TX)
Walter Frederick Mondale (D-MN)		37,577,185     13     1     Geraldine Ferraro (D-NY)

Political Experience: 
Reagan						Mondale
1966-1974 CA Governor				1960-1964 MN Attorney General
1981-1985 President				1964-1976 Senator MN
						1977-1981 Vice President

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
1988  (50.3% voter turnout)
George Herbert Walker Bush (R-TX)	48,886,097    426    40     James Danforth Quayle (R-IN)
Michael Stanley Dukakis (D-MA)		41,809,074    111    10     Lloyd Millard Bentsen (D-TX)

Political Experience: 
Bush						Dukakis
1966-1970 Representative TX			1963-1970 MA House of Representatives
1971-1973 US Ambassador to UN			1975-1979 Governor MA
1974-1975 Chief Envoy to China			1983-1991 Governor MA
1976-1977 Director of CIA
1981-1989 Vice President

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
1992  (55.1% voter turnout)
William Jefferson Clinton (D-AR)	44,909,326    370    32     Albert Arnold Gore (D-TN)
George Herbert Walker Bush (R-TX)	39,103,883    168    18     James Danforth Quayle (R-IN)
H Ross Perot (Ind-TX)			19,741,657      0     0     James Stockdale (Ind-CA)

Political Experience: 
Clinton				Bush				    Perot
1976 AR Attorney General	1966-1970 Representative TX	    none
1978-1980 AR Governor		1971-1973 US Ambassador to UN
1982-1993 AR Governor		1974-1975 Chief Envoy to China 
				1976-1977 Director of CIA 
				1981-1989 Vice President
				1989-1993 President

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
1996  (48.9% voter turnout)
William Jefferson Clinton (D-AR)	47,401,185    379    31     Albert Arnold Gore (D-TN)	
Robert Joseph Dole (R-KS)		39,197,469    159    19     Jack French Kemp (R-NY)

Political Experience: 
Clinton						Dole
1976 AR Attorney General			1951-1953 KS Legislature
1978-1980 AR Governor				1953-1960 prosecuting attorney Russell Co, KS
1982-1993 AR Governor				1961-1969 Representative KS
1993-1997 President				1969-1996 Senator KS

Presidential Candidate		        Popular	     Elec  States   Vice Presidential Candidate
2000 (51.2% voter turnout)
George Walker Bush (R-TX)		50,459,211    271*    30     Richard Bruce Cheney (R-WY)
Albert Arnold Gore (D-TN)		51,003,894    266     20     Joseph Lieberman (D-CT)

Political Experience: 
Bush						Gore
1995-2001 Governor TX				1977-1985 Representative TN
						1985-1993 Senator TN
						1993-2001 Vice President

Senate                   House                   Governor           

CA  Richard Nixon	CA  Richard Nixon	AR  Bill Clinton
IN  Benjamin Harrison	IL  Abraham Lincoln	CA  Ronald Reagan
MA  John Q Adams	MA  John Q Adams [2]	FL  Andrew Jackson [4]
MA  John Kennedy	MA  John Kennedy	GA  Jimmy Carter
MO  Harry Truman	MI  Gerald Ford	        IN  William Harrison [4]
NH  Franklin Pierce	NH  Franklin Pierce	LA  William Harrison [4]
NY  Martin Van Buren	NY  Millard Fillmore	MA  Calvin Coolidge
OH  James Garfield [1]	OH  James Garfield	NJ  Woodrow Wilson
OH  Warren Harding	OH  William Harrison	NY  Grover Cleveland
OH  William Harrison	OH  Rutherford Hayes	NY  Franklin Roosevelt
PA  James Buchanan	OH  William McKinley	NY  Theodore Roosevelt
TN  Andrew Jackson	PA  James Buchanan	NY  Martin Van Buren
TN  Andrew Johnson	TN  Andrew Jackson	OH  Rutherford Hayes
TX  Lyndon Johnson	TN  Andrew Johnson	OH  William McKinley
VA  James Monroe	TN  James Polk [3]	TN  Andrew Johnson
VA  John Tyler	        TX  George Bush	        TN  James Polk
		        TX  Lyndon Johnson	TX  George W Bush
		        VA  James Madison	VA  Thomas Jefferson
		        VA  John Tyler	        VA  James Monroe
				                VA  John Tyler
[1] Garfield was elected but never served in the Senate
[2] post presidency
[3] Polk was Speaker of the House
[4] territorial governor

Office                                          Under President
Vice President	        John Adams	        Washington
	                Thomas Jefferson	Adams
	                Martin Van Buren	Jackson
	                John Tyler	        W Harrison
	                Millard Fillmore	Taylor
	                Andrew Johnson	        Lincoln
	                Chester Arthur	        Garfield
	                Theodore Roosevelt	McKinley
	                Calvin Coolidge	        Harding
	                Harry Truman	        F Roosevelt
	                Lyndon Johnson	        Kennedy
	                Richard Nixon	        Eisenhower
	                Gerald Ford	        Nixon
	                George Bush	        Reagan
Secretary of State	Thomas Jefferson	Washington
	                James Madison	        Jefferson
	                James Monroe	        Madison
	                John Q Adams	        Monroe
	                Martin Van Buren	Jackson
	                James Buchanan	        Polk
Secretary of War	James Monroe	        Madison
	                Ulysses Grant	        A Johnson
	                William Taft	        T Roosevelt
Secretary of Commerce	Herbert Hoover          Harding
Asst Secretary of Navy	Theodore Roosevelt	McKinley
	                Franklin Roosevelt	Wilson

Ambassador to                           Appointed by      
Great Britain	John Adams	        Continental Congress
	        James Monroe	        Jefferson
	        John Q Adams	        Madison
	        Martin Van Buren	Jackson
	        James Buchanan	        Pierce
China	        George Bush*	        Nixon
Columbia	William Harrison	JQ Adams
France	        John Adams	        Continental Congress
	        Thomas Jefferson	Continental Congress
	        James Monroe	        Washington, Jefferson
Holland	        John Adams	        Continental Congress
	        John Q Adams	        Washington
Prussia	        John Q Adams	        Adams
Russia	        John Q Adams	        Madison
	        James Buchanan	        Jackson
Spain	        James Monroe	        Jefferson
United Nations	George Bush	        Nixon
* Formal diplomatic relations were not yet recognised and Bush’s title was Chief, US Liaison Office, Bejing

By Occupation                                                            
Actor	        Ronald Reagan	        Publisher	Warren Harding
Engineer	Herbert Hoover	        Sheriff	        Grover Cleveland
Farmer	        Jimmy Carter		                Theodore Roosevelt
Haberdasher	Harry Truman	        Soldier	        Jimmy Carter
Judge	        Andrew Jackson		                Dwight Eisenhower
	        William Taft		                Ulysses Grant
	        Harry Truman		                William Harrison
Lawyer	        John Adams		                Andrew Jackson
	        John Q Adams		                Zachary Taylor
	        Chester Arthur		                George Washington
	        James Buchanan	        Surveyor	George Washington
	        Grover Cleveland	Tailor	        Andrew Johnson
	        Bill Clinton	        Teacher	        John Adams
	        Calvin Coolidge		                Chester Arthur
	        Millard Fillmore		        Grover Cleveland
	        Gerald Ford		                Bill Clinton
	        Benjamin Harrison		        Millard Fillmore
	        Rutherford Hayes		        James Garfield
	        Andrew Jackson		                Lyndon Johnson
	        Thomas Jefferson		        William Taft
	        Abraham Lincoln		                Woodrow Wilson
	        William McKinley	Writer	        Thomas Jefferson
	        James Monroe		                John Kennedy
	        Richard Nixon		
	        Franklin Pierce		
	        James Polk		
	        Franklin Roosevelt		
	        William Taft		
	        John Tyler		
	        Martin Van Buren		
	        Woodrow Wilson
Only positions held for a significant amount of time have been included.

Military Experience
Rank President Wars General of the Army***** Dwight Eisenhower WWI, WWII Ulysses Grant Mexican, Civil Lieutenant General*** George Washington [1] Revolution Major General** James Garfield Civil William Harrison 1812 Rutherford Hayes Civil [2] Andrew Jackson Revolution [2][3], 1812 Zachary Taylor 1812, Mexican Brigadier General* Benjamin Harrison Civil Andrew Johnson Civil Franklin Pierce Mexican Colonel James Madison [4] Revolution Theodore Roosevelt Spanish Lieutenant Colonel James Monroe [4] Revolution [2] Major William McKinley Civil Harry Truman WWI Captain Abraham Lincoln [4] Mexican Ronald Reagan WWII John Tyler [4] 1812 Commander (Navy) Jimmy Carter --- Lieutenant Commander (Navy) Gerald Ford WWII Lyndon Johnson WWII Richard Nixon WWII Lieutenant (Navy) George Bush WWII John Kennedy WWII
[1] Washington was promoted to General of the United States (6 star) by Congress in 1976
[2] wounded
[3] POW
[4] militia

By College                                               
Albany Law	                        William McKinley *
Allegheny (PA)	                        William McKinley*
Amherst	                                Calvin Coolidge 
Bowdoin	                                Franklin Pierce
Cincinnati Law	                        William Taft
Columbia	                        Franklin Roosevelt
	                                Theodore Roosevelt*
Dickinson (PA) 	                        James Buchanan 
Duke 	                                Richard Nixon 
Eureka College (IL) 	                Ronald Reagan 
Georgetown 	                        Bill Clinton 
	                                Lyndon Johnson*
Hampden-Sydney (VA)	                William Harrison*
Harvard	                                John Adams
	                                John Q Adams
	                                Rutherford Hayes
	                                John Kennedy
	                                Franklin Roosevelt
	                                Theodore Roosevelt
Johns Hopkins 	                        Woodrow Wilson 
Kansas City Law 	                Harry Truman* 
Kenyon College (OH) 	                Rutherford Hayes 
London School of Economics	        John Kennedy
Miami College (OH)	                Benjamin Harrison 
University of Michigan 	                Gerald Ford 
University of North Carolina	        James Polk
Ohio Central College 	                Warren Harding*
Oxford	                                Bill Clinton 
Princeton 	                        John Kennedy
	                                James Madison
	                                Woodrow Wilson
Southwest Texas Teachers College 	Lyndon Johnson 
Stanford 	                        Herbert Hoover 
	                                John Kennedy*
Union College (NY)	                Chester Arthur 
US Military Academy, West Point 	Dwight Eisenhower 
	                                Ulysses Grant
US Naval Academy, Annapolis	        Jimmy Carter
University of Virginia Law	        Woodrow Wilson*
Whittier College 	                Richard Nixon
William & Mary 	                        Thomas Jefferson*
	                                John Tyler*
	                                James Monroe*
Williams College (MA)	                James Garfield
Yale	                                George Bush
                                        George W Bush
	                                Bill Clinton
	                                Gerald Ford
	                                William Taft
none	                                Grover Cleveland
	                                Millard Fillmore
	                                Andrew Jackson
	                                Andrew Johnson
	                                Abraham Lincoln
	                                Zachary Taylor
	                                Martin Van Buren
	                                George Washington
* did not graduate

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