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Miscellaneous Minutiae

By Marriage                                                
President	        Married	        Wife
George Washington	01/06/1759	Mrs Martha D Custis (1731-1802) [4]
John Adams	        10/25/1764	Abigail Smith (1744-1818)
Thomas Jefferson	01/01/1772	Mrs Martha W Skelton (1748-1782) [3] [4]
James Madison	        09/15/1794	Mrs Dorothea DP Todd “Dolley” (1768-1849) [4]
James Monroe	        02/16/1786	Elizabeth Kortright (1768-1830)
John Q Adams	        07/26/1797	Louisa C Johnson (1775-1852)
Andrew Jackson [6]	08/08/1791	Mrs Rachel D Robards (1767-1828) [3] [5]
Andrew Jackson	        01/17/1794	Mrs Rachel D Robards (1767-1828) [3] [5]
Martin Van Buren	02/21/1807	Hannah Hoes (1783-1819) [3]
William Harrison	11/25/1795	Anna T Symmes (1775-1864)
John Tyler	        03/29/1813	Letitia Christian (1790-1842) [1]
John Tyler [2]	        06/26/1844	Julia Gardiner (1820-1889)
James Polk	        01/01/1824	Sarah Childress (1803-1891)
Zachary Taylor	        06/21/1810	Margaret M Smith (1788-1852)
Millard Fillmore	02/05/1826	Abigail Powers (1798-1853)
Millard Fillmore	02/10/1858	Mrs Caroline C McIntosh (1813-1881) [4]
Franklin Pierce	        11/10/1834	Jane M Appleton (1806-1863)
Abraham Lincoln	        11/04/1842	Mary Todd (1818-1882)
Andrew Johnson	        05/05/1827	Eliza McCardle (1810-1876)
Ulysses Grant	        08/22/1848	Julia B Dent (1826-1902)
Rutherford Hayes	12/30/1852	Lucy W Webb (1831-1889)
James Garfield	        11/11/1858	Lucretia Rudolph (1832-1918)
Chester Arthur	        10/25/1859	Ellen L Herndon (1837-1880) [3]
Grover Cleveland [2]	06/02/1886	Frank Folsom "Frances" (1864-1947)
Benjamin Harrison	10/20/1853	Caroline L Scott (1832-1892) [1]
Benjamin Harrison	04/06/1896	Mrs Mary S L Dimmik (1858-1948) [4]
William McKinley	01/25/1871	Ida Saxton (1847-1907)
Theodore Roosevelt	10/27/1880	Alice H Lee (1861-1884) [3]
Theodore Roosevelt	12/02/1886	Edith K Carow (1861-1948)
William Taft	        06/19/1886	Helen Herron (1861-1943)
Woodrow Wilson	        06/24/1885	Ellen L Axson (1860-1914) [1]
Woodrow Wilson [2]	12/18/1915	Mrs Edith B Galt (1872-1961) [4]
Warren Harding	        07/08/1891	Mrs Florence K DeWolfe (1860-1924) [5]
Calvin Coolidge	        10/04/1905	Grace A Goodhue (1879-1957)
Herbert Hoover	        02/10/1899	Lou Henry (1875-1944)
Franklin Roosevelt	03/17/1905	Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962)
Harry Truman	        06/28/1919	Elizabeth V Wallace “Bess” (1885-1982)
Dwight Eisenhower	07/01/1916	Mary G Doud “Mamie” (1896-1979)
John Kennedy	        09/12/1953	Jacqueline Lee Bouvier (1929-1994)
Lyndon Johnson	        11/17/1934	Claudia A Taylor “Lady Bird” (b 1912)
Richard Nixon	        06/21/1940	Thelma C Ryan “Pat” (1912-1993)
Gerald Ford	        10/15/1948	Elizabeth Bloomer “Betty” (b 1918)
Jimmy Carter	        07/07/1946	Rosalynn Smith (b 1927)
Ronald Reagan [6]	01/25/1940	Jane Wyman (b 1914)
Ronald Reagan	        03/04/1952	Nancy Davis (b 1923)
George Bush	        01/06/1945	Barbara Pierce (b 1925)
Bill Clinton	        10/11/1975	Hillary Rodham (b 1947)
George W Bush	        11/05/1977	Laura Welch (b 1946)
[1] died during husband’s presidency
[2] married while in office
[3] died before husband’s presidency
[4] widow
[5] divorcee
[6] Jackson’s 1st ceremony was invalid since Rachal Robards’ divorce was not final
[7] Reagan/Wyman divorced in 1948

By Age At Marriage                     By Number of Children   
18.4 	Andrew Johnson 	               15	John Tyler
20.2	Benjamin Harrison (1st)	       10	William Harrison
20.6	George Bush 	                8	Rutherford Hayes
21.8	Jimmy Carter 	                7	James Garfield
22.0	Theodore Roosevelt (1st)	6	George Bush
22.8	William Harrison 	        6	Grover Cleveland (1 illegitimate)
23.0	John Tyler (1st)	        6	Thomas Jefferson
23.1	Franklin Roosevelt 	        6	Franklin Roosevelt
24.0	Andrew Jackson* 	        6	Theodore Roosevelt
24.2	Martin Van Buren 	        6	Zachary Taylor
24.5	Herbert Hoover 	                5	John Adams
25.6	Zachary Taylor 	                5	Andrew Johnson
25.7	Dwight Eisenhower 	        5	Ronald Reagan (1 adopted)
25.7	Warren Harding 	                4	John Q Adams
26.1	Millard Fillmore (1st)	        4	Jimmy Carter
26.2	Lyndon Johnson 	                4	Gerald Ford
26.3	Ulysses Grant 	                4	Ulysses Grant
26.9	George Washington 	        4	Abraham Lincoln
27.0	James Garfield 	                4	Martin Van Buren
27.5	Richard Nixon 	                3	Chester Arthur
27.8	James Monroe 	                3	Benjamin Harrison
28.0	William McKinley 	        3	John Kennedy
28.1	Theodore Roosevelt (2nd)	3	James Monroe
28.2	James Polk 	                3	Franklin Pierce
28.5	Woodrow Wilson (1st)	        3	William Taft
28.7	Thomas Jefferson 	        3	Woodrow Wilson
28.8	William Taft 	                2	George W Bush
29.0	John Adams 	                2	Calvin Coolidge
29.2	Bill Clinton 	                2	Dwight Eisenhower
29.4	Ronald Reagan (1st)	        2	Millard Fillmore
30.0	Franklin Pierce 	        2	Herbert Hoover
30.1	Chester Arthur 	                2	Lyndon Johnson
30.1	John Q Adams 	                2	William McKinley
30.3	Rutherford Hayes 	        2	Richard Nixon
31.0	George W Bush 	                1	Bill Clinton
33.3	Calvin Coolidge 	        1	Warren Harding (illegitimate)
33.7	Abraham Lincoln 	        1	Andrew Jackson (adopted)
35.2	Harry Truman 	                1	Harry Truman
35.3	Gerald Ford 		
36.3	John Kennedy 		
41.1	Ronald Reagan (2nd)		
43.5	James Madison 		
45.8	John Tyler (2nd)		
49.2	Grover Cleveland 		
58.1	Millard Fillmore (2nd)		
59.0	Woodrow Wilson (2nd)		
62.7	Benjamin Harrison (2nd)
* First ceremony

By Age At Death                 Cause           
46.4	John Kennedy*	        assassination
49.8	James Garfield*	        assassination
53.6	James Polk 	        diarrhea
56.1	Abraham Lincoln*	assassination
57.1	Chester Arthur 	        cerebral hemorrhage
57.7	Warren Harding* 	apoplexy [1]
58.6	William McKinley* 	assassination
60.2	Theodore Roosevelt 	coronary embolism
60.5	Calvin Coolidge 	coronary thrombosis
63.2	Franklin Roosevelt* 	cerebral hemorrhage
63.2	Ulysses Grant 	        cancer
64.4	Lyndon Johnson 	        heart disease
64.9	Franklin Pierce 	stomach inflammation
65.6	Zachary Taylor* 	coronary thrombosis
66.6	Andrew Johnson 	        stroke
67.1	Woodrow Wilson 	        apoplexy
67.6	Benjamin Harrison 	pneumonia
67.8	George Washington 	pneumonia
68.1	William Harrison* 	pneumonia
70.3	Rutherford Hayes 	heart attack
71.3	Grover Cleveland 	heart attack
71.8	John Tyler 	        bilious fever
72.5	William Taft 	        debility
73.2	James Monroe 	        debility
74.2	Millard Fillmore 	debility
77.1	James Buchanan 	        rheumatic gout
78.2	Andrew Jackson 	        consumption
78.5	Dwight Eisenhower 	heart disease
79.6	Martin Van Buren 	asthma
80.6	John Q Adams 	        paralysis (stroke)
81.3	Richard Nixon 	        stroke
83.2	Thomas Jefferson 	diarrhea
85.3	James Madison 	        debility
88.6	Harry Truman 	        stroke
90.2	Herbert Hoover 	        internal hemorrhage
90.7	John Adams 	        debility
* died in office
[1] no official cause of death

By Religion                            
Baptist	                Jimmy Carter
	                Bill Clinton
	                Warren Harding
	                Harry Truman
Catholic	        John Kennedy
Congregationalist	Calvin Coolidge
Disciples of Christ	James Garfield
	                Lyndon Johnson
	                Ronald Reagan
Dutch Reformed	        Theodore Roosevelt
	                Martin Van Buren
Episcopalian	        Chester Arthur
	                George Bush
	                Gerald Ford
	                William Harrison
	                James Madison
	                James Monroe
	                Franklin Pierce [1]
	                Franklin Roosevelt
	                Zachary Taylor
	                John Tyler
	                George Washington
Methodist	        George W Bush
	                Ulysses Grant
	                Rutherford Hayes
	                William McKinley
	                James Polk [2]
Presbyterian	        James Buchanan
	                Grover Cleveland
	                Dwight Eisenhower
	                Benjamin Harrison
	                Andrew Jackson [3]
	                James Polk
	                Woodrow Wilson
Society of Friends	Herbert Hoover
	                Richard Nixon
Unitarian	        John Adams
	                John Q Adams
	                Millard Fillmore
	                William Taft
[1] joined at age 60
[2] joined at age 53
[3] joined at age 71

By Height             
6'4"   Abraham Lincoln
6'3"   Lyndon Johnson
6'2˝"  Bill Clinton
6'2˝"  Thomas Jefferson
6'2"   Chester Arthur
6'2"   George Bush
6'2"   Franklin Roosevelt
6'2"   George Washington
6'1"   Andrew Jackson
6'1"   Ronald Reagan
6'0"   James Buchanan
6'0"   Gerald Ford
6'0"   James Garfield
6'0"   Warren Harding
6'0"   John Kennedy
6'0"   James Monroe
6'0"   William Taft
6'0"   John Tyler
5'11˝" Richard Nixon
5'11"  George W Bush
5'11"  Grover Cleveland
5'11"  Herbert Hoover
5'11"  Woodrow Wilson
5'10˝" Dwight Eisenhower
5'10"  Calvin Coolidge
5'10"  Andrew Johnson
5'10"  Franklin Pierce
5'10"  Theodore Roosevelt
5'9˝"  Jimmy Carter
5'9"   Millard Fillmore
5'9"   Harry Truman
5'8˝"  Rutherford Hayes
5'8"   Ulysses Grant
5'8"   William Harrison
5'8"   James Polk
5'8"   Zachary Taylor
5'7"   John Adams
5'7"   John Q Adams
5'7"   William McKinley
5'6"   Benjamin Harrison
5'6"   Martin Van Buren
5'4"   James Madison

Media Influence
Year   Population   Dailies* Circulation   Radios      Television
1792    3,929,214       8	n/a		
1800    5,308,483      24	n/a		
1812    7,239,881      26	n/a		
1820    9,638,453      42	n/a		
1832   12,866,020      65	n/a		
1840   17,069,543     138	n/a		
1852   23,191,876     254      758,454		
1860   31,443,321     387    1,478,435		
1872   39,818,449     574    2,601,547		
1880   50,155,783     971    3,556,395		
1892   62,947,714   1,610    8,387,188		
1900   75,994,575   2,226   15,102,156		
1912   91,972,266   2,600   24,211,977		
1924  105,710,620   2,441   33,028,630    1,250,000	
1932  122,755,046   2,086   42,947,824   12,049,000	
1948  131,669,275   1,878   41,132,000   28,048,000      975,000
1952  150,697,361   1,426   53,829,000   40,700,000    3,875,000
1960  179,323,175   1,763   58,882,000   48,504,000   46,312,000
1972  203,235,298   1,748   62,108,000   46,108,000   60,594,000
1980  226,542,518   1,745   62,201,840   79,968,240   76,300,000
1992  250,410,000   1,655   62,649,218   91,100,000   92,100,000

* Weekly newspapers were more prevalent in the 19th Century
Source: Library of Congress, Washington, DC; US Census Bureau, Washington, DC

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