MALTON MESSENGER - Published 2 January 1858


Transcribed by Andrew Sefton

Copyright of Andrew Sefton


On the 19th ult., at Norton, Mr John NEWBY, of Welburn, to Miss Mary WATSON, of Norton.

On the 21st ult., at Langtoft, by the Rev. Richard BALDOCK, Mr William TRANMAR, of the above place, to Miss Mary MARSHALL, youngest daughter of Mr John MARSHALL, of Slingsby.

On the 23rd ult., at St. Mary's Bishophill Senior, York, by the Rev. H.W.BECKWITH, Mr Henry George SMALLWOOD, farmer, Middlethorpe, York, to Mary Jane, second daughter of the late Mr Robt. CARR, druggist, of the former place, formerly of Settrington.

On the 24th ult., at the Registrar Office, Malton, Mr John MASTERMAN, of Swinton, to Miss H. BOTTERILL, of Rillington.

On the 26th ult., at St. Leonard's church, New Malton, by the Rev. J.WALKER, Mr Robt. MERCER, of North Grimston, to Miss Mary OXENDALE, of New Malton.

On the 27th ult., at St. Leonard's church, by the Rev. G.P. CORDEUX, Mr Edmund HILL, to Miss Elizabeth ALLAN, both of New Malton.

Same day, at the parish church, Stockton-on-Tees, by the Rev. Thos. LAW, curate, Mr Joseph WARDELL, bricklayer, to Mary, only daughter of Mr Anthony HANBY, butcher, Stockton-on-Tees.

On the 28th ult., at Wharram-le-Street, Mr David DICKINSON?, Thixendale, to Miss Jane PORTER, Acklam.

On the 29th ult., at Kirby-Misperton, by the Rev. C.J. SYMPSON, Mr John CLARKSON, to Miss Mary PIERCY, both of Ryton.

On the 30th ult., at the parish church, Great Driffield, by the Rev. George ALLEN, Richard LAYBOURNE, Esq., Newport, Monmouth, second son of Jacob LAYBOURNE, Esq., of Nafferton, to Emily, second daughter of James HARRISON,

Esq., of Driffield.

On the 31st ult., at the parish church Whitby, Mr Thos. Blake MORRISON, to Miss Mary GROVES, both of the same place.


On the 30th ult., at the Union House, Malton, Mr Wm. LUPTON, aged 61.

On the 21st ult., Mrs WALKINGTON, the wife of Mr Robt. WALKINGTON, inkeeper, Malton, aged 45.

On the 24th ult., at the Union House, Malton, Mr James PARKER, aged 82.

On the 25th ult., at Thorpebasset, Mrs Hannah SHEPHERD, aged 77.

On the 27th ult., at Sowber Hill, near Northallerton, John HUTTON, Esq., deputy Lieutenant for the North-Riding of Yorkshire, aged 63.

On the 28th ult., at Malton, Mr Wm. RUDDOCK, brewer, aged 62.

Same day, at her residence, Bagdale, Whitby, Mrs Dorothy AKENHEAD, aged 91.

Same day, at Marton, aged 33 years, Mr Wm. ETTY, jun., son of Wm. ETTY, Esq., wine merchant.

MALTON MEESENGER Published 9 January 1858


On the 24th ult., at Settrington, by the Rev. R. SHAWCROSS, Mr W. METCALFE, eldest son of Mr METCALFE, farmer, to Miss H. SPENCE, youngest daughter of Mr J. SPENCE, both of Settrington.

On the 22nd ult., at St. Saviour's church, York, by the Rev. R. SHOOTER, Mr Robert DOBSON, schoolmaster, Terrington, to Mrs Usella ROBERTS, eldest daughter of the late Mr Peter RYMER, of Coxwold.

On the 5th inst., by the Rev. W.R. GRIESBACK, Mr Morris WINDOWS, to Miss Mary PETLEY, both of Fridaythorpe.

On the 2nd inst., at Thorpebasset, by the Rev. Mr HALL, Mr Wm. DENNIS, wheelwright, to Miss E. MARSHALL, of Thorpebasset.


On the 26th ult., the Rev. Dr. COLERIDGE, vicar of Thoverton, and prebendary of Exeter, brother of the Hon. Mr Justice COLERIDGE, the celebrated poet.

On the 29th ult., at Filey, Mr G. GOFTEN, aged 74.

On the 31st ult., Mr Thos. ROBSON, Inland Revenue Officer, Edinburgh, and late of Malton, aged 41, leaving a wife and eight children to deplore their untimely loss.

On the 1st inst., at Thimbleby, Mr John BULMER, stonemason, aged 70.

On the 6th inst., at Slingsby, Mrs Mary SMITH, aged 80.

Same day and place, Anne, daughter of Mr HUTCHINSON, aged nine months.

MALTON MESSENGER Published 16 January 1858


On the 8th inst., Msr John BURNITT, of a son.

On the 9th inst., at New Malton, Mrs Robert WARWICK, Greengate, of a son.

On the 10th inst., at Old Malton, the wife of Mr H. ROBSON, of a son.

On the 11th inst., at Castle-Howard Gardens, the wife of Mr Geo. SUTHERLAND, of a daughter.

Same day, at the Marishes, the wife of Mr B. ROBSON, of a daughter.

On the 12th inst., at Fridaythorpe, the wife of Mr Cooper SHEPHERD, of a daughter.

On the 12th inst., at Malton, the wife of Mr Jno. SHEPHERD, painter, &c., of a daughter.


On the 12th inst., at St., Leonard's church, by the Rev. G.P. CORDEUX, Robert DICKINSON, labourer, to Mary KELD, both of Malton.

Same day, at St. John's church, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Theodoala, daughter of Mr Joseph GIBSON, of Whitby, accountant, to William SKELTON, of the same place,



On the 5th inst., at Henderskelf, Mary Ann BILBROUGH, aged 17, much respected.

On the 7th inst., at Pocklington, Mr George NICOLLS, joiner, aged 28.

Same day, at Broxburne, Mercy Smallwood MANN, aged 61, relict of the late Thos. MANN, Esq., Bagdale, Whitby.

On the 8th inst., at Norton, son of Mr J.J. BRAY, aged one year.

On the 8th inst., at Bishop Wilton, Mr John ATKINSON, farm labourer, aged 66 - respected by all - his end was peace.

On the 10th inst., same place, Hannah WARE, wife of Mr Wm. WARE, jun., aged 30.

On the 14th inst., at Slingsby, Hannah, infant daughter of Mr Joseph HILL.

MALTON MESSENGER Published 23 January 1858


On the 20th, the wife of Mr Wm. FALKINGBRIDGE, builder, of a son.


On the 16th inst., at the parish church, Kirby-Misperton by the Rev. C. SIMPSON, rector, Mr John ROBINSON, jun., blacksmith, to Miss Mary WOOD, both of Habton.

Same day, at Seamer church, by the Rev. J.R. INGE, vicar, Mr Harrison RHODES, to Miss Jane CANDLOR, both of Seamer.

Same day, at Lastingham, by the Rev. R.D. EASTERBY, Mr Wm. TODD, book-keeper, Liverpool, to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr Isaac GARBUTT, farmer, Farndale East.

Same day, at St. Leonard's church, New Malton, by the Rev. G.P.CORDEUX, John Richardson HUNT, of Malton, to Frances ROGERS, of Norton.

On the 18th inst., at St. Mary's church, Scarbro', Capt. Jas. SHAW, eldest son of Mr SHAW, of Scarbro', to Ann, only daughter of Mr Wm. DOUTHWAITE of the same place.

On the 19th inst., at St. Leonard's church, New Malton, by the Rev. G.A.FIRTH, Mr John NELSON, saddler, to Miss Alice SIMPKIN, both of Malton.

On the 20th at Kirkdale church, by the Rev. Canon DIXON, Mr John BOYES, from Australia, to Miss COOPER, of Wombleton.


On the 14th inst., at Little Barugh, Mr John WILSON, aged 77.

Same day, at Knapton Hall, James TINDALL, Esq., aged 70.

Same day, at the Manor House, Heworth, in her 25th year, Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr YACKE, farmer.

On the 15th inst., at Bugthorpe, Mr John KING, aged 53, many years a class-leader of the Wesleyan Society.

On the 16th inst., at Kirby-Moorside, Jane, only daughter of Mr John TAYLOR, aged 21.

Same day, at Thirsk, Jane, the beloved wife of Mr George LANCASTER, aged 30.

On the 17th inst., at Malton, Mr Christopher HODGSON, aged 70.

Same day, at his seat, Hardwicke Hall, Derbyshire, in his 68th year, His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, K.G., Lord Lieutenant of the county of Derby.

He is succeeded in his dukedom and extensive estates, by the Earl of Burlington Lord-Lieutenant of Lancashire, who married a sister of the present Earl of Carlisle, and whose eldest son, Lord Cavendish. M.P. for North Lancashire, will now assume the title of Marquis of Hartington.

MALTON MESSENGER Published 30 January 1858


On the 24th inst., at Fimber Field, the wife of Mr HORSELEY, of a son.

On the 28th inst., at New Malton, the wife of Mr James MEWBURN, station master, of a son.


On the 13th inst., The Hon. Alexander Edward FRASER, Major, Scotch Fusilier Guards, to Miss Georgina Mary HEANAGE, niece to Mrs FAIRFAX.

On the 23rd inst., at St. Leonard's church, New Malton, by the Rev. G.A.FIRTH, Mr Thos. BARKER, Old Malton, to Miss Alice LOFT, of New Malton.

Same day, at Bilsdale, by the Rev. John FLETCHER, Mr Wm. HUNTON, to Miss Martha AINSLEY.

On the 24th, at Whitby, Mr Robt. CLEGG, jet merchant, to Miss Sarah Anna LINSEY.

On the 25th, same place, E.L. SIMPSON, Esq., Meadow Fields, to Elisa, second daughter of H. SIMPSON, Esq., Bagdale, Whitby.

On the 26th, at Headingley, near Leeds, by the Rev. F. NEWMAN, of St.Saviour's Leeds, the Rev. Thos. H. WILKINSON, incumbent of Grossmont, to Mary Elizabeth second daughter of John WADDINGTON, Esq., of Whitby.

Same day, at St. Leonard's church, New Malton, Mr John PARNABY, farmer, to Miss Ann Elizabeth BARKER, both of Malton.

On the 27th, Mr Geo. Fenwick AGAR, mariner, to Margaret Anne GILL, both of Whitby.

Same day, at Kirby-Misperton, Mr Thos. PETREY, joiner, Little Barugh, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr W. BURNETT, innkeeper, of the same place.

On the 28th, at St. Augustine's church, Everton, Liverpool, by the Rev. T.PAGE, the Rev. Charles GARRETT, Rochdale, to Selina, youngest daughter of the late W. LOVEL, Esq., Nafferton Grange, Driffield.


On the 22nd inst., at Duggleby, the infant grandson of Mr RAWLIN, gardener.

Same day at Firby, Mrs. Martha WILSON, aged 83 years.

On the 27th inst., Mrs Ann HECKLEY, widow of the late Mr Richard HECKLEY, of Mount Pleasant, Welburn, aged 86 years.

MALTON MESSENGER Published 6 February 1858


On the 31st ult., at Luttons Ambo, the wife of Mr R. BELL, of two daughters.

On the 2nd inst., at Fridaythorpe, the wife of Mr M. BURKE, of a son.


On the 26th ult., at the parish church, Great Ayton, Mr Thos. BROWN, to Miss Annie DIXON, both of the above place.

On the 27th ult., at the same place, Mr John BALFOUR, farmer, to Miss YORK, both of Great Ayton.

On the 1st inst., at Slingsby, by the Rev. W. CARTER, Mr Thos. BARNES, stonemason, Thonton, to Miss Margaret Morris SCOTT, Scarbro'.

Same day, at St. Leonard's Church, by the rev. G.A. FIRTH, Mr John WHITTY, miller, to Miss Elizabeth NICHOLSON of Malton.

On the 4th inst., at the Register Office, Malton, Mr Robt. LENG, of Rillington, to Miss Sarah BOTTERILL, of Norton.


On the 29th inst., at Raskelf, infant son of Mr GILLS, aged 7 weeks.

On the 31st ult., at Pocklington, Sarah Ellen Ramsay L'ANSON, sixth and beloved daughter of Mr Wm. L'ANSON, of Spring Cottage, near Malton, in her 6th year.

On the 3rd inst., at Slingsby, Harriet, second daughter of Mr W. DALE, aged 4 years.

Same day and place, Mary Ann DALE, sister to the above, aged 2 years.

Same day, at Scarborough, Mr Thos. GREASLEY, aged 73.

MALTON MESSENGER Published 13 February 1858


On the 5th inst., at Thirsk, the wife of Mr John FISHER, draper, of a son.

On the 7th inst., at Norton, Mrs HARWOOD, of a son.

On the 8th inst., at New Malton, the wife of Mr Thos. BOTTERILL, of a daughter.

On the 9th inst., at Norton, the wife of Mr John WOOD builder, &c., St.Nicholas Street, of a daughter.


On the 30th ult., at the parish church, Rillington, by the Rev. Thos.ADDISON, vicar, Mr Thos. COLLINSON, farmer, to Christiana, third daughter of Mr Francis OWSTON, bricklayer, both of Rillington.

On the 6th inst., at the same place, Mr. Wm. ERRINGTON, to Miss Mary BARKER, both of Rillington.

Same day, at the parish church, Egton, by the Rev. G. DIXON, incumbent, Mr Geo. FLETCHER, jun., farmer, Shaw Pitt, to Elizabeth, daughter of Mr Wm.LACY, farmer, Wilks, in the parish of Egton.

Same day, at Helmsley, Mr J. ACONLEY, farmer, to Miss Annie LAWSON,Sherburn, fourth daughter of the late Mr George LAWSON, farmer, Foxholes.

Same day, at Stonegrave, Mr Thos. WALKER, West Ness, to Miss Margaret WARE.

On the 7th inst., at St., Leonard's church, New Malton, Mr Joseph COATES, labourer, to Miss Emma ATKINSON.

On the 10th inst., at the Catholic chapel, Kilvington, Mr D.L. CALEY, of Sowerby, to Margaret, eldest daughter of the late John STEVENSON, Esq., of Sowerby Grange, Thirsk.

Same day, at Sherburn, after 24 hours' courtship, Mr Thos. BENNET, late of Bolton, Lancashire, to Miss Ellen CARTER, late of Rillington.


On the 3rd inst., at Brawby, Mr Jerimiah THURNHAM, aged 66.

On the 4th inst., at Harum, at the advanced age of 94, Mr George LEAMER, carpenter.

On the 5th inst., at Castleton, Mr George WAKE, aged 49.

On the 6th inst., at Houlayke, very suddenly, Mr John WINSPEAR, aged 41.

Same day, at Pickering, very suddenly, Mrs LYON.

Same day and place, Mr Edward BLAND, aged 54. Deeply lamented by a large circle of friends.

On the 7th inst., at Brec-on-hill, in the parish of Glazedale, Mr John LEIGHTON, aged 61.

On the 8th inst., at Old Malton, Mr John NENDICK, aged 82. Much respected.

Same day, at Brawby, Mrs GREEN, aged 22.

On the 9th inst., at Norton, William, second son of Mr Isaac FORSTER, tailor, &c., aged 7 years.

Same day, at Whitby, Mr David HARTLEY, auctioneer, aged 70.

Same day, at Scarbro', Ellenor, the beloved wife of Mr THEAKSTON, aged 53.

On the 13th inst., at New Malton, Mr KIRK, Market-Place, tailor, aged 62.

MALTON MESSENGER Publihed 20 February 1858


On the 8th inst., at Fulford, near York, the wife of Mr N. EDEN, of a son.

On the 15th inst., at Pocklington, the wife of Mr Henry JOHNSON, plumber and glazier, of a daughter.

On the 16th inst., at Brompton, near Northallerton, the wife of Mr GARNETT, grocer, of a son.


On the 15th inst., at the parish church, Pocklington, by the Rev. T.F.ELLIS, vicar, Mr John GILES, to Miss Jane EASTON, eldest daughter of the late Mr John EASTON, printer, Pocklington.

On the 16th inst., at the parish church, Bishop Wilton, by the Rev. J.A.ELDRIDGE, vicar, Mr John HARRISON, of Wilberfoss, to Miss Mary DUGGLEBY, of Bishop Wilton.

On the 17th inst., at Filey, by the Rev. T.N. Jackson, M.A. Mr George ANSON, to Miss Mary Ann CHEW, dressmaker, both of Filey.


On the 5th inst., at Huggate, G. HORSLEY, Esq., aged 64.

Same day, at Brompton, near Northallerton, Mrs APPLETON, relict of the late Mr Wm. APPLETON, farmer, age 92.

Same day, at Appleton-le-Street, Mrs Mary MAGSON, aged 88.

On the 7th inst., at Brompton, Mr Robert STANGER, farmer, aged 84.

On the 8th inst., at Spencer-Place, Leeds, the wife of Mr Robert SMALLPAGE, tailor, &c., aged 50.

On the 9th inst., at Fulford, near York, Mr Joseph EDEN, aged 20.

Same day, at Norton, Mr David FLEWKER, joiner and machine-maker, aged 38.

On the 10th inst., at Prog-hills, Rosedale, Anna, relict of Mr Joseph PEIRSON, aged 84.

Same day, at Appleton-le-Street, Ellen, wife of Mr George STORRY, aged 39.

On the 11th inst., at Settrington, Sarah, ninth daughter of Mr Leonard BROWN, innkeeper, in her 26th year. She is deeply lamented by all who knew her.

On the 12th inst., J. CORNER, Esq., merchant, Bagdale, aged 67.

On the 14th inst., at Norton, Harry, the infant son of Mr John HARWOOD, labourer.

Same day, at Fern Hill, near Whitby, Wm. FRANKLAND, Esq., aged 42.

Same day, at Slingsby, Lucy Alice, youngest daughter of Mr John WILSON, shoemaker, aged 1 year and 7 months.

Same day, at Malton, Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr John LAW, aged 13.

On the 15th inst., at Brompton, Mr David DAY, aged 73.

Same day, at New Malton, Mr Leonard JOHNSON, Castlegate, aged 61.

On the 16th inst., at the Railway Station, Garton, Ann MASON, aged 35.

Same day, Mr Jas. HODGSON, innkeeper, Hinderwell, aged 52.

Same day, at Filey, Mrs Elizabeth WRAY, aged 52, much respected.

On the 17th inst., at New Malton, Mr Mark ANDREW, chainmaker, aged 79.

On the 18th inst., at Slingsby, in the 46th year of his age, much respected, Mr Johnathon COULSON, farmer, late butcher. The deceased attended Malton Market upwards of 20 years.

MALTON MESSENGER Published 27 February 1858


On the 15th inst., at Coneysthorpe, the wife of Mr Mark KITCHEN of a daughter.

On the 24th inst., at Norton, the wife of Mr FOGGETT of a son.


On the 22nd inst., at the minster Beverley, by the Rev. J. B. BIRTWHISTLE,M.A., incumbent, Mr Marmaduke WRAY, of Driffield, grocer, to Anne, second daughter of Mr William WATSON, of Beverley, builder.

On the 23rd inst., at Malton, by the Rev. G. A. FIRTH, Mr Hugh KEEFE, to Jane HAMBOROUGH, both of this town.


On the 15th inst., at Scackleton, Mrs Francis WAWNE, innkeeper, aged 71 years.

On the 16th inst., at Redcar, Mr Joseph WALKER, late of the Blue Bell Inn, Norton, aged 55 years.

On the 18th inst., at Pickering, Mr John PIERCY, late of Mount Pleasant, aged 77, much and deservedly respected by a large circle of friends.

On the 19th inst., at Malton, Mr Geo. LEADLEY, aged 39 years.

Same day, at Edinburgh, of consumption, Mary, the wife of Mr John George BOULTON, aged 33 years.

On the 20th inst., at Malton, Leila BARK, aged 31 years.

Same time and place, William, son of Mr James SHIELDS, coal dealer, aged 16 years.

Same day, at Sowerby, Mrs HUDSON, many years at the Royal Oak Inn, Thirsk, aged 83 years.

Same day at Osmotherley, George, son of Mr G. POYNTER, brewer, Clack Lane End, aged 15 years.

On the 21st inst., at Osmotherley, Bethsheba TYREMAN, aged 89 years.

Same day, at Old Malton, Mr Richard SANDERSON, aged 99 years.

Same day, at Malton, the wife of Charles JAGGER, Esq., solicitor, aged 40 years.

On the 22nd inst., at Malton, Aleth, widow of Mr John COULSON, aged 57 years.

Same time and place, Mr John THORPE, aged 68 years.

Same day, at Whitby, Harriet, the wife of Benjamin GARMINSTON, Esq.

Same day, at Stockon-on-Tees, after a short illness, Mr Thos. GARBUTT, jun., formerly wine and spirit merchant, aged 35 years, much respected by a numerous circle of friends.

On the 23rd inst., at Slingsby, Mr Johnathon HEWARD, farmer, aged 39 years.

On the 24th inst., at Malton, Margaret BEVERLEY, granddaughter of the late Mr Geo. BEVERLEY, cabinet-maker, aged 36 years. She was universally respected, and died happy.

MALTON MESSENGER Published 6 March 1858


On the 27th ult., at Husthwaite the wife of Mr W. COOPER, of a son.

Same day, at Yedingham, the wife of C. THOMPSON, Esq., of a daughter.

On the 28th ult., at Bugthorpe, the wife of Mr John WRIGGLESWORTH, of a son.

Same day, at Gate Fulford, the wife of Mr C. MACINTOSH, of a son.


On the 25th ult., at Normanby, by the Rev. Jas. HILL, Mr John HUDDLESTONE to Mrs WILLIAMSON.

On the 4th inst., at the parish church, Whitby, Mr Wm. EBBLEWHITE, shipwright, to Miss Mary MARSHALL, both of Whitby.


On the 26th ult., Richard KIRBY, son of Simeon KIRBY, of Settrington, aged 2 years.

On the 2nd of March, Mr Brown MARSHALL, Whitby, aged 72 years.

On the 3rd inst., at Nafferton, Tom, son of Mr Reuben STABLER.

Same day, at Malton, the wife of Mr Charles MONKMAN, aged 65 years.

On the 4th inst., at Norton, Mark FOULIS, Esq., aged 53 years.

MALTON MESSENGER Published 13 March 1858


On the 2nd inst., at New Malton, the wife of Mr Edward LONGBOTHAM, druggist, of a son.

On the 7th inst., at Malton, the wife of Mr John FOSTER, hatter, &c., of a son.

On the 12th inst., at Norton, the wife of Mr Wm. P. SHAW, of a son.


On the 3rd inst., at St. Peter's church, Stokesley, by the Rev. Chas. CATOR, Mr Isaac REED, of Broughton, to Miss PATTISON, daughter of Mr Thos. PATTISON, farmer, Quakers' Grove, Stokesley.

On the 10th inst., at the parish church, Whitby, Mr MILLER, draper, to Miss Hannah JONES.

Same day and place, Mr J. STOKES, farmer, to Emma, second daughter of J. MILLER, Esq.

Same day, at Liskeard, Cornwall, Mr Thos. HOPKINS, of Malton, to Miss Sarah Jane BORROUGH, daughter of the late Mr Richard BORROUGH, of Liskeard.


On the 25th ult., at Slingsby, Mary Ann, wife of Mr Wm. RUSHTON, aged 25.

On the 6th inst., at Ruswarp, Mr John BARRY, stonemason, aged 28.

On the 8th inst., at Pocklington, Mr John HODGKINSON, joiner, aged 24.

Same day, at Harum, near Hemsley, Jane, widow of Mr Thomas SMITH, farmer.

On the 9th inst., at Welburn, Anna BEALE, aged 18.

On the 10th inst., at Slingsby, Mr Francis LAVERICK, aged 81.

MALTON MESSENGER Published 20 March 1858


On the 8th inst., at Luttons Ambo, the wife of Mr NENDICK, of a daughter.

On the 13th inst., at Fridaythorpe, the wife of Mr George Dixon WOOD, of a son.

On the 15th inst., same place, the wife of Mr BOTHAM, miller, &c., of a daughter.

On the 16th inst., same place, the wife of Mr Thos. HODGSON, of a daughter.

Same day, at Norton, the wife of Mr W. COOK, railway porter, of a daughter.


On the 17th inst., at St. Leonard's Church, New Malton, by the Rev. G.A.FIRTH, Mr Charles HARRISON, of South Holme, farmer, to Miss Hannah HUNTON,

of New Malton.


On the 9th inst., at Wetwang, Thos. HOPPER, Esq., aged 90.

On the 11th inst., at Wharram-le-Street, Mr Oman WARD, aged 21.

On the 12th inst., at Stokesley, Mr John THOBURN, aged 56.

On the 15th inst., at Malton, James, infant son of Mr John DOBSON, jun.

MALTON MESSENGER Published 27 March 1858


On the 14th inst., at Norton, the wife of Mr J.J. BRAY, of a daughter.

Same day, the wife of Mr Geo. DINSDALE, of a son.

On the 20th inst., at Newsham Mill, the wife of Mr Wm. SIMPSON, of a son, still born.

On the 22nd inst., the wife of Mr W. NORTH, Castlegate, of a daughter.

On the 24th inst., at Norton, the wife of Mr W. WILSON, painter, of twins, both sons.

On the 25th inst., at Welburn, the wife of Mr Nicholl HEWSON, of a son.


On the 20th inst., at Gate Fulford church, by the Rev. J. SUTTON, Mr Geo. HEMBROUGH, to Miss Eliza HALLET, both of Gate Fulford.

On the 26th inst., at the parish church, Bulmer, by the Rev. Wm. PRESTON, Mr Wm. COULSON, of Gaterley, to Miss E. SETCHFIELD, of Welburn.


On the 16th inst., at Hedon Cottage, near Snainton, Mrs Catherine CROSS, aged 56.

On the 18th inst., at Snainton, Mr Richard SKELTON, farmer, aged 76, much respected.

On the 19th inst., at Allerston, Mr Thomas COCKERILL, only son of the late Mr Joseph COCKERILL, aged 22.

On the 20th inst., at Glazedale, the wife of Mr John HARDING, miller, aged 70.

Same day, at Slingsby, Mr Wm. SMITH, builder, aged 42.

On the 22nd inst., at Kennythorpe, Mr Wm. REED, carpenter, aged 72, much respected.

Same day, at Whitby, Mrs Wm. BELL, grocer, aged 49.

On the 23rd inst., at Bagdale, Whitby, Mr Wm. AINSLEY, many years head brewer to Mrs SIMPSON, aged 51.

Same day, at Cropton, Mrs James GRAY, aged 27.

Same day, at Belle Vue, Whitewall Corner, Joseph, son of Mr Joseph SWALWELL, hatter, &c., aged 4 years and 6 months.

On the 24th inst., at Malton, Mary, the wife of Mr John WARWICK, Golden Lion Inn, aged 60.

Same day, at the Union House, Malton, Esther MARSHALL, aged 24.

Same day, at York, Joseph HUNT, Esq., hop and seed merchant, aged 62.

MALTON MESSENGER published 3 April 1858


On the 27th ult., at Norton, the wife of Mr HAY, St. Nicholas Street, of a daughter.

On the 28th ult., at Helmsley, the wife of the Rev. George CRUDDAS, of a son.


On the 25th ult., at Northallerton, Mr Thos. Guthries CARNES. Much respected.

Same day, at Huttons' Ambo, Mrs COVERDALE, aged 87.

On the 28th ult., at Northallerton, William HEPTON, clock and watch maker, aged 81.

On the 29th ult., at Norton, Mr Edward HARRISON, St. Nicholas Street, aged 60.

Same day, at Harum, near Helmsley, Mary, the wife of Mr Joseph WEBSTER, farmer, aged 32.

On the 30th ult., at New Malton, Hannah, the wife of Mr William ALLAN, aged 23.


On the 27th ult., at St. Leonard's Church, New Malton, by the Rev. G.A.FIRTH, Mr James COOKE, to Miss Eliza Ann ROGERS, both of New Malton.

Same day, at New Malton, at St. Leonard's Church, by the Rev. G.A. FIRTH, Mr Thos. BARKER, of Old Malton, to Miss Ann TAYLOR, of New Malton.

MALTON MESSENGER Published 10 April 1858


On the 4th inst., at St., Leonard's church, Malton, Mr George LAWRENCE, to Miss Emma WARCUP.

On the 5th inst., at St. Leonard's church, Mr John Wright, tailor, to Miss Sarah, eldest daughter of Mr James STABLER, both of Malton.

Same day, at Norton, Mr Barker HOLIDAY, of Kirkdale, to Miss Elizabeth Sellers, of Norton.

On the 6th inst., Mr Joseph Smith, farmer, Leatham, to Miss Alice WARDELL, of Malton.


On the 30th ult., Hannah, the beloved wife of Mr George BROWN, tailor, aged 25.

On the 2nd inst., at Wansford, Great Driffield, Mary, the wife of Mr Thos. NICHOLS, aged 76.

On the 3rd inst., at Scagglethorpe, Stephen RUTSEY, aged 14.

Same day, at Settrington, Mrs Ellen COLLINSON, aged 30.

On the 4th inst., at Whitby, Mr J, GILDER, hairdresser and watchmaker, aged 28.

At Norton, on Monday morning, the 5th April, John ATKINSON, Esq., aged 76.

Same day and place, Samuel WOOD, grocer, aged 34.

Same day, at Hunmanby, Ann DINNEWELL, aged 79.

On the 6th inst., at Norton, Mary Ann, daughter of John SPECK, joiner.

Same day, at Cawton, near Hovingham, aged 18, Thomas, eldest son of the late Mr Francis TARBOTTON, farmer.

On the 7th inst., at Mr W. FLINT's Malton, Miss E.H. BLAKE, aged 19.

MALTON MESSENGER Published 17 April 1858


On the 15th inst., at Norton, the wife of Mr Wm. RICHMOND, labourer, of twins, son and daughter.


On the 11th ult., at the parish church, Levisham, by the Rev. R. SKELTON, Mr David MORLEY, of Levisham, to Miss Isabella SPENSLEY, of Troutsdale.

On the 10th inst., at St. Mary's church, Scarbro', by the Rev. R. LEE, Mr Thomas THOMPSON, of Norton, to Miss Mary SNOWDON, of Malton.

Same day, at the Register Office, Malton, Mr Thomas MONKMAN, of Settrington, to Miss Ann MERCER, of Norton.

On the 11th inst., at St. Leonard's church, New Malton, Mr John WALKER, galvanist, to Miss Elizabeth PERRIN, both of Malton.

On the 12th inst., at the Register Office, Malton, Mr Samuel COLBERT, to Miss Alice BLADES, both of Malton.

Same day, at the parish church, Egton, by the Rev. Geo. DIXON, incumbent, Mr Robert COOPER, of Newbegin Hall, to Miss COOPER, of the parish of Egton.

On the 14th inst., at the Register Office, Malton, Mr John YOUNG, to Miss Sarah ANDERSON, both of Settrington.


On the 3rd ult., at Scagglethorpe, Mr Stephen PUDSEY, aged 81, many years a member of the Primitive Methodist Society.

On the 8th inst., at Hunmanby, Miss Mary PERIVENER, landlady of the Black Bull Inn, aged 62.

On the 9th inst., at Bulmer, Mr Wm. MARSHALL, aged 70. He has been upholsterer at Castle-Howard for upwards of 57 years, he was highly respected by a large circle of friends.

Same day, at Coneysthorpe, Mr Wm. TAYLOR, aged 59, second son of Mr Joseph TAYLOR, for upwards of 40 years in the Cathedral service at York, very much respected.

On the 10th inst., at Norton, very suddenly, Mr John KAYE, aged 65.

On the 11th inst., at Lyth, near Whitby, Mr Robt. SHAW, aged 20.

On the 12th inst., at Scagglethorpe, Mr James LIGHTOWLER, aged 70, much respected.

Same day, John CHAPMAN, Esq., banker, Huntingdon, lately of St. Hilda's Whitby, aged 45.

Same day, at Hunmanby, Mr Wm. CHANDLER, gardener, aged 83.

On the 13th inst., at Kirby-Moorside, Mr John GRAYSTOCK, farmer and innkeeper, aged 84.

On the 14th inst., at Whitby, Mr John RATCLIFFE, painter, Flowergate, aged 65.

Same day, at Norton, Jane, the wife of Mr J. SELLAR, aged 67.

Same day and place, Matthew, son of Mr John EDWARDS, maltster, aged 11.

MALTON MESSENGER Published 24 April 1858


On the 4th ult., at Chowringhac-road, the wife of W, Clark, Esq., engineer to the municipal commissioners of Calcutta, East India, of a daughter.

On the 20th inst., at Fimber, Mrs Thos. HORSLEY, of a son.

On the 21st inst., at Fridaythorpe, the wife of Mr Joseph PATRICK, shepherd, of a daughter.

Same day, at Whitby, the wife of Mr Thos. WHITAKER, hairdresser of a son.

Same day and place, the wife of Mr Thos. PIERSON, brazier, of a son.

On the 22nd inst., at Stockton-on-Tees, the wife of Mr Thomas HUNTER, of a daughter.


On the 10th inst., at the parish church, Scarbro', (by license), Mr Wm. COOPER, of Filey, clock and watchmaker, to Mary, daughter of Mr John MORRISON, of Scarbro'.

On the 17th inst., at Malton, by the Rev. G.A. FIRTH, Mr John ALMOND, of Winteringham, to Miss Betsy DOUTHWAITE, of Hovingham.

Same day, at the parish church, Levisham, by the Rev. R. SKELTON, Mr John MORLEY, repairer, to Miss Helen LANE, both of the above place.

On the 18th inst., at Hunmanby, by the Rev. R,M. TAYLOR, vicar, Mr Edward TAYLOR, joiner, to Ann Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr Seth FRANKISH, Hunmanby.

On the 19th inst., at the parish church, Whitby, Mr Geo. TURNER, to Miss Ann MARSHALL.

On the 20th inst., same place, Mr J. LAVERACK, to Miss Emma WARRIOR, both of Whitby.


On the 15th instant, at Ganthorpe, David STEPHENSON aged 91 years, departed this life, and on the Sunday following was attended to his long home by a large circle of friends. In his youth, deceased had served his time to the sea, and on the 29th of August, 1782, (a beautiful Sunday morning), being then about 15 years of age, he was cruising of Spithead and witnesses the famous loss of the "Royal George" soon afterward he bid adieu to the perilous glory of the ocean wave and sought employment on shore. At the age of 28 years, he settled at Ganthorpe, where, for many years, plodded on an even pathway, as wagoner to the Earl of Carlisle. For about 20 years previous to his death, he was incapacitated for labour, and was a pensioner of his noble employer.

On the 16th inst., at Old Malton, Harriet, the wife of Mr James OLIVER, woodbaler?, aged 66.

On the 17th inst., at Bishop Wilton, Ann, relict of the late John SISSONS, aged 77.

On the 19th inst., at the same place, Mr John SEAMOR, aged 36, butcher, only son of Mr Robt. SEAMOR, innkeeper.

On the 17th inst., at Swinton, Mr Robert THOMPSON, aged 27.

Same day, at Welham, Mr Wm. WEATHERILL, farmer, aged 55.

On the 18th inst., at Luttons Ambo, infant twin daughter of Mr BELT, agricultural implement maker.

Same day, at Norton, the infant son of Mr ARUNDEL, Mill Hill, Norton.

Same day, at Whitby, Mr G. FRANK, innkeeper, Church Street, aged 70.

On the 19th inst., at Norton, Elizabeth, the 5th daughter of Mr John ELAND, timber merchant, aged 18.

Same day, at Whitby, Mr Wm. LAW, sailor, aged 59.

Same day, at Fridaythorpe, the infant son of Mr George WOOD.

On the 20th inst., at Grantham?, Mr Ralph MUSGRAVE, aged 83, much respected.

MALTON MESSENGER Published 1 May 1858


On the 19th ult., at Laybridge Mill, the wife of Mr Richard OXTERBY, of a daughter.

On the 23rd ult., at Bugthorpe, the wife of Mr John LEE, of a son.


On the 24th ult., at St. Leonard's church, New Malton, by the Rev. G.A.FIRTH, Mr Thomas WARDELL, porter, Railway Station, Malton, to Miss Jane HARRISON.

On the 25th ult., at Eglingham, by the Venerable Archdeacon COXE, Thomas Robinson ETTY, Esq., of Malton, to Annie, eldest daughter of Ralph ATKINSON,Esq., East Lilburn, Northumberland.

On the 26th ult., at Hinderwell parish church, by the Rev. Mr SIMMS, Mr Walter MANN, to Miss Hannah WATSON, third daughter of Mr Thos. WATSON, Tranmire, Roxby.

On the 28th ult., at the parish church, Whitby, by the Rev. J. HUGHES, the Rev, H. 8. CAMPBELL (sic.), Scotch Church Minister, Cliff Lane, Whitby, to Susan, fourth daughter of the late Benj. HUNTER, Esq., St. Hilda's Terrace,



On the 17th of March, in Upper Canada, North America, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Mr John WILSON, and youngest daughter of the late Mr Richard MILNER, of Howe.

On the 10th ult., Catherine ALDER, eldest daughter of the rev. George ALTON, Wesleyan missionary at the Gibralter Station, aged 8 years.

On the 22nd ult., at Osmotherley, Sarah Jane, daughter of Mr Wm. BURTON, aged 12 years.

On the 23rd ult., at Norton, Mr Thos. WRIGHT, plasterer, aged 34.

Same day, at Norton Cottage, Harriet Emeline, eldest daughter of the late Henry PRESTON, Esq., aged 32.

Same day, at New Malton, Geo. William, eldest son of Mr G. NICHOLSON, aged 17.

On the 24th ult., at Welburn, Mr Thos. HARRISON, aged 81, much and deservedly respected.

Same day, at Nafferton, Mr Richard FAIRBOTTOM, aged 71.

On the 25th ult., at Wykeham, Old Malton, Mrs E. MEDD, aged 82.

Same day, at Hunmanby, very suddenly, Bridget, the wife of Mr Wm. TAYLOR, aged 67.

Same day, at Stokesley, Mrs Maria ROSSER, aged 49, much respected.

On the 26th ult., at York, Henry, third son of the late Mr John WALKER, Ironfounder, aged 21.

On the 29th ult., at Malton, Mr Wm. FLINT, cabinet-maker and uphosterer, aged 68, much respected.

MALTON MESSENGER - Published 8 May 1858


On the 28th ult., at Brunswick Row, Norton, the wife of Mr Jno. SMITH, tailor, of a daughter.

On the 3rd inst., at Norton, the wife of Mr John HOLMES, jockey, of a daughter.

On the 4th inst., at Norton, the wife of Mr John WISE, of a son.

On the 5th inst., at Grove Park, the wife of Mr John JOHNSON, farmer, of a son.

Same day, at Carpenters' Yard, Malton, the wife of Mr Henry YATES, of a son.

On the 6th inst., at Malton, the wife of Mr John SNARRY, veterinary surgeon, of a son.


On the 1st inst., at the parish church, Whitby, Mr John KNIGHT, carpenter, to Miss Sarah BAKER, both of Whitby.


On the 24th ult., at his residence, Knockindrane, county Carlow, Mr James NOLAN depated this life, having reached the age of 115 years and 9 months.

He was born in 1742 - thus he has lived in the reigns of five sovereigns of England. His father, whom he well remembered, died over one hundred years ago, at the age of 86, having been born in the reign of Charles II, and

having lived through the reigns of eight monarchs of England. The late Mr Nolan had all his faculties preserved to him to his death.

On the 28th ult., at Scarbro', Mr Thos. HICKLEY, tailor, aged 51.

On the 29th inst., same place, Mrs Elizabeth JACKSON, aged 66.

Same day, and place, Mr David DANIELS, brewer, aged 70.

On the 30th ult., at Norton, Mr Thos. Samuel DAVIS, aged 43.

Same day, at Kelston Rectory, near Bath, the Very Rev. Sir Wm. COCKBURN Bart, Dean of York.

On the 1st inst., at Whitby, Mr Ralph HODGSON, mariner, aged 44.

Same day and place, J.W. HARLAND, and on the 2nd inst., Christopher HARLAND, sons of Mr HARLAND, jet worker, aged 5 and 2 years.

On the 2nd inst., at Slingsby, after a short but severe illness, Mr John Welburn SCALES, joiner, aged 23.

Same day, at Ashberry House, near Helmsley, Robt. FREER, Esq., aged 76.

Same day, at Stokesley, Mr John THOMPSON, aged 84, much respected.

On the 4th inst., at Winteringham Common, Mr James MARSHALL, aged 53.

Same day, at Whitby, Mrs Margaret ANDREW, aged 73.

On the 6th inst., at New Malton, William PRESTON, Esq., aged 84.

MALTON MESSENGER - Published 15 May 1858


On the 10th inst., at Highfield House, Nunnington, the wife of Mr Thomas STAMPER, Esq., of a daughter.


On the 27th ult., at the church of St. Wilfred, Cantley, near Doncaster, by the Rev. J. CLARK, Mr Wm. B. HOULDEN, of Buckthorpe (sic.), near Pocklington, agent to J.W. CHILDERS, Esq., of Cantley, to Anna Maria, daughter of Mr R. WOOD, of the former place.

On the 7th inst., at St. Mary's, Scarborough, by the Rev. Mr WHITESIDES, vicar, D.D., Thomas Cookson KENYON, Esq., of Hunters' Hall, Old Malton, to Bessie, eldest daughter of John NEWTON, Esq., Old Malton.

On the 8th inst., at the Wesleyan Chapel, Scarbro', by the Rev. P.C. HORTON, Mr Benjamin THACKERAY, to Miss Agnes SMITH, both of Falsgrave.

On the 9th inst., Mr Wm. THOMPSON, cabinet-maker, to Miss Sarah Jane BEADNELL, both of Whitby.

On the 10th inst., Mr John HOGGARTH, sailmaker, to Elizabeth Hannah DAWSON, of Whitby.

Same day, at the parish church, Stokesley, by the Rev. C. CATOR, M.A., Mr Thomas FARROW, to Miss FLINT, both of the above place.

On the 12th inst., at the parish church, Dalby, by the Rev. John Stephen HALL, rector, Mr Richard HARRISON, yeoman, Witheram, Skewsby, to Mrs GUEST, of the same place.

Same day, at Stokesley, Mr J. ETTRINGTON, to Miss Annie PHILLIPS, third daughter of the late James PHILLIPS, Esq., of Tanton, near Stokesley.

On the 13th inst., at St. Michael's church, Malton, Mr P. E. GIBSON, builder, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr Wm. DRAKE, both of Malton.


On the 28th ult., Mrs Elizabeth WALKER, widow of the late Mr Wm. WALKER, Royal Oak Inn, Thorpebasett, aged 61.

On the 10th inst., at Whitby, Henry, son of Robt. BROWN, basket-maker, Church Street, aged 5 years.

On the 11th inst., same place, Mr J. HARRISON, aged 45, many years servant at the Angel Hotel.

On the 13th inst., at Brawby, Mrs John DODGSON, aged 66, much respected.

MALTON MESSENGER - Published 21 May 1858


On the 12th inst., at Norton, the wife of Mr Wm. G. SEARLE, of a son.

On the 17th inst., at Welburn, the wife of Mr Francis HODGSON, of a son.


On the 16th inst., at St., Leonard's church, by the Rev. Mr CLARKSON, John DUCKWORTH, gardener, Bishop Wilton, to Ann WILSON, of Malton.

On the 17th inst., at the Wesleyan chapel, Mr Wm. BROWN, to Miss Lucy JACKSON, both of this town.

Same day, Mr Ralph WHITE, shipwright, to Miss Eliza BAKER, both of Whitby.

On the 18th inst., Mr R. ELLIS, surgeon, Gainford, to Alice, youngest daughter of the late R. RIPLEY, Esq., of Whitby.

Same day, at St. Michael's church, by the Rv. G. A. FIRTH, Mr John JACKSON, fishmonger, to Ann JOHNSON, both of Malton.

Same day, at St. Thomas's church, York, by the Rev. Chas. J. BUNCOMBE, to Mr Richard HORSLEY, Walsea House, Rillington, to Mis Jane Hannah MAW, of Norton.


On the 5th inst., at New Malton, Rachel, daughter of Mr James BEECROFT, aged 13.

On the 12th inst., at Malton, Mary, the wife of Mr Matthew STAINTON, aged 59.

On the 14th inst., at Pickering, Mr Wm. BOAK, bookseller, aged 81.

On the 15th inst., at York, Mr Matthew LAWSON, of Slingsby, aged 56, greatly respected by a large circle of friends. The deceased was a Wesleyan class leader upwards of 20 years.

On the 18th inst., at Malton, Mrs Mary LYNN, aged 48.

On the 20th inst., at Slingsby, Mr Wm. EAST, late carrier from Slingsby to York, aged 55.

On the 14th inst., Mr Thos. PINKNEY, whitesmith, aged 64.

His sledge and hammer lies declined,

His bellows, too, have lost their wind;

His fire's extinct, his forge decayed,

And in the dust his vice is laid;

His coal is spent, his iron's gone;

His nails are drove, his work is done.

MALTON MESSENGER - Published 29 May 1858


On the 20th inst., at New Malton, the wife of Mr Smith CARR of a son and daughter.

On Saturday last, at Norton, the wife of Wm. KILVINGTON, shoe-maker, of a daughter.

On the 24th inst., at the same place, Mrs TOWNSEND of a son.

Same day and place, Elizabeth, the wife of Mr John NEWTON, blacksmith, of a son.

Same day, at York, the wife of Mr Ralph WILKINSON, professor of music, of a son.


On the 22nd inst., at the Superintendent Register Office, Malton, Mr John DOBSON to Miss Ann BOYES.

Same day, at Norton, by the Rev. E. DAY, Mr Jno. JACKSON, tailor, Malton, to Miss Anne LAWRENCE, Norton, milliner.

Same day, at the Parish Church, Whitby, by the Rev Jas. HUGHES, Mr J. BRECON, second son of R. BRECON, Esq., solicitor, to Elizabeth, the only daughter of the late Ralph HAYES, Esq., both of Whitby.

On Monday last, at Robin Hood's Bay, by the Rev. Gambler PYM, Mr J. GRAINGER, ship owner, to Miss STORM of the same place.

On the 25th inst., at Fridaythorpe, by the Rev. W. R. GRIESBACH, William CLEGG, Esq., Rottenstone, near Manchester, to Miss Eliza, third daughter of John JOHNSON, Esq., Manor House, Fridaythorpe.


On the 15th inst., at Stockton-on-Tees, Mrs Jane HORSLEY, (late a resident in Malton), aged 23 years.

On the 19th inst., at Humanby, Mr George DAGGETT, aged 62 years, much respected.

On the 22nd inst., at Helmsley, Mr Chas. WOOD, aged 59. Much respected.

Same day, at Slingsby, Mr Johnathon ENGLAND aged 71.

On the 25th inst., at little Habton, Thomas, son of Mr Wm. WARD, aged 16.

MALTON MESSENGER - Published 5 June 1858


On the 28th ult., at Old Malton, the wife of Mr Charles DRAKE, of a son.

Recently, at High Towthorpe, the wife of Mr WILKINSON, of a daughter. Also the wife of Mr NETTLETON, of a son.


On the 29th ult., at St. Michael's church, Malton, Mr Robert HICK, farmer, to Miss Mary Ann MILNER, both of New Malton.

On the 30th ult., at St. Leonard's church Malton, Mr James HARRISON, hair-dresser, to Miss E. HOPPER, both of Malton.

On the 31st ult., at Whitby, Mr J. REDMAN, stonemason, to Miss Jane Elizabeth ANDISON, both of Whitby.

On the 1st inst., at Brompton, Mr Cave COULSON, Malton, to Miss Mary STEPHENSON, of Snainton.

Same day, at St. Michael's church, Malton, Mr Joseph ETTY, to Miss Elizabeth ROBERTS, both of Malton.

On the 3rd inst., at St. Michael's church, Malton, Mr Thos. SMITH, carpenter, Slingsby, to Miss Mary DIXON, of Malton.


On the 29th ult., at Ryton, Sarah, the wife of Mr Henry UMPLEBY, 24 years.

Same day, at Kessley near Huggate, very suddenly, Mrs KING, aged 54 years.

On the 30th ult., at Norton, Joseph, son of Mr Jospeh GOTT, aged 11 years.

Same day, at Whitby, Mr J. ROGERS, sawyer, aged 72.

On the 31st ult., at Whitby, Master W. TOSE, age 8 years.

On the 2nd inst., at Whitby, Mr W. FOSTER, turner, aged 62 years.

Same day, at Norton, Mrs Elizabeth DIXON, (formerly of Castlegate, Malton.)

MALTON MESSENGER - Published 12 June 1858


On the 31st ult., at Norton, the wife of Mr Thomas MONKMAN, of a son.

On the 4th inst., at Snainton, the wife of Mr R. HODGSON, of a son.

Same day, at Welburn, the wife of Mr Robert CROWDER, of a son.

On the 5th inst., at Snainton, Mrs Johnathon WEBSTER, of a son.

On the 6th inst., at Norton, the wife of Mr Robert INGHAM, of a daughter.


On the 5th inst., at Slingsby, by the Rev. J. GABB, Mr Joseph WRIGHT, to Miss Hannah KAY.


On the 2nd inst., at Huggate, Mr Wm. CARR, aged 56 years, highly respected by a large circle of friends.

On the 4th inst., at Malton, Mr W. CLARK, age 64 years.

On the 5th inst., at Malton, Mrs Jane SMITH, widow of the late Mr Wm. SMITH, raff merchant.

Same day and place, Mary Ann, wife of Mr John LEE, Black Swan inn, aged 47.

Same day, and place, Mr John BROADBELT, formerly of Acklam, aged 65.

On the 7th inst., at Ryton, Bob, infant son of Mr Henry UMPLEBY.

Same day, at Norton, Annie, daughter of the late Mr Geo. HOBSON, miller, aged 11 years.

On the 8th inst., at Malton, the infant son of Mr John FOSTER, hatter.

Same day, at Ugthorpe, Mr Matthew PORRITT, farmer, aged 62 years.

MALTON MESSENGER - Published 19 June 1858


On the 12th inst., at the parish church, Whitby, Mr G, W. WHISSON, mariner, to Miss C. TINDALE.

On the 13th inst., at St. Michael's church, Malton, by the Re. G. A. FIRTH, Mr Thos. JACKSON, ostler at the New Globe Inn, to Miss Ann PULLEYN.

On the 14th inst., by the Rev. J.C.A. CLARKSON, Mr John PEARSON, labourer, to Miss Sarah HODGSON, both of Malton.

On the 15th inst., at the parish church, Whitby, Mr J. ATKINSON, miner, Grosmont, to Miss Hannah FRANKLAND, Whitby.


On the 11th inst., at Coneysthorpe, Annie, daughter of Mrs BURDETT, aged 2 years.

Same day, at Roxby, Mr Ralph WELFORD, aged 56, he was an extensive farmer, grazier, and butcher, highly respected by a large circle of friends.

On the 14th inst., at Whitby, Mr John STOREY, aged 82.

Same day, at norton, Alice Elizabeth, daughter of Mr James HALLENBY, railway goods clerk, aged 23 months.

Same day, at Appleton-le-Street, Mr William CHESTER, aged 26.

On the 15th inst., at Malton, Elizabeth ARMISON, late of Bugthorpe, aged 77.

Same day, at Dromonby Grange, Cleveland, after a short and painful illness,

much regretted, Mr John BARKER, aged 18, son of Mr John BARKER, farmer, of the same place.

On the 16th inst., the Rev. Jabes BUNTING, D.D., of London, the eminent Wesleyan minister.

MALTON MESSENGER - Published 26 June 1858


On the 23rd inst., at Norton, the wife of Mr Rd. JOHNSON, of a daughter.


On the 19th inst., at St. Michael's church, Malton, by the Rev. G.A. FIRTH, Mr Wm. BROWN, currier, to Miss Mary Ann TOMPKINS, both of Malton.

On the 22nd inst., at the parish church of St. Martin in the Fields, in the county of Middlesex, London, by the Rev. J. W. KINGSFORD, M.A., Mr Richard TOPHAM, farmer, Scampston, eldest son of Robert TOPHAM, Esq., Low Mowthorpe, to Miss Mary TINDALL, only daughter of John TINDALL, Esq., of the former place.

Same day, at St. Michael's church, Malton, by the Rev. W. CARTER, rector of Slingsby, assisted by Rev. G.A. FIRTH, incumbent of St. Michael's, John SAWYER, Esq., of Peckham Grove, Camberwell, to Sarah, eldest daughter of Mr J.S. MALLETT, Malton.

Same day, at St. Leonard's church, Malton, by the Rev. John WALKER, Mr John DRAKE, grocer, to Miss Mary DODGSON, both of Malton.

On the 24th inst., at the Register Office, Malton, Mr Robert THOMPSON, of Norton, to Miss M.J. DRUMMOND, of Duggleby.


On the 22nd inst., at Slingsby, Mr Wm. WILSON, aged 92.

On the 23rd inst., at Slingsby, after a lingering illness, Margaret, the wife of Mr Isaac KNEESHAW, aged 58.