Electronicwhip 1996
Who Will Drive a Stake Through The God Of War?
“God of War and Merchants of Death”
Bryan Adrian
Ish Milchama…’’ God is the
Lord of War (Exodus 15:3). According to myth, this was sung by the Jewish
people on the seventh day of Passover, after the God of Israel drowned the Egyptian army in the sea.
Not even ten years
ago the discovery of a Hebrew tomb in Memphis, Egypt, brought controversy
between archaeologists and Torah scholars, surrounding the name of Aper-al found within. It was discovered
that “Aper-al” (an Egyptianized form of a Hebrew name) was the vizier (minister)
for King Amenhotep III, and later for his son King Akhenaten. Pharaoh Akhenaten
was the first ruler to institute monotheism,
which he called Aten worship. Among the artifacts discovered here were some
that showed us that Aper-al served as the chief priest of Aten, in the Memphis
region, during the reign of King Akhenaten. This runs contrary to the dogma
accepted by archaeologists that monotheism
[Atenism] did not exist beyond the city of Tell el-Amrana in central Egypt, and
furthermore strongly suggests that Hebrews were present in Egypt during the
eighteenth dynasty, and that some Egyptianized Hebrews held extremely high senior
state Egyptian positions, who were ruling with their own legions of slaves.
United States is
now in step with some Monotheistic God, is it the God-of-Democratic-Eco-Consumerism or just another iteration of the dominance of the God of War? In 20 years time, circa 2016, will the world
see the United States of America as just another larva spawned by the GOD-OF-WAR, or something better and more benign?
© 1996 (reprinted and revised in
§ Preface
§ Vicious Cycles of War
§ The death of Confucius
sets up the pre-history Silk Road for Huns and Maccabees to Run Amuck
§ One Rigid and Absolute
God Comes out of the Jewish Feud between Saul and Samuel
§ Semitic Hassidic
Culture of the Kabbalah
§ People Who Live and
Breathe an Alphabet
§ Masters of the Tawil
§ The Rabbinical Sects
and Their High Priests
§ The View That Jews
Were “The” Chosen People
§ Ancient Hebrew
Scripture sits upon Rome and the World
§ Hefty Tax Collectors
§ Queen of the Universe
§ Son of Mars the War
§ Some Ancient Texts are
Jealously Guarded by The Vatican
§ The Invention of the
Cyrillic Language
§ Bulgaria and Ireland
Have Both Been Kept on a Tight Leash, Then and Now
§ We Have an Enormous
Trade Imbalance with China yet Nobody is Watching Our Own Rice Pot
§ Shadowy Developments
in the Middle East and the Balkans
§ The Palestinian
Freedom Fighter “the Engineer”
§ Germany’s Cloven Feet
in the Cold War
§ Evergreen Is Supplying
Jobs to Agencies not to People
§ The Mere Whisper of a
Political Complaint Can Result in Death
§ U.S. Approved Israeli
Sale of Israeli Warplanes To Ecuador Despite Pledges to Peru
§ Why Haven't the
Israelis Dynamited Homes of Hebron Region Zionist Terrorists Too?
§ Augusto Pinochet's
Strong Hand
§ Illusions of Triumph
§ Near Absolute Control
by Royal Saudis
§ Egyptian Government
Was Elected Under Many Accusations of Corruption and Voting Fraud
§ Saddam Hussein
Recklessly Spent Billions of Dollars
§ Turkish True Path
Party Owns Property in America
§ Bahrain, as far back
as 3000 B.C.
§ The Distortions of the
Camera Lens of History
§ The Nation of Islam
and Khadafy
§ Russia has Crumbled
into a Sea of Harvard Banker Advisors?
§ Disciples of Ancient
§ Bulgarian Crypto Jews
and Protestant New World Huguenots
§ Buy Off a Whole Race
for $24
§ The American and
French Revolutions Struck Almost Simultaneously
§ Why Our Founding
Fathers Were Often Seen in Powerful Inner Occult Circles
§ Mark Twain Owes Much
to his Freemason Cohorts
§ Three
"Roberts" Channeling the War God
§ Electricity Warlords,
Thunderbolts among Fabulously Wealthy Men
§ Westinghouse and
Tesla's Generator – Lighting Up Death Sentences
§ Top-End Worldwide War
& Death Technology
§ A Tale of Two
§ Merchants of Death
hobnobbing to the tune of our National Anthem
§ Don’t Panic high on
LSD – Switzerland is neutral like Wall Street
§ Charleston SC--home
town of Civil War & Huguenot Slave Masters
§ First Jewish-Gay &
1%-Elitist to Win seat in U.S. Senate
§ Many Union Officers
Were Mercenary Soldiers
§ Harking Back to the
Same Romaniot Traditions
§ Lady Di in Her War
with the Royal Family
§ Armand Hammer Nailed
down more Oil Deals than Baking Soda & Lead Pencil contracts
§ United Fruit Played a
Great Part in the Repression of Guatemalan Nationals
§ Chess Masters, with
Genius at Playing Many Sides
§ Biggest Secrets of
Russian Cooking
§ Primakov has been
called the father of the post-Cold-War 'for-profit Intel Agency Freelancing'
§ Pagan Worship of
§ Petra Kelly, Spiritual
Leader of early Green Party, Foul Play
§ Will humanity suffer
the same WAR fate forever?
Preface (by Bryan Adrian)
The god of War is a false god. His-Her
place in the pantheon of history and religion should be demoted to a lowly
position, never to rise again. In place of this demigod, we need to look
upward, like the noble Phoenix in its flight to Antares, the brightest star of
the heavens, for replacement gods.
I would like to begin by expressing
my indebtedness to pre-ancient Egyptian civilization, pre-3000 B.C., before the
time of the pyramids, to the wisdom of the ancient Celts and Druids and the
Yambol Plains of ancient Bulgaria, where once stood the ruins of Kabyle; also,
to the original Minoans of Crete, and the Colchis of ancient Medea, and the
Celto-Etruscans and their lost beautiful alphabet and culture. Special thanks also to the lost people of
ancient Thrace, aka Trakia, and all their former long ago allies, especially
the Moabites of the Sinai Desert Peninsula/Canaan, who were overrun by Edomites
around 1250 BC. Last but not least, the early
authentic Shinto religion of Japan, of which cutting edge research today is
connecting them to the ancient Celto-Etruscans, who stood for justice and
harmony -- against the agents of war,
slavery, and usurpation.
Most of us are, and might possibly
always be, slaves, wage slaves, or half blinded ideological slaves, perhaps
sadly real slaves to global traffickers or human organs or child sex traders.
Slaves we shall be, as long as the god of War exists as the most powerful and
commanding of all our Gods. Despite that
our three most political and powerful global religions on the planet are
monotheistic, springing from the same source, and each proclaims there is only
one absolute (and often angry god). For
these three religions, the god of Abraham is shared by all and deeply embedded
in their beliefs. Our human martial instinct of organizing massive human
killing units adroit at slaughter in killing fields, is not native to the
animal kingdom of Earth, it is a feature of man only, quite ironical especially
since we do not eat our prey, like they do in the ‘animal’ kingdom. War seems to
be a perversion of the nature of the human species on this Earth, from the
insect kingdom, a freak mutation or a misdirection on a cosmic large scale. It
is time the god of War went back to where it came from, never to return to this
galaxy nor any universe that is reachable by man in the future.
Vicious Cycles
of War
Note that the color of our skin, nor
our native language, nor our original human DNA puts us into any Faustian
contract at birth, nor throws us into vicious cycles of war due to DNA. Any
race, regardless of its color, which teaches that our planet needs to do away
with the god of War, ... generally perishes, quite literally. Look at biblical history
and then lament the time and time again triumphant usurpations due to the god
of war, triumphant over the other gods, despite biblical admonitions against
such deeds (Ezekiel 34) “...cursed be the
shepherds who feed themselves, and not their flock”. The god of war has no time to feed
us, mostly only time to kill us and plunder us in the name of some outrageously
opaque ideal. The sacrosanct
UN-tolerated apartheid of the Palestinian people and their ancestors’ land, is
today’s prime example; likewise, the over 1000 military bases and installations
of the United States armies all around the world, in the name of the God of
Democracy, is in fact just another name for the God of War.
This essay is not substantiated by
hidden or classified or arcane documents. Research sources include the
Encyclopedia Britannica, booklets from the back wall dispenser of Westminster
Cathedral in London, "der Spiegel" magazine of Germany, several
general sources in Chitalishtes (Bulgarian public reading rooms), and a
smattering of old Balkan and Bosphorous folklore overheard while visiting my fiancée’s
family in the region. The only
potentially unreliable source used here, that could be faulted in my overall
research, is Bertrand Russell’s
sly ode to freemasonry, ‘History of Western Philosophy’.
The rental of temporary employees is
worldwide now, and resembles slavery more and more now in the mid 1990s, with
each downsizing and merger underscoring the architecture of redundancy that it
thrives on. Initially, temping seemed an isolated phenomenon in the late 70s,
spearheaded by such agencies as Adia Personnel of Switzerland, a pioneer of
intensely focused determination to expand the field of temping in USA and
Europe ("Life is a Temp Assignment"
became a popular axiom in the 80's). “Temping” first attracted only a few
adventurous office workers who enjoyed the mobility it offered, even though
giving next to no benefits, security, nor loyalty to the temporary working
The temp pay was slightly better
than normal pay in its early initial years, however all insurance and vacations
were the sole responsibility of the temp employee’s, out of pocket. It was a
trade off that appealed to unconventional and somewhat creative white collar
employees searching for an alternative to conventional business life, and who
shuddered at the idea of a life of routine after they finished university. That
all completely changed by the late 80's.
The death of
Confucius sets up the pre-history Silk Road for Huns and Maccabees to Run Amuck
The use of temps today is not unlike
the use of slaves when they built the pyramids in Egypt, after the Upper and
Lower regions of Egypt were united by foreign new legal systems circa 2925 B.C.
The diversification of religious beliefs that had been resplendent in Egypt
until this time started to slowly consolidate (the first mergers of many) into
one rigid and absolute god. This god surreptitiously took on the features of
the god of War (coinage and treasuries and prostitution were always closely
allied to this War god) over the following centuries upon centuries. The
magnificence of Egypt was never quite the same again after this legal
earliest known examples of woven silk date back to 2700 BC and come from the
Hangzhou region, which today is located about 190 km south-southwest of
Shanghai. By 550 BC silk roads were
threading and weaving from the coast of China to the Greek Islands, and into
Egypt and into the Mediterranean region.
In addition to empowering the God of War, at times also bringing the God
of Plagues with them (the Plague of Athens could have been Black Death, nobody
knows for sure -- it killed off more Athenian soldiers than in actual battles
in the clashes between Athens and Sparta in the 5th century BC).
In the 3rd
century BC, two great nomadic hordes in China, the Xiongnu and the Yuezhi,
competed for grazing pastures in the steppes to the north of China. Finally in
about 176 BC the Yueqi were defeated in a battle and their king was killed. The Mongolian race Xiongnu pressed west and they
established themselves in the region north of Bactria, an outpost of Greek
civilization, where many Jewish tribes held much sway. In the 1st century BC,
one of the tribal chieftains of the Xiongnu established a powerful dynasty,
known as Kushan. At the end of the 1st century BC and near the time
of the birth of Christ, the Kushans pressed on into India also. These Xiongnu were
a constant threat to the powerful Han dynasty in China, but the Chinese held
them back with a strong military presence on the northern border, which had one
very beneficial result for the dominant world traders - the opening of the Silk
Road. In 51 AD a separate group of Xiongnu moved further westwards into central
Asia. They become lost to history, though it has been common in history books to
say that they morphed into the Huns, who very threateningly appeared very
fiercely in the 4th century AD to plague the Roman Empire, along with the Jews
and their commandos and mercenaries.
Now let’s
go back in China to K’ung Fu-tzu, aka Confucius (551-479 BCE). He is the Chinese teacher whose name was
latinized by Jesuit missionaries, into Confucius.
Around this same time as the penetration
of the silk worm cults into India and Central Asia and Greece, the most sacred
and official books from Confucius’s time and that of his own teachers, were
disappearing one by one. The “Book of Documents” was compiled by Confucius (551–479
BC) as a specially preserved selection from a much larger group of documents,
with some of them included in the Yizhoushu.
Confucius and other respected writers drew on the “Book of Documents” to
illustrate general principles, though it seems that several different versions suddenly
were in use in his own time, many of them faked and which academics still
resort to today, more than 2000 years later. Confucius invoked in his speeches
and lecture notes, the pre-dynastic emperors Yao and Shun, and leaders from the
Xia and Shang dynasties, which accreted to his complaints of a sad lack of
documentation prior to the Zhou, of which much had been already lost or destroyed.
Confucius unlike Solomon and the Hebrews, put much more emphasis on the importance
of the family and social harmony and community, rather than on an otherworldly
source of spiritual values, e.g. he saw "the secular as sacred". Confucius was also not a follower of
monotheism nor of the God of War.
considered the ordinary activities of human life, especially human family and
social relationships, as sacred, because these interactions are often the highest
expression of an ethereal moral nature we have above the animal kingdom. Confucianism
holds that human beings are fundamentally good and teachable and improvable, thus
somehow one day perfectible. The Yin and
Yang of the Confucian I Ching shares many features with the dualism pagan
religions and with the break-away Christian sects of the Balkans and the
Caucasus region and Japan, in the centuries when the minimum- two-gods belief system of Mani was competing with
Christianity. This went on for the many
centuries directly following on the heels of the death of Jesus Christ, running
parallel to the bloody expansion of the
Jewish militant Macabbee groups after the decimation of the Jewish Canaan tribe,
by Davidic inspired warriors.
One Rigid and
Absolute God comes out of the Jewish Feud between Saul and Samuel
The Hebrew Principle of Holy War, comes from the post-Flood concept
of amalek of the Amalekite semi-nomadic
main tribe of today’s Israel region, sometimes nicknamed “the blood lickers”, which
dates back to the conflict between Saul and Samuel. Today, Hassidics and
Orthodox Jews use this hatred of the Amalekites of Israel, to justify their
belief that pre-emptive violence is acceptable against such enemies. Ever since this rancor between Saul and
Samuel among the ancient Jews, these Amalek peoples have been branded as an
"eternally irreconcilable enemy" that only wants to murder Jews. King Saul, then a newly appointed monarch, the first such
potentate of all the formerly Jewish farming tribes, led a vicious assault on
all Amalekite peoples, mercilessly killing all the Amalek men, women, children (and
even their poor quality livestock), disobeying the commands of Samuel and
marching to the God of War. Samuel then
prophesized that one day the Jewish kingdom as a result of this abominable
transgression would likewise be torn from Saul.
This is the same era as when David the apocryphal young harpist and sling shot expert became
King. From this moment on, and at deeply
traditional and ultra Orthodox Jewish weddings thereafter “200
Philistine foreskins,” have been considered a lovely traditional marriage
gift, as is still recorded and read in 1 Samuel 19:1-7 (the number of foreskins
before David had been 100).
The Hyksos were another name for the
Israelites, and under the Hyksos the Canaanite population in the Nile delta
grew stronger. The Canaanite presence has been attested by pottery found in the
Delta that was Canaanite in form, which had been chemically derived from Palestine.
The dominant religious burial practices in Avaris,
at the time the capital of Upper Egypt, were also Canaanite. The Hyksos would
be thwarted after a 30-year bloody feud, led by the kings’ king of King’s, Ahmose I of Thebes (1539 BCE–1514 BCE). Ahmose captured Avaris city-settlement, and
united the Lower and Upper kingdoms into a single "New Kingdom". The
Hyksos were then pushed out of Egypt through the Sinai Desert Peninsula into
southern Canaan. The Hyksos were expelled monarchs of Egypt, not slaves as
legends tell us today. The use of slaves had long persisted in Jerusalem and
all its domains, even long after the so called Exodus of Biblical fables.
Later, somewhere around 1000 B.C.,
the god Baal fused with a Canaanite god ("Yahweh is Baal", I
Chronicles, 12:5). The lingering remnants of old Egyptian culture that had still
remained in 605 B.C. were now mostly extirpated by a conquering Semitic
Babylonian King. These conquerors and
their descendents liked wearing silk, especially the prettiest females of the
royalty serving the God of War, reveling in the transparent qualities of the
fabric, exquisitely showing off their erotic features, in the court activities
where new wars were planned and administered.
Much later in Egypt, in the 500s AD,
Armenian culture from Central Asia was imported into Egypt and took root
quickly. Some historians say this imported Armenian culture had long been one
of the lost tribes of Israel, and perhaps also partners with the ‘merchant marines of Israel,’ long known
as the Sea Peoples (speculated to be the nomadic lost tribes of Israel of Dan
and Asher), who sailed to the far ends of the earth to ensure their war god
would one day rule all of humanity. The Leviites, unlike the original twelve tribes
of Israel, had not been assigned in old myths, one of the twelve territories of
the earth, but rather 48 cities scattered throughout the world.
Also at this time in the 6th
century, huge castles and fortresses were going up in Wales, populated by
royals who are still unknown to us today, but remnants of their era were left
behind, of high quality cookware and wine utensils from the Turkish region, and
from the France and Greece of that timeline.
Hebrew was heavily intermixed with local languages in the Catalan area
of Spain, and the Languedoc region of France, around this time too. Stories of Hebrew activity in Wales are very
old, some recounting King Solomon excavating much tin from the Welsh offshore
tin mines, but as early as 600BC these mines were abandoned. Linguists in the early 1800s conducted much
research on the parallels between old Welsh Celtic and ancient Hebrew tongues
(other Gaelic speaking nations cannot understand Welsh). If you visit your local bookshop you might
even find one of the many books available, on the shelves somewhere, that point
out the lineage of the Celtic gods and dynastic families descendents follow
nearly identical trees and branches that are exquisitely closely interconnected
to the Hebrew trees. Only the names are
different, following closely the Davidic lineage in Hebrew, but of course the names
of the Celtic lineage are in Gaelic.
In the early
600s, shortly before the arrival of Mohammad in history, hostile invading
armies (recent research suggests they were legions of commandos from Khazaria)
seized territories from the original occupants in Thrace, (today it lies in
Bulgaria), destroying frescoes and an abundance of beautifully executed artistic
Thracian masterpieces, some of them from the original tomb of Kazanlak (the
tomb is situated near the ancient Thracian capital of Seuthopolis in a region
where more than a thousand tombs of kings and members of the Thracian
aristocracy can be found). Here this
Kazanlak region holds today their famous Queen of the Roses pageant, for pretty
girls, very similar to the Rose of Tralee parade, in Ireland.
this same timeline of the apartheid and then subsequent loss of the original peaceful
Thracian culture and kings, to hostile invaders, if we go looking over across
the seas to the Far East, parallel invading armies had battered their way into
Japan, and finished off the last of the original Shintos of Japan, replacing
them over time with fake religious replicas of the true Shintos. At this time
the Korean confederated kingdom of Baekje, was closely allied with Japan, in bi-cultural
mutual help and friendship and affection, seldom the two in disharmony.
However, in
the 700s AD, one alienating warlike Korean-peninsula Silla tribal clan, famous
for sorcery and for their inevitably forced monotheism on captured subjects,
crushed Japan and her close Korean allies and they began the Korea-Persian
long-running co-relationship in ruling this far eastern and central Asian side
of the crescent of the long global Silk Road arteries, commanding it along with
the Chinese Tang Dynasty as their partners. The Tangs were the antithesis of the
teachings and philosophy of Confucius.
At that
time the Tang’s capital was in Chang'an, which today is called Xi'an (less than half hour from Xi’an-yang , the site of the Terracotta Army
Necropolis) and was probably the most populated city in the world then. Some weapons buried in the pits of terracotta
armies there carry inscriptions that date their manufacture going back to 240
BC, and many indications show they were produced for battle to be used in
living hands, and not merely for display in the tombs of these clay soldiers
alone. In 221 BC, Qin Shi Huang had eliminated all six other chief Chinese
vassal states to establish the first centralized empire in Chinese history, the
first all powerful monarchy to rule China. In 206 BC, Xianyang was burned down thus
depriving humanity of unique copies of many "forbidden books" kept in
the royal library.
Forward again to the 8th century, circa 721
AD, monarch Seongdeok of the Korean
tribe of Sillas ordered the construction of a great wall across Silla‘s northern
border, and remnants of this wall can still be seen in today’s North Korea, in
its South Hamgyǒng province. Khazaria
in Central Asia was a main piece of this part of the Silk Roads system, the
Khazars being fierce military allies of the Old Tibetan-Mongolian Drugu, aka Göktürks,
and fierce believers in the God of War. Many Khazars ended up settling in Cluj,
Transylvania, in the late 800s and early 900s. These are the many centuries
when Khagans (pronounced like the powerful Kagan family of NeoConservative
warmongers in the USA today) ruled from the Caspian Sea to the South China Sea
to the Sea of Japan, even up into Tibet and Mongolian highlands too. In 799 global
salt monopolies accounted for over half of the Tang government's revenues.
The Uyghur
Khaganate expanded and grew from this point on, rapidly turning the world into
one great Khagan. The official religion of the Uyghur Khaganate became
Manichaeism, a dualistic religion with one of the two gods, much more prominently
manifested out of the two. Mani, the ‘illuminated’ fountainhead of this
religion 400 years earlier, considered himself the carrier of a universal
message destined to replace all other religions with his religion, much like a
God of War most often succeeds at doing.
Semitic Hassidic
Culture of the Kabbalah
A Semitic Hassidic culture surfaced
with great power in Podolia in 1735, where western Ukraine today borders Poland
and Romania. Its messianic leader called himself Baal Shem Tov, who has since made
much importance of the letters YHWH (which Aristotle named the Tetragrammaton,
when he set about redefining history in his final years). Also important were
the letters YWJV and BESHT. YHWH is inscribed today in large symbols on the
ceiling of St. Martin's in the Field Cathedral in London. This same Podolia
area later produced Anton Rubenstein, (born 1829 in Podolia/Eastern Galicia)
who composed the operas The Tower of Babel (1870) and The Demon (1871), and The
Maccabees (1875).
The god Asmodeus has many
associations also within this area. From 250 B.C. on, Jews ceased to use the
name Yahweh because Judaism was becoming a universal religion in the
Greco-Roman world. Elohim became the new word for the universal sovereignty of
Israel's god over all others. It became profane to use the word Yahweh after
The Karaite Judaic sect had travelled
from the Crimea to Lithuania which set itself into direct opposition with
rabbinical Judaism (Karaites originating in the 8th century – many of them
settling in the Kipchak region above the nation of Georgia, next door to the
former Khazar Jewish khaganate of
Khazaria). The Karaites suppressed the festival of Hanukkah, the celebration of
Judas Macabeus's terrorist victory in the 2nd century B.C.,
which celebrated the great conquering power of the Jewish Macabbee movement,
an exemplary illustration of the most repeated God of War values, and discussed
The Karaite sect's defiance of the
priestly rabbinical elite led to an institutionalization of an uncompromising
monotheism and Kabbalah among their followers. Very similar to the ancient Sadducees,
Karaite Jews do not accept as binding the written collections of the oral
tradition in the Midrash or Talmud. Karaites maintain that all of the divine
commandments handed down to Moses by God were recorded in the written Torah,
without additional Oral Law, and they rejected the Pharisees' notion of an Oral
Torah, even before it was first time written. As we approach the year 2000, this Balkan
region is of global consequence again, as are former Khazaria regional
settlements in Lviv in western Ukraine, Belarus, and the Baltic nations,
especially Lithuania. Precursors of the Khazars,
Radhanites ( רדהני ), and Karaites, carried their secrets and sects to ancient
China before even Christ was born.
The theme of slavery and suffering again
dominates the news today. Terms such as slave to my PC, slave to the
television, slave to addictive drugs, slaves to the ghetto, slave of a temp
agency, and slaves for slaughter (Kosovo, Somalia, and more), are frequently
used by the media. Humanity has not really advanced so far, regarding humans
exacting slavery and forcing suffering onto other humans, since the time of
Confucius, despite our advances in technology.
Long before JFK made his famous quip known all across the world,
Confucius in his book the “Analects” had this to say: Tzu Kung asked: “Is there
any one word that can serve as a principle for the conduct of life?” Confucius
said: “Perhaps the word ‘reciprocity’:
not do to others what you would not want others to do to you” (XV: 23)1
People Who Live
and Breathe an Alphabet
Language has often been used in
magic, incantations, invocations, and to impose uniformity on a culture before
conquering it. Uniformity of language makes it easier for spies to infiltrate
during the first phase of conquering. Afterwards, it's a cake walk to dominate
a people who live and breathe your alphabet and follow your scripts -- which
originated from the conquerors’ own hand.
Persia dealt a monumental blow to the Roman Empire, they were suddenly seized
by the Mongols, who are a Turkic people of mysterious origin.
The Persian empire collapsed shortly
after it had towered over Rome (and the world). Persia was never fully
Islamisized until almost 900 AD, and never embraced the new Arabic script
designed by a team of scholars who were associated with the great Prophet
The Persians of this era knew too
well the insidious possibilities of language modification.
Aramaic was the lingua franca of
most of the Levant and Middle East from 650 BC to 300 BC. Troy was located on
the Anatolian (Turkey) northwestern shore, and some historians now believe it
was peopled by the royalty of the Colchis Kingdom (today’s nation of Georgia), frequented
in person by Medea and her father King Aetes, residing alongside the
surviving aristocrats of ancient Minoa
and Thrace. Also in Troy at that time
were the nobles of the precursors of the Mingrelian peoples of the Black Sea eastern
shore region, in current day Georgia. Medea was then more famous for medicine
than Hippocrates. In fact, the story of
Jason and the Argonauts was most likely apocryphal, same as Homer’s story of
the devastation of Troy by the Achaeans/Mycenaean/Spartans, who were probably
the same Semitic Aramaic speaking tribe of Jason and the Argonauts, those who also
came emerging mysteriously out of the Mycenaean kingdom, whose capital was
Argos. Sparta seemed to follow on the heels of Mycenae as if it came about from
a continuously reappearing magician’s hat, in one and the same legends,
replicating again and again in the same geographic location.
Still today, there are historians
who claim the victors against the City of Troy were ‘unknown Greeks’ and that this
battle could have likely taken place in 600BC, as easily as the one recorded in
1200 BC. On the other hand, there are
many documents and historians that state with confidence that the Spartans
defeated Athens in the Peloponnesian War (431–404 BC) in the midst of the
Plague of Athens in 430-426 BC, a viral holocaust. At this time Sicily was still in many ways
part of the Phoenician kingdom, seafaring Canaanites, from what we today call
Israel, and they spoke Hebrew and Aramaic among a few other languages too. Many Jews for centuries upon centuries were
powerful and successful and dominant in Sicily, often a kind of homeland away
from Sinai Desert Peninsula and the ancient land of Canaan.
In I Maccabees 12:20-21, and also writings of the first century, historian
Flavius Josephus, records this same sentence
in two sources: "Areus, king of the Spartans, to Onias, the
high priest, greetings. It has been
discovered in a document concerning the Spartans and Jews that they are
brothers, and are of the race of Abraham". The Aramaic language replaced Hebrew as the
Jewish tongue. Jesus Christ spoke the same Aramaic tongue later. Aramaic
remained the official language of Persia until the Muslims conquered and
converted Persia around 650 A.D.
Mingrelian, however, is still spoken
today in Georgia, and is quite distinct from the Georgian Kartuli language.
Masters of the
Another language that shows how new languages
are often the handmaidens of religion, is Sanskrit. The Vedic cults used
Sanskrit, a pan-Indian language that spread throughout northern India, Armenia,
and the Punjab area. Various Indo-European tribes of the Western Steppes were
prominent in this region, until the Karaite Jews established a strong foothold.
The Tawil, an esoteric interpretation of the Quran, gave rise to the Sufi
tradition. Ali ibn Abi Talib, a cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Mohammed,
was a Master of the Tawil. Quite often, new languages are the stepchildren of
new religions.
The interpenetrations between the Far
East, including the far eastern shores of China, and the Middle East and Near
East go back a long, very long, time. At one time, Turkic was the same as
Mongolic. Chinese books dating back to 201 B.C. mention the Turkic peoples of
Mongolia for the first time. The Huns (Attila) were of Mongol race. Skeletons
of Chinese men have been found in Europe dating back to the 100s AD and show
the Roman Empire had extended personnel even into deepest China, taking their
Jewish merchants with them. Archaeologists are finding more and more
confirmation of pre-Christian exchanges between Indo-Europe and central China,
especially in the State of Chu (Western Han Dynasty). Genghis Khan himself in
fact was no stranger to Switzerland; nor was Marco Polo, a Semitic Italian, who
was no stranger to forbidden cities of the Orient. Around 700 A.D., the
Turkoman script was adopted by powerful parts of Hungary.
The Rabbinical
Sects and Their High Priests
The Talmud used today is a result of
the polemics of Rabbinical Jews stonewalling against the Karaites (founded by
Anan ben David) to justify the superior political position of the oral
traditions of the rabbinical sects and their high priests, as opposed to the
written scripture of the Old Testament, central to the beliefs of the Karaites.
The Talmud was, as a consequence, completely and officially revised later in
Basel, Switzerland in the 16th century.
In Russia, the St. Petersburg Public
Library is a treasure trove of texts attributed to the worldwide Karaite cult.
One major artery of the Karaite colonies sat at one time just minutes outside
of Vilnius, Lithuania. Recently, two Ministers of the Lithuanian Government
resigned over a scandal in which the top two national banks of Lithuania ran
completely out of assets. Montreal, Tel Aviv, Brooklyn and Buenos Aires have a
fair share of Karaite devotees, but not in the same league as the once large
aorta in Lithuania. Most of the lost tribes of the world would be hard pressed
and enervated to compete or keep up with the travel and colonial zeal of the
The View That
Jews Were “The” Chosen People
The view that Jews were the Chosen
People appeared obnoxious to the ancient Trojans, Shintos, Minoans, Thracians,
Etruscans and Colchians, it insulted their pride. This belief in chosen-ness
was radically rejected by the Gnostics. The Gnostics believed that the world
was created by a mortal yet rebellious son of the deity Sophia (heavenly
wisdom). At one time this gnostic theme combined with the philosophy of
Socrates, which was given new life by Plato's Allegory of the Cave.
Manichaeism later emerged out of
Persia (Iran), just south of Armenia, carrying the Gnostics thesis even further
and teaching that evil is embodied in matter, that matter can also be positive,
and that the principle of goodness is embodied in spirit. The Gnostics also had
a profound effect upon the apocalypticism of certain Jewish mystics, whose
beliefs still exist in various Jewish groups today.
The Gnostics stressed that Archons
exist, and that they are malevolent forces rife in the Old Testament, with
Hebrew names, most likely those of demons. The recurrent image of Archons is
that of jailors imprisoning the divine spark of human souls. The gnostics
believed that higher powers exist that can combat the chthonic powers (those of
the underworld of the undead and those gods and spirits; dark, primitive, and
Around 200 A.D., in Alexandria, the
birthplace of Plato, a man called Origin cobbled together the new Hellenizing
and post-Aristotelian Greek philosophy, aggregated with old Hebrew (scripture).
The ecclesiastical world met in the early 3rd century A.D. in Sardica (now
Sophia, Bulgaria), whose details to this day are mostly clouded in mysteries
and secrets, but discussed among other themes in Sardica were the evident
contradictions of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, deep within the core of the
growing Christian movement and their beliefs (in Serdica, the Gnostics wanted
to clearly separate matter from spirit -- showing humanity that there are at
least two gods, thereby claiming monotheism to be false). According to manuscripts
it is known that Origin, an ascetic and a top translator of Hebrew and Greek,
combated the Gnostic unwavering assertions about the inferiority of the Old
Testament. Origen preached that human souls existed before God created man, and
that Jesus had a beginning and had not existed before his creation in the womb
of Mary. Over the next few centuries, the writings of Origen, and all things supporting
his major teachings, were vigilantly destroyed. They were obliterated outright
or translated with appropriate adjustments to eliminate conflict with growing orthodox
Christian doctrine.
forget, that in the ancient Mediterranean and Levant world, west of
Constantinople and east of it too, the Jewish religion was the most populous of
all the non-Roman sects and cults and religions, and the Christians were far far
less in numbers, compared to Jews, until the 400s AD. The Roman Empire
basically had just carried on with the Greek Empire’s pantheon of gods, giving
them each a new god’s name, in their state religion Sol Invictus. The Romans also allowed most religions to
remain unmolested, in their conquered lands, as long as they did not rally or
protest against the rituals of the Roman temple Sol Invictus practices.
Celsus was
of the same time as Origen, and he was familiar with Egyptian and Jewish
religious tenets and practices and beliefs.
Celsus tried to popularize the idea that Jesus' father was a Roman
soldier named Pantera and that the miracles of Jesus were the work of sorcerers
and demonologists, such as existed in the temples of Solomon, long before. Origen, on the contrary, was a main defender
of the virtues of Jesus and among the strongest opponents to the words of
Celsus. It should be noted here that
Jesus Christ was not the first man to boldly claim to be the son of God. Emperor Augustus, the official ‘first’
emperor (27BC) of the Roman Empire, would not let his subjects nor senators
call him God, but he would let them name him the ‘son of god’. He had fostered
his "cult of the comet" ever since in 44 BC the Julian Star Comet
illuminated the night skies for 7 straight days.
The First Council of Nicaea in 325
AD was convened by Emperor Constantine based upon the recommendations by
several bishops and high ecclesiastics. They tried to resolve the crisis of the
trouble brought about by the Arian controversy in the Greek-speaking East
Orthodox Church, alienated from the Latin-speaking Roman Church. To most bishops,
the teachings of Arius were heretical and needed to be discussed by bishops of
Asia Minor, Georgia, Palestine, Thrace, Armenia, Syria, Egypt, and Greece. This controversy arose from the heretical
ideas of Origen, and concerned the nature of the Son of God, Jesus, was he a
god like his father, or born a mere man.
If Jesus were also a God, then again “dualism” remains to be seen, that there is not only one
God, there are at least two.
Ancient Hebrew
Scripture sits upon Rome and the World
The armies of Emperor Julian
"the Heretic" rallying around the appeal of the gnostic beliefs, grew
restive at around this time of Origin and the important meeting in Serdica to
counteract the influence of ancient Hebrew scripture on Rome and the world. A
religious leader named Celcus objected to Origin's intrigue and to the numerous
illegal and secretive associations of particular Jews who had written huge
tracts of the New Testament for Christians. Celcus wrote a controversial book
on the subject which has been buried, for all time, by those who fear his ideas
may be freighted with far too much truth and appeal, and undo the orthodoxies that
had been designed for Christians, via the covert Hebrew rabbis who held much
sway over the early high priests of Christianity.
The resurgence of Celcus's teachings,
and then their repression, has been through numerous cycles of history, and this
dialectic has been the cause of war, and slavery, time and time again, each
time the monotheistic God of War wins with a slam dunk.
Treasuries, as we know them today,
date back to 587 B.C. when Nebuchadnezzar took over Babylon and split the Jews
into 2 classes (Israeli, and foreign Jews). Treasury buildings then took on the
characteristics of the Hebrew Temples of the time and were constructed of local
stone, laid by masons. American banks,
by the way, and the Federal Reserve Board of the USA, were modeled on the
English building societies of the early 1700s, known as the Masonics, whose
origins date back much further.
Hefty Tax Collectors
The ancient Romans employed gabaim, Hebrew word for collector, to be
treasurers of their hefty tax collections. If Celsus's texts and the pre-Christian
Gnostics had survived, (Celsus questioned the compatibility of God and the
Devil within the framework of monotheism) and succeeded, it is quite doubtful
that today we would have gold hoarding, secretive diamond cartels, the IMF and
World Bank, or the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), or the Society of the Cincinnati.
To some historians it appears that Celcus and also the pre-christian gnostics
shared special knowledge that had been lost since the time of Confucius.
Gershom Scholem once described Gnosticism as "the greatest case of
metaphysical anti-Semitism". Nearly all concrete and substantial manuscripts and
artifacts of Celsus and Confucius and the proto-gnostics have been pretty much erased from
the narrative of time and history, leaving behind only fragmentary legends, at best.
Pity they
were defeated and gouged out of history, for all of us and especially here in
America, where we don't have the leadership nor the historical experience nor
spiritual intelligence to resist as did Julian and Celsus long ago. We only
have small armed Montana Freemen and Posse Comitatus style bands fending for
themselves, alone, without a large theological or intellectual nerve center to
buttress and guide them, united in strength to all or many of the other
dispossessed, disillusioned, and probably destitute, Feds-disbelieving Americans.
Our very first Treasurer here in
America was Alexander Hamilton. He also was the most influential advisor to
George Washington. Hamilton was married to a Schuyler, the prominent banking
family from Amsterdam that built up New Amsterdam (New York City) and set the
foundations for the Port Authority of New York/New Jersey, and who had already mastered
off-shore banking/slaving in the Caribbean Islands in the early 1600s.
The principal financier of the
American Revolutionary Army was Haym Salomon, born in Poland to a Sephardic
Jewish family who early in adulthood emigrated to Philadelphia. He also founded
the first Philadelphia synagogue, the Mikvah Israel, then in the 1700s. Salomon
made many personal loans to James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and James Monroe
and he worked extensively with Robert Morris, the Liverpool merchant who
immigrated to Maryland to join his father on their very large tobacco
plantation in the colonies. The following families were and are still all
extremely powerful and with many marriages between them, which include among
many others, the Astor family, the Rockefeller family, the Roosevelt family, the
Duponts and the Vanderbilt family, and they all did very well for themselves in
their new colonial secret society studded land, without much resistance at all,
especially since it was so successfully purged of its native inhabitants, the
Native Americans.
We must not forget the Coleman
family either, Thomas Coleman, nee Thomas Coleman du Pont, married his cousin, Alice
Elsie du Pont, as was almost normal practice in these dynastic powerful
families (FDR married his cousin also).
Along with several of his cousins, Alfred I. du Pont and Pierre S. du
Pont, T. Coleman du Pont took over the family's explosives business in
Delaware. He was president of Dupont from 1902 until 1915, overseeing the
acquisitions of more than one hundred other explosives companies that stood in
his way. James Bidderman, the son of Evelina DuPont Bidderman, went to France
and his descendants gave the Delaware DuPonts a new lineage in France. One of
the families that have intermarried and remained close friends with the DuPonts,
are the Cazenoves family. The du Pont
family are represented in a number of groups by Irving Saul Shapiro, who is on
the Council of Foreign Relations. Irving S. Shapiro is a key person who has
been the go-between to coordinate the activities of the Rockefellers, the du
Ponts, and the Watson families. The
Watsons have much pull with computer giant IBM.
Queen of the
Universe, Isis
Magicians at the time of Moses (family
name Levi), and, Solomon (family name Benjamin), invoked the God of Abraham (Melchizedek),
named Yahweh, without fully knowing who He really was. The invocation
procedures were particularly potent, even if invoked in languages other than
Hebrew, specifically Babylonian, Brahman Hindu, Egyptian and Greek. At about
the same time, the Hebrew Semitic goddess Astarte (aka ISIS), patroness of
prostitution, protectress of those who return un-dead from the grave, and
Enchantress (also goddess of intoxication), was by all her devotees known as
Queen of the Universe.
Her fame spread quickly to most
surrounding cultures. Her name grew to be known also as the Patroness of Seafarers.
The historian Masudi mentions an instance of the working of magical powers possessed by a certain Jew, whom he doesn't
name, which documents that magical practices of the very ancient Egyptians had
passed eastward and had found a congenial home among the Jews who lived in and
about Babylon. Magic has always been the handmaiden of religion. Around 1550 B.C.,
Moses became the first known Hebrew to become a full master of the practices of
Egyptian magic. It is doubtful that Moses practiced only the enlightened and
healing branch of the old Egyptian incantatory arts.
Son of Mars the
War God
Oppressed minority elements within
the Persian Empire had traditionally fought against this invocation of Yahweh,
especially at the time of Cyrus. The Romans under Romulus, son of Mars the war
god, defeated the native Sabine people of the Etruscan hills, after raping their
women, at about the same time as the introduction of Aramaic in Persia. After
the defeat of the world maritime, trading, and coinage city capital of Athens
by Sparta, the Spartans forbade the use of gold or silver money and issued only
iron coins, like a similar period of the ancient Shintos of Japan.
Around this time the Persians had
become dominant on the entire Asia Minor coast (386 B.C.). Around 300 B.C., the
Romaniot Jews of Greece took over Greece after the golden age of Greece had
collapsed. The Spartan traditions and their belief in Mithra, a god of
Friendship and Reciprocity and Fairness, stood in diametrical opposition to the
god of War (known for a long time in Hebrew as Yahweh -- later redefined by
Jewish scholars and high priests). King Cyrus
of Persia and Babylon (Iraq), he was with certainty no stranger to the God of
War, in the 6th Century BC, had warmly and openly invited any and
all Jews worldwide (559 BC) to live in his Persian Kingdom. The Jews knew him affectionately as their Koresh,
and prospered under his rule, almost as if he was their chosen leader. In Central Asia in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
(on the fringe of western China) there had been Jews which migrated from King
David’s era to Central Asia. Bukhori Hebrew, יהודיי
בוכאראי and
בוכארי, are Jews from Central Asia
who historically spoke Bukhori, a dialect of the Tajik-Persian language.
The Sabine and Minoan peoples are
nearly forgotten today, or their cultures badly distorted by the sly
inaccuracies of historians, what they regurgitate out to us from the sorcerers
of myth-making. The god Mithra and what the Mithraic religion truly represented
are almost unknown today. But the Minoan Cretans, Trojan, and Sabine precepts
that were similar and compatible passed like a spiritual torch being handed
over, to the Bulgarian region of the ancient Balkans, lighting up the area
before Christ and reaping a harvest there.
However, the God of War and the armies under this god, eclipsed the
region into darkness in later centuries.
A man born on the Silk Trade Road in
Persia-Iraq, named Mani, started Manichaeism, which thrived between the 3rd and
7th centuries. Mani's parents were
members of the Jewish Christian Gnostic sect known as the Elcesaites. Mani preached the transmigration of souls and that
reality is a struggle between a god of light and a god of darkness. Most of his
teachings are lost today, but for many hundreds of years his religion nearly
beat out the new Christianity as the global religion that would replace paganism
worldwide, even all the way eastwards to China and westwards to France. The Manichaean
doctrines (mid 200s AD in Persia) had been exported especially to the
Paulicians, a sect of Armenia mid 600s AD, followers who were discontent with
the power of the Byzantine Empire, and distrusted the wealthy Constantinople rulers,
much like the Protestants much later in time would rebel against the Catholic
Church of Rome, for its corruption and selling of indulgences.
These Paulician “dualists” (there
are two gods, one evil and one good) movement picked up steam and moved across
to Bulgaria, where it was named the Bogomil movement. Lots of Orthodox Christians were forced out
of their homelands after the rise of Islam and were pushed west into the
Balkans, where their long suffering unrest, due to excesses of the ruling
classes and priests in Constantinople, still grated on their nerves. These disgruntled “dualists” believers moved
from Bogomil Bulgaria into southern France, and called themselves Cathars. Some of them paralleled the Waldensian
movement that appeared in Lyon (a major silk textile capital in the world) in
the late 1170s, settling in the Piedmont region of northern Italy, and in the
Languedoc. There is much research identifying the Bogomils and Cathars as early
precursors of the anti-Catholic pre-Protestants, and their movements later would
follow the same paths mapped out in Huguenot movements (silk and silkworm
experts) afterwards, especially to South Africa and less so, to Uruguay.
The people of Moesia (Serbia/Macedonia)
had strong ties to the old Greek Achaean League and their capital Niš in today’s
Serbia was the birthplace of Emperor Constantine, and is only 10 km from the
Bulgarian border. Nearby is territory which has a rich history of Bogomilism. Their descendants
have been labeled heretics by historians (like Julian before them)
and they have been accorded the uncomplimentary name of 'dualists',
and 'heathen,' to stigmatize them as non-monotheists (in other words, they
desisted from subscribing to the belief and devotion to an absolute and sole merciless
god of gross materialism, war, and morality-free profits). Don’t forget that
the warlike Mongolians from China, after they emasculated the Han in 418, they settled
into Moesia in the Balkans, and then pressed ahead to occupy southwest France,
or Aquitaine, from hence the Eleanor legends commenced.
The Romaniots, Greek speaking Jews
in Greece, originated on the Greek isle of Ioannina and assisted Alexander the
Great in his conquest of Persia and nearly all the known world of his time. The
Crusades, much later, were a confusing and shifting balance of power between
East and West, Palestine, Rome, Byzantium, Libya, the Iberian peninsula, Thrace,
etc, and were constantly changing the map of the world. The Egyptians, around
the middle of the 5th century A.D., became anti-Nestorian (Nestor believed in
the dual nature of Christ too), meaning they were Monophysite, diametrically opposed
to all the religions springing up believing Christ was just the mere son of
god, and not really God himself, which implied there had to be two gods, if
Christ was really more than a man, and a god himself too. The Christological
position called monophysitism asserted that in the person of Jesus Christ there
was only one, divine nature, rather than two natures, divine and human. This is
also the anti-Nestorian Egyptian one-nature belief, and it conflicted with the
Syrian region's two- nature dualist belief.
This rift split up the Middle East so painfully, making it so
vulnerable, that Mohammed was able to conquer the Arab lands with ease in the 7th
century, guided by his considerable number of battle experienced Jewish
generals under his command.
Some Ancient
Texts are Jealously Guarded by The Vatican
Many texts and scriptures and
historical documents pertaining to the Bogomils, a people destroyed by a
combination of the Islamic revolution and the Crusades, are located in the
Vatican Library, but it is next to impossible for most people to gain access to
these texts and manuscripts, even if only to study them for a very short
sitting. Some ancient texts are jealously guarded by the Vatican. Not
even many higher ups in the Masonics, nor the Maccabees, are allowed to
read them in the Vatican Library.
In the mid-800s A.D., the further destruction
of the ancient Celtic and Indo -European cultures still persisted in Bulgaria
(and the Irish Isles) and in the Balkans, which was facilitated by Boris I, a
traitorous Bulgarian king who invited Byzantine Christianizing conquerors into
Bulgaria. He facilitated the missionary
work of the Greek Brothers Cyril and Methodious, who spread the new Cyrillic
alphabet through Bulgaria and for all the Slavic peoples. Boris personally
presided himself over the execution of 150 Boyar Bulgarian families of pagan
intellectuals, in one night, known as the Bloody Night. Tengrism in this region had faith in the
fertility of mother-earth spirit, and a ruler -- the holy spirit of the sky.
Heaven, earth, the specially known spirits of nature, and the souls of their ancestors,
they believed would provide for their needs and protect all good natured humans.
By living an upright and honest life a human could keep his world in balance,
was their faith. That was before the God
of War blew into their fateful lives.
Boris blinded his own son Vladimir
who was sympathetic to these old Bulgarian Tengrist traditions and ancient
rites, which had been safeguarded by the Bogomils and other groups. His son
Vladimir had been quite hostile to their forced and fraudulent ‘assimilation’
into the Slavic stream, a different people from them, an unnatural mutation of
their national culture as Bulgars and/or Bogomils (today the name Bulgaria has
survived, but the original Bulgar language and customs have died out, leaving
few remnants).
The Invention
of the Cyrillic Language
Immediately after the Byzantine
Christianization of Bulgaria, and the invention of the Cyrillic language for
all Slavs and Russians by the Greeks, Cyril and Methodious, King Boris I
emerged as a major European leader and Bulgaria became known as Greater
Bulgaria . Sacred gnostic monasteries in Bulgaria, and some of the Irish Isles monasteries,
were thoroughly infiltrated at this time, as were dwindling authentic Shinto
centers in Japan.
St. Patrick was no Irishman. He was
an Englishman sent to Ireland to Christianize the pagan Celts. So effective
were Patrick and his sponsors, that today, the most visible of Irish
celebrations in America is St. Patrick s Day, a whopper of an historical irony
that gives new meaning to the blarney stone. When Gerry Adams lately visited
America he was astonished to see the distortions of the event on the American
side of the Atlantic, particularly the green dyed river running through Chicago,
and all the leprechaun souvenirs for sale.
In Japan, the Yayoi Kami Shinto
religion, with no ties whatsoever to Buddhism, go back to at least 450 BC, was
fiercely opposed to any one absolute god who held mastery over humankind. These
Japanese practiced a multi-faceted religion, which forbade monks to be
merchants, and encouraged high priests to be mendicant, travelling through all
the provinces and countryside with very little money. They negated the
elevation and supremacy of the God of War and monotheism.
Bulgaria and
Ireland Have Both Been Kept on a Tight Leash, Then and Now
Today, Bulgaria and Ireland are both
kept on a tight leash and held in absolute check, regarding a resurgence of
their older and truer gods. Japan is assaulted through an ejaculation of
bombast by the globally prominent Havas News and Information Services, that
portrays them as deviously protectionist. Havas is the forbearer of nearly all
western world news agencies, and now a leader in the control of Internet news services
and marketing, through their modern offshoots Agence France-Presse (AFP),
Reuters, and Havas Worldwide.
Havas was the first wire service
news agency in the world, originally a Zionist organization, founded in 1832,
which grew to become the largest publishing, media and pay-per-view empire
ruling in France today. Our first American wire services and news agencies were
founded in New York City and other East Coast centers by the same line of
merchant-propagandists. Reuters, Tass, AP, UPI, and Agence France-Presse are
all descended from Havas.
known is the fact that the music recording business of the United States began
with a Turkish son of royalty, Ahmet Ertegun, whose aristocratic parents
immigrated in 1935 for a short time to Washington DC, just after serving in the
embassy of London for a few years. His grandfather
İbrahim Edhem Efendi was earlier the grandmaster
of the Tekke, a
dervish Sufi lodge or place of worship. After in London a few years, his father
Munir Ertegun then became the Turkish ambassador to America. Ahmet created
Atlantic Records with Herb Abramson. Claims of ties between Sabbatean Kabbalah
and Sufism go back to the days of Sabbati Zevi. Ahmet Ertegun was a Sufi Muslim
like his father. Inside the Turkish Ottoman Empire, those followers of Zevi who
had converted to Islam often secretly continued Jewish observances. Ahmet
served as the chairman of the American Turkish Society for over 20 years until
his death. He also sat on the board of the RAND Center for Middle East Public
Policy Advisory Board with former U.S. Defense Department Secretary, Frank
Carlucci, who was the chairman of The Carlyle Group, a defense contractor.
In October
1955 Dan Wolf met Ed Koch in the editorial office of the new VILLAGE VOICE
newspaper. Wolf had worked for the Turkish Information Office in New York
before leaving it to establish ‘The Village Voice’. About that same time Ahmet
Ertegun and his brother had recorded R&B and Jazz in stereo for the first
time, along with a few other pioneering labels, besides only Atlantic Records. Some of the original founders and movers and
shakers of the Atlantic Record label, were astoundingly also involved in the Manhattan
Project of building the atomic bomb, especially Tom Dowd.
Musician Frank
Zappa named his son Ahmet, after Ahmet Ertegun, who played an important role in
Zappa's early career. Zappa’s father was a Greek-Arab Sicilian who worked for U.S.
Army Intelligence in Chemical Warfare Testing Aberdeen, before going to teach
metallurgy at the Naval Postgraduate School.
Dan Wolf
in 1963 orchestrated support through his Village Voice editorials for Ed Koch
to mount a victory running as the candidate of the “reformers” against Tammany
Hall, and he scuttled a comeback for Carmine G. DeSapio, the powerful Tammany
Hall leader, who was desperate to regain his base as district leader in
Greenwich Village. It was a terrible upset and kick started Mr. Koch's ascent
to Congress and the Mayor’s Office. Lots
of influence from the Balkans and old Ottoman Empire and the early Zionist
movement had helped the careers of semitic immigrants to the States at this
time. The Irish of Tammany Hall could
now begin to kiss their shamrocks goodbye.
We Have an
Enormous Trade Imbalance with China yet Nobody is Watching Our Own Rice Pot
Strange that as we denounce the
Japanese out to ruin us in our American media ---- we never explore with
skepticism the disproportionate amount of news we get from Havas-related
sources. We have an
enormous trade imbalance with China that far outrivals any in the world. U.S.
business groups claim that $12 billion in yearly exports to China support more
than 200,000 stateside jobs, yet China's exports to the United States were well
over $45 billion in 1995.
In addition, thousands upon
thousands upon thousands of Americans have been working in China for several years
already ---as engineers, scientists, and business and factory leaders, who
otherwise would be unemployed in America (not reported here in the major media,
but once in a while brought up in newsletters, some of them published by IOMA Newsletters
of NYC). More new solid, permanent and secured jobs have been created for
Americans in China in the last five years in specific yet diversified trades
and professions, than here at home,. The new jobs opening up for half a decade
in China for Americans are on much more solid basis than the ubiquitous temp
replacement jobs that have opened up in U.S.A., in the same time frame.
Most of the new employment and new
jobs statistics in American official data reflect only temp agency employment
of an American worker, for simply part time a few hours or weeks out of the year
(the “official” data result from a few hours of work in one survey period,
usually just one quarter of the year, taken out of the unemployment
statistics). Must Americans emigrate to China to avoid being a casualty of
unemployment, or shoved into temporary agencies’ in-and-out revolving door of
instability and insecurity? One of the most powerful lobbies in
Washington D.C., right alongside the Zionist AIPAC, and the Pharmaceutical
lobby, is now the temporary agencies' owners' lobby, with its own
publications and wide and extended networks, aptly named the National
Association of Temporary and Staffing Services (NATSS).
Some modern writers have tackled the
old theme of "dualism versus monotheism," by trying to bring back
theological questions into literature and politics and journalism again. World
domination credos usually originate from a rigid belief that only one
monotheistic jealous god shall rule the earth. We contend in this analysis and
article that monotheism spawns more and more activity from the God of War, who
forces the exclusion of other gods in the heavens and in the hollow of the
earth beneath us, also.
A few writers deserve mention whose
works at times have brought up questions on the essence of monotheism:
Dostoevski, Wyndham Percy Lewis, Bram Stoker, Ezra Pound, Gore Vidal (think of
his great novel Julian ) and Evelyn Waugh, who wrote in 1950 his last novel,
Helena , in which he challenged many theological points about the parentage,
especially the mother, of Constantine the Great of Byzantine (his father was
actually from Dalmatia, the rich coastal area of Croatia, who went on to become
Emperor of Rome and King of England, divorcing Helena and remarrying a woman
named Teodora). One day we may learn there are as many omnipotent angels in the
heavens above us and far superior to humans and all life forms on our planet,
as there are grains of rice in China.
That will be very hard for the God of War to swallow, don’t you think?
Shadowy Developments
in the Middle East and the Balkans
To proceed any further with this
essay and shed light on current affairs, it is absolutely necessary at this
time to take a look at the developments today in the Middle East and the
Balkans. One will immediately grasp that the area and its old history are
spectacularly germane today. We may have satellites, Internet, electronic bank
deposits and transfers, viral warfare, drug distribution conspiracies, and
rockets to Mars, but not much has changed on Earth or for humanity, we are all
still armies of war ants walking in footsteps to the God of War. Let’s examine this region a little more
So, here below is a paraphrasing of
a dozen daily rather recent newspaper articles, and some historical
antecedents, that flesh out the underfed content of our poorer and poorer daily
news coverage from Havas and UPI and AP and Reuters and AP and dpa and AFP and Bloomberg
and Forbes and etc.
The Middle East and the Balkans
Today (highlights and headlines)
The Palestinian
Freedom Fighter “the Engineer”
Recently, the widow of the
Palestinian freedom fighter nicknamed the Engineer, Yahiya Ayyash, was
assassinated by Mossad and/or Shin Bet operatives who had wired his cellular
phone with the best of plastic explosives available in the world today (were
they Dupont?). His widow watched helplessly recently with her two fatherless children as
their home was dynamited twice by Israeli military explosive experts, as a belated
act of retribution. A Palestinian witness nearby shrugged his shoulders and
commented, “She'll just have to build a new one like many other Palestinians” (preferably
near an Israeli controlled water supply if they want to drink and not die of
In January 1996, this writer, while waiting for a snowed-in
flight out of London's Gatwick Airport to clear for takeoff to Hamburg, I met
the former Chief of Public Relations for Dupont Chemical throughout the Vietnam War. His job was to
suppress all leaks regarding Agent Orange, manufactured extensively by Dow
chemical (The Wall Street Journal is a subsidiary of Dow). He was paid
so handsomely, for his success and professionalism in this suppression, that he
could afford private tuition for his children at the best schools of Europe,
even at the elitist private universities of Paris, in addition to the fine life
he garnered for himself and his wife. This same expert went on to become a top
media consultant in both West and East Germany immediately after the Iron
Curtain was lifted in 1989, letting in the golden 'sunshine' of a liberating
free market on the other side of the ideological divide. Today this same personal agent
of Dow altruism is the General Manager of the German news agency dpa,
the most prominent in Germany.
The head of Germany's intelligence agency, Konrad Porzner,
resigned this month following allegations that three of his agents embezzled
German funds while illegally buying Russian military equipment and selling
decoding systems for the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and British
Intelligence (MI6), right under the nose of Helmet Kohl. Will we see lots more
of this kind of skating in the decades to come?
Germany’s Cloven
Feet in the Cold War
Germany has its woes in the spy
world and in old players hanging around from the shadowy networks of Cold War
double agents, and the osmosis that existed between the porous borders of Stasi
(East German intelligence), and West German Intelligence, including
streams from/to Mossad (Israeli spy
network), KGB and CIA (many Russian Jews, who had been employed as
KGB agents, travelled freely from East to West while the Iron Curtain
restricted travel to the West for all other "communists").
A Berlin court has finally convicted
Alexander Schalck-Golodkowski, the wheeler-dealer whose shady hard-currency
deals kept communist East Germany awash in God of War international
arms-smuggling deals and monies. Schalck, 63, headed a secret and shadowy web
of Western firms and contacts, as head of East Berlin's billion-dollars-a-year
Commercial Coordination (Kommerzielle Koordinierung) also known as the KoKo department.
Evergreen Is
Supplying Jobs to Agencies not to People
Whenever I travel to NYC or Hamburg,
I marvel at all the Evergreen Company cargo airplanes at JFK airport and the
fleets of Evergreen container ships loading and unloading in the fully
mechanized Hamburg harbor. Evergreen is not supplying jobs to any unemployed
people I have ever met or known. I would
assume that all this activity reflects a boom in growth of some mysterious
sort, and a swelling number of new and needed jobs for the unemployed and
partially employed thus seem lost to the lumpenproletariat
once again.
On a bus ride this March through Wyoming and Utah, this
writer also met some Nigerian graduate students who were working and studying
in America. They described to me unrivalled atrocities committed by their
dictator against the Nigerian people in their beloved land and the killing of
their beloved hero, Ken Saro-Wiwa. Beginning in 1996, the Center for
Constitutional Rights (CCR), EarthRights International (ERI), and human rights
attorneys have brought a series of cases to hold Shell Oil accountable for
alleged human rights violations in Nigeria, including summary execution,
torture, crimes against humanity, inhumane treatment/ arbitrary arrest and unlawful
detention. Many lawsuits are being brought now in 1996 against Royal Dutch
Shell and Brian Anderson, the head of their Nigerian operation.
The Mere
Whisper of a Political Complaint Can Result in Death
In Nigeria, the mere whisper of a
political complaint can result immediately in slow and painful death for
the complainant (through torture). Government spies work undercover, as
students, at the universities, their ears and eyes ever alert. The World Bank and numerous
international speculators hungry for high grade commercial jet-fuel will stop
at nothing to monopolize the vast holdings of the unique crude oil in Nigeria,
which is among the highest quality of the world that is earmarked almost exclusively
for aviation fuel and the booming aviation economy. The ruling families of
Nigeria, according to these well educated and well travelled Nigerians who I
met in the American western states, have so many billions stashed in Swiss bank
accounts, it's impossible for them to spend it in their lifetimes, even if they
deliberately tried to gamble it all away.
These expat Nigerians were not
persuaded of Louis Farrakhan's sincerity during his visit to Nigeria on
his world tour, where he publicly embraced the Nigerian dictator that
had brought the Nigerian masses so much grief in their lifetime. They were
deeply disappointed by Farrakhan, the American Muslim and Freemason.
U.S. Approved
Israeli Sale of Israeli Warplanes to Ecuador Despite Pledges to Peru
U.S. approved Israeli sale of Israeli warplanes to Ecuador are not a popular
global hit. This enraged the Peruvians (and anyone of conscience) being that
the U.S., despite approving of the sale, had acted contrary to its role as a
Guarantor of the Peace Treaty arranged earlier between Ecuador and Peru ---
through U.S. ‘diplomacy’.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center of Los Angeles has launched a
campaign to get Internet service providers to cut off access to Web sites that promote
racism, anti-Semitism, mayhem and violence. This is the same Simon Wiesenthal organization
that protested most loudly when the Bnai
B'rith was caught red handed spying illegally on several prominent Californians
(the earliest Bnai B’rith temples in Colonial America became the
first Masonic Lodges in
pre-Civil War America), and also in addition
besmirching their reputations with false data collected. This same Simon
Wiesenthal Center was also sore with mock indignation when an art dealer in San
Francisco was nearly prosecuted by the San Francisco legal authorities for
passing top secrets of the American government to Mossad agents, through the
Israeli embassy. (See back issues of the California Bar magazine for more
Why Haven't the
Israeli Military Dynamited the Homes of Hebron Region Zionist Terrorists too?
In related moral dilemmas such as
Israeli weapons sales worldwide -- while at the same time being recipients of
opulent funds and largesse from US taxpayers and from wealthy Zionists, why
haven't the Israeli military dynamited the homes of Hebron region Zionist
terrorists too? (particularly those who killed many Palestinian Muslims in
prayer within their mosque recently, case in point, the Hassid God of War mass
murderer Baruch Goldstein).
Nor does
the Knesset or PM or Israeli authorities bulldoze down the zealot-murderer's
home, who shot Yitzhak Rabin to death (utterly dooming the peace
negotiations), with the same gusto as they dynamite and destroy family homes of
merely suspected Palestinian
terrorists (without proof) in the Palestine areas of the West Bank, and around
the entire region. Where does this double standard come from? From the United Nations?
More like from the god of war.
Pinochet's Strong Hand
Ricardo Israel, director of the
University of Chile's political science department, says admiringly in a recent
interview, that former dictator Augusto Pinochet's strong hand in Chilean
affairs has kept the armed forces "in line" during the transition to
"democratic" rule.
(Pinochet has been top commander of the
Chilean army until today)
Chile was
officially neutral during the 1982 Falklands War, but the God of War smiled
upon Chile's Westinghouse Company
long range radar that was deployed in the south of the country that gave the
British task force early warning of Argentine air attacks, allowing British
warships and troops to take defensive action. Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher, the
prime minister at the time of the war, said that the day the WESTINGHOUSE radar
in Chile was taken out of service for 24-hour repairs, could have resulted in
her navy’s defeat, that’s how much she needed it.
Chile is one of the hottest mining
properties today in Canada's gold, diamond, uranium, and mineral explosives
industries. The Canadian Navy is currently exercising joint maneuvers with the
Chilean Navy. The mines and the naval power of Chile, linked to Canada, should
please prominent extremely wealthy Canadian families who want to hold on
tightly to their wealth. I wonder if the Reichmann family of Toronto, who built
the Canary Wharf (Docklands) in London, and who in addition are one of the
biggest contributors to the worldwide Zionism movement, are less bothered by
Pinochet's strong hand in Chile -- compared to the misery of the vast majority of
humanity that are not part of the elite goldmine diggers conglomerates – us
working stiffs finding it hard to survive, who would rather not march to the bellicose
God of War anthems of hate and plunder and destruction, which are so prominent
in our North American culture, such
anthems are even typically played at our NFL football games.
It is
rumored that Pinochet has amassed a fortune beyond that in mining, in global
arms deals, and that he is not unfamiliar with Riggs Bank of Washington DC,
which held accounts for John C. Calhoun and Confederate president Jefferson
Davis, back in the day, and in the mid-1970s for members of the Saudi royal
family to set up covert accounts.
Illusions of
Mohammed Heikal, an Egyptian writer,
who was imprisoned by Anwar Sadat in 1973 because of his criticism of Egyptian
policy during the Middle East War, and who wrote "Illusions of
Triumph" in 1992, argued that recent United States cruise missile strikes
on Iraq, codenamed Operation Desert Strike, would in the end increase tensions
in the Middle East and bring more war and disaster from the God of War.
He also says that the Israeli-Palestinian Accords of today are an unjust
peace, comparable to the Treaty of Versailles just after World War I. Heikal
emphasizes that the Peace of Oslo maximized Israeli gains. This raw deal for
the Palestinians makes any deal not too likely to survive for long.
Mr. Heikal, author of Seven Sisters,
The Secret Life of ITT, The Money Lenders, The Arms Bazaar, and The Sphinx and
the Commissar: USSR -- Egypt Relations, assesses problems in the Middle East
and ascribes them to foreign-sponsored dictatorships.
The Near
Absolute Control Exercised by the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia
The near absolute control exercised
by the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia is provoking the growing Saudi middle
class, who also, paradoxically, benefit from Saudi oil. Throughout the Gulf
War, and afterwards, the Saudi Royal family made huge defense contracts with
the Western powers: predominantly, U.S.A, Britain, and France. Mr. Heikal
stresses that this emergent Saudi middle class is far more dangerous to U.S.
sponsored dictatorships in the Middle East, than is the rise of Islamic Fundamentalism.
In his own Egypt, which is
predominantly poor, the near-starving university graduates and Ph.D. diploma
holders, have very few economic or political choices within their repressive
regime. Islamic fundamentalism appeals to them the same as communism did to
American intellectuals in the 1920s -- their only alternative to hopelessness. The
Gulf War, in Mr. Heikal s opinion, broke the unity of Arab nationalism. As a
result, the source of inspirational ideas has withered in the non-Jewish
regions of the Middle East, leaving the area more open to prolonged tragedy and
newly emergent terrorist heroes.
Government Was Elected Under Many Accusations of Corruption and Voting Fraud
The Egyptian Cabinet resigned in the
first week of January, 1996, pointing out the frailty of the government, that
had been elected under many accusations of corruption and voting fraud. While South Africa's $130 billion
economy is four times the size of Egypt's, the next largest on the African continent, it
is twice as big as all the others in sub-Saharan Africa combined. South
Africa has long historic and economic ties to Israel, a long-time trading and 'anti-terrorism'
Saddam Hussein
Recklessly Spent ‘Billions’ of Dollars
Saddam Hussein recklessly spent ‘billions’
of dollars building an underground, anti-nuclear attack “Metropole” deep within
the Iraqi earth, before his invasion of Kuwait. Numerous British bankers,
builders, and arms merchants pocketed astonishing profits from this
construction project, according Karl Esser, a consultant to a German-led group
of companies that also helped to build the Iraqi leader's shelter in the early
published a front page letter in "The Guardian" (Labour Party)
newspaper, not long before he seized Kuwait, extolling his peaceful motives,
and the reasons that he felt abused by global merchants and Bohemian Grove
types with whom he had been playing, until then, only a game of dare. Neither Hussein nor the British-German-American allied
merchants suffered much through the drama that unfolded. Needless to say, the
merchants and Hussein got much richer.
The unlucky Iraqi teenage troopers
fitted into slipshod military uniforms and sent to the desert to be blasted by
General Schwartzkopf’s CNN-videotaped flame-and-pressure
bombs, lived brief fragmentary burned out lives. Intel agency reporters
rumor there were microwave frequency weapons being used on a try-out basis in
this United States attack, including “voices in their heads” technology, in
addition to deadly headaches. Their real
voices will most likely never be heard to report the injustices perpetrated
against them by the disciples of the God of War.
The Turkish True
Path Party Owns Some Nice Property in America
The leadership of Turkey has tight
connections with the flow of U.S. dollars. Former female leader Tansu Çiller,
of the True Path Party, educated in USA, owns some nice property in America,
despite the fundamentalist Welfare Party of Turkey's efforts to keep money in
Tansu graduated
from the School of Economics at Robert College after finishing the American
Academy for Girls in Istanbul. She received her M.S. from the University of New
Hampshire and Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut. She later completed her
postdoctoral studies at Yale University. Çiller taught economics at Franklin and Marshall College in
Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Asia Minor
specialists suspect the Welfare Party is funded through Saudi Arabia and the maybe
also by some moneyed elite of Iran. New
Turkish Prime Minister Mesut Yilmaz has already flexed his military might by
sending heavily armed troops to Imia island in the Aegean Sea. Keep a close eye on Fethullah
Gülen, since 1994’s brutal war in nearby
Bosnia-Herzegovina, he has been participating in and promoting the
"Journalists and Writers Foundation" and was given the
title "Honorary President" by the foundation, increasing their
funding by producing music CDs of popular Turkish singers. Currently he is setting up schools in Bosnia
during the crisis for Bosnian and Serbian school children, and also a university
on the outskirts of Istanbul called Faith University. Despite his age now, over
55, he is in a kind of spider dance with many of the younger rising stars in
the Turkish political scene now, such as Tansu Çiller, Bülent Ecevit, and Recep
Tayyip Erdoğan.
Greek fears have been fuelled by Washington's
ban on either Turkey or Greece planting its flag on Imia. Greek fears have also
been compounded by the perception that Turkey has begun to surpass Greece in
military might.
Since the collapse of communism, the
two regional superpowers have been engaged in a massive arms buildups. The
United States, which provides military aid to BOTH opponents, caused grave
concern in Athens by agreeing to shore up Turkish forces with flying tankers
and state-of-the-art missiles. Both Turkey and Greece are members of NATO.
Where is our General Schwarzkopf when we need a steady and sensible dignified general,
and not a public relations hack dressed up in a clownish military costume, play
acting he himself is the God of War?
Bahrain, as far
back as 3000 B.C.
Bahrain, as far back as 3000 B.C.,
was running a high volume of trade between the Sumerian-Babylonian peoples, and
the Indus River peoples of northern India. The transshipment point was the
island of al-Bahrain (called at one time Dilmun) in the Persian Gulf. Ruins
prove a large city was there around 2800 B.C. Large quantities of copper were
warehoused in Bahrain before even 2300 B.C.
Today, this Persian Gulf small
island state just off the coast of Saudi Arabia is a financial hub of the
region. Since 1975 the parliament has been disbanded and freedom of speech has
been suspended. Political prisoners have virtually no representation
whatsoever. This tiny island state has been one of the key centers for the U.S.
Navy, as important as Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The capital, Manama, has streets
dominated by the gleaming towers of international banks.
Elsewhere, part concrete, mud-lined
houses suffice for dirt poor children who play in the streets. In the 1930s,
Bahrain was the first Gulf nation to strike "black gold". Bahrain is
subsidized by Saudi Arabia and has a force of 20,000 American troops
permanently stationed there to protect the flow of oil into its
"rightful" hands. Recently, native dissidents have striven to drive
out the American forces.
Nearby much larger Qatar, a super rich thumb shaped
peninsular kingdom jutting off of Saudi Arabia’s coast, has a new emir, Hamad
bin Khalifa Al Thani. Hamad, having
deposed of his own father, the former ruler, has enthusiastically jumped
into bed with Israel playing "footsies" in trade and politics,
with the extremist military Zionist state. Will the two small nations do the
bidding of the God of War?
The Distortions
of the Camera Lens of History
Syria, on an irregular basis, is
dragged out by the media like a wet cat and reported upon from obscure and
slanted viewpoints. Many ties between Britain and Syria go back for nearly two
centuries. What the distortion
of the camera lens or
of the columns of newsprint "fitted" by committees of editors seldom
reveal, is written by and large only in the history books, and then only if
it conforms to a scripted narrative, or you never see it.
The House
of Saud Wahabis had captured Mecca in 1802 from the Ottomans. Syria was still
an Ottoman Empire vassal in the 19th century, but this did not
impede the British Empire from sending Arabic language specialist John Lewis Burckhardt on an 1809 two year undercover ‘discovery’ mission to
Syria. At that time more than a few Catholic Greeks were living in Syria,
and also monotheistic Abrahamic Druzes, Maronite Christians, and Ismailis.
Mamluks at this time still controlled Egypt as they had been for 500 years. Who
were the Mamluks in the 19th century, during the chaotic centuries
of Syrian modern history?
Mamluks were a many centuries old military order of slave-commandos, of men
stolen from their home countries of Georgia, Abkhazia, Turkey, Egypt (Christians),
Albanians, Greeks, and South Slavic nations. The Order originated in pre-Muslim
Persian brotherhoods (secret societies).
In cases, Mamluk slave-commandos climbed high up the ranks and attained
the rank of sultan, while in others they held regional power as emirs or
beys. Mamluk architecture is still today
prevalent all over modern Israel and the Mamluks originated in the Khazaria
region, just above the Republic of Georgia, in the Caucasus mountains, near today’s Chechnya. The Mamluk
era had two dynastic periods, the first being the Baḥrī
period (1250–1382), when the dominant group was mainly composed of Qipchaq
north Caucasian tribes, bordering adjacent tribes of Khazaria, and consisting
of many Kurds. Kurdish was the ethnic background of Saladin the conqueror
in Mamluk history, came the Circassian dynastic period (1382–1517), when
Mamluks from the northern Caucasus region were comprised of many Jews who had
extraordinarily high positions of power and influence over the commando killer
elites and the wealth of the Mamluk empire God of War apparatus. These Jews
were called dhimmīs
("protected people)" who at times were a source of occasional
disorder and dissatisfaction, not the least because of so many Jews occupying
various high government offices in an allegedly Muslim empire. Mamluk Egypt's
participation in high volume Mediterranean trade was a major economic power
activity of this particular Jewish dhimmīs
community, which grew enormously during the later, Circassian Mamluk period.
Many Jewish physicians and other well-situated Jews decided to adopt Islam in
this era, if in appearances only, to avoid envy and jealousy and demonstrations.
By 1841, Syria was occupied by the
soldiers of an English aristocrat, Field Marshal General Hugh Henry Rose, who
was also the 1st Baron of Strathnairn, who had been educated by officers of the
Prussian Army in Berlin. His father was
from the famous Rose dynastic family of English diplomats and lawyers who can trace
back their lineage to Scotland. They were
in the mid-1800s allied with Egyptian leaders, and military, in efforts to
throw the Ottomans out of Syria, and out of Egypt too In addition, this same Field Marshall Hugh
Henry Rose was instrumental in maintaining firm British military control over
India, and Ireland, in parallel developments. General Rose during his early Egyptian campaigns worked closely, hand in hand, with Khedive Muhammad Ali Pasha, before the
Khedive’s involvement in the construction of the Suez Canal, along with
Ferdinand Lesseps.
General Rose's influential family
were in high British ministerial posts around the world (especially in the
United States around the time of the U.S. Civil War) irrespective that they
were already deeply entrenched in securing the dependency of Syria upon their
personal control, there and in their domination of many of the affairs in many
nations then, in service of the God of War.
The Suez Canal
had begun being built in 1859 and ten years later was opened in November of
1869. It was owned and maintained by the Universal Maritime Suez Canal Company,
under Ferdinand de Lesseps, scion from the many centuries old dynastic family
of Lesseps, whose father Mathieu de Lessep was a member of the Societe Secrete Egyptienne, a branch of
freemasonry. Under the Convention of Constantinople, the canal may be used, for
a fee, "in time of war as in time of
peace, by every vessel of commerce or of war, without distinction of flag".
It is 120 miles long running through the Sinai Desert which separates Israel
from Egypt, and joins the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea, saving ships 4300
miles of unnecessary former travel time.
The canal deal was made with the leader of Egypt, Khedive Muhammad Ali,
himself a Masonic and an Albanian who had control of Egypt, and who we reported
earlier, was a friend of the Rose family dynasty of Britain.
In the 1860s, munitions were being
furiously manufactured in and around Wilmington, Delaware, by the French E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. General
Rose had just finished suppressing, as a labour of love, the Bombay Indian
Mutiny -- in their deeply desired
liberation from England, in 1858, after his military suppressions in
Syria. In General Rose’s ecstatic rush to stamp out freedom and independence in
the colonies which were threatening the world trade of England, Rose then
descended upon Ireland, like a potato famine, to exterminate the Fenian Revolt.
Funding for the American Civil War was in a frenzy at the time of the Fenian
Revolt, on the other side of the Atlantic, keeping the Dupont and Vanderbilt
families hyperactive in their banks, as they supplied vast amounts of munitions
and machinery into the bloody quarrels.
William Vanderbilt, whose father
Cornelius founded Vanderbilt University in Nashville, controlled the U.S.
railroads during the American Civil War, this being the same time as the
English occupation of Syria and Ireland (various historical sources state that
the Vanderbilts are descendants of the Kissam slave holding dynastic family,
which is also George Washington's clan). All of the prosperous international
banking and arms-munitions trading families in America profited enormously from
the American Civil War; as usual, the American taxpayers footed the bill for
the damages of the war, and as would be expected, yet another Financial Panic
befell the gullible general population shortly thereafter (The Financial Panic
of 1873).
1802, the Dupont family in Brandywine Creek, Delaware, had been producing and
selling over half of all gunpowder (“blackpowder”) used in hunting down and
killing Native Americans, and any four legged animal with a valuable fur
hide. They had also sold the weapons
powder in nearly all government backed wars leading up to and including the
U.S. Civil War. The Union Army, aka Yankees,
sought most of their gunpowder from the Duponts, thus making the family and
dynasty lavishly wealthy, even before the time of the Great Gatsby. Before the
Civil War erupted, Lexington, Kentucky’s production of the main ingredient of
gunpowder, salt peter, had drastically dropped, so both Union and Confederate officials quickly offered
residents in these
areas, lucrative prices for locally produced saltpeter (up to $1.50 a pound).
The Nation of
Islam and Khadafy
The ruling dynasties of the Middle
East buy arms with one hand and with the other hand sell oil to the U.S.A (the
USA has now grown into a spin off empire of the same ilk as it’s imperial
mentor, the British Empire), which in turn props up the numerous dictatorships
of the Middle East. Libya, contrary to one’s expectations, is not exempt
from this syndrome, or is it?
One could
be easily led to ask, is Castro/Cuba much different in this respect, from Khadafy/Libya?
Or ... in other terms, why did Freemason Louis Farrakhan NOT renounce
the billions of dollars -- reported in the press -- that brother Freemason Khadafy
is reputed to have granted to the Nation of Islam, not long ago? A leader of an
independent Libya does not want to voluntarily disenfranchise and politically
disable his national programs -- created to implement grand irrigation schemes,
and “green” the desert of Libya, with artificial rivers, like never seen before
on Earth, by making such theatrical gestures towards Farrakhan. Such deeds could likely bring on the wrath of
Israel and the DoD of USA and topple all Qaddafi’s elegant solutions to
developing nations struggles, doesn’t he pause to consider this outcome? It is very imbalanced in the media to report
on the eccentric actions of Qaddafi, yet seldom if ever report on his easily
documented national and social achievements in education and health and
agriculture and employment. Khadafy
should not help the media to demonize him with so many high drama sidelining episodes. For his own benefit he should desist from
such impulses.
Will the descendants of Africans,
abducted centuries ago and carried to the New World, on the fleets of slave and
trading ships, ever see this Farrakhan-Qaddafi cash? People don't need more
exhausting drama, they need substance. Hollywood style U.S. "bombings"
of Khadafy tent cities outside of Tripoli, Libya, full of his relatives, etc.,
and secret U.S. agents trying to emasculate Castro by million dollar
clandestine operations to put poison powder into his beard and humiliate
him, one of these days just such a crazy mission will succeed. When Farrakhan declaims in the U.S. press (despite
that America is the most Jewish nation on earth today, in population and
assimilation, according to the World Almanac) that the Jews are “a gutter religion," such nihilist
theatrics can only harm his Nation of Islam brand name, in the culture wars
tearing the United States apart more and more each decade, starting with the
Vietnam War.
The Great
‘Evil’ Empire Russia Has Crumbled into a Sea of Harvard Banking Advisors?
Such attention grabbing political antics
seem to never end, yet earnest movements such as the Sandinistas in Nicaragua,
the devotees of Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King, Jr., before the
assassinations, the pro-native-indian environmental leaders of the Amazon
Basin, workers unions within American banks and temporary agencies and domestic
engineers and programmers, even the Clintons’ national medical healthcare
package, and educational reforms, will expire without fanfare while all the
many fools are jabbering about media contrived issues.
Castro, Khadafy,
and other unique players, continue to prosper with plenty of fanfare, even
after the great ‘evil’ empire Russia has in the last few years crumbled into a
sea of mostly Jewish Harvard banking advisors and lawlessness, and the once
vicious anti-Ottoman Serbia, is currently used as a NATO and CIA staging
area, for U.S. troops and spies to enter into the fractured Yugoslavian
Pre-Aristotelian Greeks and ancient
Celts, in addition to other smaller more sequestered tribes, once occupied the
Balkans and northern Turkey (Anatolia), long before Christ. Alexander the Great
of Macedonia, pupil of Aristotle, and proponent of the Hellenism of a newly
recycled Greece, conquered Jerusalem, intentionally inflicting very little
damage there on the city known before Solomon as Ariel, or Lion of God in
Hebrew. Once Alexander was proclaimed King of the entire Levant, he quickly
developed friendly relations with the neighboring ancient Syrians and their parallel ancient cults, all of them increasingly monotheistic,
in line with the one true God of War, who has risen in greater and greater
prominence, ever since Aten of ancient Egypt.
This ascension continued with the monotheism of Darius of Zoroastrian
Persia, the one and only god of war, who inevitably wins in every contest between
the competitors vying for who is the number one God, in an almost perpetual on
Earth absolute monotheist struggle for godlike supremacy, that has not reached
its zenith yet before its fall.
Disciples of
Ancient Beliefs
In the Balkans (where the original
ancient Thracians were allies of the old Minoan Crete peoples), and in various
Irish Isles such as Aran and Inishmore, one can still find remnants and
holdouts of ancient beliefs, those who are still today diametrically
opposed to the goals of Alexander's war backers and financiers, and dismissive
of the God of War. Dozens of centuries later, the
descendants of these ancient spiritual warriors in Anatolia, Bulgaria, and
various Celtic Isles and Celtic regions in southern France (Rennes-Le-Chateau
area) and Spain (Toledo), have continued to revolt against all that Alexander
and his supporters and those like him since, have only grown in eminence.
Where are the gods of Healing,
Truth, Justice, Fairness, and Moderation today? They don't appear to be in the current
political applications of the American Constitution, nor in our U.S. Congress,
nor a part of our Law nor Media nor in Christ, Allah, Jacob, Solomon, Buddha,
Istarte, or Siddhartha. Confucius perhaps was the most effective threat
to the God of War who is still residing in the pages of our recorded history,
among the pantheon of other praised human figures and their myth-making
religions. The thirst for Gold and Oil, Blood and Souls, seems much more
acutely engrossing at the moment, than driving a stake through the heart of any
God of War and Plunder.
Many Balkan tribes and peoples have
never been properly credited for their heroism in refusing to persecute the
Jews while under Nazi occupation. The King of Bulgaria (Boris III, a Habsburg)
died almost immediately after a meeting with Hitler, in which he refused to
play along with the strategies of Rudolf Hess (who may be the real author of
"Mein Kampf" -- after all, Hess, as Hitler's prison secretary, took
down all the dictation as Hitler allegedly recited his text concerning “his
struggle”, written down in the posh chateau penitentiary where he served only half
a year after the Munich Beer Hall Putsch). The circumstances of the Bulgarian
King Boris III's untimely death led most people at the time to suspect
The Balkan people have suffered
immensely for well over a thousand years due to their strategic location in the
Balkans and their ancestral affinity with anti-god of war beliefs. The same can
be said for the peoples of the south Caucasus. The Crusades were by and large a
by-product of the marching armies of the God of War decimating the region of
non-believers, in defiant exhibitions of his/her supremacy.
The purpose of the Crusades was not
to persecute the Jews. The Bogomils of Bulgaria were also rounded up and burned
or executed, with history repeating itself centuries later when the Bulgarian
Boyars were rounded up and shot, paving the way for the Russian Revolution, the
Hungarian Revolution, the Mexican Revolution, and allowing the Zionist
terrorism to grow more and more fanatical in Palestine. (an article on Macedonia
born Giorgi Dimitrov's role in spreading revolutionary ideas throughout
Bulgaria, before the Russian Revolution, and his close ties to Tito of
Serbia-Yugoslavia, and his directorship of the entire Communist Comintern,
after the Bolshevik Revolution, and his trial and imprisonment {brief} for
setting fire to the Berlin Reichstag in 1933 -- thereby catapulting Adolf
Hitler into absolute power in Germany, will appear by Bryan Adrian in a
forthcoming edition of THE ELECTRONIC WHIP)
Crypto Jews and Protestant New World Huguenots
For their tolerance of other
religions and beliefs, especially their protection of the Jews throughout World
War Two, the Bulgarians have been repaid by a harsh book written by Vicki
Tamir, a Judaic scholar, published by Yeshiva University Press, New York City.
In her blustery diatribe, titled "Bulgaria and Her Jews: The History of a
Dubious Symbiosis" the Bulgarians are vehemently denounced for handing
over land owned by Jewish landowners to the Stalinist Soviets.
The entire Bulgarian populace was
manacled at this time by the communists, and dispossessed of nearly all
property and possessions. Ms. Tamir's book shows scant-to-begrudging gratitude
to the Bulgarian people for their enormous sacrifices and bravery in resisting
the deportation of Jews and Gypsies and Hassidics, to the lethal refugee camps
in Poland, and elsewhere. Nor does she reveal any commiseration for the
misfortunes that befell the Bulgarians immediately afterwards. Empathy is clearly
not her strong point, if any point at all.
How did these twisting energies and
historical vortexes of the ancient Balkan Lands, and international
revolutionary intrigues, ever manage to reach and affect Americans and North
American history in the New World?
Let’s start with Henry Hudson.
Hudson was on a Dutch mission in the first decade of the 1600s to the West Indies,
where he discovered the native indians populated Manahatta. This was barely 50 years after Martin Luther wrote Von den Juden und ihren Lugen in 1543
(it's been said that Luther’s hatred of Rome can only be compared with Hitler's
hatred of the Jews -- said by detractors of Luther more frequently by
Judaic scholars and reporters – than by Catholic ones, as one might suspect).
Many of the early wealthy and
educated first colonists of the New World in America were dynastic trading and
military families of the Dutch
East India Company, originating
from Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Shortly after Hudson arrived in Manahatta in the New World, other Dutch
East India Company dynastic families
also began taking the lead in the pushing of the native indians off of their
land, those families were the Schuylers, van Cortlands, van Burens shortly
after followed (the first Van Buren to wield enormous control in America was
Martin van Buren, also known as "the Little Magician" for his
diabolical schemes); other families to follow were the van Rensselaers
(Amsterdam diamond merchants active also in the Hague and Prague), and the
Livingstons – connected to numerous activities taking place in Amsterdam and
the West Indies (Caribbean) at this early time. Many of these seafaring
military merchants from Holland and England who found their way to New England
in the New World, were Puritans and Huguenots under strong Hebrew influence. Both
Jews and Huguenots believed then that they were direct descendants of the
twelve tribes of ancient Israel. Many Jews migrated to America during the mid
seventeenth century in the guise as Huguenots rather than present themselves as
Jews. Between 1618 and 1725 alone it is estimated 7000 Huguenots reached the
shores of America. The organized large-scale emigration of Huguenots to the
Cape of Good Hope in South Africa occurred during 1688 - 1689. Paul Revere's
family is believed to have been Jews who had become Huguenot
crypto-Protestants. For certain Paul was
a freemason.
Buy Off a Whole
Race for $24
The unsuspecting native american indians
who loved and cultivated the land on their own old continent, had no chance to
deal on their own (without "contractors") with these
cunning and world experienced often hostile intruders. From the perspective of
these indigenous indian tribes, it was more horrible than an invasion from Mars
for current Americans. Are we really to believe our American civics classes’
lessons, that have for years and years been taught our young, that it was a
good thing to buy off a whole native race for $24? Long before the trading
capital was named New York City, the metropole famous for Wall Street and
unfettered capitalism was first named New Amsterdam, in tribute to the city
that contributed so much to its gestation and greatness, Amsterdam.
The Habsburgs of the 16th century,
nearly equal in strength to the founding families of America originating from
Amsterdam, were prominent in their time in the Danube and Black Sea region, and
shared some ancestral bonds with the pre-Roman, Indo-European Celtics, who
lived there much earlier.
These 16th century Habsburgs
intermarried with the Castile and Aragon families of Spain, and also sent ships
to explore the Americas. They sensed, correctly, that the blood descendants of
the ancient Sea People (pre-Phoenician Semitics) would swallow the Habsburg
territories if they grew stronger in their
New World possessions. The Dutch West India Tea and Trading Company, headquartered in Amsterdam, had spidery webs connecting it
to London merchants and shipbuilders. This network had already conquered large
parts of Indonesia and Asia --where Alexander the Great and Marco Polo before
them had suffered a bit of victory-fatigue-syndrome,
which ultimately led to them failing to push their calculated designs to their absolute
The dismemberment and decimation of the
doomed Hapsburg and Romanov ancestral lineages (like the bleeding off of the
native american indians) over time reached the enormous proportions of a
holocaust, when counting the dead from all the cleverly engineered
“revolutions” worldwide to “throw off the despotism” of the centuries old
gentile European and Russian ruling families. The coup de grace, or symbolic decapitation of the final ruling heirs,
of both the Habsburgs and the Romanovs, was consummated at the hands of the
Serbian nationalists and the Bolsheviks, all in the second decade of the 1900s.
Just when all these worldwide revolutions for freedom were taking place, they
had paradoxical damaging effects on the tremendous parallel social advances made
at the time -- of the ruling families distancing themselves from slavery
practices and subjugation of suffering serfs, in a kind of growing Enlightenment
of these old families, in taking better care of their subjects under their care
and control, than any time before in history.
The American and
French Revolutions Struck Almost Simultaneously
In America, not so long after the
founding and establishment of New Amsterdam, the American and French
Revolutions struck almost simultaneously. During this time of Revolutions, Ben
Franklin, Jefferson, Napoleon, Alexander Hamilton, Talleyrand and Emanuel
Dupont, were all quite busy arranging cash flows and arms manufacturing and
sales. Nashville,
Tennessee, and Wilmington, Delaware (the corporate residence of most
American businesses of international importance today, and a very useful
Superior Court of the U.S. Justice Dept.), became important international
cities at this time, owing to their powerful and inconspicuous elite.
Great commercial activity flourished
in various industries in the U.S. due to the Napoleonic Wars (1812), and
stimulated raging bull markets on Wall Street that also led to speculation
in railroads stocks in the New World, and the subsequent use of Chinese
slave labour to replace native indian slave labor on the expansion of the New
World to San Francisco, Seattle, and Vancouver. In the 1830s, Jacob I. Cohen, a
friend of the Rothschilds, and a main financier of the slave trade for the
British East India Company, opened a branch bank in New York City, mainly to
facilitate his lucrative slave trade. A Financial Panic in 1837 forced many
investors to suffer huge losses, but some select insiders greatly benefited
from the Crash at this time. They later financed the Civil War, which opened up
the way for massive industrialization of the United States, at a speed unseen
before in the history of the world.
Why Our Founding
Fathers Were Often Seen in Powerful Inner Occult Circles
We may as Americans wonder why Thomas
Jefferson owed so much intellectual debt to a famous political Swiss author,
e.g. Jean Jacques Rousseau, when he put
together our Declaration of Independence, or why Alexander Hamilton had so many
ties to Talleyrand, and to Metternich (who married into the Leykam family). Hamilton it has been recorded, was also personally
intertwined with Ioannis Kapodistrias (aka John Capodistrias), descendant from a long line of
Merchants of Venice, and also Monsieur Capodistrias was the unofficial Russian ambassador
to Switzerland, who had helped restore the Bourbons into power after Napoleon's
defeat in Russia. It was Capodistrias
also who gained world legal assurances
that the cantons of Switzerland had “neutral” status in past, and would in future
European wars for the God of War.
Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, aka Prince Talleyrand, his career spanned the
regimes of Louis XVI, the years of the French Revolution, Napoleon, Louis
XVIII, and Louis-Philippe, yet nobody really trusted him, but found him
incredibly useful. It is whispered that Talleyrand was an Illuminati along with
Adam Weishaupt and also associated with the Rothschilds, and he was the cynical
genius who discovered Napoleon, being that Bonaparte was a mere Freemason and
not a more influential Illuminati, such as himself, and Napoleon owed his swift
rise from obscurity, to Talleyrand.
But most
of all we should recall, not only Thomas Jefferson but nearly all the Freemason
Founding Fathers of Colonial America, owed tremendously to French freemason Charles
Louis Montesquieu, and especially his book of 1748 “The Spirit of the
Laws”. Most of the Founding Masonic
fathers of the new American nation had harshly moved aside the native indians
to make room for new settlers from Europe, so as to manage their highly
profitable tobacco and cotton and indigo plantations, using slave labor, or
nearly destitute immigrant labor, also to work in their armaments factories and
to build trails and rails to the western frontiers of the original colonies,
and beyond. These French-fluent founding
fathers were very fond of quoting Montesquieu, the quintessential French freemason of the
Enlightenment. The fathers also could speak in English – and they quoted
Montesquieu’s Spirit of the Laws more
than they quoted even the Bible in their new world – preaching to the uneducated
simple immigrant settlers with one side of their mouths, all the while filling
up with predatory-methods the vast vacated lands of the hunted down native
indians, as they were cleared out of their own homeland, to the pulse of the
Puritan and Quaker and B’nai B’rith sermons, about Christianizing the pagan
native heathens to repopulate the New World, or for Yahweh, God of War, just
about the same message ringing from all sides in their ears.
Many young
students in America quickly ask with suspicion, why so many of our founding
fathers were often seen in powerful inner circles in Europe just before and just
after our Revolution, especially when the only means of transport were the
capricious seas and heaving ships of wood. Many have pondered these unexplained
footnotes in our national history. But many of us have never looked carefully,
nor closely, into the life of Masonic Brother Mark Twain, either.
Mark Twain Owes
Much to his Freemason Cohorts
Mark Twain's father had been a
merchant, lawyer, and a politician. Samuel Clemens (aka Mark Twain) was keen on
the Gold Rush, and by 1865 was in the San Francisco area, panning for gold. It
was nearby in Calaveras County where he jumped to national recognition for his
frog-of-a-first short story. In the first flush of his success, and just as the
Civil War was drawing to an end, he made an expensive journey with money from
friends, to the Hebrew Holy Land, a lifelong passion of his (another friend of
his, J.P. Morgan was an amateur Egyptologist, and the powerful Getty Family had
supported many digs and expeditions to the Palestine Area). Twain was a close
friend of the Morgans.
Twain’s literary themes are runaway
slaves (which brings to mind Heinrich Heine's famous poem about a Jewish
slaveship captain who fretted neurotically over his cargo ... “would they die before he reached the New
World, thus rendering his investment obsolete?”). Twain’s fiction is also renowned for characters
who are valued for their shrewdness over their virtue. Even though Twain wrote
a widely published essay ridiculing the German language, he showed great
familiarity with the language in his critique, and seems to have been
generously accepted by many wealthy Swiss families throughout his life, as if
he had lived many past lifetimes in German-speaking countries.
His daughter, Clara Clemens,
continuing the family propensities, married the Lithuanian pianist Ossip
Gabrilowitsch in 1909. It was Twain who was the seminal influence of the
anti-intellectual attitudes of America, with his popularization of the idea
that an American common man can judge the Old World, as well as the next man.
The roots of this anti-intellectual writing style are not his own, and can be
traced back to Josh Billings. Twain plagiarized from Billings and his much earlier
Cracker Barrel philosophy that had grown out of the Midwest, that had already
insinuated humorous plain language into early American letters, before Clemens.
Near the end of his life, Twain
turned over his vast financial affairs to an executive of Standard Oil, Henry
Rogers, who was a good friend of his, and gifted it also among several other
industrial magnate heavyweights (including the enigmatic and often sued for
copyright infringement, Nikolas Tesla). Mark Twain had also resided for quite a
while during his life, in Hartford, Connecticut, the same residential city of
J.P. Morgan.
"Roberts" Channeling the War God
of Turkey and Bulgaria go back to the US civil war and Presbyterian
missionaries. The longest acting head of Robert College, Harold Locke Hazen, was a close associate of VANNEVAR BUSH, and Robert played
a part in the development of MIT the CIA, and the electrical current AC power system
infrastructure, and its dominance, over DC Current. Hazen also built up the General Electric GE
classified research division; plus, the USA's NDRC (National Defense Research
National Defense Research Committee (NDRC) was created "to coordinate, supervise, and conduct
scientific research on the problems underlying the development, production, and
use of mechanisms and devices of warfare" in the United States in the
earliest months of the U.S. entry into WW2. Their work was often done in strict
secrecy, leading to radar and the atomic bomb. The NDRC was created as part of
the Council of National Defense, which had been created during 1916 to
coordinate industry and resources for national security purposes, by an order
of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Vannevar Bush,
as the director of the Carnegie Institution, had pressed for the creation of
the NDRC because he had experienced during World War I a lack of cooperation
between civilian scientists and the military.
There were those who protested that this was a grab by which a small
company of scientists and engineers, acting outside established channels, could
get hold of the authority and money for the program of developing new weapons
systems and technology. Put up some
points again on the scoreboard for the God of War.
The first
female Prime Minister of Turkey, Tansu Çiller, a graduate of many U.S.
universities and specialized government programs, was also in her youth a
student and graduate of the Robert College of Istanbul, as was the contemporary
writer, Orhan Pamuk. Several leading members of the Young Turk movement, a
group of modernist revolutionaries who brought down the Ottoman Empire, were Dönmeh crypto-Jews, ma’mīnīm,
who had long been prominent and powerful in Salonika, Izmir, and Istanbul. They
allegedly originated during and soon after the era of Sabbatai Zevi, a
17th-century Jewish kabbalist who claimed to be the Messiah, who eventually
converted to Islam in order to prosper undetected under Sultan Mehmed IV. Many ma’mīnīm
have advanced to exalted positions in the Sufi religious orders.
In 2002 when accounting global firm Arthur Anderson (indicted in the ENRON
SCANDAL) was broken up for fraud and embezzlement and misrepresentation, most
of the Anderson employees jumping ship got scooped up on the quiet by Robert
Half Personnel.
Mr. Half
was a pioneer in the employment field. His company -- an employment agency for
accountants that he and his wife, Maxine, started in 1947 as the Robert Half
Personnel Agency -- they also started
Accountemps, a division that provided accountants for temporary work. With over
150 locations in the United States the firm went public in 1987 and expanded
its operations into Europe in 1993. They expanded to include technology, legal,
and creative services personnel. Robert
Half then got very cozy with government agencies such as FedSim and became a resource of the U.S
Department of Labor in the preparation of their own “many doctors doctoring” financial and economic and labor forecasts.
audit and information technology consulting services grew under its Protiviti subsidiary, which was founded with the
acquisition of former employees of Arthur Andersen, after the firm had been
outlawed. Since then this group has grown from 700 to over 2,900 staff, and
continues to be led by Andersen alumni. Today the CEO, Paul G. Lewis, of Robert
Half offshoot T&M Security, is the director of T&M Israel -- T&M
Israel is a leading security and janitorial company, serving businesses,
academic institutions, health care organizations and government throughout the
State of Israel. Specializing in executive protection and command center
monitoring, T&M Israel employs highly trained agents, all of whom are
former members of the Israeli Defense Forces.
These are plumbers you don’t want to mess with.
Another Robert, Robert S. Tucker, is Chairman
& CEO.
Electricity Warlords,
Thunderbolts among Fabulously Wealthy Men
George Westinghouse was perhaps the
mightiest of the many early power company lords and fabulously wealthy men
among Mark Twain's closest friends. As a young man during the U.S. Civil War he
served as third Assistant Engineer on the gunboat USS Muscoota for the Union
Navy. Later he hired Nikolas Tesla to improve on the French and British AC-DC
electrical current system generator, using whatever means
were available. Tesla had worked in Paris for a very short time for
Westinghouse, after leaving his homeland in the Serbian region (he was educated
in Prague however). He found his first job in America with Thomas Edison (forefather
of General Electric), but within a year he had a falling out with the great
manufacturer, over issues of character and integrity and plagiarism. Tesla
moved at the speed of light to Pittsburgh after his disagreement with Edison,
where suddenly his friend and partner Westinghouse, was designing power
generators remarkably similar to Edison's blueprints. Tesla was widely renowned in the U.S. in his time for his extravagant
showmanship and for holding the record of being sued the most times in history,
for allegations of stealing other invention/inventor patents.
DC (direct current) is still today
used widely in many modern electronic devices, including computers, telephones,
and automotive systems, never AC in these important applications, AC will not
work in them. With the development of special transformers, alternating-current
AC power could be sent long distances over relatively small wires at a very
high voltage, then rapidly reduced in voltage, when used by a customer at the
point of contact. Alternating-current generating stations are larger, more
profitable, and the distribution wires are relatively less costly. AC needs
very large turbines that run at very high speeds, around 3,000 rpm, and a
slight misalignment could shake the power train to pieces. Westinghouse and his engineers thus devised
an automatic alignment system that made turbine power more practical in the
last round of competition, putting to use Tesla’s rotating magnetic field
This AC
vs. DC “war” episode
generated a lot of work and profits for patent lawyers over quite a few decades,
tying up the courts as much as such practices do also today, in current America.
Tesla is also associated with Wilhelm Roentgen, who is alleged to have invented
the X-ray for Siemens Company in Germany, in his time. Roentgen was also the
recipient of much negative attention regarding fraud and plagiarism, over
issues of invention and who conceived the model of an effective x-ray machine
'fairly and honestly'.
Westinghouse and
Tesla's Generator – Lighting up Death Sentences
Westinghouse, along with Edison, put
down their differences and went along together to light up show pavilions at
the World Expo in Chicago in 1893, and through Tesla, helped introduce the
Westinghouse Standard AC (alternating current -- a much more unpredictable and
medically harmful current than the direct, non-alternating DC current).
Westinghouse and Tesla's AC generator became hands down the official means of
executing criminals in their death sentences (through the electric chair) in
the state of New York.
Tesla also did much of the ground
work to ensure that Westinghouse acquired the rights to develop Niagara Falls
with his AC generators. Like more than a few business titans before him,
Westinghouse claimed bankruptcy and ruination after the Financial Panic of
1907, and yet somehow remained fantastically rich. J.P. Morgan financed himself
a few of Tesla’s adventures and schemes. Westinghouse had only one son who
fathered six children himself, and this son left behind a family dynasty of
Westinghouses to carry on the continuation of their grandfathers’ operations.
Mark Twain was one of the loyal
friends of Tesla, whom Harry Houdini also admired (Houdini was born Eric Weisz
in Budapest in 1874, the son of a prosperous rabbi. Houdini was a major
contributor to the control of Hollywood by Yiddish-speaking producers during
the Hollywood Turf Wars,
and lots of real life bloody movie-land Hollywood style gangland terrorism,
during the silent era of movies and the early talkies right up to World War II,
when the Jewish mob moved to Las Vegas, before the Armenian mob got there and upped the ante.
Worldwide God of War & Death Technology
Harry Houdini, Jewish, married his
stage assistant, nee Wilhelmina Beatrice Rahner, a Catholic girl, who assisted
him throughout the 1940s in many experiments to communicate with the dead, and/or
those who claimed they had undergone a “metempsychosis” (transmigration of the soul).
Houdini was close friends with Mark Twain and Nicolas Tesla, all three were freemasons.
Houdini (Erik Weisz) was the son of
a Budapest rabbi who later practiced as a rabbi in 1878 in Wisconsin and New
York City after emigrating to USA. Erik
Weisz also wrote scholarly contributions to the Encyclopedia Britannica, quite
accessible to him, as its editorial board was comprised chiefly of Judaic
scholars, ever since its purchase by Sears and Roebuck, in loose partnership
with the University of Chicago. Houdini
was quick to sue anyone
who imitated his escape stunts, and for a short time he was a pioneering pilot
in Australia. Later Houdini was an associate of H. P. Lovecraft.
Twain was
fascinated by electricity and had invested in the development of an electrical
motor in the 1880s. His particular interest in Tesla began after he heard about
a motor Tesla had invented under the employ of the company, Westinghouse.
Thomas Edison built the first electric chair in public relations battles
against Westinghouse/Tesla, who were using the more unstable AC alternating
current, as opposed to Edison’s more stable DC current, in early pioneering
days of electricity.
Today in 1996, true to its electric
chair early origins, Westinghouse affiliates & acquisitions and spin offs manufacture,
among many other things, top-end worldwide death technology, among the best
military hardware components available on the world market, through divisions
in Northrop Grumman, Westinghouse Electronic Systems, California Litton
Industries Advanced Electronics division, and several others.
Whenever you watch CBS American
television, think of Westinghouse. They owned it. Also, many prefabricated homes have been given
(or sold for very few shekels) to thousands of illegal Zionist settlers in Palestine,
by the Westinghouse group, defying United Nations regulations.
There are more than 400 nuclear
power reactors in operation worldwide, with a net installed capacity of over
350,000 MWe. Westinghouse technology is the basis for approximately half of
these reactors. Westinghouse and General Electric are the Coke and Pepsi of
nuclear power. Some 80 percent of nuclear power plants world-wide are of
Westinghouse and/or GE design.
On the other hand, General Electric,
GE, founded and owns RCA radio and NBC television network. Both GE and Westinghouse and their offshoots and affiliates are major
large players today in the defense contractor and aerospace and nuclear
industries. Jay Westinghouse, brother of
George Westinghouse Jr., was a member of a New York State Masonic Lodge. The Westinghouse family
originally immigrated to America from Leipzig, Germany.
A Tale of Two Toussaints
How have REVOLUTIONS, even if
fraudulently derived, come to be so glamorized in history books, and why? How
many have ever succeeded? What were their successes, if any? Do angry oppressed
peoples really lead and propagate revolution, when most often lingering in a
perpetual state of fatigue? Or do the underdogs perish in Revolts, the euphemism
for a failed Revolution.
In the
early history of the slave trade in the Caribbean and the Americas, there was
an island known as Saint-Domingue, or Hispaniola, before it was divided into a western
section Haiti, and eastern part Dominican Republic, after battles between
French and Spanish (and British pirates).
Alexander Hamilton, an early colonial
American, spent much time in the West Indies, especially as a young man.
Hamilton was a great friend of Prince Talleyrand in France. He was also thoroughly
familiar with the events of the Haitian Slave Revolt (in addition to the
confidential details of both the French and the American Revolutions). Hamilton
met Francoise Toussaint, aka Toussaint L'Ouverture, the Jesuit trained former
slave Jacobin general, who led the Haiti slave rebellion, inspired by the ‘houngans’, sorcerer priests of Haitian
Vodou. Later he used his black Haitian
militia to reinstall forced slavery and continue the lucrative trade of Haitian
plantations with the French and British elite. Toussaint's brother, Moise,
acquired fame and renown as a fierce fighter for freedom from slavery, also in
the history books.
Another Toussaint, Pierre, of nearly
the same period but a short time after the highpoint of the life of black General
Francoise Toussaint (L'Ouverture), he was also trained by Jesuits Pierre was a renowned Haitian hair dresser in
New York’s high society, also from Saint-Domingue. It is quite probable that Alexander
Hamilton had his hair styled at times by Pierre Toussaint in Manahattan, to
please his very influential wife, the daughter of the aristocratic slave owning
General Schuyler. Pierre the high society hair dresser had many unexplained
appearances and disappearances in and out of Haiti and Manhattan throughout
this period, and the other ‘T’, Francoise Toussaint, alienated many blacks in
Haiti through his perfidious and mysterious crisscrossings between the rival
groups -- plotting against each other incestuously. Historians have suggested
that Francoise the General was a member of high degree of the Masonic Lodge of
Saint-Domingue, mostly based on a Masonic symbol he used in his signature, and
the fact that most of his officers are known to have been freemasons. Pierre wildly popular Manhattan socialite
hair dresser was eventually buried under the main altar of St. Patrick’s
Cathedral on 5th Ave in NYC, and just this year in 1996, he was
declared “Venerable” by Pope John Paul II.
Allegedly, General Francoise Toussaint
(L'Ouverture) was seized by French authorities and sent into exile in the
French Alps, disappearing from sight around the time of Pierre Toussaint's
sudden social prominence in New York City. One should never be deceived,
however, by mere appearances nor symmetrical coincidences in history. Trust me on this, I implore you, and don’t
rely on your daily newspaper, unless you want to march before long for the God
of War. Benjamin Disraeli, in his 1852 novel “Coningsby”, has his character
Sidonia tell the attentive Coningsby, “So
you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different
personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”
Merchants of
Death Hobnobbing to the tune of our National Anthem
Any complete list of post Civil War
American arms merchants keeping us all at a brisk pace for walking in step with
the God of War, must include Charles Schwab (1862-1939) to be a truly
representative list. Charles Schwab was known as the "Merchant of
He was the
son of a wealthy wool and blanket manufacturer, and went on to become president
of U.S. Steel Corporation, Carnegie Steel, and Bethlehem Steel. In 1900 through
J.P. Morgan, financial consolidations were arranged between Carnegie Steel and
Morgan. In 1904 Bethlehem Steel merged with
the U.S. Shipbuilding Corp.
Charles Schwab supplied most of the
steel girders for the skyscraper boom of NYC. Profits exploded for him
throughout the entire theatre of World War I. The film industry in Hollywood
was disharmoniously wrested out of the hands of the French companies Pathe,
Melies and Gaumont, and into the hands of Selig, Lubin, and Kalem at this same
time (1908-1912), a kind of Hebrew mafia.
The mother
of our American national anthem is an early and devoted advocate of early Zionism. Emma Lazarus was born into a super wealthy and
prominent and globally well traveled Sephardic-Ashkenazi Jewish family. The
Lazarus Jewish side of her family was from Germany, and the Nathan Jewish family
side was originally from Portugal. Emma
Lazarus was also related through her mother to Benjamin N. Cardozo, Associate
Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Her most
famous book she authored is “Songs of a Semite” (1882). She is indisputably a
key important forerunner of the Zionist movement’s success. She argued for the
creation of a Jewish homeland even thirteen years before Theodor Herzl began to
use the term Zionism. Emma Lazarus is buried in Beth-Olom Cemetery in
Brooklyn. Our American national anthem
is from one of her poems, "The New Colossus," written in 1883 and
only later in 1903 put on a plaque on the
inner wall of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty, through the efforts of her
friend Georgina Schuyler.
In her
time, Emma was involved in aiding refugees to New York who had fled
anti-Semitic pogroms in eastern Europe. Lady Liberty herself, the statue, was
never intended by the French sculptor to symbolize the virtues of immigration,
it was a gift from the French freemasons to the Americas to stir up a parallel enthusiasm
for their own French Revolution. Three years later a nearly identical replica
of Lady Liberty was constructed in Paris.
After that it was like a feeding frenzy of public relations agents,
putting up Lady Liberty statues in hundreds of cities worldwide, including Bordeaux, Colmar, Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer, Austria,
Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Kosovo, Norway, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom,
Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, India, Malaysia, Singapore, China,
Guangzhou, Beijing, Shenzhen, Israel, Japan, Pakistan, Philippines,
Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam, Australia.
In Israel,
a 15 foot high replica of the Statue of Lady Liberty is at the western entrance
of the village of Arraba, an Arab city in Israel of 25,000 citizens, who can
only dream of freedom and never taste it.
In 1976 Israeli commandos killed 6 Palestinian protesters here to
protect the illegal Jewish settlers taking away their land, in a tragic time in
Palestinian history known as the Triangle
of Land Day.
Goyim independent film makers In
early Hollywood were successfully intimidated by the Jewish mafia of southern
California, and Thomas Edison claimed he was swindled many times by the same
(Edison owned nearly all the patents for film technology at the time, having
invented most of the technology, as stated in his patents). Shortly thereafter
Edison began publishing the controversial "Protocols of the Elders of
Zion," which a handful of experts say are stolen
transcripts of the First Zionist Congress held in Switzerland, in the late
1800s (the translation of the Talmud used today in most homes is also from
Switzerland ... the Basel, Switzerland Edition, from around 1580).
Back to Charles Schwab and merchants
of death, during the Stock Market Crash of 1929, Schwab claimed he "lost
everything!" Fritz Haber (1868-1934), who died in Basel, Switzerland, won
the Nobel Prize in 1918 for Chemistry. He was the son of a prosperous chemical
merchant whose laboratories sucked out of the earth just about all of the
nitrate from Chile’s mines and bat caves, needed for making weapons explosives.
Haber's wife committed suicide due to her disgust with her husband’s amoral
global intrigues, and for his merchandising of death on such a grand
scale. Today, Chile is producing
potash, and the SNC-Lavalin Group of Montreal is awash in gold,
uranium and potash mining and manufacturing, still in Chile.
During World War I, Fritz Haber, the
Nobel laureate, was instrumental in developing chemical warfare and played a
leading role in the creation of poison gas as a weapon. Later, after trying
unsuccessfully to extract gold from seawater, he went to Cambridge, England, to
live the life of a benign and reclusive scholar who became enormously wealthy
from succeeding at manufacturing nitrates for bombs and machine guns, and parking
sinful amounts of refinery produced ammonia all over our planet.
Don’t Panic high
on LSD – Switzerland is neutral like Wall Street
Another seldom
acknowledged contribution from Basel, Switzerland, is LSD. In 1938, LSD,
the psychedelic hallucinogenic lysergic acid, was created in Basel,
Switzerland. It was quickly picked up by international security covert
agencies working in the U.S. and used involuntarily on American
soldiers, by the CIA for experimentation. Many spy agencies and secret police networks
afterwards used it to oppress their perceived enemies of the state, during
lengthy interrogations and re-educations.
Making war on religion and
consciousness movements.
In the
1960s, the counter-culture of San Francisco, especially the Haight Ashbury
district, used LSD recreationally, especially after LSD's CIA-promoted and
funded campaign from field agent Timothy O'Leary.
Very shortly thereafter, San Francisco became the world capital of new sects
and cults and satanic temples: Moonies, Hare Krishnas, Jim Jones the Peoples Temple,
Charles Manson Satanists, Scientologists, Jews for Jesus, Erhard Seminars
Training (EST), Church of Satan, Synanon, and many others.
The city of San Francisco, despite
its splendid physical beauty, and its legacy of Victorian wooden houses called
Painted Ladies, has had a wacky reputation ever since. I hope the next Haight
Ashbury documentary includes Switzerland and the Swiss labs in its
American history is rife with
Financial Panics, many of them approaching the dimensions of the most legendary
one we all know took place in 1929, but not nearly as well known, is the Panic
of 1837. It ruined many investors, even though new laws
were passed and the Civil War had opened up the way for highly profitable
massive industrialization in the U.S. (anyone rich enough to pay $300
during the Civil War could dodge the draft and manage factories during the
bloody battles --poor Irish at the beginning of the Civil War were enraged by
this buy-out possibility, and in a revolt they took out their rage on the even
less entitled Blacks, all groups losing to the God of War, dearly, in the end).
The Vanderbilts and the Huguenot Duponts
sat high and dry on mountains of bloody war booty and the going has been
good if not better due to many wars. For example, Samuel Dupont's son had been
the aide-de-camp for General Lafayette (1789-91). In 1802 the Dupont gunpowder
plant in Wilmington, Delaware was making pretty handsome profits, and by
1812 it was raking in enormous profits from supplying the blood soaked
battlefields in the European War of 1812, with arms and hefty loans. Then we had the Civil War, WW1 and WW2, the
Korean War, the Vietnam War, the 1967 Israeli War, the Gulf Wars, the Kosovo
War, and the booty and the blood just keep rolling in. If you don’t have any scruples about the
diktats of the God of War, your life in this lifetime can be pretty damned good
and you can be on a long long high better than LSD.
Charleston SC--hometown
of Civil War & Huguenot slave masters
Another Dupont family member in step
with the God of War, Rear Admiral Samuel Francis Du Pont, who married his
cousin, same incest deed as FDR would do later himself in marrying his cousin
also, had very methodically designed the academic military curriculum for the
Naval Academy in Annapolis, in its formative years. He also went down to lead
troops in the Mexican War, taking San Diego away from the Mexicans. He also commanded squadrons and
fleets in the 1863 failed blockade of Charleston, S.C., an old historic town where
Scots-Irish John C. Calhoun is still today deeply venerated, despite his fierce
pro-slavery debates in his lifetime, and his leadership of the War Hawks.
served as Secretary of War under President Monroe of the New World militaristic
U.S. Monroe Doctrine, establishing America as a world power. Calhoun was one of the top Indian slayers in
the New World, despite being a practicing Presbyterian and a member of Yale
University secret society, Phi Beta Kappa, the very first Greek letters
university fraternity ever founded in USA by a group of mostly Freemason
students of privilege. One of Calhoun’s most remembered arguments is when he
argued that a total War with Mexico would lead to the annexation of all of
Mexico, which would bring waves of Mexicans into the country, whom he
considered deficient in moral and intellectual terms. He was the first anti-immigration spokesman
regarding Mexico.
often clashed with Andrew Jackson, another human chess piece in the Schulyer
dynasty and Talleyrand political intrigues great grand game. Jackson was on the
payroll of the Nashville money and political elites who had many ties to
Canada, especially Quebec, where John Wilkes Booth went surreptitiously for a secret
society Knights of the Golden Circle rendezvous and briefing, before he pulled
the trigger on Abraham Lincoln.
It was vice president Calhoun who
severely censured President Jackson on the Senate floor for marching into the
Florida Territories and pilfering the entire territory, seizing it from the
Indians and the Spanish-European settlers, using savage military force (for his
Nashville and Quebec cronies). Jackson, ring leader of his own cracker barrel mythology, shared later with
Mark Twain, had created for himself with his crack team of media-spinners, the
widely known sobriquet of 'Old Hickory' for himself. Jackson was despised by
Calhoun, but Calhoun's disgust for Jackson's Secretary of State Martin van
Buren, exceeded all other derisions combined.
In 1832 Andrew Jackson and Martin van
Buren worked like dam building beavers to create the Charter Bank of the United
States, generating a storm of controversy. By 1833, Jackson and van Buren were
successful with their secretive banking system, and sent U.S. troops to Calhoun's home state of South Carolina to collect
tariffs and to silence once and for all, they
hoped, the intrepid Carolinian, Calhoun.
This year, a new U.S. national
statue of George Washington has been commissioned by a group affiliated with
General Westmoreland of the Citadel and awarded to a talented artist in
Charleston, South Carolina, named John Michel. George Washington, through
marriage and devotion to the Schuyler family, was awarded numerous slaves and
vast land holdings in his day, despite his great weakness for Madeira wine. Maybe we will see these details later when
the new standing sculpture of our first President is unveiled in downtown
First Jewish-Gay
& 1%-Elitist to Win seat in U.S. Senate
Charleston SC, in the early 1800s,
was the home of the Benjamin Family of St. Croix, Virgin Islands, former
plantation merchants and slave owners. They brought with them to the Carolinas their
two year old son, Judah, along with all their slaves. In 1821 they moved to
Charleston, South Carolina, which at that time had the largest Jewish community
in the United States, larger than in New York City or Philadelphia or Boston,
cities with quite larger populations. It was common to hear Hebrew at that time
spoken in the streets of Charleston. Immediately after Judah's graduation from
a northern university (Yale), he was admitted to the bar in New Orleans, able to
use his fluency in French quite well there where he excelled in commercial law,
of high volume slave trade and shipping. Judah acquired quite a fortune with
his sugar cane plantation worked by his 140 slaves. His many friends in the
Railroad Empire crisscrossing the U.S. and the Deep South, and in the newly behemoth
and burgeoning slave-holder insurance companies’ networks, they never let him
flounder for success. He ran as first Jewish contestant to run for U.S. Senator,
in American history, and he proclaimed his Jewishness throughout his campaign, although
in that era, not also his gayness.
In the
1850s cheap American cotton imports to Britain came almost entirely from the
American South and the textile mills of the American North and Britain and
Egypt --which was an ally of the British military and royalty then -- they all relied
heavily on this low cost trade bonanza.
However, throughout the U.S. Civil War after it hit the scene, Britain's
mills sat empty and many British people starved due to the Union’s naval
blockade of the South.
Up to the Civil War, Judah made
fierce pro-Slavery speeches on the Senate Floor. Jefferson Davis, President of
the Confederate States, appointed him Secretary of War in 1861. Judah
mismanaged the confederate troops so badly that in retrospect it is easy to see
that many of their major defeats were due to his cavalier incompetence.
Regardless, Davis also appointed him Secretary of State for the Confederacy.
After subsequent numerous losses for the Confederates on the battlefields,
Davis took Judah Benjamin out of the cabinet and made him director of
Confederate spy rings, which he fumbled also and continued his harming of the South,
even more, owing to his poor judgment. Recall that in 1855, in Cincinnati,
Ohio, a man named George Bickley organized the Southern Rights movement into the
highly secretive Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC), a volunteer militia formed
for an invasion of Mexico. Eventually, over 40,000 joined, with many members
coming from Northern states. Three years into the Civil War, the KGC was
exposed for engineering fake pro-slave “peace movements,” while others were
acting as spies and dirty tricks operatives for the Confederacy. John Wilkes Booth was a member of the Knights
of the Golden Circle, believed to be a spinoff from some Masonic lodges.
At the 1860 Democratic Convention in
Charleston, S.C. just before the outbreak of the Civil War, William Lowndes
Yancey, along with his close friend Benjamin Judah, forced the southern
delegates to withdraw themselves and nominate an unaffiliated rival ticket, thereby
dissolving the very last national institution of the antebellum South. In 1861
Yancey travelled to England and France and then was elected to the retooled
Confederate Senate in 1862, as soon as he returned to the U.S. from Europe. Some Confederate high officials should surely
be hung for this foolish naiveté.
Salomon de
Rothschild, in 1861, deemed Benjamin Judah "the greatest mind" in
North America, it is assumed for his deviousness executed at such lighting
speed with such immediate lethal effect. In October of 1862, even William Gladstone in
Britain was led to believe from the dispatches and meddling of Benjamin Judah,
that the Confederates could win the war, thus making it even more protracted
and longer. “"There is no doubt
that Jefferson Davis and other leaders of the South have made an army,” said
Gladstone, “they are making, it appears, a navy, and they have made what is
more than either—they have made a nation."
The Judah of Jesus Christ mythology was far less effective.
opinions on Judah have not been kind, inferring that Judah was the number one
Judas of the 19th century, especially in his betrayal of the
Confederate States, who had entrusted him with their survival. Harsh judgments
have been made by northern historians too, allegations even of his involvement
in Lincoln's assassination, on April
14, 1865. Some dare to insinuate that a
bullet for Lincoln had eaten up some of the rare quality time in
Jefferson Davis and Judah’s partnership, just before Judah fled to Britain, in
the first week of August, 1865, by way of Cuba, shortly after Lincoln’s
assassination. Jefferson Davis had been
imprisoned on May 19, 1865 at Fort Monroe in Virginia, just a little more than
a month after the murder of Lincoln. After two years of imprisonment, Davis was
released on bail of $100,000, which was posted by prominent citizens including
Cornelius Vanderbilt. He had not been so
lucky to get away scot free and live in England and become a sought after
luminary in the circles of the Queen’s court, like Judah.
When the South was, as one would
expect under Judah’s poor supervision, utterly broken and ruined and no thanks
at all due to the ministrations of Judah, in 1865 just after the end of the
Civil War, Mr. Benjamin fled quickly to England in disguise and was admitted to
the English bar in record time (a matter of months). His brilliant career in
many respects truly began in England, after his numerous incompetencies as a
leader in the Confederate government. He started as a privy Counsel to the
Queen of England, and prospered without hindrance for the remainder of his life
in service to the British Crown. He never again needed his old American
buddies, such as William Lowndes Yancey, a northerner who had bought up most of
the newspapers of Alabama in the 1840s, and published many pro-Slavery pieces.
Many Union
Officers Were Mercenary Soldiers
Many Union officers were mercenary
soldiers who had been trained in the Crimean War of 1854 near the Black Sea in the Ukraine (the
decimation of the commandos in the Charge of the Light Brigade has been faulted
to one of the royal families of Britain appointed military commander's neglectful
incompetency, as if someone somewhere In the British military had planned their
own mens' deaths, pinning it on the luckless Louis Edward Nolan, who died in
Crimea himself at age 36). Most prominent of these Crimean soldiers of fortune,
from the United States, was George McClellan, who went on to become president
of the Atlantic Railroad and then Governor of New Jersey (with jurisdiction
over the Port Authority of New York/New Jersey ... the same organization that
owns the World Trade Center today and the computers that tally our national
election results).
A key player in the 1860 Democratic
Convention of Charleston, S.C., was Cyrus McCormick, who stole the diagrams of
the cotton and wheat reaper from Obed Hussey, resulting in a glut of protracted
lawsuits in the courts. McCormick's mass production of Hussey's invention
helped exacerbate the Bank Panic of 1837. McCormick developed more than anyone
before his time the use of mass production, advertising, credit extension, and
travelling salesmen. He was among the top five men active in the highest levels
of the Democratic Party, in addition to establishing a Theological Seminary.
During the Charleston Democratic
Convention of 1860, one can easily visualize Judah Benjamin, Cyrus McCormick
and William Lowndes Yancey supping together and celebrating their triumph with
copious amounts of triumphant laughter.
Harking Back to
the Same Romaniot Traditions
The Crash of 1893, tied to J.P.
Morgan's unloading of the Vanderbilts cash reserves on the London market,
forced most other colossal financiers of the time to come to J.P. for help.
This was the time of the great push in Railroad development, and leads up to
Teddy Roosevelt's construction of the first significant Naval Fleets in
American history, harking back to the same traditions as the Semitic
Phoenicians, Romaniot Greeks, Amsterdam Dutch, and the Navy of the Royal
British Empire, perhaps even sharing the same source of financing that
stretches back many many centuries.
Canals and naval routes have been
since time immemorial been of enormous strategic advantage. In modern warfare,
think first of the Kiel Canal for the Hanseatic League (1825). Then remember
the Panama Canal, the Suez Canal, the Horn of Africa, the Horn of Hormitz, the
Strait of Gibraltar, and the port of Gallipoli on the Bosphorous. Who
controlled those waterways, then ... and now? There lies the rub.
As soon as the Erie Canal of the
U.S.-Canadian border was completed, poor and desperate immigrants were speedily
hustled into the U.S. at an even greater volume and speed than all the
black slaves from Africa before then (in the preceding hundreds of years)
during the slave ship boom era for the wealthy colonial landowners. The Erie
Canal made extremely cheap labour readily available to ‘anyone rich enough to own two horses and a small business office’
(sounds a lot like immigration strategies today doesn’t it?), thereby displacing
many workers long in the USA, those with "pebbles-in-their-shoes," due
to their impoverished urban class status in Chicago.
Another Panic, in 1907, derived some
of its impetus from the financial dealings of J.P. Morgan. Our Federal Reserve
System was created in 1913 (despite the Pujo Committee Investigation of 1912);
many of the first Board Members of the U.S. Federal Reserve were friends of
J.P. Morgan. World War I was immensely kind to the Duponts, Belmonts (American
Rothschilds "new world" name), and the Binghams (of the Baring family
of England). They reaped profits breaking previous world records, even though
the U.S. Government had been plunged deeply into debt at the time. War
munitions profits supplanted all gods for the next decade, at least, excepting
the God of War. The following families, related by marriage and blood and
power, reaped endless profits: the Astor family, the Rockefeller family, the Roosevelt
family, and the Vanderbilt family, they had all done very well for themselves
in our new land, purged of all its native inhabitants, the Native Americans,
and open to endless waves of cheap new poor immigrant laborers.
Lady Di in Her
War with the Royal Family
Royal families or dynastic families
sometimes have problems themselves. They also deserve a sympathetic ear. Lady
Di was reported to be, in the English Press, emotionally dependent on Susie
Orbach and her husband Joseph Schwartz. Susie Orbach is a psychotherapist who
specializes in bulimia, and currently is tutoring Lady Di in her war with the
Royal Family. Just recently Lady Di attended a New York City dinner with Henry
Kissinger, both Trumps, Ruth Westheimer, Susie Orbach and a horde of others (it
is looking very much like the anti-Hapsburg League -- the families Uri and
Schwyz -- of the late 1200s, and the formation of the powerful Swiss
Prince Charles one day abdicate due to insurmountable intrigues like another
Windsor, Queen Elizabeth's uncle, King Edward VIII, earlier in the century? Doubtful.
Let's hope that both Prince Charles and
Lady Di fare better than Prince Rudolf of Austria (1858-1889), the only son of
the reigning Habsburg Emperor of the time of Emperor Franz Joseph I. He was strongly
under the influence of journalist Moritz Szeps (much like Rasputin's malevolent
influence over Nicolas and Alexandria of the Romanovs). Prince Rudolf was found
dead under mysterious circumstances at the Mayerling royal hunting lodge with a
17 year old Baroness Marie Alexandrine von Vetsera, that may or may not have
been a murder suicide.
Rudolf was succeeded by Francis
Ferdinand, who was himself assassinated in Sarajevo in 1914, killing off the
centuries old Hapsburg Dynasty. Due to the "morganatic marriages
code", the wife of a sovereign and any children born of the marriage can
be denied royal status. Poor Ferdinand was under the morganatic yoke. His last
breath was also the last breath of the Habsburgs. The Amsterdam Dutch and the
French Bourbons and the Balkan Hassidics had tried for centuries to pulverize
the Hapsburgs over hundreds and hundreds of years. A lone and enraged Serbian
nationalist with a hand-held pistol was ultimately successful and allowed the
God of War to usher in a new masterpiece, World War I.
Armand Hammer
Nailed down more Oil Deals than Baking Soda & Lead Pencil contracts
In 1921, the "Little
Entente" of Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, and Romania, joined to repel a
sudden and passionate enthusiasm for the Habsburg Dynasty that sprang up in
Hungary. In 1935 the Habsburgs nearly regained control of Austria, but Hitler
in 1938, under advice of Richard Gehlen, director of East Territory Affairs,
invaded Austria through the Gehlen-inspired Anschluss, and dashed any and all
Habsburg hopes, forever.
This same Gehlen created the spy
agencies of both East and West Germany, and ours in the United States
also. He is in many respects the father of our CIA. He was extremely fond of
the Zionist terrorists who seized Palestine during Hitler's long slow rise to
power, need anyone say more?
We next must look into the life of
Armand Hammer, who graduated from Columbia University as a member of Zeta Beta
Tau (ZBT) the first Jewish Zionist Fraternity. He added early in life to his
family fortune, with monies accrued in the Bakersfield area of California. Kirk
Kerkorian, the billionaire, has his roots in this region also
(Fresno-Bakersfield). Hammer is an American with ties to old Russia, son of a communist
doctor in USA who owned a pharmaceutical empire, Allied Drug and Chemical. Armand’s
first business success was in 1919, manufacturing and selling a ginger extract
which legally contained high levels of alcohol during the Prohibition. He went
to Russia in 1921 and obtained a "concession" from the "communist"
Bolsheviks, to open up huge manufacturing operations in Russia in 1925, and
also to sell surplus American wheat to starving Russians who had been
dreadfully betrayed by the Bolsheviks. In the euphoria of his
profit making, Hammer virtually cleaned out the art treasures of the brutally
exterminated Romanov Dynasty, that had ruled Russia before the Bolsheviks
successfully inflamed the serfs, into a bloody revolution. At the same time the
Mellon family of Pittsburgh were collecting massive amounts of old Dutch art.
Hammer's black magic luck continued when he "unexpectedly" struck oil
in 1956 in Bakersfield, Calif., with his Occidental Petroleum company. Kirk
Kerkorian, the Armenian-American, from nearby Fresno, became equally wealthy
too, and extended his investments to mafia-riddled Las Vegas.
After the 1956 oil strike, Hammer
began managing global oil ventures in Libya for his Occidental Petroleum
company. In the 1970s, America's changing trade policy with Russia was
jump-started by Hammer's firm, which claimed to sell lead pencils for school
children in communist Russia, at the height of the Cold War. U.S. Senator
Albert Arnold Gore, Sr. had a longtime close friendship with Hammer. Gore Sr. became the head of the Hammer-Occidental
subsidiary Island Creek Coal Company, upon Gore’s disappointing election loss
in the Senate. Much of Occidental's coal and phosphate production was in
Tennessee, the state Gore represented in the Senate. Hammer was very fond of
Albert Gore, Jr., and in 1984 with Hammer's support, Gore, Jr., sought
Tennessee's senate seat. Hammer also was instrumental in Al Gore’s Jr.
Democratic Party presidential nomination bid in 1988. This duality of successes
in seemingly incompatible directions can be found in the life story of Fidel
Castro also, who appears to be the other side of the same Gore-like coin.
United Fruit
Played a Great Part in the Repression of Guatemalan Nationals
Castro's father came from
continental Europe (Spain) and owned a large sugar refinery and plantation in
Cuba. Little Fidel grew up under Jesuit supervision, only a stone's throw from a
major Cuban United Fruit Company
plantation and sugar refinery; United Fruit also played a great part in the
repression of Guatemalan nationals, and still has repressive repercussions
today, under different company names.
John Foster Dulles, the famous
American statesman, was one of the executive lawyers for United Fruit Company.
Guantanamo Naval Base has been an American fortress on Cuba since 1905. It has
never been seriously threatened nor interrupted by outside forces, most
particularly not by the USA, including the many decades of Castro's reign. When
the Spanish American War of 1898 ended, Spain gave the U.S. control of Cuba —
among other territories, like Puerto Rico too. By a treaty signed in 1903, Cuba
yielded the U.S. "complete jurisdiction and control" of Guantanamo through
a perpetual lease that can be voided only by mutual agreement. For the low rent
$3,386 yearly, the U.S. Navy has had control over the best natural harbor,
south of Charleston, S.C., ever since.
Chess Masters,
with Genius at Playing Many Sides
Paradoxes proliferate in our time.
Take Gary Kasparov, chess master. Besides chess, he is a master of playing many
sides. His new business is thriving -- as a Russian-Israeli-British-New York
City world citizen, he is running not only his mouth but also an international
aviation consultancy company, both in London, and in Moscow, with an ex-wife in
New York City. All this could prove to be a bigger challenge for him than the
IBM computer Deep Blue, ever had been!
But top billing in such underhanded
affairs is a toss-up between two other challengers for the world master spy-fly title, Markus Wolf, who
will be discussed later in this piece, and Major General Reinhardt Gehlen, who
had been mentioned earlier.
Gehlen was the head of an intricate
spy network specializing in the Eastern regions, meaning Russia and the
bordering countries, for Adolph Hitler and the Nazis. After World War Two he
was the founder of the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) of West Germany, the
"Gehlen Organization," which spawned the Intelligence Agencies of
West Germany, the CIA of America (which derived from the OSS and was
always dependent on many of Gehlen's agents), and which maintained a
special relationship with the Mossad of Israel, despite the fact that Mossad
was not strictly official in name or media recognition until after 1948.
Biggest Secrets
of Russian Cooking
Markus Wolfe, the model for John Le
Carre's George Smiley character in his spy novels, does come pretty damn near
the duplicity and genius of Gehlen. Wolfe has a book on the market now, through
his very devoted New York City publisher, titled ‘The Secrets of Russian
Cooking’, encompassing his expertise in “cooking” secrets from Berlin to
Bucharest to Odessa to Moscow. I am looking forward to trying some of his
secret recipes. They should be as convincingly mouth watering, as an Upper West
Side NYC hot bagel, but more likely like a poison pill.
Is Gregor Gysi of Germany and
post-communist politics in Europe, a
little minor league espionage player, or much more? Even though he is a
talented player, he doesn't even come close to Yevgeny Primakov. According to
William Safire, the syndicated columnist, Primakov ... which means "stepson" in Russian, may
have undertaken to conceal most of his Jewish roots that would not have
ever been helpful undercover in the Arab world, or deep within the
KGB, had it been public knowledge back then.
Primakov was a Pravda reporter in
his early career, a specialist in Arabic languages, and in Arab religions and
politics. He moved quickly through the KGB and became one of Gorbachev's
coveted inner circle. He also was chairman of the Supreme Soviet and a high
Politburo member. The rise of Yeltsin to power, despite his notorious
alcoholism, and the dumping of Gorbachev, are credited to Primakov's
machinations, by many experts But
some rumors are floating that there is a very young KGB director who not long
ago left his post in Dresden, DDR, who may emerge in the future as the
"selected one," named Vladimir Putin.
Primakov has
been called the father of the post-Cold-War 'for-profit intel agency freelancing'
George Bush was worried about
Primakov's opinion before he invaded Iraq in the Gulf War (to inquire if the
British merchants had finished constructing Hussein's nuclear-bomb-proof,
billion dollar bunker, no doubt). The Russians had trained many Iraqis in
Russian universities during the Cold War. Maybe the best and brightest Iraqis during that
era knew Primakov as their faculty advisor. Primakov has been called the
father of the post-Cold-War 'for-profit freelancing' tendencies, shared by most
deep intelligence operatives around the world currently, regardless of their
nationality (i.e. CIA, KGB, Mossad, former Stasi East German agents, BND West
German, MI5, MI6, etc.).
This freelancing is as contagious as
the current Bill Gates monopolization of the internet and software for PCs mania.
William Safire, expert on Vince
Foster trivia and Mossad minutiae, also wrote in a recent article on Primakov
that ... "the hard currency that China
gains from trade with the United States goes to buy tanks and planes and
warships from Russia." Americans are in effect subsidizing the
resuscitation of the Russian armaments industry to supply the Chinese army.
Certainly, Mr. Safire, from his position, should know the perniciousness of such
an anti-American strategy, but he does little to stop it.
Pagan Worship of
Was the so called pagan worship of
Nature, which traces back to long extinct pre-pyramid Egyptian cultures,
ancient Celtics, early Mithraists, and the Minoans and Sabines and original
Thracians, and the golden age of the Confucius-era China, all those who warred
only when they had to defend themselves from hostile oppressors and invaders,
these peoples in addition, also felt a deep spiritual revulsion towards slavery
and plundering and bloodletting on battlefields. Was their disinterest in monotheism, and the
God of War, really such a bad idea after all? What they all had in common, they
de-emphasized and downgraded and devalued War -- as a God, completely. War seems to ride on our backs like a monkey on drugs on a
horse, and it is tattooed within the epidermis of all the monotheistic world
religions, suffice it to say here, one last repetitive time.
What happened to these anti God of
War cultures? Were they abducted by Martians? Were their sacred texts and tomes
of historical documentation eaten by fungus and mold spores and spontaneous
volcanic fires? Was their love for the Earth and the life on it, doomed to be
forever an unreciprocated deed?
Should today's environmentalism
movement be called modern Pagan worship because of its reverence for the Earth,
the Seas, the Cosmos, and the creatures who inhabit them? Should they all get down on their knees and
worship the God of Consumerism, ruled absolutely now solely by the God of War,
via all the defense contractors and weapons manufacturers and generals and
admirals who are CEOs of large defense and security contractors? Let’s wait 20 years and at that time try to
answer this pivotal key question.
Petra Kelly, Spiritual Leader of early Green Party, Foul
Kelly, former spiritual and political leader of the Green Party of Europe,
tried to steer humanity in this anti-War direction. She is alleged to have
killed herself under very dubious circumstances, the details clouded by spin
doctors, much like Vince Foster's death here in the U.S. (look for the writings of Oline
Grabbe on the Internet for very detailed, documented, and researched
information on the death of Vince Foster, and the truths hidden under
cover, never before published in the mainstream media).
Barschel of Germany died in 1987 in Switzerland in a posh hotel, carrying
similar knowledge with him to his grave, as did Vince Foster and Petra Kelly. Barschel
was elected the new minister-president in October 1982. Aged only 38, he was
the youngest minister-president in history of the Federal Republic of Germany. Under
his leadership the CDU kept their absolute majority over the SPD in the
elections of 1983. Barschel resigned as minister-president on 2 October 1987 in
the midst of the Waterkant-gate German scandal. On 11 October 1987, Barschel
was found dead by two journalists working for the German magazine Stern. His
body was fully dressed and lying in a bathtub filled with water in his Geneva
hotel room. His wife and four children are convinced that Barschel was killed
by perpetrators.
his 1996 book Geheimakte Mossad,
former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky suggested that Barschel was killed by
Israeli assassins, who feared Barschel had too much inside knowledge about an
Israeli-Iranian arms deal. Earlier in his 1994 book, The Other Side of Deception: A Rogue Agent Exposes the Mossad's Secret
Agenda, Ostrovsky wrote that a team of Israeli assassins had murdered
Barschel through poisoning.
Will humanity
suffer the same WAR fate forever?
Nothing will change if you only
keep sitting there and read text like this on the Internet ... but it certainly
can't hurt you if you brace yourself for the global insurrection against the
God of War, which may take place in our own lifetimes, by the vast masses of
humanity, in one giant hoorah, a long awaited victory since all our tragic
defeats that began with the predatory Armies of Solomon, the Sorcerer.
What will you do to help humanity
before you die, for your children and grandchildren, or maybe only for yourself?
Before all of us die, maybe? Does technology really afford us any hope or
opportunity -- effectively above and beyond the reaches of the many failed
ancient religions and movements --- that never succeeded yet --- to bring
down the God of War. Or even to send the
demon War God to a hell, just for such beings, outside our own dimensions? Is science to let us all fall down and
lay on our faces, defeated, as recorded by our religious scribes before us, like
all our human attempts at defeating the God of War, in past eras, in past
efforts, has failed again and again? Make your choice today and act
on it – with a friend. Let’s go for it !
© 1996 (reprinted in 2017)
ELECTRONIC WHIP 1996 Table of Contents, deputy editor New York, Bryan Adrian; Editor, London, Al Noaman Khiri
In memory of Dolores Ann Adrian, one of the first TWA airline stewardesses in flight history
QUILLER-FOR-HIRE: Short stories, blogs, poems, filmscripts, news articles, video & tramp journalism, by Bryan Adrian ... click this link
56M Pilot Training Class/Pilot Officers who graduated ROTC 1956, roster, many going on to top careers in CIA, NSA, NRO, DoD, Pentagon, and defense contractor executive consultant jobs
For your comments, questions, letters, etc. please write
Alvin Plantinga, a philosophy professor at Notre Dame, says that despite the surface discord, these electronic exchanges will ultimately help people from many religions understand the common ideas that bind them together. "One of the sustaining causes of religious disagreement has been the sense of strangeness, of pure unfamiliarity," he says. "The communications revolution will not wash out the important differences, but we will learn to grade our differences in order of importance." Rached Ghannouchi, an Arab philosopher from North Africa, argues in a Webzine called The Electronic Whip that it is imperative that the inhabitants of the small, networked village the world has become find a way to understand one another. "Otherwise," he says, rather apocalyptically, "we are all doomed to annihilation."