Legacy: From Dusk Till Dawn

(A modern day vampire tale and a cult classic 90's B-movie. I always liked the horrifically violent, gruesome, crude to the extremes vampire film. So, at last, I am modifying the film to be a Legacy story. The original film is trademark of Quentin Tarantino and Robert Kurtzman and I am making no money off this whatsoever, and all that. So sit down and buckle up.)

*A room in the Starfire. The camera pans along the cold metal walls until it comes to a bed. A large sword, which is actually the Soulfire, rests on it. It pans onward until it comes to a young man. This is Ash Merseric, better known as Bloodfire of Legacy. Ash, in contrast to what he normally wears, is instead wearing a black long leather trenchcoat, a black sleeveless shirt, and black leathar pants along with black steel-toe boots. His long blond hair has been roughed up and tumbles over his back in wet tangles. He continually checks himself in the mirror and adjusts his look, as if he was going to a costume party.*

Female Voice: (O.S) Ok, how do I look now?

*Ash turns to the voice.

A young blond haired woman steps out from behind a screen. She is wearing an incredibly tight leather mini-skirt. The skirt shows off the woman's legs, long and slender, yet quite muscular.This woman is as much as athlete as she is a beauty. Her eyes once gave a false sheen of innocence, but now show intelligence in several ways of life. Her hair is straight, and much longer then Ash's, as well as a lighter colour. Ash's eyebrows go up in the "whoa" expression at the amount of leg and cleavage shown. The woman is Christine, his wife.*

Ash: Yikes. Very nice honey. Just one problem.

Christine: *looking rather uncomfortable* Oh no. What?

Ash: Do a kick.

*Christine, confused, does a standing snap kick. The skirt rides up past her hips, clearly showing her panties. Her cheeks flush a burning red as she yanks the skirt down as Ash chuckles good-naturely. Christine looks annoyed and goes back behind the screen*

Christine: You know, I don't see why we have to do this. It was just a stupid dare.

Ash: Yes, it was. But I think this will shut Paul, Chastity, and Brigh up forever. After we've done this, I don't think they'll ever be able to taunt us again.

Christine: It's a stupid taunt! They have no right to say we're not tough! Ash, you defeated a god!

Ash: Yes, yes, I know Christine. But you know where Brigh likes to hang out. And he thinks we're wimps because we like to stay in the Starfire or our large home in the forest and sip wine instead of seedy bars drinking beer and watching the occasional fistfight. Chasity kinda thinks it too.

Christine: Yes, well, I don't see why we had to bet them that we could go to the wildest, most out-of-control place they could find and spend the night there, and talk the talk and walk the walk.

Ash: Yeah, well they picked a real gem. But relax Chris.

Christine: I wish I could. But so many bad seeds and generally nasty people hang out in these places. I am not a biker chick. And you are not a tough guy unless you have to be.

Ash: Well, let's just say I have to be for this. I have my pride. And after this, Brigh will have to clean the whole Starfire, wearing a maid's outfit. It will be sweet. But if you feel so bad about it, I'll go alone.

Christine: And forfeit my wager to Chastity? Oh no Ashy boy.

*Christine steps back out from the screen. She's now wearing a full body outfit, also made of leather. The outfit is a bit looser but still very tight, clearly defining the contures of Christine's body. To make up for it, the chest of the outfit has a zipper so one can alter the amount of cleavage one can show, and Christine is being very generous. Ash whistles.*

Christine: I have my own pride. And I have a wild side myself, and it's dying to be let out. I can be a bad girl, Ash, bet your fucking ass.

*Ash acts shocked by what Christine said. She smirks and winks.

Camera cuts to the outside of the Starfire next to a dusty road in the middle of nowhere as a ramp extends from an opening. Cut to the opening. Ash and Christine are standing astride a large motorcycle. Brigh, smirking, appears to be giving them directions*

Brigh: Ok, follow this road until you see a sign called "Diyago". When you see this sign turn left and go a few miles until you see a bar called "The Titty Twister". From what I saw, you won't be able to miss it.

Ash: Then?

Brigh: Then stop, cause that's where you're going. You park in there and spend the night, and we'll come and get you in the morning. When you walk out, if you even look the least bit frazzled, I win.

Ash: Fine. you're on Brigh. *they slap hands* But I'm bringing my sword.

Brigh: Whatever you say, buddy. You may just need it. But what about you Chris? You bringing the Soulstorm?

Christine: I'll be fine. I don't need any weapons.

Brigh: *starts to laugh* HA! Ash, your wife is braver then you!

Soulfire: *strapped to the bike* Or smarter.

Ash: Shut up. Ok, Chris, let's go.

*Ash gets on the bike and Christine gets on behind him. He hums the engine and then takes off down the ramp and off the road*

Erik: *appearing from the shadows* And what makes you so confident that you'll win?

Brigh: The fact that they've never been exposed to this level of human decadence. It should flatten them like a runaway train.

*Cut to Ash and Christine as they drive down a desert road. Camera pans onto Ash's face as his eyes widen slightly*

Ash: We're here.


A neon sign that flashes:

Hiker/Trucker bar, Dusk till Dawn"

Underneath the joint's proud name on the sign, and on top of "Biker/Trucker bar, Dusk till Dawn" is a well-endowed woman, whose breast is being twisted by a neon hand.

The neon sign sits on top of the rudest, sleaziest, most crab-infested, strip joint, honky-tonk whorehouse in all of this part of the New World.

The Titty Twister is located out in the middle of nowheresville. It sits by itself with nothing around it for miles. A plethora of choppers and eighteen wheelers are parked out in front. The walls almost pulsate from the loud, raunchy music within the structure. Signs cover the walls outside reading things like:


Ash: *As he pulls into the parking lot* Ho-LEE shit.

*In the parking lot, a biker and a truck driver beat the shit out of each other, one with a pipe, the other with a hammer.All the while, a greasy man, known as CHET PUSSY, stands in the parking lot, soliciting customers through a Mr. Microphone.*

Chet: Pussy, pussy, pussy! All pussy must go. At the Titty Twister we're slashing pussy in half! This is a pussy blow out! Make us an offer on our vast selection of pussy! We got white pussy, black pussy, Spanish pussy, yellow pussy, hot pussy, cold pussy, wet pussy, tight pussy, big pussy, bloody pussy, fat pussy, hairy pussy, smelly pussy, velvet pussy, silk pussy, Naugahyde pussy, snappin' pussy, horse pussy, dog pussy, mule pussy, fake pussy! If we don't have it, you don't want it!

Ash: *as he stops the bike after listening to Chet's ranting monologue* Huh. Something for everyone. *glances over his shoulder to Christine, who looks a bit shaken* Okay, Chris, this is the home stretch. Remember the deal; this place closes at dawn. The rest of our friends are gonna meet us here sometime around dawn. Which by my best guess is somewhere between three or four hours from now, considering how late we left, and this being the worst time. So we're gonna go in there, take a seat, have a drink, have a bunch of drinks, actually, and wait for them. But when they gets here, we can leave with them.

Christine: None too soon. I can hold my liquer, but this place......ugh. So many bad things can happen.

Ash: I know honey. But what we've got to do is we've got to adapt a real nice, "I don't fuck with you -- you don't fuck with me" attitude.

Christine: And if someone fucks with us anyway?

Ash: Then we kick their ass, just like any person here would. Surely you can do that?

*Christine relaxes and a wicked look comes over her face*

Christine: Got it. Thanks Ash.

Ash: Okay hard drinker, let's drink hard. I'm buyin'.

*Ash and Christine get off the bike and look across the parking lot at the Titty Twister. It literally looks in some ways like the entrance to hell.*

Ash: *as if seeing the place for the first time* Yikes. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Christine: Shit, I've been on missions with Erik to places that make this bar look like a fucking 4-H club.

Ash: I dunno about that. I been to some fucked up places in my time, but that place is fucked up.

*Christine can't believe it*

Christine: *in a baby talk voice. taking advantage of Ash's seeming earlier confidence* Aww-w, whatsa matter, is the little baby too afraid to go into the big scary bar?

*Ash glares over at Christine*

Ash: That's what you think?

Christine: That's how you're lookin', Ashy

Ash: I'm lookin' scared?

Christine: That's what you look like.

Ash: Oh yeah? Then you know what you look like?

Christine: *falling for it on purpose* No, Ashy, what do I look like?

Ash: You're lookin' green.

*That's not what Christine expected to hear.*

Christine: How?

Ash: You're showing a lot of confidence, and even I think you are actually a biker girl. But you're forgetting where we are. As I said, that's a fuck-with-you-bar. We hang around there for a coupla hours, like we have to, in all likelihood, we'll get fucked with. So make sure your shit's together, Chris.

Christine: Oh don't worry about me Ash. I can take care of myself. My shit is together.

Ash: *in a tone that he's nearly convinced but not fully* It doesn't look together.

Christine: Well, it is. Just because I'm confident doesn't mean I've gone on vacation. I know where we are and what could happen. But my shit is forever together.

*Ash looks convinced*

Ash: Okay, just checkin'.

*Chet Pussy goes off on another rant*

Chet: *yelling into the microphone* Take advantage of our penny pussy sale! Buy any piece of pussy at our regular price, you get another piece of pussy, of equal or lesser value, for a penny. Now try and beat pussy for a penny! If you can find cheaper pussy anywhere, fuck it! *Looks over to Christine across the parking lot* What's this? A new flavor approaching. Apple Pie Pussy!

Ash: How true. *Christine slaps him* Ow!

Christine: You shut up!

Ash: Geez, you really are a biker chick......eh?

*A fight has broken out on the doorstep where Chet Pussy was doing his shilling as two men confront him over something.. One man grabs hold of Chet's finger as he sticks it in the man's chest and bends it backwards until the bone snaps in two. Chet screams and the man suddenly and violently brings his head forward, which pulverizes Chet's nose. Chet falls to his knees in front of the man and he smashes Chet with a powerful hook under the chin which snaps Chet's head back and throws him on his back. To add insult to injury, the first man kicks him in the face savagely, rolling him over onto his face. The two men give each other a high-five and teh second man throws a few cheap kicks at Chet before going inside with his friend. This two people are the GECKO BROTHERS, who were the movie's original heros, but in this adaption, they have been reduced to minor characters*

Ash: Well. His shit is definately together.

Christine: No shit, Sherlock. Let's go in.

*Ash removes the Soulfire from the bike*

Ash: Now don't you dare talk. We want it to seem like we're a normal biker couple. Now me carrying a sword may not seem unusual in this day and age, but if it talks, it will. So stay silent!

Soulfire: Man, I always end up the third wheel........

*The couple walks across the parking lot and up the stairs. Ash pauses to check on Chet, who just moans. Ash shrugs and goes in.

Cut to the inside. If the Titty Twister looked like the asshole of the world from the outside, in the immortal words of Al Jolson, "You ain't seen nothin' yet." This is the kind of place where they sweep up the teeth and hose down the blood and the beer at closing.

In the back, topless dancers do lap dances with customers, while a sleazy, yet sexy stripper strips to raunchy music, played at eardrum-bursting level. Two men are in a savage bare knuckle fight, surrounded by screaming customers of bikers and truckers.

One of the dancers is a man with a saddle on his back, his name is Danny the Wonder Pony. The woman on his back, in the saddle, feet in the stirrups, hands on the reins, is Athena, his rider. They dance around to the cheers of the crowd.

Bikers and truckers play pool in the back. Fights break out here about one every ten minutes. The customers may start 'em, but the bouncer, BIG EMILIO, ends 'em.

Ash and Christine walk through the door. They each individually take in the sights and the smells. Ash slips into a tough guy personality, hands his sword to a nearby bouncer, and as he looks on, is the first to say something.*

Ash: *sarcastically* Now this is my kinda place! I could become a regular.

*The man behind the bar is RAZOR CHARLIE. He eyes the group as they approach. Their difference from the usual road waif nomads who populate the Twister disturbs him. He exchanges a knowing look across the room with Big Emilio, as the couple bellies up to the bar.*

Ash: Whiskey!

Razor Charlie: You can't come in here.

Ash: Whatdya mean?

Razor Charlie: This is a private club. You're not welcome.

Ash: Are you tellin' me I'm not good enough to drink here?

Razor Charlie: This bar is for bikers and truckers only. *points his finger at Ash* You, get out!

*Big Emilio almost magically appears behind Ash and places his big sausage-fingered hand hard on Ash's shoulder.*

Big Emilio: Walk, Pendaho.

*Ash slowly turns his eyes to the big hand on his shoulder*

Ash: *low* Take your hand off me.

Big Emilio: I'm going to count to three.

Ash: No, I'm going to count to three.

Big Emilio: Uno...

Ash: Two..

*Christine intercedes herself between the two men*

Christine: Hold on you two dickheads. You said this bar is for truckers and bikers. We're both bikers.

*Everyone looks at Christine*

Christine: *to Razor Charlie* Now, if you look outside your door you'll see a bike out among many others. That's ours. And if you want I will walk you out to that bike, and I will ride it all over that parking lot, and if I can't, I promise I will ride your damn dick like I say I can ride bikes for failing to prove we're bikers, capise?

*Everybody's a little stunned after Christine's speech.

Razor Charlie looks at the two and smiles.*

Razor Charlie: *to Christine* Welcome to the Titty Twister. What can I get you?

*Ash brushes off Big Emilio's hand*

Ash: Bottle of whiskey and two glasses.

*Razor Charlie's eyes go to Ash. Even though he has a big smile on his face, he looks like he's going to kill Ash. But instead he just says,*

Razor Charlie: Coming right up.

*Razor Charlie goes for the bottle. Big Emilio gives the couple one last look and walks away. Ash puts his arm around Christine. Razor Charlie brings the bottle and the glasses. Ash looks at the guy*

Ash: You serve food, Jose?

Razor Charlie: Best in Mexico, or whatever this place is fucking called now.

Ash: I kinda doubt that. We're grabbin' a table, send over a waitress to take our order.

*Ash and Christine walk away. We just hang on the evil wheels turning inside of Razor Charlie's head. The two of them move across the floor to a table. As they walk, Christine attracts stares, wolf whistles and rude comments from some of the patrons. Christine acts in respective, flirting with some and threatening others The dancers do their sexy routines. A big-chested, wild-haired blonde catches Ash's eye. She winks at him. Christine leans over and whispers in Ash's ear.*

Christine: If you even think of asking for a lap dance, I will cut your damn dick off.

*Cut back to Big Emilio and Razor Charlie, as they quietly exchange words about the couple*

Razor Charlie: They're not the normal road trash we normally feed on. But it'll be okay. No one knows they're here.

Big Emilio: I don't know. They looks strangely familar......

*The couple find a table and sit down. To their surprise, a older man and a younger man turn towards him. Apparently this is their table*

Ash: Oh, sorry. Is this table taken?

Older Man: No, it's fine. You can sit here.

*The group exchanges introductions. The older man is JACOB, a preacher, and the younger man is SCOTT, his son. Although Ash does not realize it, they are hostages of the Gecko Brothers, as in the film. In this version however, Jacob's daughter, Kate, is not here. Let's just say the Gecko brothers murdered her, and the Gecko brothers are off on another table enjoying themselves. Why are you looking me like that? This is MY version of From Dusk Till Dawn! I can change it any damn way I please! Stop looking at me like that! I said, stop it! Oh hell with it, back to the story!*

Ash: Well, nice to meetcha. *pops the whiskey* Chris?

Christine: Of course. *is poured whiskey*

Ash: Who else?

Jacob: Pass.

Ash: *jokingly trying to pick a fight* Why not, against your religion? *he has noticed Jacob's cross*

Jacob: *won't be baited* No, I do drink, I'm just not drinking now.

Ash: *confused as why he's in a bar yet not drinking* Suit yourself, more for me. *to Scott* Scotty?

Scott: Okay, I'll have one.

Jacob: No you won't.

*Ash pours Scott a shot.*

Ash: Sorry, Pops, but we're in a bar, and I'm drinkin' and I don't like drinkin' alone. Bottoms up, boy.

*Scott takes the drink and he experiences a non-drinker's tremor. Christine, having downed hers with no effort, snickers at him in a good-natured way.

Ash turns to Christine*

Ash: How about you, cutie pie? Ready for round two?

Christine: You betcha, lover.

*They both knock back another shot*

Jacob: Wait a minute. Ash, Christine, lover.......now I know why you two seemed familar. You're that Legacy couple.

*Ash looks annoyed, and sighs as Christine gives him a "Busted" look*

Ash: Yeah, we are. But don't tell anyone. We're just a biker couple, a badass and his slut *Christine glares at him* metaphorically speaking, of course. We don't want anyone else knowing who we really are. Then again, you seem like the smartest person here, so I shouldn't worry.

Jacob: Why are you in a place like this?

Ash: We're on a dare.

Jacob: *incredulous* A DARE?

Ash: Yeah, a dare. Why are you in here? This doesn't seem like a place for a preacher and a young kid.

*Jacob explains to Ash. Ash gets angry*

Ash: Huh. Well don't worry, Jacob. You claim they aren't leaving until dawn. That's when we're leaving. We'll deal with them for you. *leans back in his chair, drinks some whiskey, stews*

Jacob: Why are you so agitated?

Ash: Well, along with this, I'm still pissed about that ape *jerks a finger at Big Emilio* laying his hands on me. And that fuckin' bartender sticks a weed up my ass, too.

Jacob: Hey, I saw that. He backed down.

Ash: Yeah, maybe, but the way he's smilin' at us. Behind his smile, he's sayin', "Fuck you Jack." I hear that loud and clear.

Jacob: What are you going to do?

Ash: *picking up the whiskey bottle* I'm gonna just sit here and drain this bottle. And when I've drunk the last drop, if I still feel then, the way I feel now, I'm gonna take this bottle and break it over his melon head.

Christine: Hey, Ash, before we stepped in here, you told me to be cool. That means you, too.

Ash: *trying to make an excuse* I never said do what I do, I said do what I say.......

Jacob: *looking a bit ticked* Look, buddy, I don't know you, but I know of you. Are you so much a fucking loser, you can't tell when you've won?

*Christine and Scott both turn to Jacob. Nobody can believe what he just said. Neither can Ash who calmly lays down his drinking glass.*

Ash: What did you call me?

Jacob: Nothing. I didn't make a statement. I asked a question. Would you like me to ask it again? Very well. Are you such a loser you can't tell when you've won? *pause, as Ash looks on* You, going beyond all odds, defeated an omnipotent being that desired to destroy all life on earth, whom had destroyed everything that had been sent to stop him without lifting a finger. You killed him. And pardon me for saying this, but you are sitting next to one of the most incredible pieces of ass any man will ever see in his life. Every man in this building is drooling over the concept of spreading her legs and fucking her brains out. But no man will ever get to do that. She would kill them first. But she loves you, and she'll do it willingly for you and love it as much as I've heard she loves you. You have power, money, fame, and love. What more do you want to prove? That means on a stupid dare too. You're a winner, Ash. You've won. You should enjoy it rather then endlessly proving you deserve it.

*Ash looks at Jacob, then picks up the bottle*

Ash: Jacob, I want you to have a drink with me. I insist.

*Jacob slides his empty glass over to Ash. Ash pours booze in Jacob's glass and his own. Both men pick up the glasses.*

Ash: To your family.

Jacob: To yours.

*They both knock 'em back and slap the empty glasses down.*

Christine: Well Ash, is your shit together?

Ash: Forever together, m'lady.



Seth, one of the Gecko brothers, is sitting at the table he has with his brother. He's playing a guitar he got from somewhere, singing Mexican songs. Some bikers, truckers, and whores have gathered around his table. Everyone's groovin'. Seth finishes the song. Everybody applauds. Ash and co watch from their table.

Razor Charlie behind the bar grabs the greasy microphone that he uses to announce dancers.*

Razor Charlie: And now for your viewing pleasure. The Mistress of the Macabre. The Epitome of Evil. The most sinister woman to dance on the face of the earth. Lowly dogs, get on your knees, bow your heads and worship at the feet of SANTANICO PANDEMONIUM!

Ash: No thanks, I'll pass.

*The lights go down low, a light hits the stage, and the opening notes of the Coaster's "Down in Mexico" fills the room.

The crowd hushes up.

And on the stage steps SANTANICO PANDEMONIUM.

This Mexican goddess is beautiful, but not the beauty that Stendhal described in "As the Promise of Happiness," but the beauty of the siren who lures men to their doom.

She dances to the raunchy music, not like she owned the stage, but like she owned the world. And if the patrons of the Titty Twister are her world, the world is proud to be her possession.

All activity in the bar, save Santanico, stops. Even the Ash and co table seems to falls under her spell, especially Scott. Seth, at his table, knows this song and accompanies from the table with the guitar.

When the music builds to its explosive section. Santanico leaps from the stage, landing in the middle of the room. She does an eyes-closed voodoo dance in perfect step with the beat.

As the music continues to play, a very fucked-up looking Chet Pussy walks in. He goes over to Razor Charlie and points at Seth's table, describing what happened. Santanico has aquired a snake from somewhere and uses it in her act for a bit, eventually discarding it.

As the last verse plays, Santanico, like a snake heself, comes up from the ground, on top of the Gecko table. Richard, the other brother, is enraptured. Santanico scans the table, zeroing in on Richard. She stands over him. While moving her body to the music, she lifts up a whisky bottle from the table, and pours the whiskey down her leg. She lifts up her foot, with the whiskey dripping from her toes, and sticks it in Richard's face.*

Santanico: Drink up.

*Richard, mesmerized, sucks the whiskey off her toes. The crowd goes wild. Santanico smiles, master of all she surveys.

Scott has a confused look on his face

Seth laughs out loud a Mexican "yi yi yiii" laugh, keeping the beat with his guitar.*

Ash: Well. There's a man of strange tastes.

*Across the room, Razor Charlie, Chet by his side, motions over Big Emilio. He begins explaining with pointing what Seth and company did to Chet.

Richard continues to suck Santanico's toes. Christine looks slighty disgusted

The song ends, Santanico extracts her foot from Richard's mouth. The crowd applauds, except for the people at Ash's table. Richard's brother, Seth, applauds the loudest.*

Seth: Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Now that's what I call a fuckin' show!

*One of Santanico's flunkies brings the naked woman a robe, which she puts on. Richard, still in a daze, looks up at his new friend.*

Seth: *snapping his fingers* Earth to Richie. Don't you wanna ask your new friend to join us?

Richard: Yeah.

Seth: Well, then ask her, dumb ass.

Richard: *looking up at Santanico* Por favor, Senorita. Would you care to join us?

Santanico: *to Richard* Muy bien, gracias.

*Santanico sits down next to Richard. Seth pours her a drink. Ash and co look on at this little exchange*

Jacob: That is one fucked up man.

Ash: Different strokes for different folks, preacher man.

Christine: Hey, aren't those the two guys who beat up that poor shiller?

Jacob: Those are the Gecko brothers.

Ash: THOSE are the people we have to take out? No problem.

*Jacob notices Razor Charlie, Big Emilio and Chet moving rapidly towards the Gecko's table.*

Jacob: You may not need to. Oh, shit.......

Uh oh. Looks like trouble. You're not gonna chicken out now are you? Click here and read on.