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 Loving Dolphins!
Sunset Dolphins
 Places to swim with Dolphins 
   Bottlenose Dolphin video clips - sounds and more! 
  Dolphins and Man.....Equals? 
   Dolphin Ecosse dolphin boat trips, Cromarty, Scotland 
  My Globe chat profile!

Lots of Software! 

 Brookside - Uk Soap
 Eastenders - Uk Soap 
  Hotmail - free e-mail
  Information about Oxfordshire/Uk
Cookie Recipes
Foghorn online cookbook- some pictures
   Kochen & Geniessen Magazine - German Recipes - lots of pictures!
Biggest German cookbook online
  The pink Dolphin!
  The amazon river dolphins or botos are born grey and become pinker with age
      They have a long powerful beak, small eyes and are slow swimmers. When excited, they will flush
      to a bright pink temporarily. They are unique among dolphins for having molar-like teeth and can
      chew their prey. Also another uniqueness is they have small hairs on their rostrum which remain
       throughout their life. Another interesting habit is they rest on the bottom of the river.They are
      quite solitary animals, and are found in the main rivers of the amazon and orinoco river systems of
      tropical South America. They inhabit muddy stagnant water, and during flooding will move onto
      the flooded forests leaving them at risk of stranding. They are however extremely flexible so they
       can weave through the obstacles of trees as they search for their prey.They are a completely
        freshwater species, never venturing into salt water.Their habitat is threatened by pollution,
      damming, boat traffic, and by man through directly killing them for food or sport or destruction  of Their habitat. 
 The great Dolphin!
 Laughing Dolphin!
 World of Dolphins!
Did you know? 
  • To breathe when Dolphins are asleep, female dolphins lie on the water's surface with their blowholes exposed to the air; males sleep just below the surface and rise to breathe periodically as a reflex action
  • Dolphins can live up to 50 years.
  • Dolphins can grow up to 13 feet in length.
  • Dolphins can weigh up to 450 pounds.
  • Dolphins can stay submerged for up to 15 minutes.
  • Dolphin clicks are short pulses of 300 sounds per second.
  • Dolphins can dive to 1000 feet.
  • Dolphins can swim substained speeds of 20 mph...burst speeds of over 25 mph.
 Beach Dolphin!
The Dolphin!
 the cute Dolphin!
Did you know 2 ?
Swimming and Diving:
 Dolphins can swim at speeds up to 25 mph.
 Dolphins can dive as deep as 650 feet.
 The dolphins shape is sleek and hydrodynamic, making it move smoothly through the water.
 The dolphin sheds it outer layer of skin about every two hours. 
 Dolphins breathe through a blowhole located on top of the head not through the mouth.
 Dolphins exchange 90% of air (humans only 15%). They use oxygen more efficiently.
 Normal respiration is 1-6 breaths per minute. Dolphins can hold their breathe for an average of
 5-8 minutes. 
 Dolphins can sleep in a semi-alert state by taking catnaps
 Dolphins sleep resting one side of the brain at a time.
Dolphin mum!
 Social Behavior
Pod: the social group to which a dolphin belongs.
 Maternity Pod: mature females and their young.
 Juvenile Pod: branches off from the maternity pod; can be both sexes.
 Male pod: mature males, frequently visit females, but do not stay.
 Dolphins do not mate for life.
 Dolphins mate for pleasure as well as reproduction.
 There seems to be no specific mating season.
Social Hierarchy:
 The dominant dolphin leads the pod.
 Dominance is established among the males in a series of behaviors such as tail slapping.
Dolphins at play:
 Dolphins love to ride the bow wake of boats.
 Dolphins love to body surf on waves.
 Dolphins love to breach or jump out of the water.
 Dolphins chase each other, tossing objects such as sea weed.
 Raking each other with their teeth is considered a playful show of affection.
Care of others and protection:
 Dolphins will aid sick or injured dolphins.
 Dolphins work together in a time of danger.
 Mature dolphins will expose themselves to danger to protect the young.
 Dolphins have been known to stay with family and friends that become trapped in nets.
Birth and care of the young:
 The gestation period of a dolphin is 11 to 13 months.
 Dolphins often assist each other with the birth and rearing of a calf. 
 Dolphins are about 3 feet long at birth and weigh about 30-40 pounds. Dolphins are born with hair
 on the Rostrum but it falls out soon after birth. Calves are darker in color.
 Calves nurse every 20 minutes, 24 hours a day. They have a gap in their front teeth to make
 nursing easier. 
 Calves swim in the Echelon position. This means they swim on the side to the rear of the mother.
 This allows for easy access for nursing as well as making it easier to swim in the mother's wake.
Communication and Echolocation (Dolphin Sonar):
  Dolphins manipulate air sacks and the blowhole to produce of variety of clicks, squeaks, and
  whistles both in and out of the water. These sounds may vary in frequency, pattern, volume and
  duration. They are used for communication, navigation and hunting.
  Dolphins all have their own signature whistle.
  Dolphins use echolocation to find things in the water. Sounds are produced in the melon. Sound
  waves bounce off of objects and return as an echo received through the jaw. This information is
  then transferred to the brain. Dolphins can tell a lot about an object through echolocation such as
  size, shape, distance, speed, density, direction and internal structure of the object. 
  Burst pulses are barks, chirps or pops that dolphins make when they are frightened or angry.
  Dolphins are able to stun fish and prey with very high frequency pulses of sound. 
How long do Dolphins live?:
  Dolphins live into their 40's.
  Dolphins natural predators are killer whales and sharks.
  Sadly, dolphins most dangerous enemies are humans. We create pollution that poisons their water
  and kill many dolphins in Gillnets, drift nets, and with fishing line. Humans have depleted the
  dolphins food source by overfishing the waters.
 Black & White Dolphins!
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pretty Dolphin

Swimming Dolphin