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Stormy's Transformers FanFic

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Welcome to the Transformers FanFic archive, including G1, Beast Wars, and Beast Machines. Beneath the list of stories and stories in progress, you will find links to all the completed fics as well as a website directory.

Stories are listed in approximate chronological order save for FORGE.

Most of these stories stand alone, meaning you don't need to read them in order to understand them; however, if you read them all, you'll see the links between them... Certain characters and ideas are from the works of Cavalier, used with permission; a link to her fics can be found at the bottom of the page.

Fics are PG rated unless otherwise noted.



1. Darkness Visible: posted * Four sections

Before the Ark's crash on earth, Megatron makes a deal with the stealth hunter Ritterkreuz--but Ritter's goals are different from those of the other Decepticons.

2. All Friends and Kingdom Come: Posted * In two sections

A look at Ritter's origin, from Ritter's point of view, as the dark hunter struggles to decipher the riddle of his own existence.

3. Star Cruiser: posted * One section

In a rundown bar on the wrong side of the universe, a young Decepticon lives a life of hardship and misery--until one night, a yellow Seeker walks in and changes his life...

4. Cruising Me: posted * Two sections

Epilogue to STAR CRUISER for Mature Readers Only, taking Tempest and Harrier's relationship to a new level...

5. Keep On Trucking planning stages

Down on his luck, ex-Autobot cargo hauler Deuce makes a deal with two Decepticons--Tempest and Harrier--and finds a new purpose in life.

6. A World of Second Chances Planning stages

Alone in the rough world of the Spaceways, two young Cybertronians join together to survive. But the harsh realities of life put a strain on friendship...and years later, two former friends meet again, and neither Tempest nor Nova is as the other remembers...

7. The Price of Forever planning stages

On 1987 Earth, Starscream makes a decision that will change his existence forever...and the Autobots come face to face with a long-lost medic from the First Great War, with no memory of how he survived... Follows DARKNESS VISIBLE and ALL FRIENDS.

7. Redux (working title) planning stages

Three Autobots--Kilairian medic Macroburst, bounty hunter Valediction, and Val's sister Nova--go hunting a warlord known only as "The Storm" and come upon a horrifying surprise...

8. In the Blueprints, In the Blood: posted * Two sections

Stormrave, the Commander of Autobot Sky Patrol, has always been a solitary and defensive individual--but when she's wounded in battle, a young medic stumbles across her darkest secret.

9. Blue Max Trilogy in progress

Badly wounded in a crash, Ritterkreuz calls in a favour and finds himself reincarnate in the shell of an Autobot child, "Blue Max." Now the Mighty Death is loose in Autobot City, the ghost of Starscream wants Ritter's old body, the Quintessons are on the warpath, and worst of all--Blue Max is taking on a personality all his own...

10. The Last Kilairian: posted * Six sections

Stormrave receives a head injury in battle and is rescued by her long lost sister a Decepticon unit commander. Now Stormrave's loyalties are torn in two and the ghosts of her past are back to haunt her...

8. Pledge of Allegiance: planning stages

Stormrave must make her final choice between Tempest's Phoenix Corps and Autobot Sky Patrol.

9. The Gates of Hell: posted * Three sections

Fifty years in the future, Autobots and Decepticons unite to fight the Quintessons, who want Cybertron back! During a battle, a ship of Cybertronians crash on the dead world of Tartarus, catapulting Tempest into the heart of her worst nightmare... Told from two points of view: Decepticon leader Tempest and Auotbot gunner Cavalier.

9. Wasted Years * Nearing completion

Tempest and Harrier try to deal with the aftermath of their sojourn on Tartarus, and for a brief moment they think they've found happiness...Tempest, with the help of Decepticon engineer Albacore, and Harrier in the ancient city-state of Valckasta, at Thunderwing's court.

9. Tempest-Toss'd: in progress

After the Quintesson Occupation is over, it seems that All Are One...but one Decepticon's code cannot allow that...and even Tempest cannot begin to imagine the price she will have to pay...

10. Poison Wind's Lament: posted * One section

A short hint of the future (shades into Beast Wars). Tempest tries to deal with the aftermath of her Rebellion.

11. Forge for a Blade: posted EDITED VERSION

For those convinced that Tempest was born evil, think again...This is the event that changed a quiet little Kilairian into a future warlord. Rated R for implied brutality--and this is the edited version. EMail Me if you wish to see the complete version (over 18 only).


1. Silver Future: posted * Three sections

Harrier, Duke of Decepticons, finds himself alive in a Maximal shell...and haunted by dreams of a mysterious lady in yellow and blue. Meanwhile, Pantera's worst enemy isn't quite dead yet... Rated PG-13 for violence and innuendo.

2. Drives Your Machine: posted *Two sections

For those who REALLY want to know what went on "behind the scenes" in SILVER FUTURE. Rated R, mature readers only.

3. Prophecy: in progress

During the Age of Autobots, Ritterkreuz gives a warning of the future yet to come...then, in the Beast Wars, Rattrap and Rampage face the fury of a younger Ritterkreuz, and only Depth Charge and Pantera can stop him.

4. Distractions: complete * available by email only

Mostly gratutitous smut set during SILVER FUTURE, where Pantera attempts to distract Harrier from his recollections of his former life.


1. Extreme Prejudice: in progress

Megatron builds Vehicon Generals and Captains to lead his forces...but one of his captains develops a mind of her own, and now, Vehicon Captain Stormrave is on her own on a hostile world.

2. Sympathy for the Devil: posted

Starscream, reformatted as a Maximal, strikes out on his own and runs into someone who seems like a kindred spirit. He must decide between love and revenge...

3. Out of Phase: planning stages

Even Megatron's virus cannot shut down Ironhorse and the Decepticon Matrix; instead, Ironhorse is rebooted. Now, both Maximals and Vehicons are the Mighty Death's prey--and meanwhile, Megatron has copied the horse's phase-shifters in the hopes of building a stealth warrior of his own.

4. White Flags: posted * Five sections

Crippled, alone, and hunted by the Vehicon Lancer, Samiel is on the brink of insanity. Is there any redemption for an old soldier?

5. Total Surrender: EMAIL ONLY

A sequel to WHITE FLAGS MUCH detail...Samiel and Harrier's romantic encounter. Mature Readers Only may email me for the fic.

6. Pickles and Avgas! posted * One section

A short, silly fic set well after the end of Beast Machines, dealing with the amusing side-effects of techno-organic reproduction.

7. Burning Ice in progress

An alt universe version of SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL, where Starscream and Samiel's relationship turns out much differently...

G1 Fanfics

Darkness Visible
Star Cruiser
Cruising Me
In the Blueprints, In the Blood
The Last Kilairian
The Gates of Hell
Poison Wind's Lament
Forge for a Blade
All Friends and Kingdom Come, Part 1
All Friends and Kingdom Come, Part 2

Beast Wars and Beast Machines Fanfics

Beast Wars--Silver Future
Beast Machines--White Flags
Beast Machines--Pickles and Avgas
Beast Wars--Drives Your Machine!
Beast Machines--Sympathy for the Devil


Decepticon Squadron
Autobot Sky Patrol
Bird-Dog's Domain (Beast Wars)
Vehicon Hangar (Beast Machines)
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