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Sometimes angels leave this world early so that we can feel what they mean to us and think about what they stand for and stood for in life.

In Memory Of Joshua Reed

This page is dedicated to the memory of our son, Joshua Reed who left us too soon on March 7th, 1994. He is sadly missed and never forgotten. During Joshua's short time on earth, he touched many hearts and continues to do so as his memory lives on in the hearts and minds of so many people who love him. We will rock him in the cradle of our hearts forever.

Alive In Our Hearts

The best and most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen or even touched.
They must be felt with the heart.

Helen Keller

Rainbows, Stars, and Butterflies

He means so much to all of usPerhaps it was the sunshine or it may have been the rain, that let me find a place I'd lost when hate I had gained. I searched among forgotten dreams then paused with a sigh, for on a nearby cloud I found "Rainbows happen when angels cry".

Questions I began to find, and answers for each one. What is the source of butterflies, the rising of the sun? "The sun comes up when angels laugh" was written on the moon, and "Butterflies are angel smiles" was on a flower's bloom. Snowflakes I found with a teddy bear, a friend of many years. Snowflakes", he said with shining eyes, "are happy angel tears". "Break an angel's heart, a star goes out" hung from a cruel thorn. By first love's light, in letters bright "when it mends, a star is born". As I left that place a kindly voice whispered from above, "There is a thing you can do which exceeds these wonders grand." Then two words sweet, in letters neat appeared in the sand........ "People Love".

Sometimes angels leave this world early so that we can feel what they mean to us and think about what they stand for and stood for in life.

His Spirit Soars On High

A Few Words About Angels

  • To angels all roads lead to Heaven.

  • Angels reveal the beauty in all things.

  • Angels never give up, they just let go.

  • An angel's hidden agenda is love.

  • An angel's love is weightless.

  • An angel's art is in his heart.

  • Angels accomplish the "impossible".

  • An angel will never leave you... in spirit

  • Special Links

    M.I.S.S. ~ Mothers in Support & Sympathy
    Pen Parents, Inc.
    The Grey Area
    Ethans House
    MEND ~ Mommies Enduring Neonatal Death

    Goodnight Mommy, I love you
    Dearest Mommy,

    When you wonder the meaning of life and love, know that I am with you. Close your eyes and feel me kissing you in the gentle breeze across your cheek.

    When you begin to doubt that you shall ever see me again quiet your mind and hear me. I am in the whisper of the heavens, speaking of your love

    When you lose your identity, when you question who you are and where you are going, open your heart and see me. I am the twinkle in the stars smiling down upon you lighting the path for your journey

    When you awaken each morning not remembering your dreams but feeling content and serene, know that I was with you filling your night with thoughts of me

    When you linger in the remnant pain, wholeness seeming so unfamiliar, Think of me. Know that I am with you, touching you through the shared tears of a gentle friend. Easing the pain

    As the sunrise illuminates the desert sky, in that breathtaking brilliance, awaken your spirit. Think of our time together, all too brief, but ever brilliant. When you were certain of us, together, when you were certain of your destiny. Know that God created that moment in time, just for us. I am with you always.

    Dear Cheyenne © 1996 revised 1998 by Joanne Cacciatore All Rights Reserved.
    Reprinted with the permission of MISS, In memory of Cheyenne

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    E Mail Joshua's Mommy

    Heaven's Babies

    Happy Birthday Little Man, We Love You!Dear Joshua,

    We have re-designed your webpage for your 5th Birthday as our little way of showing you and your Mommy and Daddy how much we miss you. We know that you and Kaleigh play in heaven together and that comforts us. You are a precious little boy with many people who miss you dearly. One day when we meet in heaven, you are going to get a face full of kisses! Much love to you Joshua and don't worry about Mommy. We'll take good care of her!


    I would like to thank everyone who has honored my son Joshua's webpage with their beautiful awards. It means a great deal to me that you would find Joshua's webpage as special as I do! It was a very emotional time making this webpage for my angel, but after receiving these awards, it has helped me to find peace in my heart again. I am still looking for that rainbow in the sky! I know someday I will find it!

    My Joshua is just a precious thought away and that's what keeps me going. Again thank you all. Your awards do mean everything to me!

    SWEET AWARD   TGA Angel Award

    Strength In Adversity  


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