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Wroclaw, Poland

Welcome to PolandGenWeb Wroclaw Province #47

Breslau, Prussia

Breslau is the name of an area that belonged to them empire of Prussia until WWII. Today Breslau is called
Wroclaw and is included in Polish territories. I am hosting this page, on behalf of Poland Gen Web,
because my family originate from this area and I am doing a great deal of research. If I can help other people,
who are also researching this area, then my main goal has been achieved. My name is Elly Krieg
and I will be your host for the duration of your visit to this page.

The purpose of this page is to provide genealogy links that may assist you to find those missing relatives
that were born in Breslau. Hopefully this page will also give you an insight into the history and culture
of this beautiful area of Poland. If you know of links that are not included in this page, please let me
know so that I can include them. The more information I can get, the better equipped this page
will be to help people to trace those elusive relatives that have, somehow, disappeared
over the years. This is definitely a work in progress.

Surname Queries for Breslau (Wroclaw) Poland

Rootsweb Surname Query

Lots'a Links

Useful Addresses that you can write to for information

Click Here to Access Online Genealogy Resources

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last updated 6 July, 2001