Where is ?
and other true type fonts used here. Times new roman is there too.
Maybe you could not notice but without the noun fonts, some strings maybe have appeared dizzy in tabulation :)
Quais são as fontes true type usadas aqui.
Há a times new roman,
que por ser muito difundida, não foi incluída no link, mas está lá também na mesma
Talvez você não tenha notado, mas sem as referidas fontes, algumas linhas poderiam parecer esquisitas na tabulação.
Courier news true type font
Only for Brazilian National Long Calls you must place a number
between code 0 and code 11. It is a new rule that has begun at 03th 07 1999 for
all Brazilian National Calls.
For example:
Call from Rio de Janeiro to Sao Paulo is:
After 05.27.2000 is (0 21 11)3832 6867
Call from Santos to Sao Paulo maybe else:
After 05.27.2000 is (0 15 11)3832 6867
where 21 is the code for the Embratel Services
and 15 is the code for Telefonica Services.
If you are calling outside Brazil Country then the number is on:
Last update - Atualizado 01:15 a.m. gmt -3 27/09/2002
quarta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2002 03:43:24 gmt -3 summertime
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