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Stick Figure Death Theatre

    Welcome to Core's Stick Figure Death Theatre. New movies appear approximately "whenever I feel like it." Over time I hope to have many original movies made. If you think that the text goes by too fast please send your complaints to my new toll number at 1-800-I-GIVA-RATSASS these calls will cost approximately $300 dollars every 7 seconds. connection fees "may" apply in your area. For those of you who have called the number your requests have been taken into mind and now there is a new Stick Figure Death Theatre Scripts section. Happy now? . . . bunch o' ingrates!

The Movies

ballflash.gif (1653 bytes)The Arrow By Erekose Madigan ballflash.gif (1653 bytes)Doomsday By Erekose Madigan
ballflash.gif (1653 bytes)Organized Crime By Erekose Madigan
ballflash.gif (1653 bytes)Alien Disarming By Erekose Madigan
ballflash.gif (1653 bytes)BEEs By Mike Moragne ballflash.gif (1653 bytes)Smartness By Mike Moragne
ballflash.gif (1653 bytes)Episode 2 - The Bees Strike Back  By Mike Moragne


electblu.gif (13113 bytes)Stick Figure Death Theatre Scriptselectblu.gif (13113 bytes)


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