Big Lie Presents:

I Won't Back Down

Cosmic's List Of

Liberal Inconsistencies

Liberalism: The Ideology of Mediocrity, demands we lower standards instead of rewarding excellence. They demonstrate this with eased requirements for women in the military, test score skewing for minority college enrollment, grades given to kids and competition squashed for self-esteem's sake, and wealth redistribution schemes. With their emotions pulling the train instead of their logic, they generally show the failings of our propagandistic educational system by holding seemingly contradictory opinions on similar subjects. Here are a few of these I've noticed:

1.) Liberals want to save the whales and baby seals, think "meat is murder", want to ban guns on the pretense of protecting our kids, find the death penalty too cruel for convicted murderers, but children in the womb are fair game.

2.) Liberals believe women should have the right to choose to kill their children, but not to choose what school they'll go to if they survive the womb!

3.) To liberals, anything counts as free speech (including flag burning, kiddie-porn, and government-funded crucifixes in urine), unless it's not "politically correct", or is Christian in a public context. In the case of anti-abortion sentiment, bubble zones and the R.I.C.O. act are wheeled into play to crush political speech that doesn't conform to their ideology.

4.) Pro-life advocates who try to decry the slaughter of innocents are accused by liberals of inciting violence toward abortionists with inflammatory speech when they call killing what it is, yet insinuate that Republicans want to starve everyone's kids, rape the environment, and throw everyone's granny out in the street (actually SNUFFING kids/the elderly via abortion/euthanasia is A-OKAY with liberals, though)! They try to paint conservatives up as cross-burning, misogynist, bigoted Nazis...And they have the nerve to call US mean-spirited!

5.) According to Bill Clinton and the other liberals, talk radio (i.e. Rush Limbaugh) and anti-government extremist right-wing rhetoric was responsible for Timothy McVeigh's bombing in Oklahoma City. Meanwhile, Al Gore's book, Earth In The Balance, and The Unabomber's Manifesto read like they were written by the same Gaea-worshipping moron. To liberals, though, as their loveable-if-stiff liberal tree-hugging Vice President, Al's allowed to be an extremist (what would you call advocating the elimination of the internal combustion engine?), and Ted Kaczynski's just a misunderstood genius gone bad (The liberal media never made much of the fact that they found a copy of Al's book in his cabin).

6.) Any mention of Jesus is taboo in public schools because of supposed "separation of church and state" (The First Amendment to our Constitution actually says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"), yet all manner of pagan mythology is promoted in the name of multiculturalism. Secular humanism, itself a religion, reigns supreme, many teachers indoctrinating students into the liberal orthodoxy instead of educating them.

7.) Many liberals are tolerant of any and all trendy pseudo-spiritual drivel, but revile Christianity which they vehemently accuse of intolerance.

8.) Any criticism of gays, blacks, Jews, and other protected groups is greeted with howls of protest, yet bigotry against Christians is not only tolerated, but applauded.

9.) N.O.W. liberals on Clarence Thomas/Bill Clinton...'Nuff said!

10.) Liberals in general on the impeachment of Richard Nixon/Bill Clinton...'Nuff said again!

11.) Compare liberal lionization of John Dean with their vilification of Linda Tripp...'Nuff said yet again!

12.) According to liberals, we have a "Living Constitution" that means whatever activist judges say it means, except when it comes to the impeachment of Bill Clinton...Then they become strict constructionists to the point of simple mindedness over the phrase "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" (Misdemeanors covers all his bad behavior, but: Isn't perjury basically an attempt to influence the outcome of a trial on the same level as bribery? Wouldn't the attempt to provide a job to buy a bimbo's silence/favorable testimony in court be considered bribery?!? Selling missile technology and nuclear secrets to Communist China for campaign cash [30 pieces of silver] sounds a lot like treason to me!).

13.) When they found out that Richard Nixon had written up a crude "enemies list", the press and other liberals went into convulsions...Fast-forward to the present. Bill Clinton and his cronies acquire and study over 900 raw F.B.I. files on prominent Republicans (They'd only gotten up to "h" in the alphabetical order), call it a bureaucratic "snafu" (as if gross incompetence, negligence, and stupidity weren't bad enough), and the same liberals in the press and elsewhere yawn and make excuses for it. Talk about straining at a gnat but swallowing a camel!

14.) More camel swallowing: There were 18&1/2 minutes missing from the White House tapes made famous during the Watergate affair, and many speculated as to what had been there, surely something incriminating to Richard Nixon. A huge chunk of Clinton White House e-mail messages relating to the Monica Lewinsky matter and other Clinton scandals was "accidentally" deleted. Al Gore, under investigation for campaign finance abuses, is missing a year's worth of subpoenaed e-mails, and nobody blinks. Employees of Northrop Grumman, the company working on the current White House occupants' computer system have even testified before congress that they were threatened with losing their jobs and going to jail if they told anyone about the missing e-mails. Of course there were more yawns and excuses from the hypocritical liberal press.

15.) Bill Clinton says it's okay to kill babies when they're all out of the womb but their head (He's consistently vetoed a ban on "partial-birth" abortion, a gruesome procedure wherein a baby is pulled out feet first, and before he/she is clear out of the womb, a pair of scissors is jammed into the base of their skull and his/her brains are sucked out to collapse the li'l head before full removal), yet every federal measure he and the other liberals want to shove down our throats is supposed to be "for the children".

16.) Compare the media's treatment of Dan Quayle with their willful ignorance of Al Gore's many blunders and stupidities! He had so many he gets his own page...Click here where it says: Tree-stump !!!

17.) Dick Armey caused quite a stir in the liberal press when he slipped and referred to Barney Frank as "Barney Fag", yet in a speech condemning Armey as a bigot for his innocent (if understandable) mistake, James Carville inadvertantly called Representative Frank "Barney Fife"! He had the audacity to excuse his error by proclaiming it happened because he was president of the "Andy Griffith" fan club, and continued his attack on Armey with nary a peep from the press.

18.) Martin Luther King said in his "I have a dream" speech that he wanted his descendants to be judged by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin, yet liberals attempt to portray anyone opposed to affirmative action as racist bigots. Liberals are plainly the ones insinuating that blacks and other minorities can't cut it on the basis of their own individual merit...If I was black, I'd be insulted!

19.) Barry Lynn, Executive Director of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State (In the context of the letter it was written in, Thomas Jefferson's comment about a "wall of separation between church and state" was meant to re-assure someone that government couldn't influence religion, not the other way around), in a recent television debate over creationism being taught along with evolution in schools, pooh-poohed Jerry Falwell's suggestion that kids be allowed to make up their own minds on the matter, having been given ALL the facts. Barry and his ilk are the same ones who push situational ethics (letting the children decide for themselves what's right or wrong) as a viable alternative to Judeo-Christian moral instruction in public schools.

20.) I'd almost forgotten this one until Orin Hatch reminded me of it when he was on C-SPAN the other day: Before he was elected, because he was against school vouchers, the NEA (National Education Association) had its nose so far up Bill Clinton's butt it had to know whether he wore boxers or briefs, but as soon as he was elected he (along with Al Gore and other rich liberals) sent his kid to Sidwell Friends, a trendy private school. Listening to the educational establishment doing logical contortions to explain and excuse why he was justified in sending his daughter to the school of his choice while opposing a measure that would allow the poor to do the same was hilarious! There were security concerns, they opined. Amy Carter (noted even then for her nuclear weapons policy expertise...Hahaha!!!) went to a public school. If the public schools are so great, what's the problem? I guess those kids are on their own...At least Chelsea would have had the Secret Service to protect her! Also, I'm still puzzling over why the teaching establishment wasn't insulted when Bill Clinton revealed his plan to send volunteers into the school to teach kids to read because they hadn't been doing this job to begin with, but no, they approved whole heartedly.

21.) Rosie O'Donnell, liberal hypocrite and major gun control advocate, has been very vocal in her desire to disarm the rest of us, yet has hired a body guard (he's recently applied for a permit to carry a GUN!!!) to protect HER brat. She's not the only enemy of the second amendment sporting a double standard: Many, including Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, columnist Carl Rowen, President Clinton, and Vice-President Al Gore (among others) push gun control measures for the rest of us, yet have guns, body guards with guns, or secret service agents with guns to protect themselves and their families. These elitists, and others like them, wear their "superiority" like a badge, demanding that the people do as they SAY, not as they DO!

22.) It should be obvious that a person doesn't have to subscribe to every single one of an organization's tenets in order to reasonably be allowed to speak to them as a group, but as far as the media goes, it depends on if one is a liberal or a conservative. George W. Bush got whipped up one side and down the other by the "nattering nabobs of negativism" for speaking at Bob Jones University because of some of its policies concerning inter-racial dating and some of its teachings about Roman Catholicism, though many politicians have spoken there over the years. They insinuated that somehow George W. was a racist, anti-Catholic bigot for giving a speech there, or for not railing at them for their ideas at least! Al Gore hardly got the same treatment when he spoke at an Orthodox synagogue in New York during the primary season. Men and boys were the only ones allowed inside to listen to him...The women and girls had to stand outside in the cold. Nobody tried to tar Al as a sexist pig, and rightly so. He was respecting the traditions of his audience (whether he, personally, agreed with them or not) while still trying to reach out to them. It's a shame that George W. wasn't afforded the same understanding.

23.) During the Republican primary debates, George W. Bush named Jesus Christ as his biggest influence in political philosophy. Liberals/media pundits clenched like a collective sphincter, screaming as usual that religion is a private matter and has no business in politics. Beyond expressing cynicism that his spontaneous comment was meant for political gain, they worried that because George W. was one of those intolerant Christians who had the audacity to publicly proclaim his faith, his administration would be "exclusive" toward those of other religions. In their minds, if he had his way we'd be a THEOCRACY!

Many of those same twits who fretted over Bush's faith now have nothing but glowing praise for Al Gore's (who also claims to be born-again) vice-presidential running mate, Joe Lieberman, an orthodox Jew. In his planned remarks in almost every speech he's given since Gore picked him, the mention of God is given a prominent place. I applaud him for that, but no cynical consideration is given by the liberal press that part of the reason for this is to cover the sins of Gore and the corrupt Clinton administration. In fact, the hideous insinuation has been made that anyone who DOESN'T vote for the Gore/Lieberman ticket is an anti-Semite! In one of his columns, David Limbaugh says that he used to think that liberal hatred of the "religious right" was another example of anti-Christian intolerance, but that now he has to wonder if it's not born more out of their fear of conservatism in general. He's partly correct.

Apart from the political meaning of the words, there are liberal and conservative forms of religion. Liberal theologians subscribe to "the higher criticism" favored by the intellectual elite, which claims that the Bible is full of mistakes and can be deconstructed like any other form of literature because it was written by fallible men. They preach a social, works-based, politically-correct gospel that is "inclusive", and offensive to no one, making no special claims for Christianity because there are supposedly many paths to enlightenment (Many intellectuals go the extra mile and become Unitarians). Most mainline denominations have gone this ecumenical route. Before quitting the Presbyterian church (for its hierarchy's "pro-choice" stance among other reasons [the laymen's group and D. James Kennedy are more conservative, theologically]...I now attend a fundamentalist, independent Baptist church...Click here where it says JESUS to check out the web site I'm building for them), I vividly remember a couple of seminary students from the local college teaching our Sunday school class that Jesus was just a good teacher, and that the Bible was only a book that contained some good rules to live by. Political liberals have no problem with this type of religion because it places no demands on anybody and doesn't get in the way of them reshaping society in their image. Joe Lieberman's view of religion, for example, allows him to vote against a ban on partial-birth abortion and for special rights for homosexuals.

On the other hand, conservative theologians practice orthodox Christianity, which teaches that the Bible is the inerrant word of God, and that Jesus Christ is the ONLY name under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved. It teaches that since ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God, the only means of salvation from a literal hell is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. It teaches that He is God incarnate, that He died on the cross in our place if we receive Him, shedding His blood for the remission of our sin (the wages of which are death), and that He rose from the dead the third day, making Him the Lord of the Resurrection for them that believe. The "religious left" are generally leftist in their politics, too, and are tolerated by political liberals because they "know their place". What scares and irritates political liberals is that religiously conservative Christians stand firm in the word of God and their belief, allowing themselves to be informed by Jesus in their political stances on public policy. This is what threatens the liberals' anything-goes, "inclusive", morally-relative view of reality, and flies in the face of those that say, "If it feels good, DO it!" Though like righteous Lot residing in Sodom, in all churches and in all political parties there are godly, saved men, no matter how screwed up the organization they belong to might be, many born-again believers naturally gravitate towards conservative politics. Mainly, I'd dare to hypothesize, it's because they understand that this country was founded on the idea of freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion, the true freedom to do what one ought, and the preservation of our constitutional republic is the best way for the cause of Christ to flourish. As a general rule, one can still talk about God all day long in this country and nobody gets offended until the name of Jesus is mentioned (He told us He'd be a polarizing figure. After all, He expects us to exhibit a free will, actually taking responsibility to accept and trust Him for the free gift of eternal life PERSONALLY).

If you're on the right track, you'll be takin' some flack..."The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth. The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming." It's the certainty that conservative, evangelical/fundamentalist Christians have of the deity of Christ that raises the liberal's hackles most, and accounts for this particular liberal double standard. They hate us because they hated Jesus Christ first!

Scripture referred to in Lib. Inc. #23: Rom.3:23, Rom. 6:23, 2Tim. 3:16, John 8:58, Heb. 9:22, Acts 4:12, John 14:6, John 3:36, Psalm 37:12,13, Luke 12:51-53, Rev. 3:20, John 15:18.

24.) On the campaign trail, George W. Bush was accidentally caught on an open microphone commenting privately to his running mate, Dick Cheney, about what a "major-league a**hole" New York Times reporter Adam Clymer is. Of the incident, CBS liberal Bryant Gumbel said "Bush may have taken yet another step backwards by sticking his foot in his mouth with a vulgar comment." He could probably still taste his OWN toes as he said this, because two months previously, Bryant was caught on-camera after an interview, when he thought he was off the air, calling Bob Knight (his conservative guest) a "f*cking idiot".

25.) Conservative candidates for president must disavow having a "litmus test" when considering nominees for the Supreme Court (We mustn't lose the "constitutional right" to kill babies, you know). Liberal candidates are not only permitted, but expected to have a "litmus test" for abortion on demand, allowing gays in the military, affirmative action, and any other kind of rot that one of them might find "growing" on our constitution (See the 2000 Bush/Gore debates).

26.) When former House Speaker Newt Gingrich got a 4 million dollar advance for a book deal, David Bonior and other liberals went spastic over it until he gave it up...New Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton gets an advance on a book for over twice that amount, with not a word of protest from any of the liberals that rode Newt for the same thing.

27.) With a straight face, many of the same liberals that opposed the confirmation of black Justice Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court oppose the confirmation of John Ashcroft as Attorney General, and accuse him of being a racist for opposing the confirmation of black judge Ronnie White during his tenure in the Senate (even though he voted to confirm 26 of Clinton's other black judicial nominees).

28.) Though receiving a minority of the popular vote, George W. Bush became president thanks to the wisdom of our founding fathers in setting up the electoral college (thus proving the system works!). Because this country is a constitutional republic, as opposed to a true democracy, in assuming the presidency he was perfectly within the law and boundaries laid out in our founding document for the filling of that office. In spite of this fact, Democrats insist on considering him to be an illegitimate president. Katherine Harris was excoriated for fulfilling the duties of her office according to Florida statutes. Liberals praise the Supreme Court of Florida (or as Ann Coulter abbreviates it, SCOFLA) for substituting its own proclamations for the constitution and statutes of Florida, yet claim the Supreme Court of the United States GAVE George W. the election because a majority of the justices tried to rule according to law and the U.S. Constitution (for a change) in stopping the multitudinous Florida recount attempts. Legitimacy is conferred on Tom Daschle, however, although his majority leader status in the Senate is due to one liberal turn-coat Republican's (Jeffords) defection to Democratic party ranks (and good riddance).

29.) Liberals are tying themselves up in knots over the question of racial profiling after the 9/11/01 terrorist actions. Kwesi Mfume made comments indicating that, as it pertained to those folks of a Middle Eastern/Muslim persuasion, maybe racial profiling wasn't such a bad thing! Liberal commentator Juan Williams took some heat from other liberals when he said that while he was on an airline flight, someone who looked like they were from the Arabic nations sat down next to him, and it made him feel a little bit nervous. On a recent news program, young black males appeared on-camera to feel that additional scrutiny of Mideastern people is justified because of the race of the terrorists, but when it was pointed out to them that they were advocating racial profiling, they continued to insist that, though young black males commit most of the domestic crimes in this country as per their percentage of the general population, when it happened that in part they themselves were stopped by police for fitting that profile, it was racist. In spite of themselves, liberals, black and white, are being forced to demonstrate their double-standards and convoluted thinking patterns.

On the Hannity and Colmes show (Fox News Network..."We report, you decide!") Ann Coulter made the valid point that, concerning the 9/11 attack, "it was not staged by the Swedish Bikini Team". She's also pointed out that a majority of the serial killers in this country tend to be Ted Bundy wonderbread types, and wonders: When faced with that type of crime, does it make the FBI racist if it looks for a suspect that fits that profile?! I'm not advocating that anyone be harassed or harmed strictly because of their race (Isn't it a shame that I have to bother to state that explicitly?), but if because of the actions of others of their race they must endure a little bit of extra consideration when police are looking for the guilty, too bad. When attempting to identify anyone, is it wise to ignore such a major, distinguishing characteristic as race, or are we to be blind to it? In a way, this is like not bothering to mention that the person responsible for the rash of thefts at local piercing parlors is thought to have a tattoo of a spider web covering his face (Did I perhaps hear a cop making this same analogy on another program?)! When evil men, whatever their race, are contained or eradicated, everyone of all races benefits.

30.) Liberals and many otherwise pro-life Republicans are for "therapeutic cloning" which is basically a process of creating a human life (It's so much easier to weasel around this fact if we call it a "blastocyst"), then killing it so it may be used for spare parts ("stem cells", etc.), yet are aghast at the thought of allowing what is basically a late-born twin ("reproductive cloning") to come to term. Many are simply dishonest in the words they use, and in how they frame their arguments, staking out a political position they think will be popularly pleasing to their base constituents. Some are just misguided, led by their heart without thinking the thing through to its logical conclusion. I am personally against proceeding with both forms of cloning for a variety of reasons (In reproductive cloning, how many human "mistakes" are going to die before they ever get it right, for example, beyond the notion of scientists playing God?). What being for the one (therapeutic cloning) yet against the other (reproductive cloning) boils down to, however, is compassion for some (those with Parkinson's and other degenerative diseases), and a total lack thereof for others (the human lives started then taken in the name of this so-called compassion).

Entire written contents copyright© 2001 by Ed DeVore

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