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This is the main webpage for "Deconstruction: The Meredith Brooks Mailing List". This mailing list is not operated by Meredith Brooks, her management company, or by Capitol Records. It is purely a fan-based discussion mailing list. This list is hosted on a good, solid, Majordomo server. I've run another mailing list on this same server for a year and a half, and have never been disappointed in the mechanics of the mailing list.

The Deconstruction mailing list is a discussion mailing list. That means it depends on you the reader. Without readers/subscribers sending in posts to the list, there's nothing to read. There have been other Meredith Brooks mailing lists in the past. They have fallen to the wayside due to lack of posts and mechanical failure on the part of the list server itself. I was on that list, and sad to see it sink. I wanted to start one for Meredith at that time, but wanted more experience running a mailing list under my belt first. I feel I have that now.

Understand that I do not know Meredith, nor do I have any way of getting in touch with her. I'd like to, but I don't at present.

So with that in mind, here's how to sign up.

There's two versions of this mailing list. Regular and Digest format. Let's say for argument sake, that 20 people post to the list in one day. On the regular list, you'll receive each of those 20 emails as soon as they're sent to the mailing list. If you're on the Digest version, you'll receive them all in one big email at 6am the following day. You still get ALL the posts to the list, but you get them all at once the following day.

Mailing list traffic varies depending on the subject being discussed.

Send a message to:

with: subscribe
as the message.

To unsubscribe send mail to the same address, but put unsubscribe as the message.

If you prefer to recieve the digested version (all the emails put into one large email per day)

Send a message to:

with: subscribe
as the message.

To unsubscribe send mail to the same address, but put unsubscribe as the message.

That's all there is to it! You will receive an email back asking if it's really something you want to do. Just hit 'reply' and send it back. This is a safeguard so that no one can subscribe you or anyone else who doesn't want to be on the list.

Looking forward to meeting you on the list!!

If needed, you may contact me at