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  THE DOORS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE on paper existed from 1983 till 2000, after Ray Manzarek himself had asked me to start a fanclub. Since then, the fanclub was still going strong, and used to be the oldest DOORS FAN CLUB in the world. And it was the only one with a nicely printed 48-64 page magazine, which was entirely devoted to Jim Morrison and The Doors.

I had regular personal contacts to the three remaining Doors, Ray Manzarek, Robby Krieger and John Densmore, their management and their friends, including Frank Lisciandro, Jerry Hopkins, Henry Diltz and others. Personal friends of Jim Morrison, including his dear wife Patricia Kennealy-Morrison, contributed to this fanzine.

Robby Krieger: "THE DOORS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE is an important source for my research. I enjoy each issue."

Each magazine came with a big-sized free poster or other supplements in each issue, usually had 4 color pages, contains news about the band, superrare, never-before-published photos, reprints of original articles from the Sixties, many rare documents, stories, features, reports, handwritings and memorabilia.

THE DOORS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE used to be published once or twice a year, but at the moment there is no paper version anymore. Collectors of Doors' memorabilia should know that each issue gave you information and reviews of records and books which are hard to get in most parts of the world. Check the link showing you the backissues, some of them are still available.

This is just to let you know what was published in some of the previous issues:

  • My exclusive interviews with Robby Krieger and Ray Manzarek
  • A long interview with Patricia Kennealy-Morrison
  • Exclusive tourist guides for Doors/Morrison fans to L.A., Paris and San Francisco including all addresses
  • Reviews of the latest bootleg CDs and LPs, official releases, books and radio shows
  • The original Jim Morrison Miami bail bond
  • The complete transcript of The Doors' Miami concert
  • Jim's birth certificate
  • Some songs in his own handwriting
  • Interviews with friends who knew him
  • Countless rare and exclusive photos, many of them in color
  • Exclusive reprints of Doors' concert posters
  • The truth about Jim's "Quiet Days In Paris"
  • The Miami testimonies of all four Doors
  • A report about Jim Morrison's last recording session in Paris plus the transcript of the session...

So - you were interested in joining the club in order to receive four issues of THE DOORS QUARTERLY MAGAZINE? Unfortunately, we cannot accept any subscriptions anymore. Still I am busy working on a book containing every article ever published in previous DQs from 1 to 38, including comments..

Would you like to get more info via snail mail when that book is out? Send an International Response Coupon (available at your post office) to the address below. Deutsche Fans bitte 0,55 Euro in Briefmarken mitschicken. Or send me an email. Hope to hear from you soon!



"The Doors Quarterly Magazine"
Muendelheimer Str. 91
D-47829 Krefeld