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Usher on Moesha

If you've missed any of Usher's appearance on Moesha, then you've come to the right place to get the 411.

Usher playsJeremy, "iron man" ,who is a football star, and honor student.

Here is a brief portrayal of what happened on his first appearance

Moesha are assigned to so a project together. It took a while for them to finally go on a date together, but Moesha, being assertive, blurted out that they should go out on a date, and he decided the time and place. They went to an Usher concert, and then they went to Moesha's favorite hangout. Jeremy started frontin'........saying answers to impress people instead of being himself...which Moesha did not like. Because of this, she slammed door in his face. He later returned, lip synching " You Make Me Wanna" and she forgave him.

--------The second appearance---------

Jeremy and Moesha's love for one another is put to the test. At the Kenny Latimore concert, Moesha realizes that she still has feelings for Quinton. When Moesha and Jeremy were seated at the same table as Quinton and his girlfriend(the girl from "In The House", there is much tension, and they can't keep their eyes off each other.

(On Moesha's stoop) Jeremy tells Moesha, that he knows that she still has feelings for Quinton. Jeremy told Moesha that she has to sort out her feeings, or they will have to cease their relationship.

(At the restaurant) Moesha and Quinton decide to go out on a date. On the date, they remember why they broke up. Moesha is too nosy. Quinton is too controling. They realize that they should date....but not each other.

---------------------- Was my re-enactment unclear? Please e-mail me, if you would like me to modify this re-enactment
