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My Favorites Pages!

Places On My Page!

Chat Room Schedule!
The Chatroom! (check schedule if I'm not there)
My Animorphs Page!
My Games Page (It's DEFINITLY not finished)
Ads and Other Page Links!

The Favorites Page Home! Web Site Garage

I'm glad you came here. It's about time! I spent plenty of my time on here, and you should feel sorry for not coming sooner! Just kidding! I hope you DO enjoy my page. I've done a bunch of work on these pages, not so much this one. ***Remember! This is a USER supported page! ANY ideas, no matter how dumb, SEND them with that neat little thingy that says! You can suggest a new column, or just add to the Things I Hate List!
Go to my Games Page!

This Week's Peeves!
