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Flamenco Dancing

Flamenco was originally adopted from the Moors and the Arabs in ancient times by the gypsies dwelling in Andalucia, Spain. It is an individualistic, yet structured folk art that became notorious throughout Spain before it spread throughout the rest of the world. Flamenco dancing is not only an art with history and tradition behind it, but it is a passion. Originally the gypsies expressed their desire for recognition and freedom through the dramatic, technical footwork, intricate guitar playing, and sorrowfully sung music. Today the rest of the world but mainly the Spaniards use Flamenco dancing in weddings, festivals, and ceremonies. The gypsies believe the idea behind Flamenco dancing has been long diminished. However, they still dance religiously to keep the history alive. There are two styles of Flamenco dancing: the "jondo," which is profound and serious. It was typically danced to express the cry of the oppressed people for so many centuries. The second is the "chico," which is a happy, light, and humorous dance. Flamenco dancing, unlike other disciplined European dance forms, flows by natural feelings. The source of Flamenco dancing is in the music and footwork. Complex rhythmic patterns are created by sophisticated footwork techniques to create the beautiful looking dance. The Flamenco dancer wears special shoes or boots with dozens of nails driven into the soles and heels. Women usually wear long cost- umes with frills, and display elegant arm and hand movements.Flamenco dancing is one of the greatest inventions of the Spanish people. They have used the Flamenco dance for nearly two hundred years as a symbol of their heritage, passion, and traditions of their culture. The gypsies say, however, it is their dance and is still practiced by them today. They claim it is of their nature and in their blood.

Here are the links to my other web pages :

Composer Website

Folk Instrument Website

Flamenco Links

Introduction to Flamenco Dancing
History of Flamenco
Flamenco costumes
Flamenco guitar
Flamenco snapshots
Flamenco dancing
Flamenco facts and information
Flamenco dancers
Flamenco passion
