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Jennie’s Filmography
Complete with airdates, summaries, my ratings, and a few added comments from me!
TELLING YOU- There is not a lot of information on this film. It never made it out to theatres where I live. It stars Jennifer Love Hewitt, Peter Facinelli, and Dash Mihok. Some guys work in a pizza shop. I don't know much at all on this. Jennie plays Amber
Brothers in Arms- This feature film completed filming in December. I do not know very much except it was filmed on location in Ireland, and was directed by James Broland. It is about the I.R.A. It should be out this summer sometime. I’ll update you when I hear anything about it!
90210- OK, like who dosen’t know Jennie is on 90210! Well for those people who have been in hibernation for the last decade, I’ll inform you a little. Jennie plays Kelly Taylor. When the show first started Kelly was politly speaking a party girl who was rich snobby and a bitch. But, over the years as Jennie puts it “ A lot of Jennie has seeped over into Kelly” which would explain why she overcame all that and is sweet and caring now! 90210 is most noted for it’s unique way of confronting issues. Jennie got to showcase her acting abilities in confronting many issues: dealing with her cocane addicted mother, her absintee father, her “bad girl” image, her self concinese of her looks, date rape, her own cocain addiction, dealinf with AIDS, pregnancy, abortion, and miscarriages. By being on 90210 Jennie is noticed world-wide by her exquiste acting abilities, which has enabled her to expand into movies.
A Loss of Innocence 9-29-96 ABC
This movie takes place in the 1920’s in Utah. Jennie plays Chelencia Bowen. Chelencia is a Mormon and loves to play the piano. She is engaged to this one guy and everything is good until his half-brother comes to town. Now this half brother is pretty cute ( Rob Estes) and just happens to be this like famous piano player and he was performing in New York. Now Chelencia is facinated that this guy was in New York (nobody ever leaves there town) He starts to give her piano lessons and they start to fall in love with each other! Chelencia is torn between her finace’ and his brother. She decides to get married to her fiance’ and the get married. But she still has feeling for piano boy! Then all three brothers go hunting (the 3rd brother hates piano boy and seems to me like he has the hots for Chelencia) Piano boy accidently shoots the brother that is married and he dies! So then you think that him and Chelencia are going to hook up! Nope 3rd brother shoots him as he is w3alking to her house! Boy after reading that over I can see it is confusing! So this movie looks really dumb, but it isn’t! It is really good it has so many twists and turns. I must give you a tear jerking warning if you are a sucker for love stories, break out the Kleenx’s your going to need them! Jennie does a facinating job, and she has said that this was her favorite movie that she has made! My Rating * * * 1/2
An Unfinished Affair- 5-5-96 ABC
This movie takes place in what looks to be Arizona. Jennie plays a smart kind of pschyo named Shelis Hart. Shelia is this art student and she is involved with her married professor. They both think his wife is dying and are planning to be together after she dies (I think) Then he finds out his wife’s Cancer up and healed ( it’s a miracle) Miss Shelia is not to happy about this, since he his going back to his wife! “ I waisted a year of my life for that bitch to die” beautiful OK, so here is when we find out she is a little pycho/spurned. She keeps this silk screen he gave her (it’s really valuable) Then Shelia find the perfect way to get back at Alex ( that’s the professor) she decides to start to date his son Rick. Rick ( who is very very HOT!) is pretty guilable and falls for Shelia right away. Alex tries everything to break the two up. At last he finnaly comes clean to his wife, but not before lots of action takes place! This movie was really action-packed! It kept you interest throughout the whole thing! Never once was there a dull moment! Jennie once again displayed yet another dimension of her acting ability! Another plus is the good acting by both Tim Matheson (Alex) and Peter Faciunelli (Rick). -----WARNING----- Lots of hysterical dialogue between Shelia and Alex -----Also Jennie is an Excutive Producer----- My Rating * * * *
Power 98- 9-21-96 HBO
This movie stars Jason Gedric and Eric Roberts (Carlin) as two radio disk jockeys. There show at first is very “Howard Stern” like. Then Carlin decides that he has a better idea, “My Best Crime” as a topic. It turns out Carlin is the caller who commits all teh crimes, he then tries to frame Jason Gedric’s charactor. Jennie plays a lawyer just out of law school and living with Jason Gedrick. She is a minor charactor she probably has 15 minutes of lines. This movie has a great plot, very 90’s style. The parts inbetween that fill the plot are not so great! It is hard to stay focussed! Other then that it was a good movie! -----WARNING----- Naked Sex Scene ( Jason Gedric and some other chick) just fast foward!!!! My Rating * * 1/2
Falling For You- 2-21-95 CBS
This movie takes place in New York, Jennie plays Meg Crane. Meg starts dating this guy (Costas Mandylor). He turn out to be a serial killer who preys on blond women in high rise aprtments ( he pushes them out of their apartment) Meg and him become close he tosses her out the window, but oops she survives. Unfortunatly Meg has amnesia and dosen’t remember anything, at first. Then Costas decides to finish the job. He starts to get involved with her again, since she dosen’t remember a thing she dosen’t know he is the serial killer. After a while she remembers that he is the serial killer, but she dosen’t tell the police because a cop killed her mom. He tries to again, but she ends up finishing him off. This movie was pretty good! Once again great acting on Jennie’s part! Costas did pretty well too! -----WARNING----- Jennie is listed as Creative Producer My Rating * * *
Without Concent- 10-16-94 ABC
This movie has Jennie playing Laura Mills. Laura has recently broken up with her football star boyfriend, and her grades have been dropping. Both her family and teachers arew worried because her brother went down the same path and dropped out of achool. One night she is making out with some guy when her parents come home and catch them, they freak out, so Laura goes home with her boyfriend. He wants action and she wants a friend so she leaves after a while of arguing and drinking. On the way home she gets into a car accident and she was found drunk. Her parents decide to put her in a pychiartic hospital. In this hospital there is much abuse both verbal and physcical. She tries to escape and tell her parents what goes on in there, her mother dosen’t believe her and sends her back. Eventually she gets out! This movie exposes the harmful abuse and fraud that occurrs in these types of facilities. It was very interesting, tear jerking, and emotional. -----Warning----- Jennie is listed as an Executive Producer My Rating * * * *
Lies Of The Heart: The Story Of Laurie Kellog 1-31-94 ABC
This is sort of a biography of Laurie Kellog. It is based on a true story. Jennie plays Laurie. It tells the story of Laurie being charged with the murder of Bruce, which is shown in flashbacks of her memory. Laurie falls in love with the way older Bruce Kellog. Bruce buys Laurie from her father for five hundred dollars. During their marriage he abused her emotionally, physcially, and sexually. Laurie finds out that her friends know all about Bruce. Then her and a group of friends go up to the moutains and Bruce gets shot by one of her friends. The courtroom scenes are very exquiste. Laurie is found guilty. -----WARNING----- Jennie is an Excutive Producer, also a tear jerker warning at the end when Laurie is in jail and reading to her son! My Rating * * * *
Star- 9-20-93 NBC
This movie is base on the book by Danielle Steele. Jennie plays Crystal Wyatt. Thing start to change for Crystal after she shoots her brother-in-law that tries to rape her. She then decides to move to Las Vegas to become a singer. There she hits it big with the help of her manager. Her manger wants Crystal more then just on a professional leval. She has an on again off again love affair with a guy she met back home. And when she gets acused of murdering her manager he comes to bail her out. She thinks that they are going to get back together but he goes back to his wife. Meanwhiule she decides to go back home. Five years later he leaves his wife and goes to see Crystal, who now has his son. They live happily ever after! This is an exciting love story! My Rating * * *

