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Led Zeppelin MP3's!!

Alright, Im gonna make a decent effort to get this site back. So if you have any web space.. Please hook me up with some. Thanks! And Finally, if you have aol and want to chill with me and my mp3 group.. Ill be hangin out at Coven .

Please note, you should hold "shift" while clicking on the desired mp3.

report a broken link, and please dont reuqest yet, im getting this site back.

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DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for what you download here. Yes, all of these songs are copyrighted so you must delete within 24 hours of use. MP3's are for evaluation purposes only. Now, that the bs is done. Enjoy!

*- Please not that the beginning of these songs sound nothing like the original, they will progress and you will see the change into the song. ANd sorry about some of the mp3's that are not fully up, as my connection was cut short, it caused the mp3 to be cut short, so dont mail me telling me this. Thanks. Also, these songs have no lyrics, note "symphonic". Thanks for your time and you hope you enjoy this Web Page.

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