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The character of a school is the quality of the finished pupil it produces. De La Salle College, Ballyshannon is a boy's secondary school, where the very name evokes all that is best in education. The College has a long history of achieving excellence. We believe that a school is a place to learn but in order to learn a pupil must have the proper environment, the proper motivation and the proper instructors. We supply those. A healthy body begets a healthy mind and in our school we believe in the full development of a human being. Achievement in academic subjects is matched by excellence on the football field.

Our staff, through many years, has acquired a wealth of experience in pastoral care, the impact of knowledge to pupils and the pursuance of the highest level of achievement suitable to each pupils needs. Our staff are very much part of the forward thinking technology demanded from to-day's educators.

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Last Modified: June 19 1999.

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