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This Old House...

So. What's the biggest thing you can do to prove you're an adult? NO! Not that. Buy a house. That's right, I bought a house sucka!
I now live in Athens, GA. And here's what it looks like...

The Front
Well, this is what it looks like as you drive up to it. Looks big doesn't it? That's because it is! MMWWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow...

Do you believe this shit?! It snows in Georgia. Who'd a thunk?

Good focus on my camera, huh? I thought so...

The Living Room
This is pretty much what you see when you walk thru the front door. Well, walk in and look slightly left. Well, no. Walk in. Turn left. Spin around twice.
Stop on your left foot (don't forget it!). Now bring it arrrooooouuunnnd town... Oh... sorry. You didn't see that Spongebob? :)

Bare living room.

Clothed living room.

This is the view from the top of the stairs into the living room.

This is the view from the top of the stairs into the living room... with stuff.

Ok, there's three things you have to find in this picture...
#1 Marilyn Monroe #2 The Beatles #3 Bamboo

This is hanging over the guitar. And deservedly so I feel.
(You're liking that, aren't you Tweek? Got it framed and everything bitch!)

This here is hanging behind the couch. A wicked crowded city street (located in the Wicked Crowded City Street section of your local Ikea).

The Kitchen
So here's my kitchen. I painted it yellow to kinda... brighten up the place. I'm not the greatest chef in the world.
My kitchen is really just a place to wash my dishes. But I try anyway...

So I took this picture with the idea to list everything in my kitchen but... yeah. To hell with that. Look at the flipping picture!

Like I said, I painted the kitchen yellow. However, I decided to paint one wall with stripes. But not like circus tent... no.
I made the stripes different sizes. Isn't it just wonderful? Yes, I thought so.
Oh yes... and the cheapest Ikea kitchen table and chairs.

The Master Bedroom
It's pretty much a minimalist bedroom. Not much to it. You'll see...

I've got bamboo blinds. Roman blinds I think they are. Whatever. Also, an Andy Warhol picture from Ikea in between the windows.

I painted the bedroom a dark green. I like it... very warm (color-wise).
On the left there, Pink Floyd's "back" catalogs. Hehe. Get it? 'Cause it's on the women's backs... uummmm... *tap tap* is this thing on?
On the right, a poster for the movie Amelie. It's a good movie, two enthusiastic thumbs up.
That door there leads to the next section...

The Master Bath
Well...this is the Master Bath. Ummm...yeah. It has a tub. To the right there, is the toilet. It's just like a closet.
Very weird and claustrophobic. Must be a southern thing?

Naked bathroom.

A semi-furnished view of the bathroom. And yes, that is a Jimi Hendrix flag in the window. I find it very inspiring. :)

So this is what I'm going to call my "finished bathroom". I took down Jimi and put some frosted tint on the window
(b/c the flipping window is an odd size and I couldnt find blinds or anything for it). I also added some sweet Ikea pictures...
of rocks... with lines on them. Ok, a little weird, I know. You can see more of them below...

This is on the left... kinda leads you into the bathroom. "Come on in." it says.
I can also see it in the mirror when I'm brushing my teeth. Very tranquil.

This is #2 in the series of Rocks with Lines. (Not their official name by the way.)
It's hanging above the bathtub. Again, very tranquil. You can also see the frosted window tint.
I also put some on the window in the guest bathroom so my guests will stop screaming that my neighbors can watch them showering.
They said they didn't care... I don't see what the big deal is people!

Other Views...

The front porch... I can't think of a smartass comment about my front porch so I'm leaving it at that.

This would be the shelving unit built to aid in my illness. Yeah I know, it's not filled. Gimmie time dammit! I'm working on it!

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