---TRAVEL is an activity that became an intregal part of my adult persona as a result of childhood impressions. Does this all sound familiar? The "we are a product of our environment" aficionados would love this; however, looking around at my extended family members, I also could easily detect a touch of genetic-based wanderlust.
---Nevertheless, I began my various treks away from home at an early age as both of my parents were avid explorers who once made it a mission to stay overnight at every state park in the State of Oklahoma no matter how long it took. Actually, if memory serves me right, it was done in only ONE summer! And if that wasn't sufficient exposure to the outside world, I also accompanied them and other members of that extended family to approximately 40 different states before I reached the age of 12.
---Yes, we were a travelin' bunch. My parents were both teachers in Oklahoma City and those summer breaks afforded the perfect opportunity to see and explore the myriad other beautiful sites of this fair country.
---In conjunction with all of this travel, I became very interested in cartography, a passion I hold to this day. I absolutely loved maps-reading them, drawing them, acting as "navigator" on the trips, etc.-and in those days they were (gasp) free! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, there was a time in the history of this fair land when service stations actually provided service and even offered you a free map. Nowadays, I buy topographic, relief and other maps for specific areas and also enjoy a great mapping program on my computer that can even be connected to a GPS setup.
Traveling With Relatives
---Those were really fun days. My grandparents, cousins or some relative would accompany us. Sometimes we'd stay in a motel, sometimes we'd camp out and many times the mid-day meal was on a picnic table in a roadside rest or park. These adventures were not with pitfalls, however. I distinctly remember a nature call where I visited a shallow depression in the ground near the mouth of a culvert somewhere in the staked plains of Texas. During the course of this necessary activity, the distinct sound of shaking rattles echoed from the culvert pipe and I quickly exited the area. As we were spending the night there, Dad quickly dispatched the diamondback with his trusty .22 and we all slept better that evening.
---Just after eighth grade, my family moved to the Central Valley of California and, finding ourselves the only family members not within a couple of hours driving time, we were obligated to make many 1500 mile trips back and forth to Oklahoma in the years that followed. Of course, these jaunts offered numerous opportunities for side trips to various points in Arizona, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico, all possessing unique vistas and areas of interest to explore. When company did come to our home in California, we were so close to Yosemite, Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks that it was simply obligatory that we "show them the sites." I can remember basically memorizing every linear foot of the way between our house and some of the above. The tour guide routine, at times, almost seemed to be extreme. I just hope all those relatives enjoyed the sites. If so, I suppose, it was all worth it.
My Family
---This penchant for wanderlust continued when I had my own family. We lived in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California and the pickup and camper or a weekend in a travel trailer were never far away. Once in Yosemite it was a good thing that the trailer was not "far away" when a bear lumbered into our camp. My wife and one daughter had time to make it to the relative protection of the 13' Field and Stream trailer while I grabbed the baby and just made it into the cab of our trusty Ford F-250. Living so close to many natural wonders was a real bonus as the worst part of vacationing, getting there, took a relatively short time thereby allowing more real vacation time at our destination/campsite.
---Your comments, questions and/or suggestions are always welcome so send me an e-mail at the address listed below. It would be most appreciated. Until then...."happy trails..."
MUSIC -- The Sounds That Soothe The Soul
TRAVEL -- The Lure Of The Open Road
SPORTS -- Dave As Referee/Umpire, Coach and Player
SANTIAM RIVER BAND -- Dave's Band Website
PETUNIA AND ELTON -- Dave's Bygone Buddies
Send E-Mail To Dave:
© 1999--Dave Masonhall