Ancient Whispers Newsletter


The Ancient Whispers Newsletter


Welcome to the Ancient Whispers Newsletter, a multi-cultural newsletter with a little something for everyone of any creed or religion. Here you will find inspiring quotes, irreverent jokes, crafts, and most importantly, historical and/or religious scholarship. Every Wednesday a new edition should appear on this website with reminder emails sent out the night before to those who have opted to join one of the many forums and mailing lists to which I subscribe. If you wish to share this newsletter with others, please keep it intact with the original authors' names on all the articles. Any articles or sections, to which an author or URL is not affixed, were written by Candace (with the exception of the various jokes found herein).

Questions, comments, and topical requests are encouraged and should be posted to the AskCandace open forum at yahoogroups. I'd like to start a help column for the newsletter, so if you'd like to have your problem featured in a newsletter, let me know when you post.

*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~* Index *~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*

Some Sites of Interest
The Grey Company Trebuchet Page
Liber Paganum
Exotic India

This Pagan Week : January
Humor : Slacker Wicca, a short FAQ
Article : The Mysterious Origins of the Guanches
Quote : Jonathan Schattke

Craft of the Week : Gourd Rattles
Humor : Fifty Sure-Fire Ways to tell if your Next Door Neighbor is a Pagan
Who's Who in World Mythology : Aoibheall
Quote : Saul Steinberg
The Magi's Garden : Balm
Poem : Under the Greenwood Tree
Quote : Carl Ally

The Power of Stones : Adularia
Humor : The Perfect High Priestess
A Dreamer's Guide : Habit to Halter
Quote : Carl Yung

Previous Newsletters


Some Sites of Interest
With numerous paranormal links in a variety of categories.

The Grey Company Trebuchet Page
If you’re curious about medieval siege-craft, this is the site for enlightenment. Here you'll find a lot of pictures and a few words about these amazing pieces of "leverage artillery" - strange machines referred to variously as trebuchets, traction trebuchets, perriers, petrarias, war wolves, coulliards, bricoles or even "the witch from whose head the ropes hang like hair".

Liber Paganum
The Liber Paganum is an effort to compile data about all kinds of deities

Exotic India
the Internet's largest Retail Store for Indian Arts and Crafts with an online Bookstore for Indian arts, and a great monthly newsletter.

The Pagan Month of January
can be found in its entirety Here. For more detailed entries, please visit the full calendar. In our modern calendar, January marks the beginning of a New Year with new possibilities. Its guardian, the Roman god Janus, is the two faced divinity of endings and beginnings. He is the male equivalent of a version of Juno in her two faced aspect of Antevorta who looks forward and Postvorta who looks back.

January is Eanáir or am Faoilleach, the 'wolf month', in Ireland, two weeks before the festival of 'La Feile Bride'

The first Full Moon between Yule and the 25th of January is called the Disting Moon.

The first day of the first moon is the Chinese and Vietnamese New Year called Tet Nguyen-Dan in Vietnam.

The seventh day of the first moon is Nanakusa, Festival of the Seven Grasses, in Japan. Young herbs are traditionally powdered into stew.

The 14th through the 19th day of the first moon is the Tibetan Butter Festival, the climax of the New Year celebrations featuring large-scale sculptures made from butter.

The 15th day of the first moon is the Feast of Lanterns in China, the culmination of the New Year's festivals.

The First Monday of January is called Handsel Monday in Scotland.

The first Monday after 12th Night is called Plough Monday. Field workers traditionally returned to work and recieved their pay. Children would handsel for money and treats from the neighbors.

The Norse Midvintersblot, Midwinter's Offering, or the Old English Tiugunde Day ceremony was held 20 days after Yule to honor Tiu, the god of the New Year.

The last Tuesday in January is Up Shally A', a Shetland fire festival culminating in the burning of a Viking ship.

Humor: Slacker Wicca, a short FAQ
by Athenaprime

1) But who are these Slacker Gods?

Ah, sit at my feet, young grasshopper....

You would be referring to the Dude and the Chick. Obtain your first degree in slacker wicca through the sacred sound of Slackerus Male-us: "Duuuuuuuuuuuuude, Duuuuuuuuuude." You must achieve the catatonic harmonic.

If you are familiar with some conventional wicca, you may recognize the following:
"In this night, in this hour, I call upon the ancient powers." Slacker wicca has achieved the sublime advancement to distill these words to their purest and most powerful form: "We're here, man. Let's party!"

If you work slackermagick, or the slackerwicca equivalent of "lettin' sh!t happen, man," nix the "So mote it be" and replace with the slackerwiccan purity of phrase, "Like, whatever, Chicks and Dudes."

If your leanings are towards the philosophical, try the slackerwicca mythos, recited here in the sacred words of one of our First:
"Once upon a time, we were, like, all part of this great big, uh, thing, man. And it was, like, really cool and cosmic. Then this cosmic pizza like, wanted to party, so it made more of itself. But after awhile, these cosmic cops showed up, and like, busted our groove with the burning times. It was, like, major bummer."

And continued in the saga of our own dudes and dudettes:
"But s'cool--we laid low for awhile, and now we're, like, back. The party never stopped, man. In fact, we're partying that same party our ancestors did, 'cause you see, Bonzo's gramma showed us her family secrets on how to party, and she learned how to party from her old lady. And, like, so on and stuff...Okay, I gotta go, man. I'm starvin'..." And thus spake the words of our elders in slackerwicca.

2) Have I been making devotions to Them inadvertently? Or is that the kind of devotion They prefer? The laid-back but dire Loafer-foam-instep, ottoman of Cthulhu?

It depends. Do you have a ritual couch? And a coffee table of sacrifice? Quoth here from the Back-of-an-envelope of Shadows:
"Thy ritual couch must most definitely be plaid in nature, and saggy to the max, otherwise thy offering will be, like, mondo bogus. Thy coffee table must be hideous, and obtained by raiding thy city dump, or thy suburbs on Garbage Day, or thy nearest Yarde Sale. Liquid offerings must be placed in containers on thy coffee table (preferably nowhere near the coasters set out for their purpose), and offered unto the Dude and the Chick with a careless move of a sneakered foot, accompanied by the sacred chant of 'oh, sh!t, man, there goes my drink. Bummer!' to which other followers should reply 'Whatever' or 's'cool, there's more in the fridge.'"

Article : The Mysterious Origins of the Guanches
from Atlantis, the Lost Continent Finally Found Follow this link to read the footnotes and explore more of their site.

Into the West, unknown to man,
Ships have sailed since the world began,
Follow the ships through the wind-blown wrack,
Follow the ships that come not back...
R. E. Howard, The Sword of Conan


The present article should be read in connection with the one entitled "Guanche Language Derived From Dravida?", which also figures in the present Homepage. Both are an abridged version of a far vaster work of ours on the Guanche problem.

The Guanches are the mysterious natives of the Canary Islands. They were just about exterminated by the Spaniards when these invaded the archipelago at the turn of the 15th century. Tall, blond and blue-eyed, the Guanches have long intrigued the anthropologists, for blond natives are rarity. According to the reliable Encyclopaedia Britannica, the Guanches "are thought to have been of Cro-Magnon origin... and had a brown complexion, blue or gray eyes, and blondish hair" (See Fig. 1).

Indeed, the Guanches are deemed to be related to the Berbers of neighboring Morocco, who are, likewise, tall, blond and blue-eyed when unmixed with the Arab majority. Other specialists, however, believe that the Guanches are related to the Celts of Western Europe, the early realm of these races. No matter what, the Guanches represent a unique opportunity of studying the early peoples of this region so intimately connected with Atlantis and the Garden of the Hesperides.

Isolated in their islands, the Guanches were prevented, until the advent of the Spanish, from sexually mingling with other races. So, they preserved their pristine Cro-Magnon genetic traits in a more or less pure fashion until that date. But, as we said, the Guanches were massacred by the Spaniards, and their remainder mingled heavily with the invaders, so that they essentially inexist today. But the blond, blue-eyed, tall stock has been preserved in part, and can still be seen in many individuals. As is known, blond traits are dominated by dark ones, and tend to disappear from the population. But they survive unseen, and may return in certain individuals called "recessives", who combine the proper genes.

Furthermore, the Guanches mummified their dead, and this material can be studied by the researchers, particularly concerning traits such as blood type and racial characteristics. This strange mode of disposing of the dead — which the Guanches shared with the Polynesians, the Egyptians and the Mayas — has been mooted out by several authorities as indicating a close affinity among these distant nations. The Guanches also left some sort of alphabetic inscriptions which have yet to be studied, along with their pottery and peculiar ruins. All in all, the archaeology of this most remarkable people is far from satisfactorily researched.

Many researchers have pointed out the resemblance of the Guanche natives with the Cro-Magnons and, particularly, with Cro-Magnoid types of regions such as those of Muges (Portugal) dating from the Mesolithic (c. 8,000 BC). Similar groups have been noted and studied Portugal, Spain, France, England, Sweden and Northwest Africa, precisely the realm of the Celto-Germanic and the Berber races.

Are the Canaries the Remains of Sunken Atlantis?

Many Atlantologists have proposed that the Canary Islands are the remainder of a sunken Atlantis, being the lofty volcanic peaks left behind when the lost continent foundered. However, the Canary islands rise directly from the deep ocean floor, from a depth of some 3,000 meters below the surface. Indeed, they are a part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, having been formed by submarine volcanoes at the end of the Tertiary Age (circa 2.5 million years ago). Their lavas consist of basalts and trachytes, the typical material of submarine, non-explosive volcanism typical of sea bottoms.

Due to both their age and their origin, the Canarian volcanoes can hardly be invoked to account for the conflagration that wiped Atlantis off the map. Instead, this type of basaltic, submarine volcanism is nowadays perfectly well understood geologically speaking. Such volcanoes result from the upwelling magma that forms the Continental Plates, according to the theory of Plate Tectonics, and are a feature of all oceanic regions of the world. Hence, the claims made by certain Atlantologists such as P. Termier, I. Donnelly, C. Berlitz and many others that the Canaries or the Azores, or the Madeiras are the remains of sunken Atlantis do not hold water at all.

Are the Guanches Atlantean Relicts?

As we said above, though we can be certain that the Canaries, along with the other neighboring Atlantic islands, are not the residues of a sunken continent that foundered in the region, we have yet to explain the mysterious origin of the Guanches. However, where smoke is, there is usually fire, and we cannot simply ignore the recurrent legends that link this people to Atlantis.

But if they are not Atlanteans left behind when their continent sunk, the only possible explanation for the mysterious origin of the Guanches is that they primordially came from somewhere else. But, whence? Certainly not from neighboring Africa, the realm of the Black Man. No serious anthropologist has ever maintained that the blond Aryans originated in Africa itself. The standing proposals for the origin of the Berbers and, possibly, the Guanches themselves, are that they came from Arabia, after crossing the Sahara desert.

But, to start with, no one is sure that the Arabs or, even less, the Aryans, originated in Arabia or Palestine, and their own ethiological legends affirm that they came from beyond the Indian Ocean. Moreover, the Sahara desert poses a formidable barrier ever since the end of the Pleistocene, and it is highly unlikely that it could be crossed by hordes of migrants, unstocked with the food and water required for the task.

The Guanches were held in perfect isolation from Europe and other Old World civilizations until they were discovered by the Portuguese and Spanish at the end of the 15th century. This separation dates from prehistoric times that far predate the ones of Plato and Herodotus, and even those of Homer and Hesiod. So, if Guanche legends indeed relate to Atlantis and its doom, we can be certain that the golden realm was no idle invention of Plato or other Greeks, but originated in a very ancient tradition, dating from the dawn of mankind. This is precisely what we aim to prove in the present work on the origin of the Guanches.

We start by reviewing the ancient traditions linking the Canaries to the Garden of the Hesperides and the Islands of the Blest, and progress into the modern proposals purporting to show that the Canaries and the other neighboring islands are the remains of sunken Atlantis. Finally, we attempt showing their rather direct relationship between the Canaries, Atlantis and the Garden of Eden, the legendary site of the origin of Mankind.

If our conclusions indeed prove to be right and survive the wellcome attack of the critics, the whole of human prehistory will have to undergo a major revision. Hence, the importance of inquiring on the origin of the Guanches and their possible connection with Atlantis. The mysterious Guanches provide the key to the riddles that surround the origin of Mankind, and are the "missing link" connecting the Mediterranean and other neighboring civilizations to the Far Orient and the Indies, the true site of the Garden of the Hesperides. This garden, also known as that of Eden, is the place where Mankind and Civilization indeed developed, according to the holy traditions of many nations, and not only that of the Bible.

Evening Isles Fantastical

Classical writers often mention legendary islands in the Atlantic Ocean in a way that closely evokes the legends of Atlantis. Homer mentions islands like Phaeacia, Scheria and Ogygia. The Argonautica, deemed to be prior to Homer's Odyssey, also speaks of legendary oceanic islands such as Aiaia, Thrinacia and Colchis. More than just delightful novels, these ancient sagas were indeed Sacred History, and were believed to derive from actual fact. The Greco-Roman traditions concerning the fabulous oceanic islands and their golden realms apparently derive from the far earlier ones such as the Epic of Gilgamesh of the Sumero-Babylonians or the Ramayana and the Mahabharata of the Hindus.

Many other classical authors also mention such fantastic islands of the ocean. This ocean the Greeks, ignorant of the other oceans, very naturally identified with what we nowadays call by the name of Atlantic Ocean, that is, "the Ocean of the Atlanteans". But when we read the ancient traditions closer, we notice that the fabulous islands of the Atlanteans were always placed "at the confines of the earth".

Moreover, the ocean in question is invariably described as "winy red" and is placed towards dawn and Orient. In other words, the ocean in question is the Indian Ocean, which the ancients called Erythraean, that is, "Red One". And Atlantis is the same as the Ultima Thule of the ancients, this being the name they gave to the "confines of the earth" which lay towards the Orient, in the Eastern limits of their world, and where they also placed the Pillars of Atlas, the twin and counterpart of the western Pillars of Hercules, in Gibraltar.

The Phoenicians and the Secret Route to the Indies

The traditions concerning the legendary Atlantic Islands (or, rather, "Islands of the Atlanteans") were probably transferred from the Orient to the Occident by the ancient navigants and explorers such as the Phoenicians, the Minoan Cretans and the Etruscans. The Greeks had some knowledge of the ancient peripluses of the Phoenicians, the detailed accounts of the naval routes to such mysterious islands so often equated to the ones of Paradise and Atlantis.

In the desire to preserve the lucrative monopoly of their maritime trade with the Indies, the Phoenicians and their partners disguised their verbal maps under a veil of confusion intended to avert the possible competitors towards the wrong places and directions. It suffices to read such accounts, preserved in the writings of authors such as Avienus, Hanno, and Pytheas of Marseilles to observe the inextricable confusions that becloud the real distances, names and directions.

The same thing happens with the writers that speak of the Atlantic Islands in mythical terms. The accounts of authorities such as Herodotus, Plato, Diodorus, Theopompos and many others are no different from the accounts of the Odyssey and the Argonautica. They are full of allegories, metaphors, paradoxes and even downright lies that have led the experts to despair from ever making any sense out of them.

Such relates tell of seas riddled with clashing rocks, seamonsters and thorny sargassoes that dragged down the ships they caught, or in giant maelstroms and muddy shoals and doldrums that prevented the mariners from ever escaping death. They also tell of one-eyed giants and microscopic dwarfs, of strap-footed Titans and goat-footed satyrs, of terrible cannibals and of sorceress of all kinds. But some of these accounts were far more realistic and matter-of fact, and plainly alluded to real islands such as the Canaries and the Madeiras and, far more likely, to the Indonesian islands or even the Americas beyond.

Midas and the Satyr Silenus

The ancients believed, as did Plato and Herodotus along with the Greek geographers that a circular ocean — the one they called "Outer Ocean" or "Atlantic Ocean", and which included what we now call the Atlantic and the Indian Oceans— surrounded the world then known, which consisted of Eurasia and Africa. The historian Theopompos, a contemporary of Plato, relates a conversation between the legendary King Midas of Phrygia and the very wise satyr Silenus.

The satyr, entrapped and rendered drunk by Midas, told him of an Outer Continent (the Americas?) that outlay the ocean and which was inhabited by a people twice the size and twice as long-lived as the ordinary mortals. One part of their continent was permanently enwrapped by a red mist and was drained by two rivers, the River of Pleasure and the River of Grief. Once, these giants crossed the ocean intending to conquer the ancient world. But once they saw the misery of our world, they realized that it was useless to pursue their plan, and retired to their world in disgust.

The story of Theopompos is extremely interesting, for it embodies the essential elements of the myth of Atlantis. To start with, the attempted invasion of the giants closely evokes the similar one undertaken by Plato's Atlanteans. Plato too alludes to the Outer Continent, the Epeira Ges that delimited the Ocean on all sides, and which can only be the Americas. The Atlantean empire was indeed worldwide, and certainly encompassed the Americas, whose name comes not from a hypothetical Amerigo Vespucci, but far more probably relates to that of the Celtic Armorica.1

In the version of Theopompos, the Atlanteans are confusedly equated with the Long-lived Ethiopians of Homer, Herodotus and others. The Long-lived Ethiopians, often described as tall, blond, blue-eyed giants of twice normal size, are a recurrent feature of the ancient Greek legends. More realistic historians such as Pliny and Solinus correctly place these blessed giants in the islands of Taprobane, that is, in the Indonesian islands. But others, perhaps ignoring the true meaning of the antique traditions, place the Islands of the Blest and their beautiful, saintly giants, in the Canaries and the Madeiras where we also encounter them in reality.

The Mirror of Illusion (Maya)

As we shall see further below, these ancient "confusions" were planned, and the blue-eyed "Ethiopians" of the Canaries and Mauritania were planted there as a virtual replica or "mirror image" of the real ones, the fortunate Ethiopians of Trapobane. Indeed the metaphor of the "mirror image" of Atlantis created by the Ethiopians of the Canary Islands and of the Berber coast of Mauritania is not ours, but figures in many ancient symbols and traditions. This tradition concerns the Mirror of Illusion, the characteristic attribute of deceptive goddesses such as the Indian Mayâ ("Illusion") and the Greco-Roman Venus.

The motif of the Mirror of Illusion occurs even in the Americas and, particularly among the Gnostics such as the Cathars and others. The Phoenicians indeed held that the Pillars of Hercules of Gibraltar were a "mirror image" of those located in the Orient, as some of their coins specifically illustrate. Interestingly enough, Maya (the male avatar of the Mayâ) is the Great Architect, the luciferine deity of the Gnostics and the enlightened civilizer of humanity. Maya (masculine of Mayâ) is also the builder of legendary Lanka, the city and capital of the worldwide empire that was the actual archetype of Atlantis. In Fig. 2, we show two Phoenician coins illustrating the true Pillars of Hercules in the Far East, and their illusory reflection in Gibraltar.

As we shall see further below, Maya, the Supreme Smith of the Hindus, had his Guanche counterpart in Guayota, the Supreme God of the Guanches, and in Lug, their Celtic counterpart. Such coincidences can hardly be random. So, the only possible explanation lies in diffusion through direct contact among the civilizations in question, that is, those of the Guanches, the Celts and the Indonesian Aryans, known to the ancients as the Pious Ethiopians of Taprobane.

The Pillars of Hercules of Gibraltar and the Garden of the Hesperides of the Canaries in the Atlantic Ocean are an illusion or mirage, a mirror image of the true Islands of the Blest, in Indonesia. The Atlantic Atlantis, variously placed in the Canaries, the Azores, Tartessos (Spain), Mauritania (Morocco), or Crete is a sheer illusion created by the clever ancients in order to distract and to disillusion the inquisitive profanes of ever finding the Lost Continent and the true site of Paradise. So are the ones of the Syrtis (Libya), the Bosphorus, the Armorican coasts of Brittany, the Irish Isles, and so on.

The Ancient Conspiracy

The reader may wonder what proof do we have to substantiate a conspiracy of the ancients to hide the whereabouts of Atlantis-Eden? The ancients well knew the true site of Eden or, more exactly, of the ancestral Paradise whence we all came from, and which was the site where Mankind and Civilization first started. And they also knew that this paradisial region was destroyed by the Flood at precisely the date given by Plato, that of 11,600 years ago.

But they could not tell its true location, for this was the matter of the secret of the ancient Mysteries, and this divulgation was considered a grievous crime of profanation, often punished with death, as in the case of Socrates and, possibly of Plato himself. So, the true location of Paradise was only dealt in a sort of coded language based on allegories, riddles and puns that were intelligible only to the initiated in those secrets.

Well, the evidence we gave above is just a small sample of several hundreds of compelling evidences like the ones we present below and elsewhere. Our strongest evidences for Atlantis and its true location in the Far East are both geological and anthropological. They include racial characteristics, blood types, myths, traditions, customs, techniques, artistic motifs and, above all, the linguistic, cultural and religious affinities. The last two are just about the strongest and most unequivocal of all links between different nations derived from a single stock.

In an article parallel to this one we present the philological comparison of the Guanche language to Dravida, the sacred, pristine language of the Dravidian populations of India. As can be seen in that article, the two languages, though isolated from each other by untold millennia, are remarkably similar both in phonetics and in grammar. No serious linguist will idly dismiss the cogent parallels we present there, particularly as the linguistic affiliation of the Guanche tongue is an unsolved riddle so far.

For reasons of space and scope, these two articles are kept concise and non-technical. But even then, we believe that the evidence presented is compelling enough to convince all that take the trouble to follow them in detail. Moreover, as we just said, there are simply no viable alternative theories that explain the riddle of Guanche origins in a satisfactory way. In our view — which we argue in detail here and elsewhere — this people formerly lived in Indonesia or, more exactly, in the now sunken portion of it which now forms the South China Sea. When their land sunk away, at the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age, they were forced out by the cataclysm, and moved to the Canaries, possibly in the wake of other seafaring nations such as the proto-Phoenicians and proto-Cretans.

The Twin Ethiopias of Homer and Others

From earliest times — as instanced in Homer, Hesiod, Herodotus and elsewhere — the Greeks spoke of two Ethiopias placed at the two opposite ends of the world. One corresponded to the region near Gibraltar we are presently discussing, and the other one was located beyond the Ocean (Indian), in Taprobane (Indonesia). The idea of "burnt faces" (aethi-opes) connected with the Ethiopia is not indeed an allusion to the dark coloration of this people, but to the fact that they were expelled from their homeland as the result of the fiery cataclysm that sunk Atlantis away. This catastrophe was indeed caused by the giant volcanic conflagration of Mt. Atlas, which mythically "charred" their physiognomies. In reality, this darkening was the result of the admixture with the darker neighboring nations of Indonesia, precisely as reported by Plato and others.

Emigrating from the charred remains of their sunken continent — the formerly paradisial Land of the Dead that would later become the Islands of the Blest — the Canarians (and other Atlantean nations as well) moved to the opposite side of the world, where they would attempt to rebuild their lost Paradise. Hence, the twin Ethiopias of Homer and others, and the duplicity of Pillars of Hercules, of Mt. Atlases, of Gardens of Hesperia, and so on.

Even the Ocean that encircled the earth with its ring was likewise parted into two complementary moieties ascribed to the omnipresent Atlanteans. More exactly, it was parted into two parts, one which we now call Atlantic Ocean, as did the ancients, and an eastern half that had its name changed from Atlantic Ocean into Indian (or Erythraean) Ocean. This name, which means "red" in Greek, is the mystic name of the Atlantean peoples such as the Phoenicians, the Egyptians, and even the Guanches themselves. Indeed, the "Reds" are the Chams or Chamites of the Bible, a name not unconnected with the red races just mentioned and with that of the Guanches as well.2

The Atlantis of the Orient

Many authoritative writers of antiquity place Mt. Atlas and the Atlanteans, along with the Garden of the Hesperides in the Far Occident, in the region of Mauritania and the Canaries. But no lesser authorities than Hesiod and Eurypides, among many others, place Atlas and his Pillar of Heaven in the Far Orient, at the extremities of the world and of the day, where we also find the other legendary islands associated with Atlantis and its foundering.

The Hesperides (or Atlantides) were the seven daughters and lovers of Atlas. Atlas, the Pillar of Heaven, was the personification of Mt. Atlas, just as his seven beloved daughters were the ones of the Seven Atlantic Islands that figure in many traditions, and which are no other than the ones of Indonesia. It is only natural that the giant would want to place his girls right next to the place where he stayed up the heavens, for carnal reasons, if not prompted by fatherly love. Hence, the Garden of the Hesperides of the Far Occident in an illusion not unlike the "Mt. Atlas" of Mauritania or its Canarian replica, the Teyde (or Teide) volcano.

The Mt. Atlas of Mauritania, the one we know under that name, is not indeed a volcano, and, hence, cannot at all explain the traditions concerning the conflagrative destruction of Atlantis and the fall of the former heaven when its Holy Mountain collapsed. If Mt. Atlas indeed collapsed — as volcanoes are wont to do after gigantic explosions — and if Atlantis sunk along with its environing lands, how are we to expect to find its mountain unscathed, as is the case of Mt. Teyde in the Canaries, and of Mt. Atlas, its Mauritanian counterpart.

Theopompos' Atlanteans and the Mysterious Hanebut

It is time to return to Theopompos and his cryptic Atlanteans. The "red mist" that beclouded the Meropean continent is another traditional feature that we systematically encounter in the legends concerning such mysterious regions. Ultimately, the dark "mist" is the smoke cloud that resulted from the volcanic cataclysm that destroyed Atlantis and which, indeed, blocked away sunlight, obscuring the entire region for a large time.

This darkening of the sun is a sad reality, well known to the inhabitants of the region of Indonesia, volcanically the most active in the whole world. In Hindu myths, the city associated with the cataclysmic explosion and the smoke cover is called Dhumadi. This name means "Covered by Smoke", in Sanskrit. This etym (or etymon or etymology) closely recalls the legend of Sodom and Gomorra, likewise covered by a pillar of smoke "that rose up to the very skies".

Indeed, Dhumadi was the archetype of Atlantis and, as we explain elsewhere, of Sodom and Gomorra and other such cities destroyed by a volcanic conflagration. In Egypt we encounter the same tradition under the name of the mysterious Hanebut. The name means, in Egyptian, "the Dwellers of the Misty Regions".

The Hanebut were a real people, and their region was frequently visited by the Egyptians, who traded with them across the ocean. As the Egyptians only sailed the Indian Ocean, it is clear that the region in question lay beyond that ocean, in the region of Indonesia. It was there that the mysterious country of the nebulous Cimmerians was located, as well as the Pillars of Hercules and, more exactly, those of Atlas as well. Plato places Atlantis just in front of the Pillars of Hercules. So do many other ancient authors, disguising its true identity under names such as Cimmeria, Hades, Taprobane, Cassia, Punt and Hanebut.

The Celts and the Elusive Cimmerians

In Homer and others, such peoples that lived in perpetual, smoky darkness, were called Cimmerians. The Cimmerians or their equivalents are a recurrent feature of all traditions. The Germans and the Celts also spoke of such a misty region, which they called by the name of Nefelheim, "the Abode of Mist".

The Nephilim — the fallen Titans or Giants of the Bible, whose sin with the Daughters of Men led to the cataclysm of the Flood — in all probability derive their name from a radix neph meaning "nebula", "mist", as in the Greek nephele, the German nefel, the Sanskrit nabha, the Dravida nep, etc. Even in Egyptian we encounter the radix in the name of the Hanebut (or Hau-nebhu-t).

Homer (Od. X:508; XI:14) tells how the Cimmerians lived "enshrouded in mist and perpetual darkness which the sun never pierces". He places their region in Hades, beyond the Ocean, next to Mt. Erebus. Erebus is the very entrance to Hell, the terrible chasm left behind when Mt. Atlas foundered underseas, becoming a giant volcanic caldera.

The Celts are the Cimmerians of Taprobane (Sumatra)

The Cimmerians are deemed to be the ancestors of the Celts and the Scythians, two other races of blond, blue-eyed, gigantic Ethiopians. They are identified with the Cymry or Cimbri, a Germanic tribe which invaded Rome and almost defeated the empire at about 100 BC. The Cimmerians were deemed to have come from the Palus Maeotis, a legendary region often connected with the sinking of Atlantis (palus = "marshes", in Latin).

One of the triads of the Celtic Mabinogion tells how:

"Hu Gadarn originally came with the tribe of the Cymry to the Britannic Isles. They came from the Country of Summer, which is called Defrobani... They crossed the Misty Ocean (Tawch) and arrived in the Britannic Isles and Armorica, where they settled."

Here is direct evidence that the Cimmerian Celts (Cymry) indeed came from Taprobane (Sumatra), here misspelt as Defrobani. The Country of Summer (Gwlad or Haf) can only be situated at the Equator and can hardly be identified with the Hyperborean regions of the Far North, where this people also settled after fleeing their destroyed homeland. Hu Gadarn is the Celtic equivalent of Noah and of Aeneas, leading his people away from their destroyed Paradise, into the Promised Land.

Indeed, the Hyperborea whence the Celto-Iberians originally came is the realm of Apollo (the Sun), "the land beyond the Boreas". And the mythical Land of the Sun can hardly be believed to lie in the Arctic or, even less, in the Antarctic regions, as some authors will.

Actually, the Hyperboreans were held to live in the mysterious Thule, the divide of the world that lay beyond the ocean. And the word Ocean meant, for the ancients, the Indian Ocean, and never the Atlantic, which they never sailed. Thule is the same as the island of Long-Lived Ethiopians. And these Ethiopians are indeed the Hyperboreans, both legendary races being identical in being composed of tall, blond, blue-eyed Ethiopians. Both lived in the far off region of Taprobane (Indonesia), a place, the above authorities add, "which lies beyond the Aquilon".

Boreas Is Not Indeed the North Wind That Blows From The Alps

Boreas is not indeed the North Wind that blows from the Alps into Mediterranean Europe, but a figuration of the monsoon winds that blow in the northern regions of Indonesia. The name of Boreas given to the North Wind that blows in the chilly regions beyond the Alps is a replica, a "mirror image" of the true Indonesian archetype. The Hindus worship Boreas, the North Wind, under the name of Varaha (or Vayu), from whose name that of Boreas ultimately derives.

So, the mythical Hyperboreans, the mysterious "peoples that live beyond the Boreal winds" are not those who lived in the Alps, above Europe, but the ones who lived beyond the monsoon winds that blow in the northern coasts of Indonesia and nearby regions. This fact is attested by too many ancient authorities to be dismissed easily, except by solid contrary evidence

The reality of the North European Hyperboreans could never be established in realistic bases, and their postulation has only led to paradoxes and difficulties. But when we accept the assertions of Pliny, Solinus and other authorities such as the ones we have been quoting, everything starts to make sense. Besides, how could Apollo, the Sun god, make his abode in the gelid Alps, instead of the equatorial Indonesia, the true Island of the Sun of the ancients?

Pliny, Boreas, and the Hyperboreans

Now, the Aquilon is the Latin name of the North Wind, the very same one that the Greeks called by the name of Boreas. Here, it is identified with the monsoon winds of the East Indies. Hence, we see that the true location of Hyperborea or Thule was the island of Taprobane, the true abode of the blest, long-lived Ethiopians. The passage of Pliny (Hist. Nat. 4:26) on the Hyperboreans is worth quoting:

"Beyond the Aquilon one finds a blessed nation called, according to tradition, the Hypeboreans. Among them, men reach an extreme age. Many marvels are told of this people. Some say that the hinges of the world and the limit of the course of the stars lie in their region... The country is bathed in sunlight and enjoys a pleasant temperature..."

"Discord is there ignored, and so is disease. People there do not die but from the satiety of living. After a festive banquet, full of the joys of old age, the one who wants to die jumps into the seas from a lofty rock. Such is for them the happiest way to die. One cannot doubt the reality of this country, described by many authorities."

Pliny, in the above passage, also adds that Hyperborea was the realm of Apollo and that the Hyperboreans sent, from the island of Delos, the first-fruits of their crops to Greece, to be dedicated to the Sun God. The descriptions of Hyperborea in the many authors mentioned by Pliny are indeed those of a tropical Paradise not unlike the Garden of Eden and the Islands of the Blest. When one pauses to ponder, there is only one place in the world that fits the description of Atlantis, of Eden, Aztlan, Atala, and of other such Paradises turned Hell. That place can only be the Indies, as can be surmised from the dozens of traditional accounts. A posteriori, this conclusion of ours is so obvious it hurts.

Apollo and the Hyperboreans

It is interesting to note that Plato, in his detailed description of Atlantis, makes an obscure reference to the lofty rocks from which the Blest Ethiopians used to throw themselves into the waves, in an imitation of the primordial deed of Atlas and Hesperus, who also fell from such a lofty cliff. Actually, these cliffs were the legendary Leucades, whose name is a reference to their being covered by the white bones of the dead who went by throwing themselves from their tops.3

Pliny's Hyperborea also evokes the description of the island of Emain Abalach (Avalon) in Celtic poems. There:

Treason is there unknown and so is sadness. There no pain, no regret, no death, no grief, No disease, no weakness, ever afflict anyone. For such is the fortune of Emain.

Another a similar Celtic poem adds:

What a wonderful country is this one! There the young never grow old at all!

What is to be retained from the above discussion is the fact that Avalon, Hyperborea, Thule, Taprobane, Eden, Paradise, Emain Abalach, the Garden of the Golden Apples, the Garden of Idun and so on are all one and the same thing. Their connection with the "first fruits" is an allegoric reference to the fact that Atlantis was indeed the very first site of human civilization, the same as the legendary Paradise or Garden of Eden.

These pleasant, luxurious gardens all lay at the extremity of the world which, from the Celtic perspective in Brittany, could only be the antipodal Indonesia, located on the side of the world opposite to their own misty islands. This Paradise was destroyed by a cataclysm, and they were forced to leave it, emigrating to the far Occident, under the leadership of Hu Gadarn, the Celtic Noah, the Judeo-Christian hero of the Flood.

The sinking of this realm is told in the legend of the Flooding of Ys, another central tradition of Celtic mythology. And their sunken Paradise became the Land of the Dead, the "Tomb of Glass" (Glastonbury) or "Island of Glass" (Ynis Wydr) that we encounter so often in their Celtic legends. This dismal Hades is the same as the Cimmeria of the Greeks, the Hanebut of the Egyptians, the Sheol of the Jews and the Nefelheim of the Germanic Nations.

How the Guanches Got to the Canaries

Many writers who investigated the problem of the Guanches were puzzled by the fact that the natives of the Canaries detested the sea, and never sailed it at all. So, it is pertinent to ask, after them, how did the Guanches get to the isolated Canaries in the first place? The answer seems to be rather simple, after all. They were brought as passengers in the ships of seafaring peoples such as the Phoenicians, the Etruscans, the Minoan Cretans, and so forth. Indeed, the ancient records are full of references to the "ships of Tarshish" being used by passengers and migrants of several different nations.

When the White Ethiopians who survived the Atlantean cataclysm emigrated to the distant Occident in their ships — under the guidance of admirals like Aeneas, Hercules, Phoroneos, and Hu Gadarn and, perhaps, Noah, Canopus and Jason — they settled in colonies along the way, on every coast and every island that looked promising. The legends are certainly founded in actual fact, and these fleets of ocean worth vessels are the ones allegorized as the Ark of Noah in the Bible or as the Argonavis in Greek legends.

It was thus that Mauritania was settled by the Berbers, Lebanon by the Phoenicians, Crete by the Minoans, Italy by the Etruscans, the British Islands and Brittany by the Celts and, of course, the Canaries by the Guanches. Many of these emigrants were, as is usually the case, mere passengers who never knew how to sail or, even less, how to design and build sea-worthy ships strong enough to sail the open, rough ocean, a feat very hard to accomplish in antiquity. Such huge sailships — the "ships of Tarshish" of Biblical traditions — are attested from remotest antiquity, for instance in the Gerzean ceramics of pre-Dynastic Egypt, which date from about 5,500 BP or so.

In this way, the Guanches were stranded on the Canaries, and the enigma which has defied solution for millennia is naturally explained. The ancient peripluses like those of Hanno and Himilco relate similar expeditions and even the establishment of such insular colonies. Such is also the meaning of myths like the one of Aeneas and his fleet fleeing from the destroyed, sunken Troy or, also, of the Biblical relate of Noah and his clan repeopling the Islands of the Nations, and founding the different nations of mankind.

Quote : Jonathan Schattke
Necessity is the mother of invention, it is true -- but it's father is creativity, and knowledge is the midwife.

Craft of the Week : Gourd Rattle
From Witch Crafts by Willow Polson

In both Africa and the Americas, gourds have been recognized as the perfect rattles that they are: The hard shells make a loud but warm sound. Some Native American tribes fill their traditional rattles with the stones from around the mouth of an anthill, seen as gifts from the earth and the underworld. If you are running short of large anthills however, you can use beads, small stones, or even buckshot to fill your rattle. The feathers on top fly your prayers up to the Great Spirit.

1 dry gourd (about the size of an orange; not the warty, decorative kind)
small hand miter or hand saw
small hand keyhole saw
small hand drill (1/6 in or 1/8 in bit)
1 straight, sturdy stick for the handle
handful of sharp stones
1/2 in wide strip of thin suede, at least 12 in long
glue gun and glue sticks
small handful of stones, beads, etc
few dyed marabou fluff feathers
assorted acrylic paints and brushes (optional)

Depending upon the shape of you gourd, either saw off (using the craft saw) or drill a hole in the bottom end (stem end). Using the keyhole saw, enlarge the hole to the diameter of your stick about five inches from the smaller end. Use the end of your stick to remove seeds and dried pulp from inside the gourd. Place a small handful of sharp stones inside and shake very vigorously to remove even more loose material; then pour out the stones and dust.

Drill a hole in the top end (blossom end) of the gourd and enlarge it to the diameter of the smaller end of your stick. Insert the stick so that the top end sticks out about 1 inch to check fit, wrapping the suede around the stick as needed for a secure fit. Attach the leather with hot glue. Pour in the beads (or whatever you have chosen) and insert the stick. Secure with hot glue.

Wrap the bottom joint between the stick and the gourd with more suede to create a smooth transition, stretching and gluing the leather into place. Repeat with the top joint, this time adding two or three feathers inside the leather wrapping as you glue it. Paint the gourd with acrylic paints if desired.

Humor : Fifty Sure-Fire Ways to Tell If Your Next-Door Neighbor is a Pagan

How many of the following does your neighbor exhibit?
Never puts garbage out on the curb...I mean, recycling and compost are fine, but you can take it too far!
You casually mention the moon's phase, and s/he replies with the exact number of days, hours, and minutes of rising, position on horizon, and current angle of declination.
All the stray cats in the neighborhood congregate in her/his garden.
A screech-owl has chosen the lamppost outside her/his house as it's favorite perch...just when it's getting warm outside at night and you want to sleep with your windows open.
Doesn't mow down the weeds in his/her garden and fact, it sort of looks like s/he's cultivating them!
The abundance of black garments drying on the clothesline out back.
Local kids whisper and stare as they pass his/her house, then start running if they spot movement in the house or yard.
Nobody trick-or-treats at his/her door--not since the year that his/her costume was scarier than any of theirs!
Footprints on the roof...and the trees near the house look as if they've been pruned for a flight-path!
S/he can't make a sandwich without adding fresh herbs to it...and don't accept that offer of a cup of tea unless you want something yellow-colored and smelling like flowers!
S/he never gets junk idly wonder why, and s/he confides that she just returns it to sender after writing something on it in strange curly script.
When you drop in for a chat, the coffee pot or tea kettle is already starting to perk.
Jehovah's Witnesses never knock on his/her door anymore...not after the last time...
Keeps the local candle shop solvent.
Has a pond out back full of frogs...and you haven't seen that pesky storm-window salesman in a while.
S/he's always smiling peacefully!
Went to a Halloween costume party dressed normally, and won first prize!
Her/his house always smells like incense and herbs.
Has cats named Kali, Diana, Loki, and Pele.
Bumper-sticker on his/her car reads, "I brake for toads".
Frequently gets questioned by the drug squad, who confiscate large amounts of dried green leaves and always return them with abject apologies after analysis!
At Christmas, it seems like half the garden is moved into the house.
Sometimes you hear the sounds of singing and drumming through the wall...if you look outside, it's usually a full moon.
Was given a bodram or dumbek for her/his last birthday...and sometimes plays it outside at midnight...
You discover the "realistic resin" skull s/he affectionately calls "Ron" in the living room actually is real...and hadn't you heard of an ex-lover named Ron?
You catch her/him washing a crystal ball along with the dishes.
S/he wears lots of silver jewelry, even when weeding or changing the oil in the car...
You knock on the door and s/he answers it wearing only a apologize for disturbing her/his shower, but notice her/his hair isn't wet...
Tendency to hum or softly chant, especially while outside in the garden.
Has a tame robin that will eat from his/her hand in the garden...that can't be normal.
Never catches a cold, despite a tendency to walk around barefoot often...even in the snow.
Doesn't kill spiders...even the huge hairy ones that startle you when you're in the tub.
Always listens to what you're saying like s/he really cares.
Has lots of female friends that come around once or twice a month...when you ask what they're up to, s/he tells you they just have cake and ale and a nice chat.
You catch him/her hugging a tree.
Owns a dinner set decorated with Celtic patterns or a "stars and moons" design.
Has a mail-order account with a semi-precious gems wholesaler.
The priest who lives around the corner always crosses himself when driving past her/his house.
Never watches television...but owns shelves full of books with black spines and silver lettering.
To your certain knowledge has never set foot in the local've even heard rumors s/he's been barred from it.
You ask to borrow a deck of cards for an impromptu evening of canasta, and there are 78 in the pack.
You've never known him/her to go to a physician.
When you chat, s/he gently maintains eye contact the whole time.
Expectant mothers are always visiting...also women who become expectant mothers a short time after visiting and leaving with bags full of herbs.
You ask for suggestions of nice walks in the area, and they all go by way of strange earth mounds, oak groves, and stone circles.
S/he only buys organic food...and you suspect vegetarian as well!
When you ask about vacation plans, you're told about camping in yurts...or festivals with communal cabins.
There aren't any clocks in the house...and most of the mirrors are black.
Has a statue of a dragon near the garden gate...calls it her/his "watch-dragon".
Tells you s/he's coming out of the broom closet, and installs a stained-glass pentagram window in the front door!

1-10: Probably just a bit odd.
11-20: Might be a New Age hippy...harmless, maybe a little deluded.
21-30: Best not to offend her/him, just to be on the safe side.
31-40: Definitely something suspicious going on...stock up on your supply of Holy Water.
41-50: Get the kindling together--we're going to have ourselves a burning!

Who's Who in World Mythology : Aoibheall
For past articles and the bibliography, please go to the Who's Who Archive.

Aoibheall or Aoibhell, the Lovely One, is a Celtic Fairy queen whose activities centered on the Hill of Craglea, Craig Laith (The Grey Rock) in County Clare, Munster. Her abode is the highest point of Craig Laith at Craig Aoibheal, a great rock almost 40 ft high that emerges from the side of the Hill, and there is a well, Tobareevil, on the side of the hill named for her. On the lower slopes of Craglea was the Fort of Greenanlaghna, the original dwelling of the O'Briens before Kincora (Killaloe). She acted as the tutelary spirit of the O’Briens, though in later years she was considered to more of a banshee. Whoever heard the music of her harp did not long survive the experience. In 1014, she accompanied the Delcassian Army to do battle against the Viking army in Dublin. On the eve of the Battle of Clontarf, she appeared to Brian Boru and foretold his death the following day. Legend has it that Aoibheal disappeared when the Great Oak was cut down.

Quote : Saul Steinberg
The life of the creative man is lead, directed and controlled by boredom. Avoiding boredom is one of our most important purposes.

The Magi's Garden: Balm
For past featured foliage and the bibliography, please go to the The Magi's Garden Archive.

Balm (Melissa officinalis)

Folk Names: Balm Melissa, Balm Mint, Bee Balm, Blue Balm, Citronele, Cure-all, Dropsy Plant, Garden Balm, Honey Plant, Lemon Balsam, Lemon Balm, Melissa, Oswego Tea, Sweet Balm, Sweet Melissa

Description: Balm is a perennial mint common to the Mediterranean, the Near East, and in the US, it grows in New England west to Ohio and Kansas, and south to Arkansas and Florida. Because the root is perennial, the plant will die down in winter but start back up in the spring. It may be propagated by seeds, cuttings, or root division in spring or autumn. Balm prefers a sunny location with rich, sandy-loamy soil. The upright stem is hairy and quadrangular. In ideal surroundings, it is branched and grows up to three feet high, while the root is comparatively short. The light green leaves are opposite, ovate, long-petioled, and somewhat hairy. The edges are bluntly serrate and acuminate at each joint, Bilabiate flowers grow in axillary clusters, and may be white or pale yellow to rose or blue-white. The plant flowers from July to September. The entire plant has an aromatic, lemony scent and flavor.

Effects: gentle
Planet: Moon, Jupiter, Venus Zodiac Cancer
Element: water
Associated Deities: Diana

A popular belief is that Balm was a favorite in the temples of Diana. If Diana is one of your patron deities, or you wish to make her an offering, balm would be a good gift.

While many ancient writers suggested balm be steeped in wine for the bite of a snake or rabid animals, and the sodden leaves applied as a poultice to the wound, soaking in wine is also suggested as a friendship spell. Soak the balm in wine for several hours, strain, and share with your friend to cement your relationship. It may also be rubbed on beehives to keep bees and attract more as it is a favorite with them.

Carry balm for true love, place it in sachets and pillows, or add it to your bath. It is a good additive to healing incense and sachets, especially for mental and nervous disorders, but also for any physical wounds as well. It was said to seal any “green,” ie new, wounds, and remove any possibility of infection. It is also said to keep mental processes sharp. The eleventh century Arabic physician Avicenna suggested balm could be used to “make merry” or improve your emotional disposition. Any spell for success would also benefit from the addition of sweet balm.

Known Combinations:
none noted

Medical Indications: Parts Used: herb, leaves
Carmelite water, an old remedy for neuralgia and headache, contains Nutmeg, Angelica root, Lemon zest, spirit of Balm (ie an alcohol extract), and Honey. Paracelsis felt balm had the ability to completely revive a person, and it was at one time used for all complaints pertaining to the nervous system. It is still suggested as a tea for menstrual cramps, nervous problems, panic attacks, hysteria, melancholy, insomnia, dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, chronic bronchial catarrh, some forms of asthma, and toothache. It is one of the few safe herbs for use during pregnancy, and may be taken for headaches, dizziness, and to reduce fever.

Due to its strong antiviral and antibacterial effects, it has been suggested as a treatment for cold sores. Balm is good as a poultice for sores, tumors, milk-knots, and insect bites. It may be used I cleansing lotions and infusions for relaxing baths.

Balm, or lemon balm as it is called in many areas, may be used as a substitite for lemon in many recipes. In fact, it is used as a seasoning mainly for its lemon flavor and aroma. It can be found in fruit or vegetable salads, drinks, sauces, eggs, chicken, fish, lemonade, and soups.

Mercantile Uses:
Balm is well liked by bees, and its name, Melissa, comes from the Greek word for bee. The honey from balm is superior. The leaves are found in potpourris for their scent.



Poem : Under the Greenwood Tree
William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

Under the greenwood tree
Who loves to lie with me,
And turn his merry note
Unto the sweet bird’s throat,
Come hither, come hither, come hither:
Here shall he see
No enemy
But winter and rough weather.

Who doth ambition shun
And loves to live i’ th’ sun,
Seeking the food he eats,
And pleased with what he gets,
Come hither, come hither, come hither!
Here shall he see
No enemy
But winter and rough weather.

Quote : Carl Ally
The creative person wants to be a know-it-all. He wants to know about all kinds of things: ancient history, nineteenth--century mathematics, current manufacturing techniques, flower arranging, and hog futures. Because he never knows when these ideas might come together to form a new idea. It may happen six minutes later or six months, or six years down the road. But he has faith that it will happen.

The Power of Stones : Adularia
For past articles and the bibliography, please go to the Power of Stones Archive.

Adularia is a form of Feldspar which is usually found as an eight sided crystal, four sides trapezoidal and four triangular. The color ranges from white and colorless to pale yellow, peach, pink, gray, and occasionally, green.

Adularia can be used to enhance devotion to a cause, purpose, or person. It increases your ability to see the good aspects of any situation. Mental clarity is augmented, but not at the cost of love. Practicality is also encouraged through adularia. It can assist you when seeking advancement or employment in your chosen field.

Humor : The Perfect High Priestess

The Perfect High Priestess' circles are always on time, and run exactly 20 minutes. She is deeply devoted to her tutelary goddess and god, but never belittles other people's gods, not even the Sacred Sky Bunny. She works from 6 a.m. until midnight, and is also sweeps up after circle and carries out the garbage.

The Perfect High Priestess excels in a demanding professional career, and donates all her time to community concerns. She came from humble origins and is always happy for a crust of bread, rind of cheese, or a place on your sofa while she is on lavish book tours for her publisher, Harper Collins.

She has a big comfortable home which she always makes available to the community, and spends most of her time in study and personal work. She is quiet and unpretentious, she blends into the background, and her experience and power are apparent to anyone who meets her. She cares nothing for appearances, wears good clothes, drives a good car, buys and loans out good books, and donates candles, altar cloths and incense to the coven. She is 29 years old and has many years of experience in several previous lives as a High Priestess in Ancient Egypt, Ireland, and Northern Italy.

Above all, she is beautiful and of course she is female.

The Perfect High Priestess has a burning desire to work with novices, and she spends most of her time with an authentic traditional coven. Her coven, which upholds the old customs of secrecy, is known and respected on several continents. She can be trusted with any private confidence, and is a generous font of knowledge, on procedures, people and the gossip of the Craft dating back to when Gerald was just back from Burma. She smiles all the time with a straight face because she has a sense of humor that keeps her seriously dedicated to her craft. She always attends local coffee cauldrons, festivals and workshops, and is always by the phone to be handy when needed.

Unfortunately, the Perfect High Priestess is always in another city!

If your High Priestess does not measure up, simply send this notice to six other cities that are tired of their High Priestess, too. Then bundle up your High Priestess and send her to the city at the top of your list. If everyone cooperates, in one week you will receive 1,643 High Priestesses.

One of them should be perfect.

Have faith in this letter. Don't break the chain! One Pagan community broke the chain and got its old High Priestess back in less than three months, along with Lance Spearshaft, a new lover she picked up in Vegas. Lance proceeded to beguile several women in community before running off with their BoS's, $827 in IOU's, and the coven Maiden.

Don't let it happen to you!

A Dreamer's Guide : Habit to Halter
For past articles and the bibliography, please go to the Dreamer's Guide Archive.

Expect some difficulty with a social contact if you dreamt of a personal bad Habit, but if your habits were good, expect to receive good news. Yu will be humiliated if your relatives had bad habits, and if others had bad habits, trouble is on its way. If you had a special habit, you will be welcomed where ever you go. A riding or religious habit (clothing) suggests you will soon break off a relationship which has become tedious.

Good health is augured by Haddock. You will have mastery over many matters if you bought this fish, and cooking it indicates you have more friends than you thought. Eating it means your friends will be happy, but fishing for haddock is a warning that your own foolishness will put you in danger.

Someone with evil intent is watching you if you dreamt of a Hag. Mend your way of life if you spoke to a hag, and if she frightened you, you will abuse someone’s confidence.

A Haggard face denotes misfortune and defeat in love. If your own face was haggard and distressed, troubles associated with of because of being female will impede your business engagements.

If you saw or ate Haggis, you will be prosperous, but if you cut or served it to others, it is a warning against indiscreet behavior.

Whatever your current highest hope is, a dream of Hail is an augury of disappointment. If you saw hail through sunshine and rain, fortune will smile on you after a period of worry. Distressful situations are foretold by the sound of hail, beating against a house, but if hail destroyed a crop, abundance is promised.

Luxuriant Hair is a sign of good health, progress, and contentment, but if it was thin, falling out, or in any way a worry to you, this is a forecast of difficulties. Tangled or messy hair means life will be a burden, business will fall off, and your marriage will seem a yoke too troublesome to carry. A steady increase in marital prosperity is foretold by hair growing in some odd place, but if you were covered in hair, indulgence in vice will bar you from the company of refined people. A woman covered in hair indicates you will break social conformity. If your hands were covered in hair, you will intrigue against innocent people as your enemies work to delay your plans. Curly hair means you will be antagonistic, while long hair indicates dignity or the gift of something important. If the hair was as long as the person was tall though, you are being deceived. Burning hair indicates the death of someone you know.

Bleaching your hair is a warning to be less flirtatious, and dyeing it means you are allowing vanity to overcome your common sense. Gray hair is a prediction of sad but not grievous news, while snowy white hair promises great good fortune throughout your life. If your hair turned white suddenly, some calamity will overtake you seemingly overnight. Black, curling hair on a man indicates you will seduce someone, and on a woman, it means you will be seduced. If you had black hair, beware of a car accident. You will be a fearless lover if you saw someone with golden hair, and friendship is foretold if you had blonde hair. Red hair is a sign of changes, and if your own hair was red, you are telling lies. Brown hair means you will be unfortunate in choosing a career, but if your own hair was brown, you will be voluptuous. If you plucked and compared two hairs from your head, one white and one black, you will hesitate between two offers which seem fortunate, but unless you choose wisely, you will take the one that will cause you loss or distress instead of pleasure. For a woman to dream of other women with gray hair is a warning that these women will come between her and the affection of a male relative or love. If your hair turned into white flowers, you will face troubles of various natures which only patience will see you through.

Combing or brushing through your hair is an indication of a satisfying solution to an annoying situation. You will receive a request for help from a friend if you were combing or brushing anyone else’s hair. Combing or arranging the hair of someone of the opposite sex signifies a happy conclusion to some sexual dilemma. Washing your hair is a sign of sorrow. Cutting or having your hair cut is a sign of success in some new venture or activity, but cutting someone else’s hair is a warning of hidden jealousy nearby. An improvement in your marriage or a new romance is foretold if you had your hair styled, but if a professional hairdresser did the work, this is a warning against gossip. If you braided your hair, you will forge a new link in a friendship, and flowers in your hair indicate troubles seen from afar will not be nearly so frightening as they near. Having your hair pulled is a warning of untrustworthy friends or colleagues, but slicking it back with gel is a forerunner of brightening prospects and/or advancement. Eating or chewing on hair means you should look to your own affairs before you stick your nose in others’. Stroking the hair of someone of the opposite sex means some individual will love you despite the world’s condemnation.

If you visited a Hairdresser, you will be connected to a sensation caused by some indiscretion, and if you were accompanied by friends, you will be envied by them. You are doomed to disappointment if you saw your enemies at a hairdresser. If you went with your love, you will have joy without profit, and if you took your daughter to a hairdresser, you will receive good news from far away. You will attend a party if you were a hairdresser. You will regret your actions if a hairdresser dyed your hair blonde, while having it dyed black means a mystery will be solved. You will lose a friend if you had it dyed red, and success will be delayed if you had it dyed auburn. Abundance is foretold if you had your hair dyed white. Danger is imminent if a hairdresser made you a wig.

Hairpins mean you are being deceived, and if they belong to a rival, you will be guilty of foolishness. You will visit a novel place of amusement if you handled hairpins, and buying them indicates approaching money. If you lost hairpins, a change will come soon, and finding someone’s pin on the floor means a friend is watching you.

The one you care for will have good luck if you ate Halibut, but if you caught it, your desires will remain unsatisfied. Buying it in a store means you will be generous to your friends, and pregnancy is in the near future if you cooked this fish. You will realize your high ambitions if you received it from others.

A long, narrow Hall predicts a long period of worry, while an average or normal entrance hall indicates petty annoyances. An elegant or impressive hall indicates changes, and public meeting hall means you have been delaying an important decision on which you would be wise to act.

A missing or false Hallmark (stamp or icon of an artist usually in metalwork) is a warning of treachery among your associates, but to observe a hallmark is a sign of success in your current interests. If it was stamped into a silver or gold object, you will have great joy.

Decorations or celebration of Halloween (out of season) predicts recognition in community affairs.

A friend will ask for help without being entirely truthful of their problem if your dream featured Hallucinations. Help if you can, but avoid personal involvement.

Sad news is predicted by someone wearing a Halo. If you had a halo, you may soon travel in foreign lands. Removing a halo means improvement in business or finances. Praiseworthy accomplishments are signified if an object had a halo. A solar halo means rapid success of your hopes, and a lunar halo indicates a chang ein your environment.

A Halter is a symbol of obstacles. If you put it on a horse, you will be successful in overcoming the forces set against you, but if you hitched the horse to a carriage, expect trouble.

Quote : Carl Jung
Creative powers can just as easily turn out to be destructive. It rests solely with the moral personality whether they apply themselves to good things or to bad. And if this is lacking, no teacher can supply it or take its place.

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