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Chat with Robert Beltran and Ethan Phillips

Robert Beltran and Ethan Phillips Peoples Chat 10/12/98

     PEOPLE Online: Welcome Robert! 

     Robert Beltran: Thank you, that's very nice. I seriously doubt it. 
     Robert Beltran: Unless it's an old Indian war song, or something 

     Cybermum1: Will we learn more about Chakotay's back ground and spiritual make up this year? 

     Robert Beltran: WEll, I take it one episode at the time, and I don't usually bother the writers to give me any
     previews, so I can't really say 

     MaquisMom: What kind of a captain do you think Chakotay would be? 

     PEOPLE Online: We're chatting with Robert Beltran who plays Chakotay, and surprise guest Ethan Phillips who
     play Neelix! 

     Robert Beltran: Let's put it this way: I could easily beat up Kirk, it would take me just a little while longer to
     beat up Picard, and with Kate I think a couple of long-stemmed roses and champagne would do the job. And
     with Cesko he would be 
     Robert Beltran: a formidable opponent, but I would find a way to get the best of him 

     PEOPLE Online: Welcome to PEOPLE Online's chat with the stars of Voyager -- we're lucky enough to have
     two stars online with us at this moment -- Robert Beltran and Ethan Phillips 

     Chani_A: Ethan, any plans to direct an episode? 

     Ethan Phillips: No, I'm leaving the directing to Robbie McNeil and Tim Russ 
     Ethan Phillips: and Bob Picardo 
     Ethan Phillips: I tend to concentrate more on the acting. 

     Robert Beltran: When are we going to get the fun-loving, cowardly Neelix back? 

     PEOPLE Online: Robert has a question for Ethan: 

     Ethan Phillips: The fun-loving cowardly Neelix? 
     Ethan Phillips: If you paid any attention the episode "Displaced" 
     Ethan Phillips: or even more to the point, "Worst Case Scenario" 
     Ethan Phillips: you'd SEE the cowardly, fun-loving Neelix. 

     Robert Beltran: [laughs} 

     PEOPLE Online: This is for either of you: 

     jcatspjs3: What can you tell us about the fire on the Voyager set? 

     Robert Beltran: I absolutely knew nothing about it, I just heard about it. I wasn't there at the time, I don't think
     anybody was 

     Ethan Phillips: By the way, Robert, we happened to be watching The Swarm and you were terrific in that. 
     Ethan Phillips: But I felt you failed somewhat in Coda 
     Ethan Phillips: As for the fire on the set, Beltran started it. 
     Ethan Phillips: He was looking at one of the young ensigns, and the sparks from his eyes ignited the bridge. 

     Robert Beltran: Okay, well, I didn't want to get into it, but I heard that Johnny was so excited 
     Robert Beltran: about his one line per episode, that he dropped his cigarette on the carpet 
     Robert Beltran: and it ignited the whole bridge. 

     Ethan Phillips: Actually, what happened was the crew was watching Bob's work in the episode "Scientific
     Ethan Phillips: and got so excited that they spontaneously combusted. 

     PEOPLE Online: Uh, hello??!!! Guys? How about some viewer questions? Ethan, why don't you field this one
     (Robert, chime right in!) 

     FirstContact21: What's it like on the Voyager set, are the actors close, are their any practical jokers? 

     Ethan Phillips: The actors are very close 
     Ethan Phillips: and I think the biggest practical joker is either Mr. Beltran or Mr. Russ. 

     Robert Beltran: Yes, we're close. Practical jokes do not abound, but lots of frivolity does. 

     Ethan Phillips: :That's a good point -- we do have a good time. 
     Ethan Phillips: The hours are very long, and you've got to have fun. 

     Robert Beltran: People don't come to the set with whoopee cushions, but there is a lot of spontaneous -- it's
     much too spontaneous to even relate how it happens 

     raincat13: Ethan -- are you offended that your character was named as one of the worst dressed on tv? 

     Ethan Phillips: That's just one man's opinion. 
     Ethan Phillips: In terms of upholstery or furniture, I think he looks pretty good. 
     Ethan Phillips: For a couch. 

     PEOPLE Online: We're chatting with Voyager stars Robert Beltran who plays Chakotay, and Ethan Phillips
     who plays Neelix! 

     CrazyOboist: Robert, is there still any chance for a Janeway/Chakotay romance? Or is that completely,
     without a doubt, dead? 

     Robert Beltran: Well, as we all know, nothing is dead on ST, including people who have died 
     Robert Beltran: So although I'm afraid that the affair is for the moment dead, I think that the writers if they
     choose could revive it if they wanted to. 
     Robert Beltran: For the moment they're enjoying instead of getting turned down by the Captain I'm getting
     turned on every week by the guest stars 

     Ethan Phillips: The fans should look forward to a very intense and rich relationship between Seven of Nine and

     El_Unico_e_Incondicional_Phenix: Don Robert Beltran, saludos - I would like to ask you of your involvement
     with the communities in need of people to look up to like yourself - especially the Latin American

     Robert Beltran: yeah, I hear she keeps a stun gun next to her. 

     PEOPLE Online: We're chatting with two of our favorite Voyager stars, Robert Beltran and Ethan Phillips
     (stick around, Kate Mulgrew will be joining us at 9 p.m.) 

     Robert Beltran: I have a problem with people looking up to role models outside of their own family, but if
     they do need a role model, 
     Robert Beltran: I"m involved with various charities, and I started the East Los Angeles Classical Theater Co.,
     which takes 
     Robert Beltran: Shakespeare to underprivileged children as an educational tool. I'm doing my best. 
     Robert Beltran: This Sat. Oct. 17th I'm hosting a benefit for the Down's Syndrome Society of LA. It starts at
     8pm at the Pomona Fairgrounds. 

     AussieBecca: Ethan, I recently saw you in For richer or Poorer Any plans for some more movies? 

     Ethan Phillips: I have a nice little role in a John Travolta film, Civil Action 
     Ethan Phillips: due out, I believe, at Christmas. 

     PEOPLE Online: Here's a question that was posted for Robert, but really applies to Ethan as well-- I'd like to
     hear what you both have to say: 

     Cybermum1: Most likely you will be identified as a Star Trek actor for a very long time. What sort of work
     would you like to be doing in 10 years. Do you feel that that Trek identity will be difficult to overcome? 

     Robert Beltran: Idon't think anybody will ever be able to see Ethan Phillips without spots on his face. 
     Robert Beltran: But I think I can overcome the tattoo on my forehead. 
     Robert Beltran: I honestly don't think there's going to be a problem as far as being typecast as a ST actor. 

     Ethan Phillips: I think Bob has a great future, doing either a situation comedy, Here's Chakotay. 
     Ethan Phillips: And there's also talk of him appearing in a new UPN sitcom Those Crazy Indians. 

     Robert Beltran: [laughs] 
     Robert Beltran: It's coming on right after Desmond Pfeiffer. 

     Trekgirl98: Will there be a Neelix Cookbook? 

     Ethan Phillips: There is, actually. 
     Ethan Phillips: And it is coming out in January of 1999. 

     PEOPLE Online: If you are just beaming in, we're chatting with Robert Beltran and a surprise guest Ethan

     Ethan Phillips: It's filled with all the recipes, not only from Voyager but from the other three series as well. 

     patcc63: Did you watch Star Trek ( original ) as a kid? 

     PEOPLE Online: Stick around, the Captain of Voyager, Kate Mulgrew will be joining us later! 

     Ethan Phillips: Yes, I did. 
     Ethan Phillips: And I enjoyed it very much. 

     Robert Beltran: No. I turned the channel as soon as I saw the ugly yellow shirts and the stupid boots that they

     Ethan Phillips: [laughs] 
     Ethan Phillips: One of my favorite shows as a child was a movie of the week called Barrington. 

     Robert Beltran: They're responsible for me having to wear those stupid sideburns that everyone in Starfleet
     has to wear. 

     kpizzano: Do you see your character expanding in a different direction this year Neelix 

     Ethan Phillips: I see him as expanding in his waist. 
     Ethan Phillips: : As I get older, I seem to gain more weight. 
     Ethan Phillips: I think that he will probably have a mid-life crisis, 
     Ethan Phillips: and try to look more like Chakotay. 

     chakkate: Will we get more backstory on Chakotay this year? 

     Robert Beltran: Yes, we are. I can't expand. 

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