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Alex Trebek? The game show host?

Conan loves me. No, seriously! I have been having these dreams lately, wherein I meet Conan; and they're great because he ends up liking me and we are friends.

Give me a break!

Sting, a.k.a. Applesauce McGee

'Cause he is Conan O, Conan O, he is O'Brien

His voice is like chocolate pudding. No! smooth, so creamy, so...perfect.

PJP2! Announces that he now wishes to be called Barracuda Magoo

This and Ben Pringle are all you really need.


This man, Bob Knight, is so scary. He is everywhere; I think he follows me.

Conan, the James Bond of nerds

Other Small Towns of My Site for Entertainment

THE NEWEST EDITION: My Evening with Lily Tomlin

try to shut me up
put rockstar shut-me-ups on your own page!

One afternoon I got really bored and joined a bunch of fanlistings just for the hell of it:
