Rules to Earth2 Role Playing

Basic rules:

1. First and foremost, please make sure to put your characters name in each email.

2. Subject line should be as follows: Character/Location/Who your talking to (possibly more than one name). These can also be switched around if the order slips one's mind.

Role Playing Rules:

1 Most importantly, you can not kill off another players character, not even with the consent of that player. If someone wants to leave the game, their character becomes up for grabs again, but does not die. The only exception is a created character not of the show. In this case, only the character's creator can kill this character.

2 You can't move or speak for another's character. Each person 'owns' their character and only they can state what that person is doing to an extent. It would be better to invite the person to come over to your conversation or say something along the lines of: "I'm going scouting, your coming with me right?"

3 We are role-playing, so it is all right to say unnice things about other characters (but only as their character, not people, which should go without saying). Do not take things said about your character personally. We all know that things are not like the garden of Eden on Eden Project, so there will be disagreements as we play our characters. Feel free to tell people how to raise their children and so on. Yet, always keep in mind to be considerate to those in the role-play. Remember, they are real people as well.

4 Do no let your characters be in more than one place at the same time. Remember, you are pretending to be a real person, so it is impossible to be in two places at once. Unless they clone you and I don't think we'll being having any of that soon.

5 It is all right to discuss characters while they are not with you (as your character) - as you would in real life. All story related posts must be on the list. Remember, it will be like watching an episode: everything that goes on we see. Yet, remember you as a member will read things that your character does not know. You are not physic, so if there is a "trap" laid for your character you must fall in to it (unless another character comes to your rescue and informs you ahead of time, a deed for which they might have to answer for later in the plot). It is all right for this to go on. There will be things such as "traps", just keep in mind that your character can not die, nor will we be leaving anyone behind (well, not for long anyway).

6 Remember to stay in character. Feel free to give your character your own personal touch and attributes but don't go to far from what your character would do (unless you are injected with Terrian DNA and have short term memory loss or, if your body had been taken over by the evil sprit of a long since dead Terrian. In that case go crazy and chance the consequence!)

7 During the course of our journey we can pick up new characters. We'll all find some way to explain them in our story as they did on the show. This could prove fun, but remember we'll all have to take a vote on if they stay with Eden project or go off in the woods alone and remember, I'm not the welcoming kind. Kidding, cause we keep everyone, even Gaal!

8 Since this is a 15 and over list, try to keep in mildly clean. Curse or cuss if you must, we have all heard profanity before. Sex is a fine subject matter to touch on, but as I stated above - 15 and up - so try to keep it mild. Nothing too graphic. If at some point this becomes an issue, I can change the setting to 18 and over, but I fear that there might be someone of age 15-17 that can handle that subject matter and I would not want to eliminate them from the list.

9 I am not the type of person who would kick people off the list. We are here to have fun and create a story line. If someone if bothering you with something ongoing within the story, contact me ( and I will address them about the issue, with or without using your name depending on if you want to become involved. If there is some other type of problem, contact me first as well. I would rather handle it as a go-between then having list members fight over a subject. Any issue brought to my attention can be kept between me and the person who brought it to my attention. Any issue I address with a list member who is causing the issue will also be kept between me and that member. Everyone will be treated fairly and equally when it comes to these issues. The only way I would ever remove anyone from the list is if I am getting complaints from more then one list member and I have warned you at least once and you continue to do what I have asked you to stop. I will be honest, I will probably warn you at least twice, maybe even three times first. Then, you will get a notice that if you do not cease, you will be removed and the next time the event occurs you will be removed without further thought on my part.

10 Try to keep all post to the story line and as your character. If there is something that you must share with us or you will die, go ahead and post it. If you have a new list of your own and would like to post an invitation, feel free. My only request is that you only invite once on the list. Several invites will become annoying to all players and if we didn't join the first time that means we are probably not interested. It is best that on a Role playing game you stay on regular email and not digest to stay up to date with the story (if you check your email more then once a day or are online for about an hour or more a day). If you want to share something, but are not sure whether to post it or not, email me first at I will tell you to go ahead or don't bother. Most likely go ahead, I am a very easy going person.

11 Posting together. (emailing a conversation between two characters to the list already made without multiple emails) It is a good idea when you know two characters are alone and talking back and forth to keep email low, but if a third party is involved it is not a good idea. If you plan on posting together, include two posts per-person for a total of four then post it to the list giving others a chance to jump in if needed. If you are doing more than four, make it more than one email.

12 Keeping the game moving. Main Characters: If you, as your character, do not post for an entire month (4 weeks) without prior notice, your character will go up for grabs again. Minor characters: You have a total of 6 weeks. Major characters and minor characters listed below:

Devon, Ulysses, Baines, Cameron, Danziger, True, Denner, Julia, Magus, Mazatl, Bess, Morgan, Alonzo, Walman, Yale

Elder, Gaal, Mary, Ragamuffin, Reilly, Whalen, ZED, Zero

Thanks, now play nice.

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