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These are the extra little things you can choose with your freebie points. Merits cost pts but flaws can add from 1-7 more pts for more freebie pts.



14th Generation (2pt) (VtM 3rd)
You are a childe of a 13th Gen. Lick. Although you have a Bloodpool of 10, you may only use eight of them. You may not have the Generation or Status background. The Thin blood flaw usually acompanies this flaw.

15th Generation(4)

Absent-Minded: (3pt) (VPG)
This Flaw may not be taken with the Merit Concentration. Though you do not forget such things as Knowledges or Skills, you do forget names, addresses, and when you last ate.


Allergic (1-3pt) (VPG)
You are allergic to some substance, in a manner not unlike mortal allergies. However, you do not get hives or sneeze, but are actually incapacitated by your reaction. If the substance was in the blood you drank, the reaction will be very strong, though touch alone is enough to disturb you. Choose from the list below or make up the substance to which you are allergic.
Plastic (1pt)
Alcohol (2pt)
Illegal Drugs: (2pt)
Metal (3pt)

Amnesia: (2pt) (VPG)
You are unable to remember anything about your past, yourself or your family. Your life is a blank slate. However, your past may someday come back to haunt you. Over the course of the story, you and your character will slowly discover them.

Anachronism: (2pt) (VPG)
You have been a vampire for some time, and are unable (or unwilling) to keep up with the changing times. your attempts. Note that characters with this Flaw will generally have been vampires for longer than the 50 years suggested in Vampire.

Ancestral Soil Dependence (2pt) {Cbk Tzi Rev}
Dependence on their native soil hampered the Tzimisce's flight from Eastern Europe. Even a few childer sired elsewhere required the soil of a homeland they had never visited, making them particularly vunerable to enemies who knew of this weakness. The will of the spirits from the ancestral Tzimisce homeland weighs heavy on your blood--soil from a place important to you as a mortal won't do. You actually need two handfuls of the tainted Eastern Europe soil of the Tzimisce homeland. This most commonly manifests in the childer of the koldun and the brance of the clan thought to be descended from Yorak. Characters Embraced in Eastern Europe can't take this flaw (they are already dependant on the local soil).

Anosmia (2) (Cbk Nos Rev)
You have no sense of smell or taste.

Artificially Aged (2)

Bad Sight: (2) (VPG)
Your sight is defective. The difficulties of all dice rolls related to vision are increased by two. This Flaw is neither nearsightedness nor farsightedness; it is a minor form of blindness, and is not correctable. You may not take Acute Vision if you take this Flaw.

Bad sight (1-3pt) (VtM 3rd)
All difficulties involving sight are increased by two. As a one point flaw, glasses or lenses can correct it, as a three point flaw, it cannot.

Beacon of the Unholy (2) (GC)
You radiate palpable evil. Clergy and devout mortals know instinctively that there is something horribly wrong with you, and react accordingly. Churches and other places of worship are barred to you as well.

Blind: (6 pt) (VPG)
You automatically fail all dice rolls involving vision. You cannot see-the world of color and light is lost to you.

Blood Hunted (4-6) (GC)
You have been made the target of a blood hunt, and for you to return to your home city is death. For four points, this Flaw means that only your home city is off-limits to you. For six, it means the entire Camarilla is howling for your vitae.

Blunt Fangs (1) (Cbk Nos Rev)
Your teeth are huge and square. Once you have sunk your teeth into your prey, you inflict a level of damage for every two blood points you take. Once your fangs are locked in a victim's flesh, you've got to chew and chew and chew...

Botched Presentation (1) (GC)
When your sire presented you to the prince of the city, you flubbed it. Now you're convinced His Majesty hates you (whether he does or not). You need Willpower just to stand in front of the prince or one of his duly authorized representatives without running, blubbering or otherwise making a fool of yourself.

Bound (2) (GC)
You are blood bound to another vampire. Your regnant many not necessarily treat you badly, but the fact remains that your will is not entirely your own. The knowledge gnaws at you, even as you find yourself in devotion to your vampiric master.

Bound to the Council (3) (Cbk Trem Rev)
Whether because of a highly suspicious regent, a faux pax in the past or a missive from on high, your character was bound to the Council of Seven--a condition that he hasn't escaped. This doesn't stop your character from having personal goals and motives, but love of the Tremere clan always comes first. You must spent Willpower just to go against Tremere policy; violating the oath, is literally as difficult as a blood bound thrall trying to betray her regnant. When the council or their duly-appointed representatives (read: anyone with more Tremere rank than your character) says, "Jump," your character jumps, then waits around to find out how high before coming down. If you somehow manage to get out of this problem, say by partaking of a Vaulderie, accepting another blood bond or using the ritual Abandon the Fetters, your character may well find himself marked for destruction should the proper parties find out. If the blood bond wasn't enough to keep him in line, and he was enough of a threat to merit it, then destruction is the only way to be sure that he won't be a problem later.

Can't Cross Running Water: (3pt) (VPG)
You cannot cross running water unless you are at least 50 feet above it. "Running water" is any body of water more than two feet wide in any direction and not completely stagnant. A Kindred with this Flaw obviously believes too much in old wives' tales.

Cast No Reflection (1)

Catspaw (2) (GC)
You've done the dirty work for someone high up in the city's hierarchy in the past--the sheriff, the primogen or even the prince. However, instead of granting you favor, your deeds have made you an embarassment or a liability. For the moment, your former employer's concern is to keep you quiet. In the long term, it's to get rid of you.

Child (3pt) (VPG)
You were a small child at the time of the Embrace. Although time and experience may have changed your outlook, you are stuck with a child's body. You have the Short Flaw (see above), and you find it difficult to be taken seriously by others. Because you have never before experienced any sort of transformation change (never having undergone the experience of puberty), you are ill suited to withstanding the demands of the Hunger. Additionally, certain clubs may not admit you, because you are "underage."

Clan Enmity: (2 pt) (VPG)
For some reason, something about you inspires contempt or hatred in members of a clan other than your own. Select the 'enemy' clan randomly.

Clan Weakness (2)

Cold Breeze (GC)
A chill wind follows you everywhere you go. While it may make for dramatic entrances, this effect also discomfits mortals and also endangers the Masquerade. Cold winds sweeping through executive offices or crowded nightclubs can raise all sorts of questions.

Color Blindness: (1 pt) (VPG)
You can only see in black and white. Color means nothing to you, though you are sensitive to color density, which you perceive as shades of gray. This makes it impossible to use the Level Two Auspex power of Aura Perception. Note: color blindness actually indicates an inability to distinguish between two colors, but we fudged a bit for the sake of brevity.

Compulsion: (1pt) (VPG)
You have a psychological compulsion of some sort which can cause you a number of different problems. You compulsion may be for cleanliness, perfection, bragging stealing, gaming, exaggeration or just talking.

Confused: (2pt) (VPG)
You are often confused, and the world seems to be a very distorted and twisted place. Sometimes you are simply unable to make sense of things. You need to roleplay this behavior all the time to a small degree, but your confusion becomes especially strong whenever stimuli surround you (such as when a number of different people talk all at once, or you enter a nightclub with loud pounding music).

Conspicious Consumption> (5)

Consumption (5pt) {Cbk Tzi Rev}
Portions of the Antediluvian are not only within you, they're active and act like a cancer that devours you from the inside out. Your very blood is wrought with a corrosive, flesh eating bacteria. At the beginning of each evening, you suffer one health level of bashing damage that cannot be soaked nor healed with blood. The only way to counteract the effect is by ingesting one-tenth of your body weight in flesh to supplement your depleted carcass. Whether you kill and devour the skin from humans or raid the biohazard containers of liposuction clinics for siphoned fat, you need your ration of human flesh in order to survive. Without the Eat food Merit you will vomit out this flesh like any other food.

Contagious (5) (Cbk Nos Rev)
Dead bodies contain all sorts of infectious bacteria, fungi and spores. There's a reason coroners wear gloves when handling corpses. Thanks to a rather virulent version of Caine's curse, a few doomed varieties of Nosferatu retain those infections after their Embrace. Contagious Nosferatu can never interact with mortals without the possibility of spreading sickness and disease. A mortal who touches a Contagious Nosferatu can fall prey to illness for the next week and possibly longer. Most other supernatural creatures have ways of dealing with the Contagious Sewer Rat's disease: Weres regenerate very quickly, mages can mystically remove the infection from themselves or other mages, wraiths just don't give a damn because they're incorporeal.

Cursed: (1-5pt) (VPG)
You have been cursed by someone or something with supernatural or magical powers. This curse is specific and detailed, it cannot be dispelled without extreme effort, and it can be life-threatening. Some examples follow:
If you pass on a secret that was told to you, your betrayal will later harm you in some way.
You stutter uncontrollably when you try to describe what you have seen or heard.
Tools often break or malfunction when you attempt to use them.
You are doomed to make enemies of those to whom you become most attached (so whatever you do, don't get too close to the other characters! ).
Every one of your accomplishments or achievements will eventually, inevitably, become soiled and fail in some way.

Dark Fate: (5pt) (VPG)
You are doomed to experience a most horrible demise or, worse, suffer eternal agony. No matter what you do, someday you will be out of the picture. In the end, all your efforts, your struggles, and your dreams will come to naught. Your fate is certain and there is nothing you can do about it. Even more ghastly, you have partial knowledge of this, for you occasionally have visions of your fate - and they are most disturbing. Though you can't do anything about your fate, you can still attempt to reach some goal before it occurs, or at least try to make sure that your friends are not destroyed as well. This is a difficult Flaw to roleplay; though it may seem as if it takes away all free will, we have found that, ironically, it grants freedom.

Dark Secret: (1pt) (VPG)
You have some sort of secret that, if uncovered, would be of immense embarrassment to you and would make you a pariah in the Kindred community. This can be anything from having murdered an elder to having once been a member of the Sabbat. While this secret weighs on your mind at all times, it will only surface in occasional stories. Otherwise, it will begin to lose its impact.

Deaf : (4 pt) (VPG)
You cannot hear sound.

Death's Reflection: (3) (Cbk Las Rev)
You cast a reflection normally, which would cancel out the clan weakness--except that your reflection always shows the state you'd be in if you were dead. Any Lasombra more than a few decades old looks in reflection like an ambling skeleton. Younger vampires appear as rotting corpses.

Deathsight (2) (GC)
Everything appears rotted and decayed to you. The world appears to you as a corpse; mortals look diseased or skeletal, buildings seem decrepit, and your fellow Kindred seem to be walking, moldering cadavers. It's easier for you to resist powers using Appearance but also harder for your perception. Social interactions are difficult for you.

Decrepitude (3)

Deep Sleeper: (VPG) (1pt)
When you sleep, it is very difficult for you to awaken. And roleplay how you never seem to be on time when you have an appointment early in the evening.

Deformity: (3pt) (VPG)
You have some kind of deformity - a misshapen limb, a hunchback or whatever - which affects your interactions with others and may inconvenience you physically.

Diabolic Sire: (2 pt) (VPG)
Your sire is engaged in acts that could cause a tremendous uproar in the Camarilla. She could be wantonly breaking the Masquerade, or hunting down the elders of the city and feasting on their blood. Archons are likely to come to you in order to discover your sire's whereabouts, and they may not believe you if you tell them you do not know.

Disease carrier (4pt) (VtM 3rd)
You carry a highly contagious disease, like rabies or HIV. All kindred who drink your blood have a 10% chance of becoming a carrier as well. Also, you must spend a bloodpoint each night, to avoid the symptons of the disease for that night.

Disfigured (2pt) (VPG)
A hideous disfigurement makes you ugly and easy to notice as well as remember. You therefore have a zero Appearance, much like the Nosferatu (who cannot take this Flaw).

Disgrace to the Blood: (3) (GC)
Your sire regards the fact that he Embraced you to be a titanic mistake, and has let everyone know it. You are mocked in Elysium, taunted by your peers actively despised by the one who should be giving you guidance. Any request or petition you make is likely to be looked down upon by friends of your sire, and your achievements are likely to be discounted.

Disgraced: (2pt) (Cbk Assa)
You broke the laws of the khabar at some point during your training, and though you have since partially made amends (enough to prevent yourself from being destroyed on the spot, and to be grudgingly accepted as a rafiq), your name still bears the stain of your misdeed.

Domitor Pariah: (2)

Double Betrayer (4) (Cbk Trem Rev)
At some point in the past, your character undertook the Vaulderie. She may have legitimately tried to join the Sabbat, or perhaps she didn't know any better or was compelled. Regardless, she now bears the mark of the Betrayer. She has since been redeemed and welcomed back into the clan's ranks, but the mark will haunt her always. As usual with the mark, all Tremere can tell that your character betrayed the clan once. Those who know of your character's past will treat her with contempt; it is more difficult socially interacting with other Tremere as long as they are loyal to the clan. Ttemere who don't know the circumstances will probably assume that your character is a Sabbat traitor, and might try to capture or destroy her, or at least attempt to inform the pyramid of her whereabouts. Should your character ever fail in her reports or relapse in bad behavior, you can expect that she will be hunted down.

Driving Goal: (3pt) (VPG)
You have a personal goal, which sometimes compel and directs you in startling ways. The goal is always limitless in depth, and you can never truly achieve it. It could be to eradicate the Sabbat or achieve Golconda.. Because you must work toward your goal, it will get you into trouble and may jeopardize other actions. Choose your driving goal carefully, as it will direct and focus everything your character does.

Du'at Enemy: (4pt) (Cbk Assa)
During your apprenticeship at Alamut, you somehow incurred the displeasure of one of the du-at, and your existence will considerably difficult as a result. Your enemy is unlikely to be your direct commander (the caliph in the case of warriors0, and you may not even know his identity--though you may certainly try to find out and make your peace somehow.

Dulled Bite: (2) (GC)
For some reason your fangs never developed fully--they may not have manifested at all. When feeding, you need to find some other method of making blood flow. A number of Caitiff and high-generation vampires often manifest this flaw.

Eerie Presence: (2)

Embraced Without the Cup (Cbk Trem Rev)
When your character was Embraced, her sire dispensed with Tremere tradition, or perhaps didn't have the means necessary to finish the job or just died before it could be done. Your character was drained of blood and then brought across, but never went through the Transubstantiation of Seven. As a result, even if your character took the oath, she didn't undertake any steps towards a blood bond with the Council of Seven. Because your character has no imperative toward the Seven, her loyalty to the Tremere clan comes solely from her own conscience. Effectively, you can do as you damn well please without any unnatural feelings getting in the way. If the Tremere find out about this oversight, your character will probably wind up hauled in for the Transubstantiation of Seven, as well as some detailed questioning about why she didn't come forward to fix this on her own.

Enemy: (1-5 pt) (VPG)
You have an enemy, or perhaps a group of enemies, who seek to harm you. You must decide who your enemy is and how you became enemies in the first place. An Archmage or Methusalah would be a 5 pointer, someone near your own power would be 1 point.

Enemy Brood: (3) (Cbk Nos Rev)
A brood of your fellow Nosferatu have an unceasing vendetta against you. You can run from them, but you can't hide. If you stay in the same city, they will pool whatever resources they have to make your existence a living hell. Traveling through the local sewers is a nightmare. If you flee, they will use their influence and contacts to call in favors in the next city you show your ugly mug.

Escaped Target: (2) (GC)
The flip side of Rival Sire, Escaped Target means that you had targeted a mortal for the Embrace, but someone else got there first. You cannot stand the humiliation of being cheated of your prize, and fly into a rage whenever you see the one that got away. This hatred may lead you into other irrational behaviors, like Embracing enemies of the neonate, creating unauthorized childer or even trying to kill your rival. Futhermore, your petty and irrational behavior is well-known and quite noticeable.

Expendable: (1) (GC)
Someone in power doesn't want you around. Maybe she wants territory you possess, or is jealous of the attention you're getting from a prize mortal retainer--the details are irrelevant. What does matter is that she has the power to manuever you into dangerous situations "for the good of the Camarilla," and has no compunctions about doing so.

Failure: (2) (GC)
In your first nights as a member of the Kindred, you accidentally broke the Masquerade--and were spotted doing so. Someone else covered for your mistake, but holds the favor over you. Now you exist in fear that your error will be revealed. In the meantime, your "savior" takes pitiless advantage over you.

Fangless: (2)

Flashbacks: (6)

Flaws of Superstition: (1-3)

Flesh of the corpse (5pt) (VtM 3rd)
Although you may heal your wounds, all damage you have taken remain visible on your skin, causing social interactions to become increasingly more difficult.

Former Prince: (3) (GC)
Once, you held near-absolute power in a city, but those nights are gone now. Perhaps you stepped down, perhaps you were deposed or perhaps your city fell to the Sabbat; it matters little in your reduced state. What does matter is that the prince in the city where you now dwell is aware of your prior employment, and has concerns that you might be trying to make a comeback. If the prince sees an opportunity to get rid of you he just might take it.

Fragile Bones: (5)

Glowing Eyes: (3) (GC)
You have the stereotypical glowing eyes of vampire legend which makes it easier when intimidating mortals. However, you are a walking tear in the Masquerade and must constantly disguise your condition (no, contacts don't cut it); the glow impairs your vision and the radiance emanating from your eye sockets makes it difficult to hide in the dark.

Grip of the Damned: (4)

Guilt-wracked: (4) (GC)
You simply cannot come to grips with the fact that must drink blood to survive. You suffer horrible guilt over each time you feed and try to avoid doing so as much as possible. This means you rarely have much blood in your system, leaving you vunerable to both attacks and hunger-based frenzies.

Hard of hearing (1pt)(VtM 3rd)
All difficulties involving hearing are increased by two.

Hatred: (3pt) (VPG)
You have an unreasoning hatred of a certain thing. This hate is total and largely uncontrollable. You may hate species of animal, a class of person, a color, a situation- anything. You constantly pursue opportunities to harm the hated object or to gain Dower over it.

Haunted: (3pt) (VPG)
You are haunted by a ghost that only you (and Mediums) can see and hear. It actively dislikes you and enjoys making your life miserable by insulting, berating and distracting you - especially when you need to keep your cool. It also has a number of minor powers it can use against you (once per story for each power): hide small objects; bring a "chill" over others, making them very ill at ease with you; cause a loud buzzing in your ear or the ears of others; move a small object such as a knife or pen; break a fragile item such as a bottle or mirror; trip you; or make eerie noises such as chains rattling. Yelling at the ghost can sometimes drive it away, but it will confuse those who are around you.

Hemetic: (4)

Hunted: (4pt) (VPG)
You are pursued by a fanatical witch-hunter who believes you are a dangerous, vile beast inimical to humanity (perhaps you are). All those with whom you associate may be hunted by the same individual as well. Though this hunter seeks to destroy all vampires, something about you drives the passion of this killer.

Hunted Like a Dog: (3) (GC)
Another sect or group of vampires--be it an independent clan or the Sabbat as a whole--has decided that you're a target for extermination, and pursues you relentlessly. On the bright side, the enemies of your enemy may wish to help you out, potentially garnering you allies in the one instance.

Illiterate: (1pt) (VPG)
Through lack of education or as the result of a condition like dyslexia, you are unable to read or write.

Impatient: (1) (GC)
You have no patience for standing around and waiting. You want to do things now and devil take the hindmost. Everytime you are forced to wait around, you may go haring off on your own instead.

Inbred: (1-5)

Incoherent: (5) (Cbk Nos Rev)
You are incapable of human speech. Maybe your jaw has collapsed or you've been abandoned in the sewers for too long. Pointing, grunting, wheezing and wildly gesturing are all within your repertoire, but actually forming words is not. The only exception is communication with animals.

Incomplete Understanding: (1) (GC)
The whole matter has been explained to you, but you're still not quite sure how this whole Camarilla/Masquerade thing works. Your imperfect understanding of the rules and regulations of your new existence means that sooner or later, you're going to make a mistake. It's only a matter of time...

Inept: (5 pt) (VPG)
You are not attuned to your natural aptitudes.

Infamous Autarkis: (1) (Cbk Nos Rev)
The Camarilla won't accept you as one of its own under any circumstances. The Sabbat wouldn't think of submitting you to Creation Rites--it's just not worth it. Something in your past, your reputation or your sire's background is so abhorrent that both sects reject you utterly. You aren't just autarkis, your infamy spreads throughout both sects of vampiric society. You may never gain Camarilla or Sabbat Status. This marks you as automatic prey for the Scourge in a Camarilla city, and for any likely hunters in a Sabbat city.

Infamous Sire: (1 pt) (VPG)
Your sire was, and perhaps still is, distrusted and disliked by many of the Kindred in the city. As a result, you are distrusted and disliked as well. This is a heavy load, and one not easily shed.

+ Infectious: (3)

Infectious Bite (2pt) (VtM 3rd)
You cannot seal the wound you make while feeding and you have a one in five chance of causing a serious illness.

Infertile Vitae: (5)

Insane Sire: (1 pt) (VPG)
Your sire has completely lost his grip on reality, and has become dangerously insane. Any wrong committed by your sire may affect your standing, and some of your sire's dangerous schemes may somehow involve you. Because their sires are already assumed to be insane, Malkavians cannot take this Flaw.

Intolerance: (1pt) (VPG)
You have an unreasoning dislike of a certain thing. This may be an animal, a class of person, a color, a situation, or just about anything at all. Note that some dislikes may be too trivial to be reflected here-a dislike of White Wolf Magazine or tissue paper, for instance, will have little effect on play in most chronicles.

Kinfolk: (4)

Lame (3pt) (VPG)
Your legs are injured or otherwise prevented from working effectively. A character may not take this Flaw along with the Merit Double-Jointed.

Laughingstock: (5) (GC)
Somehow you've drawn the scorn of the local harpies, who make you their favorite and reflexive target. It's harder to deal with and use Dominate on anyone who has heard the stories mocking you.

Lazy: (3)

Light-Sensitive: (5pt) (VPG)
You are even more sensitive to sunlight than other vampires are. Sunlight causes double normal damage, and even moonlight (which is, after all, the reflected light of the sun) harms you. Indeed, even bright lights can be painful, but that pain can be mitigated by wearing sunglasses. When the moon is shining, the light it casts will cause wounds in the same way sunlight does for normal individuals. However, the wounds caused by the moon are not aggravated, and can be healed normally. Remember, even on nights when the moon is full, it may have already set when you venture outside, or be obscured by the clouds.

Loathsome Regnant: (4) (GC)
Not only are you blood bound, but are also in thrall to a vampire who mistreats you hideously. Perhaps you are publicly abused or humiliated; perhaps your master forces you to commit unspeakable acts for him. In any case, existence under the bond is a never-ending nightmare, with your regnant serving to conduct the symphony of malice.

Lord of the Flies: (2) (GC)
Buzzing harbingers of decay swirl around you everywhere. Their constant presence makes it difficult for you to interact socially and nearly impossible to sneak up on someone or hide effectively. The buzzing of the flies inevitably gives you away.

Low Self-lmage: (2pt) (VPG)
You lack self-confidence and don't believe in yourself.

Lunacy: (2)

Magic Addict: (3, 5)

Magic Susceptibility: (2pt) (VPG)
You are susceptible to the magical rituals of the Tremere, as well as to spells of mages of other creeds and orders. The difficulty to cast a spell upon you is less, and all spells cast have twice normal effect on you.

Masquerade Breaker: (2)

Mistaken Identity: (1 pt) (VPG)
You look similar to another Kindred, and are mistaken for her, much to your chagrin. This individual's allies will approach you and tell you things you do not want to hear, her enemies will attempt to do away with you, and others will treat you in odd ways. Ultimately you might be able to sort out things, but it will take tremendous effort.

Monstrous (3pt) (VPG)
There is something wholly monstrous about you, something that makes you even more hideous than a Nosferatu. You scarcely look human, but the manner in which you differ is up to you. Perhaps you have grown scales or warts all over your body, or perhaps the scream you issued when you died has been permanently frozen on your face. Not only is your Appearance a zero, but you make even the Nosferatu uneasy. Nosferatu may take this Flaw, but only gain one point for it.

Mute (4pt) (VPG)
Your vocal apparatus does not function, and you cannot speak at all. You can communicate through other means -typically writing or signing.

Narc: (3) (GC)
You are known to be a snitch, an informer firmly planted in the sheriff's pocket. Those on whom you might yet inform loathe you as a result, feeding you misinformation when they can in an attempt to discredit you. Given the opportunity, they might do you mischief

Necrophile: (3) (Cbk Nos Rev)
No, you don't have sex with the dead, but you certainly enjoy their company. You are obsessed with dead bodies and "invite" them over to your domain. Your haven is tastefully decorated with severed and mutilated body parts of all kinds. You talk to your dead friends, dance with them, make art out of them and entertain frequently. Some vampires of particularly refined temperament may need courage to enter a room where you've left your guests and their accouterments. Toreador go apeshit; Tor Anti applaud.

New Arrival: (1) (GC)
You've just arrived in your new city of residence, and have done so without knowing anyone in the place. Existing factions may try to recruit or eliminate you, while the harpies size you up and take your measure. Meanwhile, your ignorance of the city's current events, history and politics (not to mention the personality quirks of the vampires already in place) may cause you to make a serious blunder.

New Kid: (1) (GC)
You're the latest Embrace in the city, and everyone knows it. That automatically puts you at the bottom of the social totem pole. Other neonates take every opportunity to demonstrate your inferiority to you, proving that the dynamics of the schoolyard are alived and well in the Camarilla. Even if someone else is added to the ranks of the unliving, you're still regarded as a bit of a geek by your peers--a distinction that can have dangerous consequences if bullets start flying.

Nightmares: (1pt) (VPG)
You experience horrendous nightmares (daymares?) every time you sleep, and memories of them haunt you during your waking hours. Some of the nightmares may be so intense that you mistake them for reality.

Notoriety: (3 pt) (VPG)
You have a bad reputation among the Kindred of your chosen city. This may be your own reputation, or it may be derived from your sire. A character with this Flaw may not take the Merit of Reputation.

Obvious Predator (2pt) {Cbk Brujah Rev}
Either your face or your immediate disposition lets people know that you have nothing good in store for them. Mortals react poorly to people who exude such a blatant air of menace.

Odd Eye: (1-2) (Cbk Salubri)
Your third eye looks strikingly different from your other two. For one point, the third eyes is merely a different color, while for two points it's something rather disturbing (ie violet, red, slitted like a cat's eye). Needless to say, this inhuman feature is not going to help your reputation.

Old Flame: (2) (GC)
Someone you once cared deeply for is now with the enemy. He still attempts to play on your sympathies "for old times' sake" while working against you. You most likely will not act against him unless the situation becomes life-threatening.

One Arm (3pt) (VPG)
You have only one arm - choose which, or determine randomly at character creation. This happened before the Embrace. It is assumed that you are accustomed to using your remaining hand. A character may not take this Flaw along with the Merit Ambidextrous.

One Eye: (2 pt) (VPG)
You have one eye - choose which, or determine randomly during character creation. You have no peripheral vision on your blind side.

Open Road: (2)

Open Wound: (2-4) (GC)
You have one or more wounds that refuse to heal, and which constantly drip blood. This slow leakage costs you an extra blood point per evening, in addition to draw attention to you. For two points, the Flaw is simply unsightly and has the basic effects mentioned above. For four points the seeping wound is serious or disfiguring and includes the effects of the Flaw Permanent Wound.

Overconfident: (1pt) (VPG)
You have an exaggerated and unshakable opinion of your own worth and capabilities-you never hesitate to trust your abilities, even in situations where you risk defeat. Because your abilities may not be enough, such overconfidence can be very dangerous. When you do fail, you quickly find someone or something else to blame. If you are convincing enough, you can infect others with your overconfidence.

Overextended: (4) (GC)
You've got your fingers in too many pies, and people are starting to notice. You have too many ghouls, too many retainers and too many influences, which means that a lot of people have a vested interest in trimming back your operations. These enemies take every opportunity to reduce your power and influence, and if that means lying, cheating or killing, so be it. Futhermore your enemies block every attempt you make to move into new areas of control. You're boxed in, and the box is getting smaller.

Paraplegic (6pt) (VPG)
You can hardly move without assistance, such as a pair of crutches or a wheelchair. Even then it can be painful and cumbersome to do so. A character may not take this Flaw along with the Merit of Double-Jointed.

Parasitic Infestation: (2) (Cbk Nos Rev)
Other creatures live on and inside you. Exotic hermovores--chiggers, gnats, ticks, lice, mosquitoes, leeches and unnamable bloodsucking fungal spores--consider the creases, folds and scaborous layers of your skin delightful. Your flesh continuosly twitches and writhes, and living things burrow inside you, possibly even nesting in the cavities of your body. Despite all your ingenious methods of discouraging them, this loathsome hosting will not dispense. You cannot command these vermin in any fashion; in fact, the worst of them are very defiant because they have been strengthened and corrupted by your foul vitae. Each night you rise, you lose some blood points to the blood-intoxicated parasites within and on you. In addition, the constant itching puts you on edge.

Pelagic Condition (2) (Cbk Las Rev)
You become increasingly agitated when on land. Becomes more difficult after you've been away from the sea for more than 24 hours.

Permanent Fangs: (3) (GC)
Your fangs do not retract, making it impossible for you to hide your true nature. While some mortals may think you've had your teeth filed or are wearing prosthetics, sooner or later you're going to run into someone who knows what you truly are. You are a constant threat to the Masquerade, and other Kindred may take steps to prevent a breach from occuring. You are also limited to an Appearance rating of 3 at most.

Permanent Wound (3pt) (VPG)
You suffered injuries during the Embrace, which your sire did nothing to repair. You start each night at the Wounded Health Level. This can be healed like normal damage, but each evening, after sleep, your wounds always return.

Phobia (Mild): (1pt) (VPG)
You have an overpowering fear of something. You instinctively and illogically retreat from and avoid the object of your fear. Common objects of phobias include certain animals, insects, crowds, open spaces, confined spaces and heights.
Phobia (Severe): (2pt) (VPG)
You have an overpowering fear of something. Common objects of fear include certain animals, insects, crowds, open spaces, confined spaces, heights, and so on.

Poseidon's Call (1) (Cbk Las Rev)
Your self-control varies with the weather. Attempts to resist frenzy increase with the weather. ((Makes it really rough during a thunderstorm or hurricane.))

Prey Exclusion: (1pt) (VPG)
You refuse to hunt a certain class of prey. For instance an animal-lover might decide to hunt only humans, or a character might decide to spare a class of person she particularly admires: police, teachers, medical professionals, clergy, peace activists and so on. You are disturbed when others feed from this type of prey. If you accidentally feed upon this class of prey yourself, you will automatically frenzy. (Ventrue cannot take this Flaw).

Privacy Obsession (3) (Cbk Tzi)
You carry the Tzimisce respect for privacy to extremes. It takes special effort to enter another being's dwelling without been invited (though you will go to fiendishly clever lengths to garner an unwitting invitation). When disturbed in your manse by an uninvited guest, you can frenzy.

Probationary Sect Member: (4)

Putrescent: (4) (Cbk Nos Rev)
After you received the Embrace, your body continued to decay. The mystic process that inhibits a vampire's natural putrefaction has little effect on you. As a result, you constantly rot. If you are jarred or hit, one of your facial features or a limb can fall off. Once this wound is healed, the missing body part will grow back. You stink something awful too, and look like a rotting corpse out of a B-grade movie.

Ravaging Years -2: (2)

Recruitment Target: (1) (GC)
The Sabbat wants you, and they want you bad. Every effort is being made to recruit you, willing or no, and the press gangs usually show up at the worst possible time.

Red List: (7) (GC)
You are either being considered for or are already on the dreaded Red List, the registry of those vampires the Camarilla most wants extinguished. Any Camarilla will either attack you on sight or, more likely, call in for a great deal of help.

Repelled by Crosses: (3pt) (VPG)
You are repelled by the sight of ordinary crosses ( just as if they were holy). Kindred who were of the Church prior to their Embrace are the ones most likely to possess this Flaw; they perceive that their new form is a judgment from God.

Repulsed by Garlic: (1pt) (VPG)
You cannot abide the smell of garlic, and the smallest taint of its scent will drive you from a room. The full force of its pungent odor will bring bloody tears to your face and render you nearly blind, while its touch can cause boils and even open wounds.

Revenant Weakness (3pt) {Cbk Tzi Rev}
You were once part of a revenant family. Following the Embrace, you suffered the double-whammy of your clan's weakness and your revenant family's limitation; whether its the Bratovitch's propensity to fly into a rage, the Grimaldi's blood bond to the Sabbat, the Obertus' instability or the Zantosa's weak will.

Scarface (2 to 4pt) {Cbk Tzi Rev}
You are a walking mess of scars. Although you head damage with Cainite efficiency, the manner in which you do so is all human. Fore some reason, the regenerating flesh returns as scar tissue. Vicissitude doesn't help; in fact, it aggravates your condition with stretch marks and cicatrices anywhere your skin breaks. 2 pts raises makes Social interaction more difficult, 3 pts means your face and body are so horribly blemished that your Appearance rating can never be above 2, 4 pts makes the swath of scars thick enough to hinder your actions.

Rival Sires: (2) (GC)
Not one, but two vampires wanted to gift you with the Embrace. One succeeded, one failed--and she's not happy about that failure. Either you, your actual sire or both of you have become the target of the failed suitor's ire. Your persecutor finds it hard not to frenzy in your presence. In addition, she may well be working actively to discredit or destroy you.

Romantic Notions: (2)

Scarface: (2-4)

Selective Digestion (2pt) (VPG)
You can digest only certain types of blood. You can choose whether you can drink only cold blood (the blood of a dead person), blood with the taste of fear (found in blood only in moments of terror), or blood with the taste of joy, or perhaps only certain types (A, O, etc.) of blood. This Flaw may not be taken by Ventrue characters, since they already have something like it through their clan weakness.

Short (1pt) (VPG)
You are well below average height, and have trouble seeing over high objects and moving quickly. In some circumstances, this will give you a concealment bonus.

Short Fuse: (2pt) (VPG)
You are easily angered. This is a dangerous Flaw; don't choose it without careful thought.

Shy: (1pt) (VPG)
You are distinctly ill at ease when dealing with people and try to avoid social situations whenever possible. Don't expect such a character to make a public speech.

Sire's Resentment: (1 pt) (VPG)
Your sire dislikes you and wishes you ill. Given the smallest opportunity, your sire will seek to do you harm, and may even attack you if provoked. Your sire's friends will also work against you, and many elders will thus resent you.

Sleeping with the Enemy: (3) (GC)
You have some sort of intimate connection with a member of the opposing sect or inimical clan. You may have a lover, a childe, a friend or a contact working the other side of the fence, but regardless of politics you retain a friendly (or more than friendly) relationship with your putative foe. Your close ties to someone on the other side would be regarded as treason by your superiors within the Camarilla, and if you are discovered the penalty will surely be death.

Slow healing (3pt) (VtM 3rd)
You have difficulties healing your wounds. To heal one health level, you require two Blood points and you heal a level of aggrvated damage in five days.

Smell of the Grave (1pt)(VtM 3rd)
You excude an odor of dampness and newly turned earth. This makes all mortals around you uncomfortable.

Silsila Enemy: (2pt) (Cbk Assa)
A member of the silsila has taken against you for some reason--faction enmity, for example--and will exert influence to thwart your chances of promotion, make sure you get difficult or inglorious jobs, and generally make your existence uncomfortable.

Soft-Hearted: (1pt) (VPG)
You cannot stand to watch others suffer-not necessarily because you care about what happens to them, but simply because you dislike the intensity of emotion. If you are the direct cause of suffering, and you witness it, you will experience nights of nausea and days of sleepless grief. You avoid situations where you might have to witness suffering and will do anything you can to protect others from it.

Special Responsibility: (1)

Speech Impediment: (1pt) (VPG)
You have a stammer or some other speech impediment which hampers verbal communication. Do not feel obliged to roleplay this impediment all the time, but in times of duress or when dealing with outsiders, you should attempt to simulate it.

Stench: (1) (Cbk Nos Rev)
Even other Nosferatu recoil at your horrific odor. Lose all ties to stealth automatically. It's pretty hard to sneak up on someone when he can smell you coming, unless you are upwind.

Stereotype: (2) (GC)
You buy heavily into all of the vampire legendry you've read and heard. You wear a cape, speak with an accent and otherwise act in a cartoonish fashion. Such behavior is embarassing in the extreme to other Kindred, who are likely to ostracise or mock you. Also you stand out to hunters, and run the risk of violating the Masquerade every time you take to the streets.

Stigmata: (2-4)

Stubborn: (1-3) (Cbk Salubri)
There is conviction of spirit, there is unshakable will, and there is just plain ornery. You fall into the last category. When your mind is made up, or when you are set on doing something, nothing can divert you. For one point, you're set in your ways, but a convincing argument will turn you around. For two points, you're a regular mule, and nothing's likely to change you're opinion short of a catastrophe. For three points, you'll not only defend your conviction to Hell's door, you'll kick it in and argue with the Devil. This Flaw is most taken by Salubri warriors.

Superstitious (2) (Cbk Gangrel)
The character has misconceptions about what he is. In the absence of a sire, he becomes what he believes himself to be. "Hollywood-itis," the belief that one has the powers and limitations of one of the several movie vampires.

Sympathizer: (1) (GC)
You have publicly expressed sympathy for some of the Sabbat's goals and policies. Your outspoken views on the subject have made you suspect in the eyes of the city's hierarchy, and you may be suspected of (or arrested for) treason.

Taint of Corruption: (1pt) (VPG)
Plants wither when you approach, and will die if you touch them. It is rumored that Caine himself possesses this Flaw.

Territorial: (2pt) (VPG)
You are extremely territorial. You do not like to leave your territory, nor do you like to have strangers enter it. In fact, you get nervous and disoriented while outside your territory. And you may frenzy when strangers enter your territory unless they have your permission.

Thaumaturigically Inept (5) (Cbk Trem Rev)
Your character has more difficulty learning Thaumaturgy.

Thin-Blooded (4pt) (VPG)
You have weak blood, and are unable to use it for anything but sustaining yourself from night to night and healing your wounds. Blood cannot be used to add to your Physical Attributes, to fuel blood Disciplines, or to create a Blood Bond. Moreover, you will not always be able to create a vampire. Half the time the Embrace will simply not work.

Thirst for Innocence (2) (GC)
The sight of innocence--of any sort--arouses in you a terrible bloodlust. Possibility of frenzy and attacking the source of your hunger.

Touch of Frost (1) (DA Rev)
Plants wither as you approach and die at your touch. Your touch leaches heat from living things, as though you were made of ice. As you walk through a forest or across a field, you do not leave a huge swath of death, however. Instead, you leave behind small patches of dead leaves and withered or rotting foliage. Someone tracking you finds it easier because of these marks.

Traitor (4) (Cbk Nos Rev)
Oh, you're a bastard, all right, and if the other Nosferatu find out about this, they'll kill you on sight. You've been leaving information (through a designated drop point) about your alleged allies. This might involve regular emails, messages hidden at the same spot or a package you drop off for a courier.

Twisted Upbringing: (1 pt) (VPG)
Your sire was quite malevolent and taught you all the wrong things about Kindred society. All your beliefs about how vampires interact are wrong, and your faulty beliefs are likely to get you into a great deal of trouble. Over time, after many hard lessons, you can overcome this bad start. But until then, you will continue to believe what you were first told, no matter how others try to "trick" you into thinking otherwise.

Twitch (1) (GC)
You have some sort of repetitive motion that you make in times of stress, and it's a dead giveaway as to your identity. Examples include a nervous cough, constantly wringing your hands, cracking your knuckles and so on. It costs one Willpower point to refrain from engaging in your twitch.

Unblooded: (5) (Cbk Salubri)
You never received any ritual of blooding from your sire or other warriors, and so your training is at a standstill. You may not progress beyond the second level of Valeren until you receive a ritual of blooding. Only warrior Salubri can take this flaw.

Unbroken (3)

Uncontrollable (5pt) {Cbk Brujah Rev}
Rage and passion constantly war in the soul of a volatile Brujah. Perhaps you were ill tempered before the Embrace, or perhaps your Brujah lineage awakens some latent fury. In any case, even more so than your clanmates, you are prone to frenzy.

Uncontrollable Night Sight: (2) (Cbk Las Rev)
Light and dark are permanently inverted for you. Pitch-black darkness seems bright and uniformly lit to you, while any light brighter than a hundred watts creates a zone of pure darkness. This Flaw doesn't allow you to see through Obenebration-created darkness, which glows with pure white light that obscures all details. This is a very difficult flaw to handle. Be sure you know what you're getting yourself in for.

Unconvinced (1) (GC)
You fail to see the need for the Masquerade, and have gone on record as saying so. Taking your stand has made you suspect in the eyes of your elders, and may have attracted the Sabbat's attention as well.

Uneducated: (VPG)
As Inept, above, but dealing with Knowledge Abilities.

Unskilled: (5pt) (VPG)
As Inept, above, but dealing with Skill Abilities.

Uppity (2) (GC)
You are proud of your new status and clan--so proud that you've shot your mouth off to other Kindred and made some enemies. Wiser vampires laugh at you and chalk your rudeness up to youth, but others regard you as arrogant and insulting. These enemies will take action to embarass or harm you.

Vengeful: (2pt) (VPG)
You have a score to settle. This score may be from either your mortal or vampiric days. Either way, you are obsessed with wreaking vengeance on an individual (or perhaps an entire group), and make revenge your first priority in all situations.

Victim of the Masquerade (2) (GC)
The Camarilla's propaganda machine did too good a job on you. Even after your Embrace you refused to believe you were a vampire. You remain convinced that there is some logical explanation for your condition, and spend as much time as you can searching for it. You also have problems feeding, and may instead on trying to eat regular food. None of these habits makes you particularly pleasant company for other Kindred. This Flaw must be roleplayed at all times.

Visible Eye: (5) (Cbk Salubri)
You cannot get your third eye to close. It remains open even when you sleep. While you can cover it, covering it too tightly is too painful to be borne. You may spend Willpower to force it shut for 10 minutes, but is snaps back open immediately thereafter.

Vitae Sink (3)

Vulnerability to Silver (2)

Ward: (3pt) (VPG)
You are devoted to the protection of a mortal. This character may be a friend or relative from your pre-Embrace days, or simply a mortal you admire and consider important. Wards have a way of getting caught up in the action of stories, and are frequent targets of a character's enemies.

Weak-Willed: (2pt) (VPG)
You are highly susceptible to Dominate and intimidation by others.

Withered Leg (3) (Cbk Nos Rev)
For whatever reason, one of your legs does not work as well as the other. You move at half normal speed.