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Visitor 8 million +


1040 W. Fort Street
19th Hole on Chene
1st National Bank Building
600 Woodward (Vinton Building)
606 Horseshoe Lounge (Paradise Valley)
Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History
Albert Kahn Building
Ambassador Bridge
American Axle Plant
Americana Music Studio
American Beauty Electric Irons
American Hotel
Ameritech Building
Ann Arbor, Michigan
ANR Building (One Woodward Building)
Apartment Buildings
More (Some Historical) Apartments
Arts Beats & Eats 2001
Art Work on Buildings
Atheneum Hotel / Fishbones
Auto Assembly Plants
Bad Axe, Michigan
Bagley Service Center
Bankers Trust Bldg. / Britts Cafe
Bellcrest Apartments
Belle Isle (Scott Fountain, as well)
Birmingham Theatre
Boarded-up (Leonard Brown) Funeral Home
Boblo Boats (D-Day's Detroit Tour)
Boblo Boats (Save the Steamer Columbia)
Boblo Docks
Bonstelle Theatre
Book Tower / Building
Boston Edison District
Bowne Company
Boydell Building
Brayz Hamburgers
Brewster Projects
Broderick Tower
Brownie Root Beer (Atlas Beverages)
Brush Park
Brush Park Restored
Brush St.
Burton International School
Cadillac Hotel
Cadillac Motel
Cadillac Square
Carson Apartments
Cass Cafe (& surrounding area)
Cass Tech and other Detroit Schools
Cement Silos
Chicago, Illinois
Chin Tiki Restauraunt
Chungs Cantonese Restauraunt
Churches Part 1
Churches Part 2
Churches (D-Day)
Classic Building (Oddfellows Hall)
Coal Coke Sign
Cobo Arena
Cobo Views
Comercia Park (Part 1 & 2)
Conners Creek Pumping Station
Cooper Elementary School
CPA Building
Crosswinds Condos
Croswell, Michigan
Cunningham's Drug Store
Dalgleish Cadillac
Dakota Inn Rathskeller
D-Day's Adventures
Descent of the Holy Ghost Church in Warren
Detroit Arsenal Tank Plant
Detroit Athletic Club
Detroit at Night
Detroit Life Building & Park Avenue
Detroit Cornice and Slate Bldg.
Detroit Fog
Detroit Historical Museum
Detroit in 1958
Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA)
Detroit Players Playhouse
Detroit Police HQ
Detroit Postcards
Detroit Skyline
Detroit's on Fire!
Detroit Storage Company
Detroit Tour 11-27-2002
Detroit Tour 12-29-2002
Detroit Trust Building
Detroit W. on Jefferson
Detroit Zoo (Royal Oak)
Diamond Jacks Tours
Dime Building
Dodge Main (Old Parking Lot)
Dom Polski Hall
Dry Cleaners (30 Clifford Downtown)
E-Zone Tour (2 Pages)
E-Zone Strip Malls
Eastern Market
Eastown Theatre
Elwood Bar & Grille
Farwell Building
Fine Arts Theatre (and Adams Theatre)
The Fist
Ford Auditorium
Ford Building
(Henry) Ford Hospital
Ford Motor Company (& Model T Plant)
Ford Wyoming Drive-In
Fort Shelby Hotel
Fort Wayne
Fox Theatre
Frank Murphy Hall of Justice
Free Press Building
Fyfe Building (Fyfe Shoes)
GAR Building
Garland Stove Works
Gem Theatre
Giant Tire on I-94
GM Building / Fisher Building / New Center
Grand Circus Park / Edison Fountain
Grande Ballroom
Grand River Castle
(Famous) Graves (2 parts)
Gratiot Avenue Stores
Greater Detroit Hospital
Gregory, Michigan
Grogg Shop Party Store
Guardian Building
Hard Rock Cafe
Harmonie Centre
Harper Hospital Post Card
Harper Theatre / Harpos Concert Theatre
Hecker House
Heidelberg Project
Highland Appliance
Highland Park Theatre AKA "Fancy Pants"
Historic Trinity Church
Hockeytown Cafe
Hostess Cakes
Hotel Eddystone
Hudson's Department Store
Hughes and Hatcher
IMax Theatre (at Henry Ford Museum)
Indian Village Area
Jail (Wayne County Jail Downtown)
Jeffries Projects
Joe Muers Restaurant
Joe Louis Arena
Joe Louis Statue
St. Josaphat Church
Kales Building
Kean Apartments
Kiefer Hospital
Kinsel's Drug Store (and others)
Ladder Company 16
Lafayette Building / Lafayette Tower
Lafayette Lofts
Lasky Theatre
Lawyers Building / American Title Building
Lee Plaza
Lee Plaza Info Sent to the FBI
Leland School
Library (Detroit et al Libraries)
Lincolnshire Hotel
Lindell AC
Linwood Avenue
Macabees Building
Mack Building
Mackinac City, Michigan
Madison Lenox Hotel
Madison Theatre
Mariner's Church
Mary Lee Candies
Masonic Temple
McNamara Building
MCS (Michigan Central Station)
Med Center Bar (Orchestra Place)
Merrill Fountain
(Detroit) Metropolitan Airport
Metropolitan Building
Michigan Avenue
Michigan Theatre
Millender Center
Montgomery Wards Department Store
Moose Lodge
Mother's Bar
Motor City Casinos
Motor City Roller Rink
Motown (Hitsville)
Music Hall
Nabisco Building
National Theatre
Non-Detroit Postcards
Colonel Philetus Norris
North on Cass Ave.
Norwest Theatre
Oakland Bathhouse (Schvitz Bathhouse)
Old City Hall
Olde Building
Old Gas Stations
Old Main Hall/Wayne State University/Detroit Central High School
Old Match Packs
Old Mill Hall
Olympia Stadium
Olympia /Cobo Hall Proposal
(Passing the) Olympic Torch
Opera House
Orchestra Hall (Paradise Valley Theatre)
Overland Willy's
Oxford, Michigan
Packard Plant
Palace of Auburn Hills
Palmer Park Photo Studio
Parker Webb Building
Park Shelton Apartments
Penobscot Building
People Mover
Perrinsville School (Westland)
Peterboro Ruin (James Scott Mansion)
Pfeiffer Brewery
Pizza Factory
Pontchartrain Hotel (Then & Now)
Pontiac, Michigan
Port Hope/Harbor Beach, Michigan
Port of Detroit Building
Post Office Then & Now
Ramada Hotel/Detroit Leland Hotel
Red Barn Hamburgers
William Reid & Co. Building
Renaissance Center (Ren-Cen)
Restoration (Lofts on Woodward)
RETS School
Riverfront East / Globe Trading Co.
Riverfront Warehouse
(Grand) Riviera Theatre
Royal Oak, Michigan (Part 1 & 2)
Russell Industrial Center
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Sanders Bakery
Saturday Drive Tour
Schwankovsky Building
Science Center
Sears Department Store (Highland Park)
Second Baptist Church
Senate Theater
Shopping District (Old)
Shrine of the Little Flower Church (Royal Oak)
Spaulding Court Motel
Spirit of Detroit Statue
St. Andrews Hall
State Fairgrounds (2004)
State Theatre
Statler Hotel
Statues (Various)
St. Cyril and Methodius
Stearns Lofts
St. John Hospital
St. Mary's Church
St. Mary's Catholic Church
David Stott Building
Stroh Brewery (and Brewery Park)
Studebaker Plant
Sugar Hill Lounge
Tangent Gallery Ruins Rave
Telenews Theatre (Club Bleu)
Tall Ships
Temple Beth El
Tiger Stadium
Top 20 Tallest Buildings
Tuller Hotel
United Artists Theatre
U.S. Federal Building
Value Village AKA Value World
VA Medical Center
Van Dyke Theatre
Vernors Ginger Ale
Warren, Michigan
Washington Ave. (Random Building)
Water Board Building
Water Works Park
Wayne County Building
Wayne State (Old Housing)
Willis Avenue Steam Heat Plant
Whitney (The)
Whitney Building
Whittier Hotel
Windsor Casino
Windsor, Ontario
Windsor Postcards
Windsor Tour (old)
Wolverine Hotel
Wurlitzer Building
Yellow Pages Building (Mini Hudson's)
YMCA's (East Side)
Steve Yzerman Mural
DetroitPix Large Pix

Downtown from Windsor
Ren Cen from Windsor
Downtown at Night
Downtown at Night
Downtown from Belle Isle

DetroitPix Slideshows

Mackinac Trip
Fall Colors
Lansing, Michigan
Brush/Comerica Park
2003 Auto Show

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