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Anamar (stands for Ana Marcela) was born Febraury 15, 1993,  at 21:10 hrs, in Mexico City, MEXICO.

That year was particulary rough for the family, as you can see Dad had his arm broken as a result of a machinery accident at work (just two days before Anamar was born).

Few days after she was born, seizures started and so the long walk of the family trough Emergency Rooms and doctors of all kind.
For months her home was the Pediatric Hospital at "XXI Century" Medical Center, the largest in Mexico, but seemed to be no solutions for her, the seizures were often and severe and no medication was working; and after dozens of studies, tests and scans, finally the diagnosis:


In other words the right side of her brain was too big, causing the seizures, also causing poor developement of the other side.

At this time the only sure thing was that she must keep on trying with "anticonvulsants" but after trying every one of them, finally the Neurologist proposed a
"HEMISPHEROCTOMY", removing the right hemisphere of Anamar's brain.

The operation could lead to crippling, coma, death or recovery.

God willing and Anamar's love to life chose the last.

The surgery was made in June 1995, ten hours of  long, long wait.

May 1995, before the surgery in the few moments without seizures.

July 1995, some weeks ago after the surgery....finally on vacations....that face tells everything

Anamar now.  Mother's Day,  May 1999.

On her seventh birthday, february 2000

She goes to a special school, physical theraphy several times a week looking for the oportunity to walk, water theraphy in the pool once a week and she is always smiling.


If you want to know more about  hemispheroctomy, read this article:
"A terrifying choice"

You can learn more about HME in this Web site

Also visit some friend's special children pages:

"DoallStuff". Ashlee Bahr's web site,
she had to undergo an hemispheroctomy.
Blaze He is dealing with HME also.
Jessica and Chelsea Savage two lovely girls with lissencephaly.

For more info about Special Needs Sites go here:
"The Special Child Needs" related links

But, before you go please sign the Anamar  Guestbook.
press here to sign the book

 write to us........ or go to the
Delgado-Rodriguez Family web site

H & H tutorial's Silver Award.
"............The web
 community benefit and site content were high on the  list of criteria in the review as well as the  exceptional color scheme and ease of navigation......"

These sites have all had a positive impact on children with disabilities by advocating for projects helping childen with disabilities. 



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