29th of December 2000
Oopsie, oopsie! Noticed that there were a mistake on the BMAAG page in a link back to the main page. Fixed it. Also a mistake on Guest art main page: fixed it.
Small changes on the Thank Yous! -page.
Updated the Future Updates -page.
28th of December 2000
I built the gallery for Buell and add all his pics there with linx.
Started to build a disclaimer-page. I think it`s now finally the time to make the legacy and law stuff clear, no-one shouldn`t blame me from stealing his/her character`s name, name of a trademark that he/she owns partly or anything (like that).
Once again I don`t own the Biker Mice, but I do own my characters, my art & fics, Technodrome - the home of the de Megazones and Megazone Fighters. The copyright includes even my link collection and if I find a page to where has been copied my link collection without any modifications (means in the way "copy & paste (the HTML) and ta-daa! I have a link collection!") I swear I come to smash ya with the army of the best lawyers of this planet!
27th of December 2000
I noticed that on the Hallway of the Galleries -page the text didn`t appear (only the link textes did), so I fixed the problem and now again the text appears.
20th of Decenber 2000
I fixed a bit the character files of Venom, (only the Technodrome file), Monza and Mizeleingzelo.
I built the Plutarkian security profile of Mizeleingzelo and linked it to Character show.
Fixed the pages of Mizeleingzelo and Venom where are the links to Plutarkian security profile and Technodrome profile.
19th of December 2000
Some tiny esthetic changes on Hallway page.
15th of December 2000
The Biker Mice Adult Art Gallery (BMAAG) finally ROCKS!!
Update on Future Updates -page.
Guest Art Gallery ready ta rock in new form! (Elma`s art section still missing but everything else is ready in Guest Art Gallery.)
E-mail page done and ready!
14th of December 2000
Small update on "Future Updates" -page. Just had to fix some things.
2 new linx in the collection of BMFM linx: to Skylark`s Dimension and Wizard`s page.
Venom`s Putarkian Security porofile page re-built to homestead. The link to it is now active!
Tiny esthetic change on "TimeWheel Teleporter" -page
"Fact & Fiction" now opened!
A link to Fact & Fiction has been put to Hallway page.
13th of December 2000
I put the link to "What´s New?" -page on the Hallway page.
Hallway and Entrance page got the Holiday look finally!
11th of December 2000
Temporar look for Entrance and Hallway page before I scan and put the X-mas pic(s)on them.
Info page is from now on the "Future Updates" -page.
Workin´ with the Gallery 3...
Tiny estetical changes on Hallway of the Galleries -page.
v3space.com doesn´t let me go to build the BMAAG to there Grrrr!!!
Future Updates -page updated.
Gallery 3 opened now! It`s not ready yet but I re-opened it now because there has been so huge demand to see the fan art from me so I had ta listen to the visitors and open the gallery that is most ready currently.
10th of December 2000
Small chages on Entrance -page and new Info -page. Uaah! I hate Yahoo! Page Wizard!
7th of December 2000
I deleted the entrance page that leads to BMAA-gallery that has been invisible for some time already because BMAAG is movin` to new addie. So the page http://technodrome.homestead.com/bmaag.html does not exist anymore!
New pages at http://www.v3space.com/a/a33/92/ - The BMAAG moves to this addie! Ya can enter to BMAAG also usin´ this addie: http://nav.to/mizeleingzelo but it runs more slowlier so I guess ya gotta suffer from the "weirder" address.
6th of December 2000
Happy Independence Day, Finland!
3 new pages: Supportions (http://technodrome.homestead.com/support.html) I, Mizeleingzelo, the hostess of this site, support these things listed on that page.
Link me! Now ya can put a picture link on yer page if ya want to link to Technodrome. Own pages for the buttons and banners for light and dark pages. Start from this address: https://www.angelfire.com/de2/megazone/linx/link_me.html
1st of December 2000
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the... Gee! X-mas is comin`. Man! And I haven`t bought even one single Christmas present to anyone yet! Sheesh! Anyway I do have updated the Entrance page (http://technodrome.homestead.com - 99% in my belief that ya did end up to that page first when ya entered to my site.) and the TimeWheel Teleporter main page (a.k.a. The link main / Main page of the linx of Technodrome).
New section on TimeWheel Teleporter main page - link to the page where are all the button and banner linx to my bros` and sys` sites!
Workin` with the page that had most of the BMFM linx that I had and which disappeared. If ya want me to put a link to yer page PLEASE E-MAIL ME YER URL AND THE TITLE OF YER SITE/THE LINK + if ya have button(s) or banner(s) that ya use for linkin` send it (if ya have more than one, sent them _all_ to me, or at least link to the page from where I can copy the 1 I like most. I don`t guarantee that I will use the link button/banner but I definately will put the link to yer site to a page of my link pages.)
27th of November 2000
New page @ http://geocities.com/mizeleingzelo/twisted.html - perhaps the most stupid page what I`ve done.
23rd of November 2000
I fixed a little the way "Webrings" page appears.
The page where were most of my BMFM related linx has disappeared!! Guys and gyrls, learn from this: Copies doesn`t take much space on yer hard drive or in zip disk. Keep always a fresh copies of the most important pages ya have.
19th of November 2000
The link list on my page at https://www.angelfire.com/de2/megazone/linx/bmlinx.html has been updated: The MinkE Mellenienia -link taken away, so has the link to 4th rock, some linx fixed and five new linx: To the official Biker Babe page, Wizard`s page, Ylla`s Art page, Modo`s Gyrl`s page and an other link to MG`s other page.
The link to MaiveMinotaurMouse`s page moved to a page that I`m buildin´ currently.
15th of November 2000
2 new pages: A page where are the linx to the BMFM ralated sites in other languages than English and a page where are the linx to the sites that handle just and only Biker Mice itself and the voice actors.
New linx on "Other linx" page. I recommend ya to check out the link to the home page of FREE neat html-editor called EasyHTML! Would ya believe this... The guy who has created EasyHTML -editor is only 15-year-old!
13th of November 2000
I published the part two from Day Dreamer`s Emotional Exhange.
12th of November 2000
I published "Dreamer Saver The Day" from Day Dreamer
11th of November 2000
I had to fix a little the main page of the guest fanfics because it had a bit awfull look.
Fixed the linx on the main page of BMFM fanfics for mature viewers -page and on the pages where the stories by Borris locates.
10th of November 2000
Entrance got new look and some of the linx on that page has been taken away. It should open more faster, so ya don`t have to wait so long to see it in proper form. Doya like it? Comments and suggestions are always welcome: either e-mail me (I`ve got addie(s) almost on every page and they all work!)
On BMFM guest fanfic main page I`ve put the link to the mature section.
Small changes on "what`s New -page (a.k.a. this page).
2 stories from Borris published: "Make It Right" and "Happy Birthday Charley" - both made only for mature readers!
9th of November 2000
2 New pages built to Technodrome`s Geocities address: The warning page where I warn from the fics that are meant for mature viewers only and the page where is listes the mature stories (or if there is more than one story from one writer then there`s a link to the page where his/her fanfics for mature viewers are listed. Currently 1 story from Crystal is published and I`m publishin` 2 stories from Borris.
1 page built to Technodrome`s Angelfire address: the mainpage of the stories written by Borris.
1 story for mature readers of the BMFM fanfics from Crystal is published.
8th of November 2000
Fixed the link to the original tortune page (FoxFire`s).
Fixed the link to the page of my BMFM linx.
5th of November 2000
First part of Day Dreamer`s story "Emotional Exhange" published!
4th of November 2000
"Lovers Tiff" from Day Dreamer published!
3rd of November 2000
Finally I could publish "Baby Blues" and "Double Date" from Day Dreamer. Ya can read `em if ya go to Library from Hallway and then choose the link to BMFM fics by guests page and there ya enter to mainpage of Day Dreamer`s stories. There`s a list of the pubished stories (3) and those that are waitin´ for publishin`.
I also took the message board h*ll outta from the Entrance. I got totally pissed off it...
I moved the linkpages to new addie but I gotta admit that the links to them are incorrect and leads to the old ones.
29th of October 2000
Ooopsie! I`ve forgot to tell that I`ve published 1 story from day Dreamer and more is comin`! And I officially published the part 2 from "Megazone Family" yesterday but today I had chance to put the link to that part from the mainpage of my BMFM fics. Read "U-turn to hell" starting from http://www.geocities.com/mizeleingzelo/mizebmfics.html
22nd of October 2000
Just quick note that the update of the galleries is temporarily discontinued because of many reasons that I don´t have time to tell now.
Anyway I`m deletin` all the pages that are in my tripod account or in Ladygirl`s addie in Angelfire. All those pages will move to this address: https://www.angelfire.com/de2/megazone and its subdirectories.
Finished the movin´ of Crystal`s BMFM fanfic "Baby." the parts are in new addie https://www.angelfire.com/de2/megazone/stories/crystal/baby1.html, /baby2.html, /baby3.html and /baby4.html but the main page of the story stays in http://www.technodrome.homestead.com/teaser.html
8th of October 2000
Rocky e-mailed to me and told he had deleted the family tree page, Rocky`s Room and Monza`s Room. I checked those pages and didn´t find ´em so he truly has deleted those pages. That doesn´t affect anyhow to the pages that are left or in other addies. Just quick note.
6th of October 2000
Updated version of Halway of the galleries published.
Modifications on "Thank Yous" -page.
Small update on Entrance.
5th of October 2000
Tortune page is ready to publish now! I´ll add my latest ideas right after FoxFire has published `em either on the BMFM Board or on her page. Some pretty bad are still comin`!
Technodrome.freeservers.com doesn`t exist anymore and the images I had stored there will be moved to another servers! (possibly to FurNation).
Small changes on "Thank Yous" page.
Link to Tortune page added on Hallway.
3rd of October 2000
Changes on Character show/Technodrome files -page.
Small "update" on Hallway page.
Rocky had done "Image list" page but it can`t be published because there`s linx to only few images yet. I need to find new, safer place for my BMAAG Gallery and adult art images.
21st of September 2000
The update of the galleries started. Hallway of the Galleries and the galleries are temporarily down.
20th of September 2000
New image on main page.
The look of the main page has been modified.
15th of September 2000
Updated the "Other Linx" page.
New Link added to "Other linx" page.
Link to Cassidy`s site, it has moved back to BMFM link page.
14th of September 2000
Small changes on Entrance and BMAAG entrance.
Fixed the link to BMFM link page on What`s New page (this page)
8th of September 2000
New cursor on What`s new -page.
Technodrome joined in Foxtails ring.
Some changes on webrings -page.
Links to Hallway and Thank you -page added on What`s new -page.
Link to Bikermice.com has been taken away from the What`s new page.
6th of September 2000
New cursors on Hallway and Tortune pages (the Tortune page is under construction).
25th of August 2000
Changes in Hallway, 4 new linx and poll page link fixed.
Look but don´t steal image added and linked.
Technodrome joined in 3 new rings: Don`t Steal My FanFiction, United Nations of Characters by Imagination and Temples of Fan Art Webrings.
New page built: TimeWheel Teleporter
New page built: /characters/venom.html; choose character information file of Venom Predator
New page built: /characters/mizeleingzelo.html; choose character information file of Mizeleingzelo de Megazone.
New page built: technodromecharactrs.homestead.com
New page built: technodromecharacters.homestead.com/mizeleingzelo.html; Technodrome file of Mizeleingzelo de Megazone
New page under building: technodromecharacters.homestead.com/monza.html; Technodrome file of Monza de Megazone
Thank You page published finally. Anyone who feels that I`ve forgotten to thank him/her please lemme know! I can`t remember everythin` so little remindin` might help...
2 linx on Character show page
Small changes in Gallery Hallway
Gallery 1 back in the business!!
No new images added to any of the Galleries from 1 trough 5.
BMAAG page finished. 2 images already.
BMAAG entrance done from A to Z. BMAAG (Biker Mice Adult Art Gallery) entrance is passwors protected. The passwors is same as the gallery´s name in short (in lower case).
23rd of August 2000
Fixed the problem why the bacground image didn`t appear. The page should appear now correctly, but lemme know if it doesn`t. (Thanx Noora!)
Finished the building of mew Hallway.
Small changes on mainpage.
Hallway moved to address http://www.geocities.com/mizeleingzelo
22nd of August 2000
Small changes on main page and de Megazones page.
18th of August 2000
I replaced the old prologue entrance and prologue with the new ones and added the part 1 of Megazone family to my fanfictions. Read them and tell me what doya think `bout the beginnin` of the story. Now I`m workin` with part 2; "U-turn to Hell" wich makes us familiar with the hero of the story (the heroine has been introduced already) William Cop.
12th of August 2000
I finished the part 1 "Brawlers" of my fanfic "Megazone family"
11th of August 2000
I finished the modification of the Prologue of Megazone family and the entrance to the prologue.
I continued buildin` "Thanx" page. It´s almost ready now.
25th of July 2000
Fanfic main got new look,¨
Hallway (index2) updated,
new pages: BMFM guest fanfic page, my BMFM fanfic page, Non-BMFM Guest fictions page
I started to build Character Show
fixed the links in "Baby" parts I, II & III
24th of July 2000
I started to build BMAA-Gallery (Biker Mice Adult Art Gallery),
Fixed the link to 5th Gallery (the guest art gallery).
Did the pages for Crystal`s BMFM fanfic "Baby."
23rd of July 2000
Link to Random (Biker) Mice Ring`s homepage added on the main page,
Radio taken away (didn`t work),
New disscussion topic added on my message board. Remember! You can leave yer message even if yer not member of Coolboard.
New poll added on message board,
New gallery: Gallery 5: Guest Art,
2 new images in Gallery 5. Both by Illah Westwood.
18th of July 2000
Random (Biker) Mice Ring opened.
Join in now, if ya have mouse characters and you claim they have something to do with the original Biker Mice. (human characters accepted if ya can proove that they are somehow related to the original Biker Mice)
Random (Biker) Mice Ring home page is on this addie: http://www.geocities.com/rockydemegazone/randommice.html
Random Mice Faq done
Random Mice picture page done & pictures published
17th of July 2000
Random Mice images done.
10th of July 2000
Fixed the link to MarsW`s page. I had forgot to put this ")" in the end of the comment.
9th of July 2000
some little changes on mainpage,
2 new pages "What`s New" and "de Megazones"
BMFM link page updated (The Tangled Web is temporarily down, but all other linx should work.
New page added to non-BMFM link,
Technodrome joined in new ring
Hallway started it`s movin`: Latest news forwarded to "What`s new" page
25th of June 2000
Mainpage moved to new addie http://technodrome.homestead.com,
Background music of the hallway has been taken away.
9th of June 2000
Mize`s part and Rocky`s part of Technodrome united!
New background music
Gallery 4 opened
8th of june 2000
I started to build "Thanx" page.
7th of June 2000
Updatin`the "Werings" page continues...
New Webrings page created to replace the previous one which didn`t work (Suprise, suprise!)
"Under contruction" page taken away from the place of the "Webrings" page
6th of June 2000
Updatin` the "Webrings" page begins: previous is deleted and the link goes to "Under contruction" page which was created on that day too.
18th of May 2000
Updatin` continues...
Poll page linked. Vote now!
New gear added on the hallway.
17th of May 2000
2 new gears added on the (previous) main page.
Poll page built and the poll gear added on that page.
15th of May 2000
New another link page built for non-MFM linx
Update in "Linx" page: renamed to BMFM link page and non-BMFM linx moved to the new page.
Countier added to the non-BMFM link page.