14th of December 2001
Technodrome re-joined in to Biker MiceFrom Mars Webring.
The ring-codes of Biker Mice From Mars Webring are changed.
Little update (a little face lift) done to the Entrance page.
Little changes on Webrings -page.
Updated certain things of Random (Biker) Mice Ring.
1 new link: Goldie`s Cave @ https://www.angelfire.com/ga4/goldie/index.html
11th of December 2001
10 new torture ideas: 4 in mature section and 6 of the ideas for everybody.
Started to fix the damages that has happened to the Torture I -page some time ago.
4th of December 2001
4 new torture ideas: 3 in mature section and 1 in general ideas.
Some minor changes on What`s been new? Index -page (https://www.angelfire.com/de2/megazone/whatsnew/index.html)
22nd of November 2001
mizeleingzelo@artic.net -e-mail address removed from the contacting (e-mail) page because Artic.net ends its existance on 30th of November.
I started to modify the pages where mizeleingzelo@artic.net address appears and put another address instead. (Pwooh! Much pages!)
Comet Cursor removed from Mature Torure page.
21st of November 2001
1 new Torture idea
New page for the torture ideas
Moved some of the ideas on the page mentioned above to speed up the first page`s opening.
The link to Black Storm Van Pendragon`s site became changed and points now to the new address of The Black Dragon`s Lair
17th of November 2001
1 new picture "Vinnie II - The Lady-killer in Kilt" published from Mizeleingzelo de Megazone.
1 new picture "Portrait of Mize" published from Pai.
Fixed the unworking linx (total: 3) at Pai`s Gallery 1 page.
Moved all Mizeleingzelo`s Biker Mice Adult Art pictures from their old location to the new one and corrected the links of them to lead to the current correct ones.
1 new adult are picture "X-mas Lover" from Mizeleingzelo de Megazone.
Corrected the links of Mize`s BMAAG to point to the new address.
14th of November 2001
4 new character informations: William Cop`s and Vinnie`s Plutarkian Security profiles, SilverAcid Predator`s and Snakeseye Predator`s Technodrome Files.
Updated Modo`s and Throttle`s Plutarkian Security Profiles in to bigger size.
In some files still was appearing an old address "demegazonem@homestead.com," I deleted it and changed working e-mail address "mizeleingzelo@mailcity.com" instead, so they should work now but if you find an unworking link let me know about it!
11th of November 2001
Happy Father`s day! :)
Two new pics in Mizeleingzelo`s Gallery 4: "...And Girls Talk!" and "Fehr Mouse"
1st of November 2001
The last page of the Finnish languaged BMFM album is now uploaded.
Published the comic book.
31st of October 2001
1 new page: "Scanned & Collected Goodies: Finnish languaged Biker Mice from Mars -album (page in English; however the scanned comic book album`s pages are in Finnish). Cover + 64 pages, the last one is missing still (because of my uploading mistake!) Note! The pages 33 - 36 are black & white copies because they had disappeared from the original comic book and I had to use old copies instead or not to show `em all.
30th of October 2001
1 new artist: Black Storm Van Pendragon
2 new pics from Black Storm Van Pendragon (BSVP)
2 new pics from Pai (the potrait of Modo (by Pai) temporarily not showing.)
29th of October 2001
2 new pics in Mizeleingzelo`s Gallery 4: "Lattu Mouse" and "Macalay Mouse"
1 new character`s, Elina Harrinneva, introduction in "Character Show / Technodrome Files"
28th of October 2001
Moved Goldie`s gallery to new address. The old one will stay as a back-up page in the case that FurNation`s server goes off-line for some reason sometimes in the future.
Edited sone settings on the "Hallway of Arts" -page and on Mize`s Library page. Also "Map" page got some updating.
Part 1: "New House, New Tricks" from "Don`t Forget Bro!" published.
27th of October 2001
Updated the link to BookWorm`s library.
2 new pics from Goldie.
Edited some settings on the Hallway of Arts -page.
26th of October 2001
1 new artist: Goldie
2 pictures published from her.
16th of October 2001
2 new BMFM linx.
Moved some of the older update messages to the archive of year 2001.
New picture in Mizeleingzelo`s Gallery 4: "Venom" - which is the last of the face potrait serie that I did during the trip of mine to Varkaus, last Summer.
15th of October 2001
One new page Site Informations/"Map"
Hallway updated
10th of October 2001
Modification in Throttle`s Plutarkian security profile. (https://www.angelfire.com/de2/megazone/charshow/thorneboy/throttle_secfile_small.jpg)
New: Modo`s Plutarkian Security Profile! (https://www.angelfire.com/de2/megazone/charshow/maverick/modo_secfile_small.jpg)
Note: Both Modo`s and Throttle`s Plutarkian security profiles have now only smaller versions availble but I will publish the bigger versions too, so people with weaker seeing ability can also read what the Plutarkians have filed about the bros.
Fixed some links in the What`s New? -section.
2nd of October 2001
3 new pics in Mizeleingzelo`s Gallery 4: "Modo 3," "Mize 3" and "Young Charley."
17th of September 2001
Update on Torture page for everybody and the Tortune page for mature viewers.
A new page created to where I moved to locate the ideas that have been published outside the Official Biker Mice Torture.
Small update "Thank You" -page.
14th of September 2001
Despite from the awful things that happened on Tuesday 11th of this month the Torture goes on. New ideas published both in for everybody and for mature -sections.
6th of September 2001
Small update in Torture-section. Even one new torture-idea. **grin**
5th of September 2001
1 link moved to point to new addie.
4th of September 2001
Deleted 1 unworking link, added a few new links and edited some that haven`t been either working because of my hurrying in the previous update or pointed to not working page but still existing site.
25th of August 2001
Added one new link to one of my link pages.
24th of August 2001
The Entrance page was updated. The link from there to The Modo Fan Club is now deleted because The Modo Fan club will sink now under huge work and moving project and works only partly during the update. This anyway, won`t affect much to Technodrome - home of the de Megazones but naturally there will come a calmer time in the updatings of this site now.
17th of August 2001
2 (3) new character introduction(s): Throttle; includes the Plutarkian Security Profile (scanned picture from the first Biker mice from Mars comic book, published by Ravette Books Ltd.) and Technodrome`s own information about him, plus next characters: Stop Thorneboy & VinnerPeace de Megazone-Predator.
Coming soon: Modo`s Plutarkian Security Profile. (Necessary changes for that done today.)
13th of August 2001
The https://www.angelfire.com/de2/megazone/linx/bmlinx.html -page, also know as the page where lies the main collection of the Biker Mice -linx, got a great over haul in its look. Links listed now in alphabethical order, some new linx added and some unworking deleted.
If ya want yer site to be listed please, e-mail to me: mizeleingzelo@yahoo.com
6th of August 2001
1 new picture in Mizeleingzelo`s Gallery 4.
The main page of the Character Show/Technodrome Files overhauled.
5 character informations moved to new addresses: Modo Maverick, BlackAcid Predator, Honda Hopper, Red Thorneboy and Hardgo Hopper.
4th of August 2001
Finally the pics of LSD Megazone & Carbine works!
24th of June 2001
Common overhauling all over the site.
What`s New? -page moved to new address (https://www.angelfire.com/de2/megazone/whatsnew/whatsnew.html)
The introduction page of Cat M.`s story "From The Void of Darkness Comes Light" moved to https://www.angelfire.com/de2/megazone/stories/catm/index.html
Introduction page of Crystal`s story "Baby" moved to https://www.angelfire.com/de2/megazone/stories/crystal/index.html
Overhauled pages: Hallway, Main page of the stories by guests, story introduction pages of the stories "baby" and "From The void of Darkness Comes Light"
23d of June 2001
Hallway updated.
Character Show/Technodome Files main page moved into my account in Angelfire and got new style. (Built with EasyHTML. Advertisement here.) I looked all the names and with horror I had to realize how big crew I`ve got. Uh huh... It took me whole day to fight with that stypid page and there`s only one character introduction link curently. Not much.
I am also updating my own galleries. 4 new pics in Gallery 4 and yet two coming, just need to move them to the right server.
Most of the pages that I have had in homestead must be moved away because I don`t want to pay from their worthless service. That will take my time now mostly. (And turning the pages to be viewable in other accounts.)
18th of June 2001
1 new artist: Jadelyn Hellraiser.
Gallery and index page for the art of Jadelyn done & published.
Started to move What`s New? page to another addie because Homestead has started to act like a real jerk.
13th of June 2001
The galleries of Mizeleingzelo (1, 2 and 4); Illah and MG Wolfstone works now!! FurNation`s server is workin` again. Yippie!
11th of June 2001
1 new link: to Lamya`s BMFM site
New artist: Pai
1 picture from Pai.
Another new artist coming: Jadelyn Hellraiser
Small update on Arts page.
10th of June 2001
The prologue of "Don`t Forget Bro!" has been published.
1 new link: Alternate Base 14 (by Mez)
9th of June 2001
The Modo-dream -story`s beginning has been published. The continuing of it won`t happen before Autumn.
31st of May 2001
More tortune ideas added! Both in mature and for all section.
30th of May 2001
New tortune ideas!
29th of May 2001
Overhauling, dudes! One certain "freakazoid" noticed the links to Buell`s third gallery to be wrong. Had ta fix`em.
What`s new center had one unworkin` page that srewed up almost anythin`. Fixed now.
The Contact page was updated too.
24th of May 2001
New idea added on the tortune page.
22nd of May 2001
The Tortune page got an overhaul and I removed the mature ideas away, to an othr page.
New page where the mature ideas of the Torune are published built and published.
New page: What`s New Archive
Whole "What`s New?" section updated.
20th of May 2001
Fixed the Hallway of Arts -page with the current information about the pages to where you can go from there.
Mizeleingzelo`s fanfic page has been updated.
Buell`s 3rd gallery opened.
3rd of May 2001
Edited the Hallway page and took away the linx to the Future Updates page and to Link to Technodome -page.
Deleted the Future Updates -page: it had became useless.
Due to the deletion of Future Updates -page I did some fixing on the Music page.
23rd of April 2001
FurNation`s server went down on Saturday 21st of this month taking all this: Mizeleingzelo`s Galleries 1, 2 and 4, Illah Westwood`s and MG Wolfstone`s Galleries down too. :(
This is the message I got from the System Admistrator:
First, you may have heard rumors that FurNation was shutting down for good. These rumors are FALSE! What is true, however, is that my apartment complex is being completely shut down on very short notice due to a toxic “black mold” infestation in some of the buildings.
So FurNation WILL be moving to a new location which is going to cause us to go offline until the new Internet lines are installed or other arrangements can be made. Hopefully this will only be a few weeks of outage but it may be up to several months (phone companies are SLOW!)
Due to the move FurNation will be shutting down as of today, Saturday April 21. We will re-activate the system as soon as we have everything back in place and the new lines installed. This outage will also effect FurSearch, email to myself, and all other related FurNation services.
I have shut down access via FTP already. We have made an archive backup of FurNation incase we damage a server in the move. Please do not modify your site on FN as it will not sync with the backup archive after we go back online.
I wish I could have given more notice of this move, but everything hit me all at the same time and forced me to move quickly. It has been a very weird and wonderful few months for me and FurNation, and things seem to just be getting weirder every day!
I have set up a temporary email system to use for myself while FurNation is in transition. Anyone who mails me on a regular basis please use the following email address in place of the regular Webmaster@FurNation.com:
Temporary Email Address: FurNation@Hotmail.com
I will keep everyone up-to-date on the primary furry newsgroups as progress continues on the move.
Once again I apologize for the FurNation outage and will try my best to make it as short as possible.
FurNation Administrator
So this all means that I will put up some sort of "copies" of these sites to the web under different address. Actually I have already started that process but I apologize that if I can´t mak all the pictures/pages that were in Furnation to be visible in alternative address.
11th of April 2001
I noticed a small problem on the Hallway page and I had to fix it.
8th of April 2001
Finally!! The Spring update has been done and published! For some reason it reminds me from the brides dressing order: "Something old, someting new, something borrowed and something blue." Maybe the weddig maniac people around me have driven me insane. **loony grin** It took me more than I had thought but **sigh of relief** now it`s happily done. **big grin**
So in a nut-shell:
New (a bit old-fashioned) look on Hallway,
new page "Main page of Arts" that replaces the Hallway of the Galleries, Library and Main page of Guest art -pages,
New look on Entrance page,
1 new Guest Artist: MG Wolfstone,
Mizeleingzelo`s 4th art gallery & fixing of the Galleries 1 - 3 (including some "new" pictures),
Updating & fixing of the linx in the Technodrome and out of Technodrome (if ya find any broken linx please let me know about it/them!)
Gallery 2 moved from its angelfire address to furnation: no more annoying pop-up ads that appear everytime you open the page! (Especially because Angelfire`s pop-ups are so >>beep<< big!)
Common overhaul on different pages.
2nd of April 2001
Tiny update on Buell`s art gallery pages.
Spring update starts to be ready for publishing.
23rd of March 2001
BMAA-galleries works again!
19th of March 2001
Just to let ya know that the BMAAG pages don`t run because the v3space`s server seems to be down. I apologize the happened thing.
Changed the look of Entrance page a bit but because the editor didn`t work properly I couldn´t make it to look exactly that I wanted it to look.
16th of March 2001
Fixed some settings on Guest BMAAG page.
2 new link buttons that ya can use when you make a picture link to Technodrome. They are actually similar but the other one is half from the other`s size. Both fits to lighter and darker pages.
15th of March 2001
Updated Buell`s Gallery 2: 10 new pics! Special thanx to him from the pic about my character Venom Predator. I like the shirt that he wears in it: brings his chest muscles nicely visible. **giggle**
Updated the pages before Mizeleingzelo`s and Guests` BMAAGs. I noticed that my thoughts had gone faster than fingers so I had to fix some things and correct the forms.
Started the great spring update that will demand a lot before its ready. Yet ya can`t see anything really changed.
Updated the Guest BMAAG adding 2 pics to there: 1 from Wielder and 1 from Buell. NOTE! The Guest BMAAG is adult only site!
8th of March 2001
Updated the Hallway-page. Now Modo will be yer guide till the Spring.
5th of March 2001
Oh man how the time runs! Be on a holiday for a week and everything seems to fall on ya when ya return home. Anyway, since the hell hasn`t raised in its full power, I had some time to update the link pages. IF YA FIND A BROKEN LINK/BROKEN LINKS, PLEASE LET ME KNOW `BOUT THEM!! I have e-mail addies all around my site just hit the link and MAIL ME!! Also I`d really would like to know yer thoughts about Technodrome and the pages that I`ve done so I can develop it to be more user/visitor friendly. That means simply: SIGN MY GUESTBOOK(s)! Or at least hit something on the voting page (Poll page). I really apreciate yer comments and opinions but ya must tell me yer opinion(s) honestly. I ain`t no a mind reader. Sorry!
Total 9 new linx, one link taken away and some changed and modifications with the some existing linx.
Mars W! Let me know if ya have changed yer site to new addie! The old that I had didn´t work anymore. (e-mail to: mizeleingzelo@starmail.com)
New look on the Entrance page. And for the people who don´t get the joke of it`s a message against the doping in sports!
19th of February 2001
Small update on e-mail page: 1 new contact address. Now ya can e-mail to me to mizeleingzelo@starmail.com -address.
The Music page is ready and linked (https://www.angelfire.com/de2/megazone/music.html)
Small esthetic update on the Library page.
Small update on the Hallway of the Galleries -page.
Future Updates -page updated.
Fixed some things on these pages: Venom`s Plutarkian security profile page, Mizeleingzelo`s Plutarkian security profile page, BlackAcid`s page, VinnerPeace`s page. Mostly just linguistical fixing.
12th of February 2001
Once again I`ve proved to myself that the best things and the greatest inventions have been done accidentally or as the result of accident or a test that has went a bit wrong, most likely we wouldn`t have our cornflakes without a mistake and the invention that had made from the result of mistake.
Well... How does this link to my updating work? I tell ya, `k?
I was making the final esthetic changes to the "What`s New Archive" -page and I thought to put small borders around the small animated picture that I have there (I like that animated book, it`s nice and simple.) but in a mistake I changed wrong border settings - the border settings of the text boxes not the animated pictures like I had thought and supposed to do. Anyway since I liked that new appearance I decided to keep it but I made the border a bit smaller than the one I had accidentally set. Simple and nice thing when you get it but without this small accident I would never have done it. I made the borders for the picture too but since I didn`t like them I took them off.
The What`s New Archive is found from this web address: https://www.angelfire.com/de2/megazone/old_whatsnew.html
Update on the "What`s New? -page (this page): the link to What`s New Archive has been added and small changes done. The link to Entrance page was taken away, I felt it was needless.
11th of February 2001
Gallery 2 re-opened! Some pics still missing and some pics are same than in Gallery 1 but I will take the pics that are in Gallery 1 and same as the pics in Gallery 2 away from there. The address of Gallery 2 is: https://www.angelfire.com/de2/megazone/gallery2.html
Disclaimer page is ready now but needs to be linked from other pages. Disclaimer @ https://www.angelfire.com/de2/megazone/disclaimer.html
All the thumbnails and linx of Buell`s pics work now.
Added the link to Gallery 2 on these pages: Gallery 3 and Hallway of the Galleries
10th of February 2001
Started to build up a new page "Music."
What`s New archive was almost made ready, the necessary links are just missing.
9th of February 2001
Updated these pages: "Future Updates" and "Library."
7th of February 2001
Both bigger and smaller changes it the whole BMAAG section.
Finally fixed the link to Guest BMAAG, but there`s no pics yet. Citizens! Now to draw yer dirtiest fantasies on the paper and send the pics to me! I promise to put them up (unless they REALLY are that kind of stuff that a mr. Hardknock wouldn`t stand at all - which means there is no true possibility to become unaccepted...)
10 new pics from Buell and the gallery 2 for his art.
The thumbnails of "Biker Mice from Mars Meets Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 and 3" are still missing but the pics are able to become viewed.
A small change on the main page of the BMFM fics written by my friends.
6th of February 2001
The pictures "Confidence," "Army Look" and "For The Memory of X-Trine de Megazone" do appear now in gallery 3. (Y`see the date under the pic is when I`ve drawn it not when I`ve finished it.) I think my favorite from these three pics is "Army Look" (can`t help starting to dool when I see Venom without shirt **winks her eye**) but "Confidence" is cute too, especially Venom`s pants seem to have been colored better than usually.
"Sad And Sorry" picture is back. I had deleted it accidentally and the thumbnail pic worked but the real pic didn`t appear because of that. Well, now`s that fixed.
Entrance page updated.
4th of February 2001
New look on the Hallway page.
27th of January 2001
Small edit on fackt & myth page about Modo.
Future Updates page updated.
In The Fandom of Modo page updated and it has now the link to the fanclub of Modo!
23rd of January 2001
New section on the tortune page for the ideas that are published outside the Tortune.
New idea on the Tortune page.
21st of January 2001
Added 1 new link to the BMFM-link collection and took away the construction picfrom a link list page.
18th of January 2001
Tiny change on the Fact & Myth page about Modo.
Update on the What`s new -page. The What`s New -news from the time before 9th of January 2001 has been moved to What`s New -archive. (The Achive page hasn`t been published yet.)
17th of January 2001
2 new pics from Buell.
Tiny change on the What´s New -page.
16th of January 2001
Update the Future Updates page and Hallway of the Galleries.
Fixed the problem that appeared on What`s New page.
13th of January 2001
Small update on the Webrings-page. Had to delete the information of a webring that had been deleted some days ago.
Gallery 1 published today in it`s new FurNation address.
11th of January 2001
"A Wedding" and "Heartache" published from Day Dreamer. Now there is no more stories to be published from her unless she sends me some.
10th of January 2001
Fact & Fiction main page updated.
Small update on the Entrance-page.
Updated the Hallway-page: (incl.) added the link to the main page to of Modo`s fandom site that I`m buildin` currently.
Fixed the link-problem on the entrance/warnin` page of BMAAG. Now it should work and the Adult Art gallery open again.
Added finally the thumbnail picture of the "Nap" pic. The thumbnail`s link also works now.
Fixed some things on the Technodrome`s Furnation entrance.
New page: Fact & fiction `bout Modo (done & published today!)
New page: fandom page for Modo - the gentle giant of the Biker Mice from Mars -gang (just the main page though...)
9th of January 2001
New story (Gossip!) published from Day Dreamer.
Update on Future updates -page.
New character introductions in Character Show/Technodrome Files. the new characters are: Fireball de Megazone, Karen Browns, Whiptail de Megazone, VinnerPeace de Megazone-Predator, Ironheart de Megazone, Snakeseye Predator, BlackAcid Predator, SilverAcid Predator, Stop Thorneboy, Ibiza de Megazone-Browns, Throttle Thorneboy, Red Thorneboy, Honda Hopper, Modo Maverick, Hardgo Hopper and Harlem de Megazone.
Some sort of main page to FurNation that has link to the official main page of Technodrome.