Filed the appearance of "What`s new?" -page.
24th of November 2002
Edited "Brawlers" (Megazone family part 1)
Published the edited version of "Brawlers"
Fixed the HTML-coding of Mizeleingzelo`s stories.
The parts of Mizeleingzelo`s story "Megazone family" were moved to own subdirectory and so all the links leading to them had to be fixed too.
Night 22nd and 23rd of November 2002
Re-coded Mizeleingzelo`s Gallery 2. Fixed the codes of Mize`s galleries 1, 3, 4 and 5.
Uploaded the fixed pages.
Uploaded some missing pictures.
20th of November 2002
Hallway and Thank You -pages copletely re-coded and also published. A few newer thank yous added too. :)
The fixed Hallway of Arts -page was uploaded & published.
19th of November 2002
Hallway of Arts -page HTML code was updated.
15th of November 2002
Mizeleingzelo`s Galleries 3 & 4 decoded and uploaded. Still not all pics on those pages are appearing properly but mostly they do. :)
4th of November 2002
Feedback form created and put avaible. -A handy way to send feedback to WM especially if you`re using a shared/public computer.
3rd of November 2002
One link fixed in the link collection.
1st of November 2002
Entrance page ready and published.
31st of October 2002
Started to build the new entrance page.
30th of October 2002
Recoded Goldie`s and Jadely Hellraiser`s art galleries completely and published them.
Goldie`s old pictures were removed because the artist had asked that from me and the new pics were uploaded to the gallery.
1 new artist: Lola
2 new pics from Lola: "Mize" and "Venom"
Lola`s gallery section was coded from "a" to "z".
MG Wolfstone`s gallery rebuilt starting from the beginning.
Uploaded MG Wolfstones only picture and some of the pics of Illah Westwood.
Uploaded the pictures by Jadelyn Hellraiser.
Working with the recoding of Illah`s gallery. Didn`t get it ready yet but this lady is heading to bed to catch some Zs!
7th of October 2002
Technodrome got a new web-address:
The text link -page got a tiny update.
6th of October 2002
3 new pics by Mizeleingzelo de Megazone in her gallery 5: "Da Vinski 2", "Jonna Mouse" and "Devilcat Erin"
Gallery 5 moved from unstable FurNation to V3space.
Gallery 1 & 5 opened in their new location at V3space.
The link from Hallay of Arts to Mizeleingzelo`s Picture galleries was changed.
2 new pics by BlackStorm Van Pendragon: "Modo" and "Fierce Modo."
"What`s New?" -page and "What`s been new on the year 2002" -section were updated.
7th of September 2002
Links to Alternate Base 14 by Mez, Carbo`s place and Biker Mice On Mars by Virago are removed from the link collection. (unworking links)
The link to Hellraiser`s Isle was updated to point to the new location.
27th of August 2002
Overhauling of the galleries that belong to Black Storm Van Pendragon and Pai.
Updating and re-building of the "back up -pages" in Topcities.
24th of August 2002
Continued moving the stuff that once located in FurNation to V3space and started to re-code the gallery pages to make them show the pics that have new location.
23rd of August 2002
Started to move all the pictures that were in Furnation part of Technodrome to V3space because the server and the sites of FurNation are once again down.
22nd of August 2002
The Entrance -page was updated in hope to get the hit counter to work. No affection. Counter still not working. :(
28th of July 2002
New "Hallway of Arts" -page published, which keeps following the more simple style that already starts at Hallway.
A Gallery main page built & published for Mizeleingzelo de Megazone. ( If you don`t get it what I mean - check out )
The disappeared torture ideas were brought back and new ideas published in Torture II and Torture for mature viewers.
27th of July 2002
Updated "What`s New?" -archive (year 2002) and "What`s New?" -news. Since the beginning till june 2002 the update anoouncements can be found from the archive.
The pages of Finnish languaged Biker Mice From Mars -comic album are moved to V3space.
New Hallway page built and published. Hopefully it`ll work better than the previous one.
1 new pic by Black Storm Van Pendragon.
24th of July 2002
1 new link: Biker mice from Mars by Miihkali
As the WebMaster I susbended a few of the current members of the Random (Biker) Mice Ring. Why? Their ring codes have been wrong for a longer time. Please folks be sure that you put the link to the very same page to where you place the webring code of the Random (Biker) Mice Ring!
14th of July 2002
1 new Biker Mice -link: Drifter`s Way
10th or July 2002
1 new Biker Mice from Mars -link: Three tailz
6th of July 2002
1 new artist: Alpha 07
8 new pics by Alpha 07
15th of June 2002
1 new picture by Mizeleingzelo de Megazone in her Gallery 5
Part 2 "Cellar" published from Mizeleingzelo`s "Don`t Forget Bro!"
13th of June 2002
The link to the Finnish-languaged Biker Mice album is temporarily taken away because the album pages must be moved to a new location in order to meet the space limitations of their current website account.
2 new pictures from Black Storm Van Pendragon.
1 new picture from Pai.
16th of May 2002
Corrected the link to Pai`s "...Rock & Fire!" -web site.
Mizeleingzelo`s Biker Mice (from Mars) Adult Art Gallery (BMAAG) got new separation: Soft BMAAG for less mature pictures and Hard BMAAG that includes art definately allowed for children under 18 years and/or senditive minds.
1 new pic in Mizeleingzelo`s Soft BMAAG: "Attack of Grayness!"
24th of April 2002
Fixed the link to Alternate Biker Mice Site
1 new picture by Black Storm Van Pendragon
18th of April 2002
Just updated the Entrance page so it won`t die & disappear.
Fixed the link to the The Modo Fan Club on the Myths & facts about Modo -page.
5th of April 2002
1 new pic (Family Ties (a.k.a. Judged)) in Mizeleingzelo`s Gallery 4.
3rd or April 2002
1 new pic (Throttle 3) in Mizeleingzelo`s Gallery 4.
29th of March 2002
3 new linx relating to the original BMFM show.
17th of March 2002
Deleted these addresses away from Mail Office page:,, and - because mailcity/lycos (they`re same despite from the different end) and yahoo addresses have started to send spam on their own and hotmail addie recieves tons of spam every day. These address will be out of use.
Added 1 new address to where people can send their comments, praises, beatings and suggestions related to this BM-site:
Minor overhauling done in Character Show/Technodrome Files: old unworking e-mail linx should be removed now and replaced with working ones.
9th of March 2002
I was cleaning my files when I found Lady Foxfire`s unpublished story. Well, folks, it`s now visible in the Guest fanfic library for the mature audience. Name is "Seven"
2nd of March 2002
Finally v3space was willing to co-operate that much that I could upload the two pics I mentioned yesterday and the BMAAG gallery 2. Those pictures aren`t very strongly adult art but I`m stricht with this thing...
1st of March 2002
1 new pic ("BlackAcid Predator") in Mizeleingzelo`s gallery 4
I would have published 2 new pics in Mizeleingzelo`s Biker Mice (from Mars) Adult Art Gallery 2 (and the whole new gallery) is v3space had just let me in either via FTP or in the net. Grrr!
25th of February 2002
Long time no see! Welcome back bros & sis`!
Disclaimer updated. Still includes tricky experssions but h##k that ya get when you`ve studied the law even a bit. I`m a natural born bureaucratic! **grin**
Moved the Gallery 1 and the pictures of BlackStorm Van Pendragon from FurNation to V3space because of the copyright problems. (Furnation says that I can hold there only my own stuff, not the hosted stuff. :( )
Tiny update on Site info/"map" -page
4th of January 2002
3 new pics by Goldie: Young Sumu ("Sumu" = "Fog" in English), Summer Day and Goldie as an Adult
Link to Mizeleingzelo`s Gallery 5 was put on Hallway of Arts -page.
3rd of January 2002
Little update on the Entrance page.
Tiny changes on the Hallway page.
Updated Mizeleingzelo`s library (the mainpage of the BM fanfics by the WebMistress). No new stories published anyway.
Updated site Info corner (Site informations & "map").
1 banner removed from the link to Technodrome banner page for the light pages.
1 new e-mail address ( added on The Mail Office -page.
2nd of January 2002
Hallway updated.
Guest art linx in Hallway of Arts updated.
1st of January 2002
What`s new page dated.
Little changes done on "What`s been new on 2000?" -page.
Little changes on the What`s been new archive`s main page.
Update on "What`s been new on 2001?" -page
My special thank you`s to Yahoo!Geocities. I tried 4 hours to open the PageBuilder -editor but it didn`t open!
My new year`s wish is that Yahoo! would give better service with its PageBuilder - I can`t always use cable connection. Sometimes a modem is all that you can use.