What`s been new? Year 2003
Technodrome Hallway


What`s New Now?

What`s New Archive



Character Show/Technodrome Files

TimeWheel Teleporter/Linx

Mail Office

Link to Technodrome

The archive of the latest news trough the history of Technodrome - home of the de Megazones

4th of November 2003

Removed the dead link to Goldie`s Cresent Cave. Started to modify the link collection into a new appereance.

29th of October 2003

Going through the new collection about the links to the sites of Biker Mice Deviant artists.
Checking out some old liks if they still work or not. Added a new picture on the Hallway page after doing a "Which BMFM character you are?" -test. I turned out to be Charley. **smirks but then frowns**
The links to "World of Nikata", "Black Rain", "Cresent Cave by Goldenfur Maverick", "BMOMG - Biker Mice on Mars Galleries" and "Hellraiser's Isle" are being removed. The links were dead.

20th & 21st of October 2003

Updating the link collection and gathering some new Biker Mice -links around the web.
New link added on the Hallway -page.

5th & 6th of October 2003

Long time - no see! Been buzy with a real life so the updates have been with less attention. Despite from that some picture rezings have been done on the background, when either being off-line or chatting with my boyfriend and now there`s starting to come out something visible.

Updated and fixed the HTML-code of the galleries of ComArzule and Alpha 0.7 .
Uploaded quite a bunch of pictures by Midnight Princess (a new artist!)
Uploaded a few own pictures.
Pre-built the gallery for the art by Midnight Princess. (Just the names of a few pictures are still missing and some pictures are missing an explanation.)
2 new linx added in the link collection.

28th of July 2003

Just 2 new linx added in the link collection.

20th of May 2003

new pics by Arz: Mickey, Mika, Mona, Boy Error, Black Error, Mize, Mortal X, Vermis and Vinnie`s Bad Taste. Still got a few pictures unpublished because those pics had been accidentally forgotten when uploading the new pics.

V3space wasn`t behaving nice and outdated its cookies all the time, making the updating to be a really frustrating process. Once again it made me to think that I should use more FTP-uploading instead making the changes on-line. but then again I have the right FTP settings on just 1 comp and when using that special comp, I never remember to use the FTP or any off-line page-building programs. (i.e. EasyHTML and Notepad.)

12th of May 2003

Some minor, mainly aesthetic changes on this "What`s New?" -page and the main page og the Character Profiles/Technodrome Files. Found out that Slyien Gentry and Angelia Black still haven`t removed their stolen stuff. Instead, they`ve actually stolen more since they`ve now stolen the idea and appereance of the Plutarkian Security Profiles of Technodrome/Mizeleingzelo de Megazone.

18th of March 2003

Minor changes in the Disclaimer text ( https://www.angelfire.com/de2/megazone/disclaimer.html )
12 new pictures from Arz (a.k.a. ComArzule): "Billie", "Billie Munny Sketches 1/2", "Billie Munny Sketches 2/2", "Spawn Ranger-X", "Maze X", "Terminaattori X", "Carbine in StreetFight", "Termis 2", "Sergeant (2nd edition)", "Ultimate Killer", "Mace thinking" and "Ragga Von Devon".

17th of March 2003

Slight changes in the gallery of Arz (a.k.a. Com Arzule).
Started the updating of the What`s new? -index.

8th of March 2003

New Entrance page built and published. Goddess Queen Death, I hate Homestead!

6th of March 2003

4 new pictures of ComArzule: "Harley & Mace", "Mace And His Siblings", "Sergeant" and "Jacky"

5th of March 2003

2 new e-mail adresses: webmaster@technodrome.zzn.com and bmaag@technodrome.zzn.com

Night between 4th & 5th of March 2003

3 new email addies: webmaster@demegazone.zzn.com , mizeleigzelo@demegazone.zzn.com and demegazone@artic.zzn.com Entrance page was updated.
New artist "ComArzule" added.

19th of February 2003

New linx: "Biker Mice at Fanfiction.net", "Blade`s Dorm", "BMOMG - Biker Mice on Mars Galleries", "Codename: Biker Mice from Mars >> Project: Martian Dictionary", "Deimos Academy", "Federation Special Forces Building", "Lady FoxFire`s World" and "Outcast"
Fixed the link to Hellraiser`s Isle.
Removed a couple of unworking links from the link collection.
Tiny aesthetical changes on What`s New? -page.

18th of February 2003

Added 1 new link leading to a website called "Deus Ex Machina".
From now on www.cybertechnodrome.tk -address opens the Entrance page instead of Hallway.

6th of February 2003

Added 4 missing e-mail addresses on the page of Mail Office.

13th of January 2003

Tested the site with Opera 6.01 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 (updated version)
New text in the speech bubble of the astronaut on the Hallway page.
Site informations/"map" fixed & updated to be more closer compared to the current appearance of Technodrome.

12th of January 2003

Too long time has passed from the latest update. Oh well... Too much hanging in the net, chatting with Vincent "Vinnie" van Wham II... **sheepish grin** At least I did manage to do pretty much updating to my website that was needing it desparately.

Customized the advertisements. I can`t get rid of them `cause I have no extra money. And free websites fits to me. That`s then a whole different thing if I`d be doing some serious business via my pages... But fan pages that are not making money about the fandom can be kept under the free services. Especially now with slightly prettier ad skins. :) Or huh?
The button link page (https://www.angelfire.com/de2/megazone/linx/buttonlinx.html) updated (All links for God`s sake!):
Re-coded the whole page and gave a new appearance to it. (The old 1 felt messy).
"Virtual Stoke" -link changed to "From Mars" -link (see the changed banner!)
S*T*A*R*G*A*T*E BY Illah Westwood removed and so were also the link to Maive MinotaurMouse`s page.
New links added which are leading to DecemberGirl`s Biker Mice archive (She`s not really minding about her wonderful BM stuff which is a real shame!), Red Planet which is a discussion boards, dedicated to our furry heroes and Black Dragon`s Lair.
Created and published a new, very simple mini button for linking from the dark pages.
Updated "What`s New?" -page (this very page) and moved the latest news of year 2002 to their archive page.
Removed a bunch of unworking links from the main link collection, fixed a few to point to new directions and got even 1 new link in the collection. (Venom to Mize: **sourly** Wow...   -_-   ،_، )

~~*~ Happy New Year to Everyone! ~*~~

E-Mail: mizeleingzelo@mail.com