Researched and edited by ANDREA PEZZATI
Just a refresher on the gods....The Celts were polytheistic and worshipped a multitude of different gods which you will find some of below. They believed the gods had both a light and dark side and that they were personal descendants from these gods. They were not the infallible gods created by the later patriarchal religions.
Their main Creators were:
The Mother Goddess -- whose three primary roles are mother, maiden, and crone -- is represented by and associated with the moon and its three phases: waxing, full, and waning. She is invoked by a variety of names from a variety of cultures: Aphrodite, Artemis, Astaroth, Astarte, Athene, Brigit, Ceres, Cerridwen, Cybele, Diana, Demeter, Friga, Gaia, Hecate, Isis, Kali, Kore, Lilith, Luna, Persephone, Venus, and more. She is believed to be eternal.
The number three was important to all Celtic tradition. Gods and goddesses
were usually grouped in three. They often represent three different aspects of
the same deity. Here you will find a list of triple goddesses and other goddesses found in Irish mythology.
Danu (Ana)
Badb, see Morrígan
Macha, see Morrígan
Nemain, see Morrígan
Eriu, Banba and Fodla
Brigit (Brigid,Brighid)
Danu (Ana)
The God -- the male Horned God, is associated with the sun in some religions. According to most witches, he dies and is reborn every year. He too is called and invoked by many names, including Adonis, Ammon-Ra, Apollo, Baphomet, Cernunnos, Dionysius, Eros, Faunus, Hades, Horus, Nuit, Lucifer, Odin, Osiris, Pan, Thor, and Woden.
Celtic deities can be divided into:
- Otherworld Deities
- Stellar or Planetary Deities
- Creative or Destructive Deities
- Nature and Earth Deities
- Warriors
- Kings and Queens
- Human Mythic Heroes or Heroines
TUATHA DE DANANN:Gods who were descendents from Danu, including Lugh, Dagda, Brigit, Ogma etc. Considered to be skilled artisans, poets, magicians and craftsmen. A faery people.
The Tuatha De Danann are known as 'the people of the goddess Dana' in Celtic legend and mythology. They were the gods and goddesses of Ireland. Previously the Fomorii ruled it, until the Tuatha fought and defeated them after the second and last battle of Magh Tulreadh. The Tuatha De Danann were great masters of magic, crafts, and knowledge and this aided them in their successes.They were the last generation of gods and goddesses to rule Ireland just before this last invasion.
The Tuatha De Danann eventually took up residence underground and became known as the fairies. It is believed, that on the day of the ancient Celtic feast of Samhain, the Tuatha De Danann would sometimes allow certain mortals to enter their realm.
The many names of deities in the Celtic beliefs are often used in modern Paganism and Wicca. A few are listed here.
Insular Celts believed they were descendants of the gods; their mother was Dana. Dana is the wife of Bile, and their lineage is called "Tuatha De Danaan" (People of the Goddess Dana). Gwydion is Dana's most famous son; He is the God of Civilization, He spreads out 3 major Celtic characteristics: the Arts of Battle, Eloquence, and Magic...
Also known is the Cycle of Llyr, the God of the Sea. His son Bran is a sacred hero; He has a magical cauldron thanks to which the dead are brought back to life. He is a Harpist and a Musician, thus the Protector of the Bards. Llyr's other son is Manannan, whose helmet has the power to make Him invisible.
The Deities
- ABARTA:One of the Tuatha Dé Danann. His name means ‘performer of feats’. Abarta, an Irish god, is the son of the king of Tir Tairngire (Land of Promise) and the father of the unnamed beloved of the warrior Cael (MacKillop, 1998). Abarta lead Finn Mac Cumaill and 14 members of the Fianna on a journey to the Otherworld on a wild gray horse. He was also nicknamed Giolla Deacair which translates as 'the Hard Servant'.
- ABELLIO: The Gallic god of apple trees.
- ABHEAN: An Irish god, Harper of the Tuatha Dé Danann.
- ABNOBA: Hunting frequently in the Black Forest area, Abnoba was a well-known Romano-Celtic forest and river goddess. Also the goddess of childbirth and goddess of the hunt.
- ADSAGSONA: A Celtic sorceress and goddess of the underworld.
- ADSULLATA: A Continental river goddess.
- AED/AEDH:An Irish underworld god. The Son of Lir ('sea') and Aobh. He is the Lord of fire and one of the children of Aobh transformed into a swan by her jealous sister, Aoife.
- AENGUS: Aengus was known as the Irish god of love, God of the Dawn, patron of love and lovers, and he was also the son of Dagda and Boann. He was called Mac Og which translates to 'young son'. He was considered a God of beauty and perfection of form, yet he was also called the Frightener or Disturber due to the fact that whenever he went near horses or cattle, they became spooked and frightened. In legends, Caer or Debrenn, the river otter goddess taught him the arts of love.
The story goes that one evening Aengus had a dream that centered around a beautiful maiden, and then he set out and searched all of Ireland for her. When at last he found her, he saw that she was chained to 150 other maidens. Her name was Caer and along with these other women, her destiny was to be turned into swans at the feasting of Samhain. Aengus desired her so much that he transformed himself into a swan as well, and was reunited with her. She then followed him back to his palace on the River Boyne.
Other Names
Angus, Oengus, Aonghus, Mac Óc, Macc Ócc
Angus Óg, Angus Oc, Angus Mac Oc
- AEVAL: Aeval was an Irish goddess of love and sexuality. The Fairy Queen of Munster, Ireland, she would hold court to determine if husbands were meeting their wives'desires and sexual needs.
- AFAGDDU: Welsh, (utter darkness) His name means "Dark" or "Ugly". The ill-favoured child of Ceridwen, for whom the Potion of Knowledge is intended. Later he appears as a warrior so ugly that it prevents him from being struck at by an enemy. They were too afraid he might possibly be the Devil.
- AGRONA: The Celtic goddess of strife and slaughter. She is a warrior Goddess and the river Aeron in Wales is named after her.
- AIBELL: 'Beautiful'. Aibell, an Irish goddess is the guardian spirit of the Craig Laity, otherwise known as the 'gray rock' in Ireland. It is said that to hear this fey creatures harp is to bring about your own demise. She hails from a long line of temptresses who all lure young men into an early grave.
- AIMEND: An Irish sun-goddess.
- AINE: Goddess of Love and Fertility. Associated with meadow-sweet, she is an Irish faery queen. She was often called the Leannán Sidhe,(lann-nan shee) which means "faery lover" because she gave her love away to men so freely. In legend, the leannán sidhe lures a man into her web until he can not help but fall in love with her. Then she drains away his inspiration and leaves him high and dry along with an obssessive yearning for her. This yearning is so strong that he withers away and dies without her or goes insane.
On St. John's Eve, wisps of straw are burned in her honor. She is often invoked against sickness, and by legend, she was raped by the king of
Sky goddess or sun goddess. Ainé was also seen the Irish goddess of human love and goddess of fertility of animal and agriculture.
Ainé (Aine) was the daughter of Eógabal and She was the sister of Fer Í. In
some other texts, she was the daughter of Fer Í and Eógabal was her
grandfather. She appeared as the patron goddess of the province Munster, where her festival was celebrated on Midsummer Eve at Knockainy (Hill of Aine).
In the tale Cath Maige Mucrama (Battle of Mag Mucrama), her father was Eógabal, the foster son of Manannán, whom Ailill Aulomm (son of Eógan Mór) killed. Ailill then raped her, where she conceived Eógan. Eogan later became the king of Munster, and was the founder of the famous dynasty - the Eóganacht.
- AIRMID: A healing goddess that specialized in herbal medicine. She was also known as a protector of medicinal plants, and keeper of the spring that brings the dead to life. Her father was the medicine god, Dian Cecht.
- AMAETHON: Son of the goddess Don, he is the Welsh god of agriculture, and was responsible for the war between the deities of the underworld. In the Battle of the Trees (Battle of Cath Godeau) Amaethon's brother Gwydion transformed trees into warriors that aided them against the deities of the underworld.
- AMBISAGRUS: A Continental Celtic god, the equivalent of the Roman Jupiter.
- AMERGIN: was one of the sons of Miled. He spoke with Banba upon Slieve Mis, and was then sent as messenger to the Tuatha De Danaan. After quieting the storm sent against his people by the Tuatha, it was said that he was the first to set foot in Ireland, and upon doing so, he immediately claimed it. (Read Song of Amergin)
Heber gave him a share of the two provinces of Munster after
the Battle of Tailltin.
- ANCAMNA: A Continental water goddess.
- ANDARTA: A Gallic warrior and fertility goddess in Celtic France. Also a Patroness of the Vocontii tribe.
- ANDRASTE: Goddess of Victory from the Iceni tribe. "She Who Is Invincible". She was the goddess that the warrior-queen Boudicca called upon when she rebelled against Rome.
- ANGUS OG: See Aengus.
- ANNIS: Also known as the Blue Hag, this goddess takes on the shape of an owl and has been said to suck the blood from children.
- ANU: another name for the Irish Goddess, Dana or Danu. The mother, one of her many aspects.
- AOIFE: (Eefa) One of the three daughters of Ailill or Aran, she became the wife of Lir after her sister, Aobh's death. Due to uncontrollable jealousy, she turned Aobh's four children into swans at Loch Dairbhreach.
- AONBHARR: Stories were told about Manannan's horse. Some say she was extremely swift and could gallop all the way across the sea. No one ever fell off her back and was killed. She was often ridden by the god, Lugh.
- AOBH:She was the Irish goddess of the mist and wife of the ocean god Lir.
She had two sisters, Aoife and Arbha. After she died in childbirth, Lir married her sister Aoife and because of her extreme jealousy of Aobh, Aoife turned her deceased sister's children into swans. When she attempted to return for her kids, she came as mist, but was prevented by Aoife.
- ARIANHROD:Known as the "Lady Of The Silver Wheel", she is the Goddess of the constellation Coronea Borealis. This is where the souls of heroes make their journeys. Arianhrod is the Goddess of Life, Death, Rebirth, Beauty and Fertlity, and is often honored at the Full Moon.
- ARIAS: Often called the 'fair-haired poet', Arias was one of the four wise men and teachers of the Tuatha de Danaan before they came to Ireland. His home was Finias.
- ARAWN: The Welsh god of the underworld. Arawn is Lord of Annwn, the underworld and the realm of departed spirits Legend would have it that Arawn makes a deal with Pwyll, to exchange places with him for one year, so that Pwyll would have a better chance of defeating an enemy, King Hafgan. Although no conditions or boundaries were set, Arawn went back home after it was all over to find that Pwyll had denied himself the rights of a husband to Arawn's Lady. This pleased Arawn so much that he swore an eternal oath of friendship and support for Pwyll.
- ARDUINNA: The Gallic goddess of the moon, hunting, and forests. She is normally accompanied by a boar, making this her sacred animal.
- ARGANTE: Dubbed the 'Silver One, she was the British goddess queen of Avalon. She was well known for her terrific healing powers.
- ARNEMETIA: From Britain, she was the Goddess of healing waters
- ARTIO: Goddess of wildlife and hunting, Artio was also known as the Continental goddess of the bear cult, the Goddess of forest animals, and was associated with bears. Also a goddess of plenty, hunting and fertility.
- AVETA: Aveta is the Gallic goddess of birth and midwifery. She always seems to be holding something, a basket of fruit, a little dog, or sometimes even babies.
- BADB: Goddess of War, Badb was both Battle Crone and warrior. In raven form, she would swoop down on the battlefields and herald the coming deaths.
This aspect of The Morrigan demands the upmost respect, and she is often seen as being quite menacing. Not only did she participate in the battles, but also influenced their outcome by causing confusion among the warriors with her magic. The battlefield is often called 'land of Badb'. She formed part of a triad of war-goddesses with Macha and the Morrigan. She, along with Macha and Morrigu , used powers of enchantment to bring mists, clouds of darkness, and showers of fire and blood over the Firbolgs at Teamhair for three days. Sometimes regarded as the same as Nemain, her name means 'crow' and she could appear in that guise. She was the wife of Net. When you are trapped or afraid walking in the dark, alone ... then is the time to call upon these aspects of the goddess.
Badb was the daughter of Delbáeth and Ernmas, and sister of Macha, Morrígan, and possibly of Nemain. Badb was the wife of Neit.
As a tripartite goddess of war, Badb was one of the three aspects of the Morrígans. As Badb, Morrígan was the goddess of war, and was often referred to as Badb Catha (Cathubodva in Gaul), which means "Battle Raven". She had the ability to shift-change to a young beautiful girl or an old hag, as well a raven or crow. She was also called Banbha and Fodla.
Finally, as Nemain, Morrígan was goddess of strife and panic. Her name means "Panic". Nemain was also said to be the wife of Neit, like Badb. Nemain had been associated with the British goddess Nemetona, the goddess of the sacred grove.
Badb and Nemain appeared in Táin Bó Cuailnge on the eve of the final battle between Ulster and Connacht. They entered the camp of Connacht and her allies, where a hundred warriors died in fright. The goddesses inspired terror in the night.
- BALOR: This Irish god of death is said to possess 'the Evil Eye' or be of the Strong Blows'. He is chief king of the Fomor, husband of Ceithlenn and, the father of Ethlinn. He fathered twelve sons, who all became chief men of the Fomor. One of his eyes holds the power of death, and none may look at it and live to tell it. He is a shapeshifter. During the second battle of Magh Tuireadh, Lugh fashioned a spear cast that took Balor's evil eye out through the back of his head, killing him and 27 of his own army instantly. This fulfilled a previous prophecy that Balor would be killed by
his own grandson who had been raised by the sea god Manannan mac Lir of the Tuatha Dé Danann.
- BANBA: The goddess who represents the spirit of Ireland, and who is the wife of king MacCuill. She was thought to be the first settler in Ireland. She is part of a trinity of goddesses, the daughters of Fiachna, together with Fodla and Eriu.
- BEAG: An Irish goddess of the Tuatha Dé Danann, she owned a magickal well.
The daughters of this goddess tried to stop Fionn Mac Cumhail from taking a drink from the well, but he drank anyway, and thus gained wisdom.
- BEBHION: An Irish underworld goddess and a patron of pleasure.
- BELATU-CODRES: The Welsh/British god of war and of the destruction of enemies. His name means "fair shining one".
- BELENUS: The Gallic god of light. His cult spread from northern Italy to southern Gaul and Britain. Belenus is in charge of the welfare of sheep and cattle. His wife is the goddess Belisama. His festival is Beltaine ("Fire of Bel"), celebrated on May 1. See Bile.
- BELISAMA: Gallic goddess of light, fire, forging and crafts. She is the wife of the Belenus.
- BILE/BEL: The Irish god of light and healing, "Bel" means "shining one," or "sacred tree." It is thought that the waters of Danu, the Irish All-Mother goddess, fed the oak and produced their son, The Dagda. Patron of sheep and cattle, Bel's festival is Beltane.
- BILE: Consort of the goddess Danu. Bilé (Bile) was the god of death. Bilé married
Danu, and became the father of Dagda, the chief leader of the Tuatha Dé
Danann. Some say that he was the ancestor of Mils, the ancestors of the modern Gaelic Irish. Bilé was the Irish equivalent of Belenus, the ancient Celtic pagan god, who was widely worshipped, in Continental Europe and in Britain. The Welsh called him Beli, the husband of Don (Danu).
Other Names
Bile, Bilé (Irish) Beli (Welsh)
Belenus, Bel (Gallic).
- BOANN: Irish goddess of bounty and fertility. Her symbol is the white cow that denotes the fertile earth and running water; The river Boyne still bears her name, which is said to mean "She of the white cattle". She is the wife of the water god Nechtan or of Elcmar, and consort of the Dagda. It was by Dagda that she bore a child and became the mother of the god Aengus, the god of love. Boann was the wife of Nechtan or Echmar, who was the god of river. Boann was also the goddess of river, particularly the river Boynne. Boann was also sometimes called Eithne.
Boann had an affair with Dagda (usually referred to as Eochaid Ollathair), during her husband's absence. Dagda had her husband on a mission. Elcmar thought the journey took only one day and one night, when actually nine months passed, because Dagda used his power to hide Boann's adultery and pregnacy from Elcmar. By Dagda, Boann became the mother of Angus Óg (and possibly of Brigit). Elcmar unknowingly became foster father of Boann's son. According to Aislinge Óenguso (Dream of Angus), Boann was actually seen as Dagda's wife.
Other Names
Boann, Boanna, Boinn, Bóand.
- BODB DEARG: 'Bodb the Red', a son of the Dagda who succeeded him as ruler of the gods.
Bodb Derg was the god of poetry and wisdom. He was the son of Dagda and appears to have ruled several different sidhe, depending on which tales you are reading.
Bodb was king of the Sid ar Femen and Sid na mRen (Sileveramon) In the story of Aislinge Oenguso (Dream of Angus), he was the king of the Sid Mumu. While in the Togail Bruidne Da Derga (Destruction of Da Derga's Hostel), his domain was in Sid ar Femuin (well at least Bodb's swineherd lived there. In the Acallam na Senórach, Bodb Derg was the king of Bruig of the Boyne (Newgrange), an Otherworld domain. Bodb lived with 150 sons of kings. Though Bruig was usually said to be his father (Dagda) or his brother Angus's domain.
In the Battle of Ventry, Bodb Derg was the king of the Danann, who aided the Fianna in the war against the invaders, led by Dáiri Donn, the King of the World. In the Acallam na Senórach, he was described as a handsome young man with long, golden hair and a brown, two-forked beard. Bodb wore sandals of silver and his feet did not disturb the dewdrops on the blades of grass. This tale also mentioned he had a son named Ferdoman.
Other Names
Bodb Derg - "Bodb the Red"
Bodb, Bodbh, Bov
Derg, Derga, Dearg ("Red")
- BORVO/BORMANUS: "To Boil". The Gallic god of hot (mineral) springs and healing.
- BRAN: A hero god, protector of poetry and the underworld. Bran ("raven"), son of Llyr and Penarddun, and brother of Branwen and Manawydan. He is associated with a cauldron of regeneration which would revive the dead while
leaving them voiceless. Bran's cauldron is destroyed, and he is mortally wounded in the war to rescue his sister Branwen, so he instructed his followers to decapitate him and
carry the head to London and bury it, where it would become a
defense and a protection to the whole Isle.
- BRANWEN: Goddess of love and beauty. Branwen ("white raven") a daughter of Llyr and Penarddun, and sister of Bran, and Manawydan. (white raven, white crow) After wedding the High King of Ireland, Branwen sealed his fate that day, and therefore the doom of both the Irish and Britons. Undoubtably, there will be a war as her brother Bran invades Ireland coming to her rescue.
- BREG: Irish goddess, wife of the Dagda.
- BRES: God of fertility and agriculture. He is the son of Elatha, a prince of the Fomorians, and the goddess Eriu. The goddess Brighid became his wife.
Bres was the son of the Danann woman, named Eriu or Eri, and of Elatha, the king of the Fomorians. Elatha was the son of Delbáeth and grandson of Neit. Bres' name was actually Eochu; that is Eochu Bres, which mean "Eochu the Beautiful".
After the war against the Firbolgs, Bres became king of Erin (Ireland), when the Danann leader Nuada lost one of his hand; Nuada could not become king because of the mutilation. Most Danann kings were gifted with leadership, fighting, poetry, learning, or magic, but Bres lacked the skill of leadership. Bres became a tyrant. So when Bres' rule became too harsh, the Dananns immediately accepted Nuada's rule once more since he had a new hand, expulsing Bres from the throne. Since Bres was half Fomorians, Balor aided Bres to regain rulership.
War broke out between the Dananns and Fomorians. The Fomorians defeated the Dananns. The Dananns suffered from Fomorian oppression, until the arrival of Lugh Lamfada.
Bres was the father of Rúadan by Bríg (Brigit), the daughter of Dagda. His son died when the youth tried to murder Goibhniu.
When the Danann defeated the Fomorians, they captured Bres. Bres was spared when the former king promised to tell Lugh when it was the right time to plant and harvest the crops in the seasons.
Other Names
Bres, Bress ("Beautiful")
Eochu Bres - "Eochu the Beautiful"
Bres MacElatha
- BRIGHID: (Brigit, Brigid)Brighid which means "exalted one" is the Lady of Smithcraft, Healing and Poetry. She is another aspect of Danu celebrated on Imbolc and has often been called The Three Mothers and The Triple Brigids. As the Goddess of three faces, as a maiden she is inspiration and poetry, as the Mother she is midwifery and healing, and as the Crone she is illumination and a forger. However, in art, she is always depicted as the young goddess, never the old crone. Among the greatest women of the Tuatha de Danaan, she is the goddess of Fire, hearth and home, inspiration and illumination. Her name came from Breo-saighit, meaning a fiery arrow. She was daughter of the Dagda and, by Bres, mother of Ruadan.
Brigit was sometimes identified with the goddess Danu, the mother goddess of the Danann, but this would cause even greater confusion in already confusing genealogy. Birgit was normally said to be the wife of Senchán Forpeist, though in another version, she had mated with Bres, one of the Danann kings, and became the mother of Rúadan.
Her son Rúadan tried to murder Goibhniu for his father, but the smith killed
the youth. Her lament for son was the first kenning to be heard in Ireland.
Brigit was also the mother of Brian, Iuchar and Iurbarba. Some say she was
the mother of Creidhne (artificer), Luchta (carpenter) and Goibhniu (smith),
the three master-craftsmen, though Goibhniu was usually called the son of
Danu and Dian Cécht, and Luchta was the son of Luchad. Brigit was also said to have a grandson named Ecne. Her name was also spelt, Brigid, means "High One" or the "One Who Is Exalted". During the time of Roman power, Brigit was identified with Brigindo or Brigandu in Gaul, while she was called Brigantia, after the Celtic tribe living in northern England.
Brigit became associated with the Christian saint, named St Brigid (d.
524-528). St Brigid was the patron saint of Ireland, and was the abbess of
the nunnery of Kildare, which she had found. This saint had her spring
festival on February 1, the same day of the pagan festival, called the
Imbolc, also sacred to the pagan Brigit. This festival was also associated
with Scottish folklore, where Brigit deposed of the blue-face winter hag,
named Calleach Bheur, by turning her into stone. Calleach Bheur, however,
was reborn on the Samhain-eve (October 31), bringing the winter snows with her.
Other Names
"High One" or "Exalted One".
Brigit, Bríg, Bríg, Brigid, Brighid (Irish) Bridget, Brid, Bride (Irish
Brigindo or Brigandu (Gallic); Brigantia (Briton).
- BRONACH: An Irish goddess of cliffs.
- CAILLEACH: Also known as Skadi or Scotia, she is an ancient goddess that appears as an old hag with the teeth of a bear and tusks of a boar. Associated with Winter, she
is said to be blue in color and is the sorceress who created the earth. Legend has it that on
Samhain, she appears first as the hag, then slowly begins to age in reverse, and finally at Beltaine she disappears as a young and beautiful maiden. The Cailleach is sometimes referred to as the "Mother of All".
- CAMMA: The goddess of the hunt among the Britons.
- CAMULUS: A Gallic war god associated him with Mars.
- CARMAN: A destructive witch, she was the goddess of evil magic. She had three equally destructive sons: Dub ("darkness"), Dother ("evil"), and Dian ("violence"), who ravaged Ireland. The Tuatha Dé Danann fought against Carman and defeated her.
- CENN CRUAICH: A Gaelic heaven-god, akin to Zeus.
- CERNUNNOS: Lord of the natural world and animal strength, he is associated with the Wild Hunt. The Horned God of Nature, Virility, Fertility, Animals, Physical Love, Warriors, Wealth, and the Underworld. He sports stag antlers and has been called The Green Man in other aspects. Born at the winter solstice, he weds the Goddess at Beltane, and then dies at the summer solstice.
- CERRIDWEN: Welsh goddess of Nature, Inspiration, Herbs, Spells and Knowledge. Protector of Poets, Wife of Tegid, mother of the most beautiful girl in the world (Creirwy) and the ugliest boy (Avagdu/Afagddu), as well as Taliesin, one of the great bards in history. Cerridwen held an unending cauldron named Amen, and in this cauldron, she brewed a magical potion called greal from plants. This greal was supposed to award knowledge and inspiration to those that tasted it. Cerridwen made it especially for her ugly son Afagddu.
- Cian: Cian was the son of Dian Cécht and Danu. Cian had two brothers: Goibhniu
(master smith), and Sawan. But according to Oidheadh Chlainne Tuireann
(Death of the Children of Tuireann), his brothers were Cu and Cethe; they
were the sons of Cainte. Cian possessed a magic cow that had endless supply of milk. When Balor deceived Sawan (who was guarding the cow), Cian took revenge upon the Fomorian captain, by seducing Balor's daughter, Ethlinn. Ethlinn bore Cian three sons.It was prophecised that Balor's grandson would one day kill him. Balor had Ethlinn (Ethnea or Eithliu) imprisoned in the tower. When her sons (triplets) were born, Balor threw each son from the tower into the sea. Only one infant was saved by Manannán (Manannan) and a Druidess named Birog. Birog brought the child to Cian. Cian put the child, whom he named Lugh, into the care of his brother Goibhniu. Cian's death was only briefly given in the Lebor Gabala Erren, saying that he was murdered by the sons of Tuirill Biccreo - Brian, Iuchar and Iucharba. The story was greatly expanded a lot later, in the Oidheadh Chlainne Tuireann (or the "Death of the Children of Tuireann")
When Lugh reached manhood, he became the Deliverer of the Tuatha Dé Danann. When the Danann gathered an army to oppose the Fomorians. Cian was sent to enlist fighting men from Ulster. On his journey, he transformed himself into a pig to avoid the sons of Turenn, whom he had blood feud with. However, the sons of Turenn weren't fooled by Cian's disguised and mortally wounded the pig (Cian). Cian pleaded with the sons of Turenn that he wished to transform back to a man, they granted his boon.
When Lugh discovered his father's death, Lugh captured Turenn's sons. Lugh sent them in impossible quests (eric), if they were to escape execution. The brothers fulfilled most of the tasks. Most of the eric, Lugh sent them were obtaining items to help the Danann with the war, such as the magic spear from Persia, and the magical pig-skin that can heal any wound or disease. In their last tasks, the brothers were mortally wounded. Turenn pleaded with Lugh to heal his sons with the healing pigskin. Lugh refused. The sons of Turenn died from their wounds, thereby avenging Cian's murder.
Other Names
Cian, Kian
Ethlenn, Ethlend, Scal Balb
- CLIODHNA: This Irish goddess of beauty became a fairy queen in Carraig Cliodhna of County Cork.
- CONN: Irish. Another son of Lir and Aobh, and twin brother of Fiachra. He, his twin, and two other siblings, Aedh and Finnguala, are transformed into swans that
can speak and sing by their jealous stepmother, Aoife.
- COVENTINA: Goddess of water and springs. She personified a holy spring that had healing powers.
- CREIDHNE: The god of metal working. One of the trio of craft-gods of the Tuatha Dé Danann, as were Goibniu and Luchta.
The master artificer. CREIDHNE was the god of gold. He was one of three
divine craftsmen; they were known as na tri dée Dána. The other two
craftsmen were Goibhniu and Luchta. Sometimes, he was called the son of Esarg and grandson of Neit, which make him the brother of Goibhniu, Luchta and Dian Cécht. CREIDHNE was also known as the son of Ethliu, which make him the brother of Dagda, Nuada, Dian Cécht, Goibhniu, Luchta and Lug Mac Cein. Since CREIDHNE was a gold smith, he assisted Dian Cecht in make the silver arm for Nuada Airgetlám.
He also assisted Goibhniu and Luchta in making new weapons and repairing
damaged weapons. CREIDHNE drowned looking for treasure in Spain (the Land of the Dead).
Other Names
Credne, Crédne, Creidne, Credhne, Creidhne
- CROM CRUACH: Crom Cruach was the god of weather and fertility. He was not a
Tuatha deity. A great gold idol of him was set up in Mag Sleact ("Plain
of Adoration") in Ulster. Crom Cruach was a bloodthirsty god, where human sacrifices was performed. The early Irish sacrificed their first-born child, praying for fair weather and good crops. According to the Book of Leinster, the worship of Crom Cruach was said to
have been started by Tigernmas, the Milesian high king of Ireland. One Samhain night, Tigernmas and a third of the worshippers were killed in the bloody rites. St Patrick was said to called upon Christ to
destroy the idol.
- CYHIRAETH: The Celtic goddess of streams entered as a specter haunting woodland streams. Her cry was said to warn of death like the Banshee.
- DAGDA: He has been called Eochaid Ollathair (the Great Father), and Ruadh Rofhessa or Mighty and Most Learned One.
Translated as "The Good God", Dagda is the High Priest of the Tuatha De Danaan and the father of Fire Goddess Brighid. He married both The Morrigan and Boanne. The Irish-Celtic god of the earth and treaties, he carries a large club with which one end could strike a death blow, while the other end restored life. Dagda or The Dagda (“The Good God”) is king of the Tuatha and Father to many gods. His cauldron possesses an neverending quantity of food, but will not serve a coward or a vow breaker. It is also said that his harp can summon the seasons. Master of magic, a fearsome warrior and a skilled artisan, Dagda is a son of the goddess Dana, and father to both Brighid and the god Aengus mac Oc. The Dagda is portrayed as possessing both super- human strength and appetite. He is the god of fertility, prosperity, and priesthood. He is also known as the god of fire.
His name means the Good God. Dagda was sometimes called Eochaid Ollathair (Father of All) and Ruad Rofhessa (Lord of Great Knowledge)
Unlike the some of the other major Irish deities, Dagda was a deity confined to Ireland; no reference or evidence was found that he was worshipped on Continental Europe. There is some confusion over his parentage. Dagda was the son of the goddess Danu and Bile. He had also being called the one of the seven sons of Ethliu. He was the father of many of deities, among them was a son Angus Óg (Oengus or Mac Oc) by the river-goddess Boann. By his mother Danu, Dagda was the father of Ogma. Some other writers say that Ogma and Dagda were brothers; in this version they were the sons of Elatha and Eithne. Dagda was also known as the seven sons of Ethliu, which would make him the brother of Nuada, Dian Cécht, Goibhniu, Credne, Luchta and Lug Mac Cein.
Dagda was the chief leader and god of the Tuatha Dé Danann, and was the father of many children. Other sons included Bodb Derg, Aed Minbhrec (or Aed Cáem), Cermait Milbél ("honey-mouthed") and Midir. He was also the father of two daughters: Brigit and Ainge. Dagda was described as a huge and stocky man, with superhuman strength as well as superhuman appetite.
The Fomorians once held Dagda prisoner. The Fomorians threatened to kill him, if he did not eat the entire porridge in a deep pit. Dagda was said to have used an enormous wooden spoon, that was large enough for a man and a woman to sleep together in.
He possessed several magical objects. One of them was the great treasure of the Tuatha Dé Danann: the magic cauldron from the magical city of Murias. The cauldron was never empty of food, and it was called Cauldron of Dagda. Dagda also had a large club or hammer so heavy that it needed wheels. This club could kill and give life.
The club and cauldron bear striking
resemblance to the ancient Gallic god, Sucellus. Another object he owned was the magic harp known as Uaithne. Dagda used the harp, to change the seasons and weather.
When the Fomorians stole his magic harp, Dagda along with Ogma and Lugh went to retrieve it. They found the harp in a hall of the Fomorian camp. When Dagda chanted a spell, the harp flew into his hands, killing nine Fomorians along its path. Dagda was said to have died in the Second Battle of Mag Tuired, yet Dagda appeared during the reign of Ailill and Medb, in the Dream of Angus. Caitlin, the buck-toothed wife of Balor mortally wounded Dagda. Dagda not only lived to succeed Lugh, but ruled Ireland for 80 years before he finally succumbed to the old wound.
Other Names
Dagda, Dagdha, Dagdae - "Good God".
Eochaid Ollathair - "Eochaid the All-Father".
In Ruad Ro-Fhessa - "Red [or Mighty] One of Great Wisdom".
- DAMARA: A Celtic fertility goddess, associated with the month of May.
- DAMONA: A Gallic goddess, known as the "Divine Cow". She is the spouse of Borvo.
- DANA: or Danu, or Ana. The Irish Universal Mother of the gods. Goddess of Wisdom, Prosperity and Fertility. The earth mother. Two hills in Munster are named after Her: "Da Chich Anann" (The Two Breasts of Ana). Danu is the mother of various Irish gods, such as the Dagda (also mentioned as her father), Dian Cecht, Ogma, Lir, Lugh, and many others. Her Welsh equivalent is the goddess Don.
Some believed that Danu and Ana were separate entities, although both are mother goddesses.
Danu was widely worshipped as mother goddess throughout Europe. She married her consort Bilé (Bile), and was the mother of Dagda, who was the chief leader of the Tuatha Dé Danann. With Dagda, Danu was also the mother of Ogma. Danu was also known by another name - Brigit. Here, as Ana or Brigit, she
was known as the daughter of the Dagda. She was mother of three sons; all of them were named Ecne.In some of the sources, Danu or Ana was the proper name of the war-goddess Morrigan.In Munster, Danu was associated with two round-topped hills, which was called Da Chich Anann or the Paps of Ana, because they resembled two breasts. Da Chich Anann literally means the "two breasts of Ana".
Other Names
Danu, Dana (Gallic and Irish)
Ana, Anu (Irish)
Don (Welsh)
Danuvius (Roman)
Duna (Hungarian)
Donau (German)
Brighid (Irish)
- DIAN CECHT: The god of healing and the physician of the Tuatha Dé Danann. He was the father of Miach and Arimid goddess of herbs. He killed his own son for defying the natural laws of magick when Miach reattached Nuads's hand.
The Celtic god of healing, Dian Cécht was the great physician of the Tuatha Dé Danann. There is a lot of confusion over his parentage. Dian Cécht was said to be the son of Esarg and grandson of Neit. This makes Dian Cécht the brother of Goibhniu, Luchne and Creidne. He had also being named as the son of Dagda.
In another work, Dian Cécht was the son of Echtoigh and grandson of Esoirc.While in the Lebor Gabala, he had being called one of the seven sons of Ethliu. This would make him the brother of Dagda, Nuada, Goibhniu, Luchta, Credne and Lug Mac Cein.
In one poem in the Dindshenchas, Dian Cécht was even called the son of Dagda, but this was clearly a mistake, because another poem in the same work, stated differently.
Through the goddess Danu, Dian Cécht became the father of Goibhniu, Cian (Kian) and Sawan.
Dian Cécht was not an ethical healer, because he was jealous of anyone who surpassed him as a healer, even his own children. When Miach was shown to be the greater healer between them, by restoring Nuada's original arm, Dian Cécht murdered his own son.
When Airmed, his daughter, began categorying the herbs used for healing, Dian Cécht jealously mixed them up so the results came out wrong. In the war against the Fomorians, Dian Cécht blessed the water, which the Danann bathed in, healing their wounds and restoring their vigour.
Other Names
Dian Cecht, Dian Cécht, Diancecht.
- DONN: A silent and solitary figure, Donn is the God of the Dead and it is in his house where the shades of the dead "live" and where the soul rests between incarnations. To the Blessed Dead, his is the half way house to Tir Na Og, the Land of the Young.
Donn was an Underworld god responsible for the passage of the dead. He was known as the Irish god of the dead and was mainly worshipped in Munster. Donn was probably associated with Dis Pater (Pluto or Hades), the Roman god of the dead. According to Julius Caesar, all Celtic people were descendants of Dis Pater.
Other Names
Donn - "Dark One"
Donn (Irish)
Dis Pater (Roman)
- EPONA/RHIANNON: Goddess of Horses. Wife of Pwyll, mother of Pryderi. Rhiannon was unjustly accused of
destroying her newborn son, after he was stolen from her by an nameless Fiend. She takes on the role of a horse, until her son is returned to her. She is an aspect of the Gaulish Epona, and the Irish Morrigan.
- ERIU: In her Triple aspect, this goddess is called Eriu, Banba, and Fotla, names that stress her celestial, oceanic and terrestrial spheres. Amergin named the land of Ireland for her. She is one of the Fomorians and also the mother of Bres, king of Ireland. The name Erin comes from her name (Eyre, Eire, or Eiriu).
Eriu was possibly another aspect of Morrigan. Again, Eriu appeared as the goddess of fertility. Eriu was the sovereignty of Ireland wedded to a mortal king. Like all her previous aspects mentioned, Eriu was also a war goddess and had the ability to change her shape from a girl to a hag, or to bird or animal. Eriu was the patron goddess of the province Meath. Ireland was probably named after her (Eire).
- Elatha: Most Fomorians were ugly and deformed. Elatha was a beautiful son of Delbáeth and the grandson of Neit (this Delbáeth should not be confused with another Delbáeth, who was a Danann and son of Ogma or of Angus). Elatha was described as having golden curly hair. Elatha seduced her, and she became the mother of Bres. Elatha gave her a ring, so that he would later recognise his own son. Bres became a king of Ireland, when Nuada lost his right hand, but her son's oppressive rule, the Danann had Bres expulsed. Bres took the matter to his mother. Eriu took her son to see her former lover. Elatha recognising his son, because Bres worn the ring that the Fomorian king given to Eriu. Elatha and the other Fomorian kings raised an army against the Danann.
- ETHNIU (Eth-new):
The mother of Lugh and the goddess of the North Star, she is the daughter of Balor, the Formorian king. She watches over the world in silence from her tower of glass.
- Ernmas: In Irish myths, she was a mother goddess. Ernmas was the daughter of
Etarlam, who was son of Nuada. Ernmas was the mother of a son, named Fiachna, and three daughters who were the three sovereignity goddesses of Ireland - Banba, Fodla and Eriu. According to one version, her son impregnated her with these three daughters. Sometimes, Eirnin was said to be the mother of the three goddesses. Ernmas was possibly the mother of the three war goddesses: Morrigan, Badb and Macha. Their father was Delbáeth, son of Angus Og and Eithne.Ernmas was killed in the First Battle of Magh Tuiredh.
- ESUS: According to some, Esus was bloodthirsty and savage, yet others saw him as a god of commerce, similar to Mercury. Most of the information that we have on Esus comes from the Roman author named Lucan. He tells of dark and savage human sacrifices to this god. Esus is often portrayed with waterbirds, especially storks or cranes. And likewise,he is shown cutting down branches from trees with an axe.
- FAND:A sea goddess who made her home both in the Otherworld and on the Isle of Man. With her sister, Liban, she was one of the twin goddesses of health and earthly pleasures. She was also known as "Pearl of Beauty",and the Goddess of calm seas and good counsel.
- FLIDIAS:( deer)Irish. This Goddess of the wilderness and caretaker of animals is not friendly to humans. She was a huntress that was associated with archery, the sanctity of forests, wildlife and the chase. Her lustiness and sexual appetite was legendary.
Goddess of the forest, hunting and wild beasts. Flidais was not only the
huntress of wild animals, she was also their protector. Flidais was the
mistress of stags, who had chariot pulled by deers. Flidais was the mother of several daughters, who were druidesses or witches, such as Bé Chuille, Dianann (Dinand), and Bé Téite, and Fand; the last daughter being the wife of Manannán Mac Lir. Both Bé Chuille and Dianann aided the Tuatha Dé Danann against the Fomorians, in the Second Battle of Mag Tuired. They used their sorcery to create illusions. Flidais was also the fertility goddess, the only one beside Queen Medb of Connacht, who could satisfy Fergus Mac Roich. Otherwise, Fergus would need seven ordinary women in his bed.
Other Names
Flidais, Flidas, Flidhais, Fliodhais.
- GOIBNIU: An Irish smith god, son of the goddess Danu, also known as the provider of the Fled Goibnenn, a Sacred Feast. Goibniu makes the arms for the Tuatha Dé Danann and he has a way with swords, creating only those that always hit their mark. He also lays claim to the mead of eternal life. His beer gave the drinker immortality. He is also called Govannon by the Welsh.
Goibhniu was one of three
divine craftsmen; they were known as na tri dée Dána. The other two
craftsmen were Credne and Luchta. He also possessed the Mead of Youth.
Goibhniu was known as the son of Dian Cécht and Danu. Goibhniu had two
brothers: Cian or Kian (father of Lugh), and Sawan. Sometimes, he was called the son of Esarg and grandson of Neit, which make him the brother of Credné, Luchta and Dian Cécht. Goibhniu was also known as the son of Ethliu, which makes him the brother of Dagda, Nuada, Dian Cécht, Credne, Luchta and Lug Mac Cein. He raised Lugh, teaching the boy many different skills in his crafts.
During the second battle of Moytura, Goibhniu and other craftsmen, Credné (artificer) and Luchtainel or Luchta (carpenter or wrights quickly repaired the damaged weapons for the Dananns. The three craftsmen were a triad of gods of skills called "Na tri dee dana". Some say that the other two craftsmen were his brothers.
Goibhniu killed Rúadan, the son of Bres and Bríg (Brigit), who had tried to
murder the smith.
In Welsh myths, his Welsh counterpart was called Govannon, who had killed Dylan, the son of Aranrhod.
Other Names
Goban, Goibniu, Goibhniu (Irish)
Gofannon, Govannon (Welsh)
- GRANNUS: The continental Celtic god of healing, associated with mineral springs. His consort is the fertility goddess Sirona.
- LIBAN:Irish. A water-spirit, the daughter of Eochaid, by Etain, and the twin sister of Fand.
- Lir: God of the sea. Lir was the father of Manannán (Manannan) and Lodan. Lir was known to the Welsh sea-god as Llyr. Unlike his son, Lir was merely a personification of the sea. Manannán appeared as more real character than he did. His role in Celtic myths was minimal.
- Children of Lir:
The only story of note was actually about his four children by his second
wife Aeb: Fionuala, a girl, and three boys - Aed, Fiachra and Conn. When Aeb died, Lir married Aeb's sister Aiofe. Aiofe, who was childless; she became jealous of Lir's love for his children.
One day, pretending to take the stepchildren to visit Bodb Derg, her foster father, Aiofe transformed the children into swans. Aiofe also placed a terrible geis on her stepchildren, so they would wander through Ireland and Britain for nine hundred years.
When Bodb Derg discovered Aiofe's action against her stepchildren, Bodb
turned her into a demon.
(There was another Aiofe, who was the wife of Manannán, who was transformed into a crane. I am uncertain if they are one and the same people). For nine hundred years, the swan-children wandered Ireland and Britain, suffering from hardship, but became famous because of their beautiful singing. Even though they were swans, they retained their voices. The Danann would often come and listen to their songs. They finally found refuge from a hermit, named Mo Cháemóc, before they were transformed back to their human forms.
The children of Lir were old and withered and dying. The hermit immediately baptised them before their death and had them all buried together.
Other Names
Lir (Irish)
Llyr (Welsh)
- Luchta: The master carpenter. Luchta was the divine carpenter or wrights. Luchta was one of three divine craftsmen; they were known as na tri dée Dána. The other two craftsmen were Goibhniu and Credne.Sometimes, Luchta was called the son of Esarg and grandson of Neit, which make him the brother of Goibhniu, Credné and Dian Cécht. Luchta was also known as the son of Ethliu, which make him the brother of Dagda, Nuada, Dian Cécht, Goibhniu, Credne and Lug Mac Cein.
Other Names
Luchta, Luchtar, Luchtain, Luchtaine,Luchtine - LUGH LAMH-FADA ( LUGH THE LONG-HANDED): Son of the Sun, Master of Crafts. The chief Lord of the Tuatha De
Danaan. Lugh is the God of Light and the Cycle of the year. He is the child of promise. He commanded the army of gods at the second battle of Mag Tuireadh. Symbolized by the Raven, he is portrayed as the protector of the harvest. He and his consort, Rosmerta were worshipped during the Lughnasad midsummer feast in Ireland. Lugh is equally skilled in all the arts, and has been called Lamhfhada or Long-arm, which is obviously refering to his skill with the spear or sling. He was called Samildanach, meaning much-skilled or
having many talents, Ildanach meaning seer, and Maicnia which means boy-warrior. He is the Winterborn, Summer Crowned king, the champion and artisan.
Other Names
Lugh - "Light" or "Lynx"
Lugh Mac Ethnenn
Lugh Lamfada ("Lugh of the Long Arm")
Lugh Samildánach ("Skilled in All the Arts")
Lug, Lugh (Irish)
Lugus, Lugos (Gallic)
Lleu (Welsh); Lleu Llaw Gyffes ("Lleu of the Dexterous Hand")
- MABON: Son of Modron ("young man" son of "mother goddess"), He was a hunter-god. He has the power to make the land flourish or waste away and die.
- MACHA/Nass: One of three aspects of the Morrigan, Macha is the goddess of war. She married Lugh at Lughnasadh but sacrifices him on their wedding day to ensure the life of the land. If you will but notice that this festival bears both their names. There are three legendary women associated with Macha. One was the wife of Nemed, another was the wife of Cimbaeth and daughter of Aed Ruad and a war leader, the third was the wife of Crunnchu who raced against the fastest horse in Ireland while pregnant and won but died at the finish line giving birth to twins. She was known as Macha, the goddess of fertility - a mother goddess. Macha appeared several times in Irish myths. In her first appearance, she was the wife of Nemed, leader of the Nemedians. Macha also appeared as the wife of Nuada of the Silver Hand, king of Ireland and leader of the Tuatha Dé Danann. Here, Macha was the daughter of Delbáeth
and Ernmas, and sister of Badb, Morrígan, and possibly of Nemain.
As a
tripartite goddess of war, Macha was one of the three aspects of the
Morrígans. Macha died with her husband in the Second Battle of Mag Tuired (Moytura); they were killed by Balor's destructive eye.
However, Macha was most popular and active in her roles in the northern
province of Ulster (Ulaid). Macha appeared twice in the Ulaid Cycle.
She was once known as Macha, the red war-goddess. She was the daughter of Áed Ruad and married her uncle Cimbáeth and became queen of Ulaid (Ulster). It was she, who founded the city that was named after her: Emain Macha. The name Emain Macha means the "Brooch of Macha", because she marked the boundary of hill-fortress with her brooch.
In the second story of Ulster, Macha appeared again, this time as the second wife of the wealthy farmer Crunnchu. This Macha placed a curse upon the men of Ulaid, for their mistreatment of her, during her pregnancy. The curse was that during Ulster's hours of greatest need, the men of Ulster would suffer the pang like those of a woman giving birth. In this story she was the goddess of horses.
- MANANNAN MAC LIR: Although older than the Tuatha , he seems to be one of them, this Irish god of the sea and fertility they call Manannan. He can forecast the weather. Manannan's wife is named Fand and is one of the twin goddesses of health and earthly pleasures. Manannan was the foster-father of many gods, including Lugh. He is the guardian of the Blessed Isles. Ruling Mag Mell, the paradise where the deceased dwell, Manannan has a ship that follows his every command without sails; he has a cloak that makes him invisible, his helmet is made of flames, and his sword cannot be detered from it's chartered course. Some say that he drives across the sea in a chariot. He is also called Barinthus and Manawydan ap Llyr. Sea god. Manannán (Manannan) was the son of Lir, who was also a god of the sea. Manannán supplanted his father in his role as sea god. Manannán also seemed to have control over the weather, but his powers was probably
confined to the sea. Manannán was also a healer and a mighty sorcerer. One writer says that Manannán was the son of Allod (I haven't figure out who Allod was). Manannán probably had a daughter named Tailtiu (Taillte), who became the foster mother of Lugh. Usually Tailtu was said to be the daughter of the King of the Great Plain and the wife of Firbolg king, Eochaidh Mac Erc. Manannán was also believed to be the father of Mongán, the reincarnation of Finn Mac Cumhaill. Manannán married a beautiful Danann woman named Fand, who had affair with the Ulster hero, Cu Chulainn.
Manannán was also married to Aife (Aiofe), who had been transformed into a crane. Aife was killed and her skin was used to create a magic treasure bag, which would later belong to Finn and the Clan Bascna in the Fenian Cycle.
Manannán was either a lover or husband of Aine, the sun goddess of love. He lived in the "Land of Promise" or "Land of Youth" and possessed the ship called "Wave-sweeper"; a vessel that can steer itself by his thought, and move without the needs of oars or winds.
Manannán could also drive his chariot over water, drawn by two magical horses. Manannán sometimes wielded the "Answerer", the sword given to Lugh Lamfada. He was considered the patron god of the Tuatha Dé Danann.
When the Tuatha were defeated in battle against the Milesians, it was Manannán who led them to the "Land of Youth" (Otherworld or Sidhe). The magic swine that Manannán owned was said to have kept the Tuatha young. Each day, the swine were killed and roasted for them to eat, and at the end of each day, they would magically return to life, only to be slain and eaten once again on the following day.
Manannán was also known as Manawyddan by the Welsh. In the Welsh myths, he was the son of Llyr (Irish Lir) and the brother of the god Brân.
Other Names
Manannan, Manandan (Irish)
Manawyddan (Welsh)
- MIDIR: The Irish ruler of Mag Mor, the underworld. He is a son of the goddess Danu and the son of Dagda. He was often called Midir the Proud. Midir has a fairy palace in Sleive Callary and seemed to appear more frequently during the time of the Ulster and Fenian cycles than before the arrival of the Milesians. The most important story he was involved in was when Midir appeared as the Danann husband of Etain, his second wife. His first wife's jealousy caused her to changed Etain into a butterfly. Eventually, Etain became mortal and married the mortal king, Eochy. Midir tried to win her back, but Etain finally remained with Eochy. In the Acallam na Senórach, Midir had three daughters, Doirenn, Aife and
Aillbe. He married his three daughters to the three princes, the sons of
Lugaid Menn (the Stammerer) - Ruide, Fiacha and Eochaid.
Other Names
Midir, Mider
Midir the Proud
- MOG RUITH: The one-eyed Irish god of the sun who rides through the sky in a shining bronze chariot, or who flies through the sky like a bird. The word ‘ruith’ is derived from the Irish ‘roth’, meaning "wheel" (representing the sun).
- MORRIGU MORRIGAN: "Queen of Phantoms", the Morrigu, also known as Morgan, Morigan, Lady Sovereignty, Nass, and Macha, she appears as both a single goddess and a trio of goddesses. The other deities who form the trio are Badb, and either Macha or sometimes Nemain ("Frenzy"). The Morrigu
is most often depicted as the Warrior Queen and the Battle Raven. She governed the laws of the land known as Brehon law. Strict and often unyielding, she is the taskmaster and the discipline. She was Dagda's wife. Belonging to the magickal Tuatha Dé Danann, she can take the form of a crow or raven. And unfortunately, legend says that if a warrior happens to see her before a battle, that warrior will die. She is magic, prophecy, and fate. She rules the spirit land and the old Brehon Law.
Goddess of war and fertility. Her name, Morrígan, means the
"Queen of Demons" or the "Phantom Queen". Morrígan was the daughter of Delbáeth and Ernmas. Morrígan was the sister of Badb, Macha, and possibly of Nemain. Morrígan was one of the wives of Dagda. During the festival of Samhain, held on November 1, she would sleep with Dagda, to renew the future prosperity of Ireland. In this role, she was seen as the Sovereignty of Ireland. Morrígan was also the godddess of divination and prophecy. In Cath Mag Tuired, she was washing clothes at the ford in Unshin in Corann, near Dagda's house at Glen Edin, when Dagda encountered her on the eve of the Samhain festival. One foot was at Allod Echae (water in the south) and the other foot at Lisconny (north of the water). After Dagda slept with her, she advised him of where the Fomorians were gathered and what she would do in battle. It was from Morrígan that other Celtic folklore had derived the Washer at the Ford. The Washer was sort of like a banshee, who was able to predict who would die. In several sources, Morrígan had children, some by Dagda, and sometimes the father or fathers of her children were never named.
Morrígan had also been identified with the goddess Danu or Anu, or that Danu was Morrígan's proper name, since both were named as the daughter of Delbáeth and Ernmas. And both were the mothers of Brian, Iuchar and Iurbarba, through incest with their own father. Morrígan was one of the strangest deities of Irish myth. She was a tripartite goddess of war: goddess with three separate personalities or aspects. The three morrigans were Morrígan, Macha and Badb. Some say that there are three separate goddesses (morrígans) with the same name, or that her three aspects were combined into a single goddess. In the Second Battle of Mag Tuired (Moytura), Morrígan helped the Tuatha Dé Danann, causing fear and confusion in the Fomorian ranks. With the single combat between Ogma and Indech (one of the Fomorian kings), Morrígan drained the strength from Indech.
At the end of the book, she proclaimed that the Tuatha Dé Danann won a great victory over the Fomorians. In the tale of the Destruction of Da Derga, Morrígan caused Conaire Mor to break his last geis (taboo). Morrígan was also in love with Cú Chulainn, and appeared as a young beautiful maiden to him. However, Cú Chulainn rejected Morrígan's love. In the Cattle Raid of Cooley, Morrígan was one of the opponents who attacked Cú Chulainn at the ford, but each time, Cú Chulainn subdued or defeated her.
Though, she had become Cú Chulainn's enemy, in the end, she tried to save
the hero. She sent a warning to Cú Chulainn, telling him of
a death trap set by his enemies. When
Cú Chulainn tied himself to a rock, dying from his wounds, Morrígan, in the
form of a raven, sat perched on his shoulder, which kept the enemies at bay.
Only when his life slipped away did Morrígan fly away.
- NANTOSUELTA: Goddess of nature, valleys and streams. Her name means "Winding River". Her symbol is the raven.
- NANTOSUETTA: A fertility and family goddess. Her attribute is the horn of plenty, which symbolizes fertility. Also a goddess of the realm of the dead.
- NEHALENNIA: Goddess of the sea.
- NEIT: God of war. Neit was a son of Dagda. He was said to have been the father of the Fomorians: Delbaeth, who was the father of Elatha, and of Dót, who was the father of Balor. (This Delbaeth should not be confused with the
Danann son of Ogma or Angus.)
Neit may also have been the consort of Morrígan. He was married to Badb and Frea and was also said to be the father of Esarg, who was the father of the Danann physician, Dian Cécht.
Neit was the Danann king of Ireland before the arrival of the sons of Mil
(Milesians). He was killed in battle against the Fomorians.
His three sons succeeded him: MacCuill, MacCecht and MacGrené (MacGrene). The three sons were married to Banba, Fohla and Eriu, the three daughters of Ernmas. The three wives were the three goddesses of Ireland. The Milesians invaded Erin (Ireland) during his sons' reign.
Other Names
Neit, Net, Nét
- NEMETONA: The Celtic goddess of sacred groves or shrines (nemeton, "shrine").
- NUADA: King of Erin (Ireland) and leader of the Tuatha Dé Danann. Nuada had being called the son of the goddess Danu. He is the chieftain-god of healing, the Sun, childbirth, youth, beauty, ocean, dogs, poetry, writing, sorcery, magic, weapons, and warfare. He owned the invincible Sword of Nuadha (or Findias), from which none could escape in battle. It was thought to be one of the four greatest treasures of the Tuatha.
Also known as Nudd or Ludd. "Silver Hand." Nuada Airgedlamh, literally translates as "Nuada of the Silver Arm". By the laws of ancient Ireland, a king who was deformed or blemished in any way could not rule. During the first battle of Moytura (Magh Tuiredh), the Danann defeated the
Firbolgs, killing Mac Erc, king of the Firbolgs. However, Nuada lost his
right hand at this time and the law prevented Nuada from ruling Ireland as their king. So the
Danann chose Bres as their king. However, Bres' rule was so harsh that the
Danann felt oppressed.
Dian Cécht (Dian Cecht), a great physician, replaced Nuada's hand with a magical silver hand. Nuada then became known as Nuada Airgedlámh (Nuada of the Silver Hand). With a new hand, the Dananns willingly accepted Nuada as king, and had Bres removed from the throne. Bres however reconquered Ireland, aided by his grandfather Balor, the Fomorian leaders. The Dananns then had to suffer from oppression from the Fomorian overlord, until the arrival of Lugh, son of Cian (Kian). Lugh sided with Nuada in the second battle of Moytura (Magh Tuiredh). During the battle, Balor killed Nuada. The Fomorians were defeated when Lugh killed Balor with his sling. Nuada was said to be father of Murna of the White Neck, mother of the hero Finn MacCumhaill.
Although he had been named as one of seven sons of Ethliu, Nuada has also being called the son of Echtach and the grandson of Etarlaim. This would make him the brother of Dagda, Dian Cécht, Goibhniu, Credne, Luchta and Lug Mac Cein. He was either married to Macha or Nemain, or even both. These two women were both associated with Morrígan (Morrigan). Other Names
Nuada, Núada, Nuadhu, Núadu (Irish)
Nuada Airgedlámh ("Nuada of the Silver Hand")
Nudd (Welsh).
- OENGUS MAC OC: Also known as Aengus, He is an Irish God. He is the god of love, beauty and youth. He is known for his physical beauty and golden hair, and because his kisses become birds. His name means "Son of the Young."
- OGMA: (Oghma) The Irish god of eloquence and learning. He is the son of the Danu and the Dagda, and one of the foremost members of the Tuatha Dé Danann. He is the reputed inventor of the ancient Ogham alphabet that is used in the earliest Irish writings. He is also seen as a warrior God who has a close connection to knowledge, magick, and eloquence.
Also known as the Irish god of writing, eloquence and poetry, Ogma was credited with being the
inventor of the Celtic writing systems that the Druids used for their magic.
These were known as Ogham.
Ogma was the son of Dagda and the goddess Danu. Some say that Ogma and Dagda were brothers. Ogma had also being called the son of Elatha, the king of the Fomorians. Ogma was one the seven champions in the First Battle of Moytura (Mag Tuired), but when Bres became the king of Tuatha dé Danann, Ogma was degraded into working at the humiliating manual labor of gathering firewood. When Lugh went to Nuada, asking for a place to serve the king, Ogma seemed
to be Nuada's foremost fighter. During the second battle of Moytura, Ogma
had killed one of the Fomorian leaders, named Indech, the son of Domnu.
Ogma married Etain, the daughter of Dian Cécht and had a son named Caipre. Some say that he was the father of MacCuill, MacCecht and MacGrené (MacGrene), the three Danann kings who ruled Ireland, during the Milesian invasion, though other say that Neit was their father.
To the Celtic Gauls, he was called Ogmios. According to both Gallic and Irish myths Ogma was a warrior god, depicted as a wrinkled old man, wearing lion's skin cloak, carrying a bow and club. The Romans considered Ogmios as the Celtic equivalent of Hercules (Greek Heracles). They also depicted Ogimos as holding people chained to his tongue by their ears, to indicate he was the god of eloquence and poetry.
Other Names
Ogma, Oghma, Ogmae (Irish)
Ogmios, Ogmius (Gallic)
- OGMIOS: Gallic god of poetry, language and eloquence. See Oghma.
- ROSMERTA: . A Celtic Goddess whose Latin name means "Good Provider". Goddess of success and prosperity, and she owns an inexhaustable Purse of Plenty. Associated with "Mercury." Rosmerta was also the goddess of fire, warmth, and abundance. A flower queen and hater of marriage, Rosmerta was also the queen of death. She was the wife of Esus, the Gallic Hermes. Her symbols are a cornucopia and a stick with two snakes.
- SEGOMO: The Continental Celtic god of war and victory.
- SHEILA-NA-GIG: The goddess of fertility in British-Celtic mythology. An ugly, troll-like creature. She prominently displays her genitals in an attempt to allay the power of death.
- SIRONA: The Continental goddess of astronomy.
- SUCELLOS: Continental god of the forests and agriculture. Ferries the dead to the otherworld. One of his frequently appearing attributes is the hammer, which earned him the title of 'hammer-god' and which reminds of a god of the dead. Often he holds a cup and a purse in his hand, which denotes a fertility god. One of his consorts is Nantosuetta.
- TAILTIU: An Irish earth-goddess, nurse of Lugh. She raised him until he was able to carry arms.
- TARANIS: Gallic god of thunder, master of the sky. His symbols are the wheel and the lightning flash. His name means "Thunder". He may be compared to the Roman Jupiter, although his place in the Celtic pantheon was not as prominent as that of Jupiter in the Roman pantheon.
- TETHRA: King of the Fomorians of Ireland, as well as the sea god and god of the otherworld. He was killed in the first battle of Mag Tuireadh. Since then he rules Mag Mell the paradise where the dead live, along with Manannan mac Lir of the Tuatha Dé Danann.
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