Homoeopathic Repertory
Obesity - Thyroid 3x (sluggish make up)
- Calcarea Carb (cold, flabby, chilliness)
- Phytolacca Berry tincture
Obstinate, irritable children - Chamomilla
Obstinate children, growing fat - Calcarea Carb
Oedema - Apis, Ars alb., Digitalis
Oedema of lungs - Tart. emet.
Oedema of feet - Prunus
Orchitis - Spongia, Pulsatilla, Aurum, Rhododendron
Ovaritis - Apis, Platina, Sepia
Ovarian cyst - Oophorinum, Apis, Kali Brom.
Oedema of face - Phosphorus
Oedema of upper lid - Kali Carb
Oedema of lower lid - Apis
Oedema of limbs and face without apparent cause - Thyroidinum
Oedema of legs during pregnancy - Bryonia
Oedema of genitals - Rhus tox
Oedema of left hand, foot & leg - Cactus
Oesophagus, lump in the throat - Asafoetida
Old age premature - Ambra, Baryta Carb
One sided complaints - Ambra
Onychia - Silicea, Psorinum
Operation, collapse after - Strontium Carb
Operation, urine retention after - Causticum
Optic nerve atrophy, cataract - Phosphorus
Orchitis - Pulsatilla, Clematis, Spongia, Rhododendron
Ovarian affections - Apis mellifica
Ovarian affections, left ovary - Lachesis
Pancreatic disease - Iris V, Iodine
Pancreatic disease, fatty degeneration - Phosphorus
Peptic Ulcer - Orinithogalum
Peptic Ulcer , pain two hours after eating - Anacardium
Peptic Ulcer, worse after eating - Kali Bich, Abies Nigra
Peptic Ulcer, acidity, gnawing pain, upper abdomen - Uranium Nit
Peptic Ulcer, pain half hour after eating, constipation - Nux Vom.
Peptic Ulcer, pain immediately after food, diarrhoea, weakness
- Arsenic Album
Peptic Ulcer, nervous phobic personality, flatulence - Arg Nit
Pain in abdomen, gas, patient bends double, sciatica - Colocynth
Pain in abdomen, due to piles, gas, constipation - Nux Vomica
Pain in abdomen, very irritable - Chamomilla
Pain in abdomen, like hand clutching intestines, nausea - Ipecac
Pain in abdomen, menstrual, Hysterial colic - Cocculus.
Pain in abdomen, radiating all directions, hard abdomen - Plumbum
Pain in abdomen, violent, inflammatory, spasms - Cuprum Met.
Pain in abdomen, better by leaning forward - Belladonna
Pain in abdomen, from kidney - Berberis vulgaris
Pain over the whole abdomen, diarrhoea, distension, tightness
- Magnesia Carb
Pain in abdomen, severe, better applied heat - Magnesia Phos
Palpitation from anaemia, vital drains - China, Phosphoric Acid,
Palpitation, violent with pain, gasping respiration, suffocation and dry
cough waking from sleep, anxiety - Spongia
Palpitation of children growing too fast - Phosphoric acid
Palpitation from indigestion - Abies nigra, Carbo veg., China, Nux
Vomica, Pulsatilla.
Palpitation from emotional causes - Aconite, Calc ars., Coffea,
Ignatia, Moschus.
Palpitation, violent, reverberating through the head - Belladonna.
Palpitation from slightest exertion - Digitalis, Iberis, Iod.,
Palpitation from grief - Ignatia
Palpitation from over strain - Arnica, Causticum
Palpitation from tea - China
Palpitation from uterine diseases - Lillium tigrinum
Palpitation from worms - Spigelia
Palpitation worse after eating - Nux Vomica, Calcarea Carb,
Lycopodium, Nat Mur, Puls, Lil.t.
Palpitation worse during sleep - Cann. ind.
Palpitation worse thinking about it - Baryta Carb, Gels., Oxal.ac
Palpitation better motion - Magnesia Mur.
Palpitation on least motion - Staphysagria
Palpitation, visible and audible, worse bending forward, stitches in
heart - Spigelia
Palpitation from tobacco, tightness of chest better by breathing in
- Tabac
Palpitation with fainting followed by sleep - Nux moschta
Palpitation from fear, better by walking slowly - Ferrum Met.
Palpitation from great loss of fluids - China
Paralysis of lower extremities - Rhus tox
Paralysis affecting memory - Arg. N.
Paralysis due to cold - Causticum (best for facial paralysis)
Paralysis of sphincters - Opium, Gelsemium
Paralysis, functional motor - Gelsemium
Paralysis of left side of face - Senega
Paralysis, numbness, tingling, paraplegia with tingling - Aconite
Paralysis of lower limbs only - Agaricus
Paralysis with atrophy - Plumbum
Paralysis, fatty degeneration - Phosphorus
Paralysis with over strain - Arnica
Paresis (senile) - Aur. iod., Phosphorus
Paresis (typewriter's) - Stannum
Peevish child - Chamomilla
Perspiration without relief - Merc Sol.
Perspiration on palms & head - Calcarea Carb.
Perspiration one sided - Ambra
Perspiration, offensive on foot - Silicea
Perspiration, offensive, in axilla - Petroleum
Perspiration on forehead, cold, weakness - Veratrum Album
Perspiration attracting flies - Caladium
Perspiration on head, wetting the pillow - Calcarea Carb.
Perspiration on uncovered parts - Thuja
Perspiration profuse - Acid Phos
Perspiration, hysterical - Nux Moschta
Perspiration absent - Lachesis
Perspiration profuse during sleep - Rhus glabra.
Phimosis - Merc sol, Guaiacum
Phobias, fears, inferior feeling, time passes slowly, hurried, worse
heat - Arg Nit
Phobia with hypochondriasis, initial fear but on starting a task does it
very well - Lycopodium
Phobia, fear of death, darkness, noise, music, crowds, closed places,
impending misfortune - Aconite
Phobia, fear of death and insanity, from uterine causes - Cimicifuga
Phobia, dread, nervous, sleeplessness, slightest effort seems heavy
task - Kali Phos.
Phlebitis - Hamamelis
Plague - Ignatia, Phosphorus
Pleurisy, most cases respond to - Bryonia
Pleurisy, stage of effusion - Apis
Pleurisy, of children - Belladonna
Pleurisy, profuse sero-fibrinous exudations - Cantharis
Pleurisy, nervous - Arsenic Album
Pleurodynia - Ran b., Cimicifuga, Arnica, Bryonia
Plica Polonica - Vinca, Lycopodium
Piles - Biochemic Combination No.17
Piles, splinter in rectum feeling - Aesculus
Piles with fissures - Nitric Acid
Piles, obstinate, bleeding - Collinsonia
Piles, impeding stool - Causticum
Piles, bleeding, copious blood, soreness - Hamamelis
Piles, inflamed -- Plantago - mother tincture for local application
Piles, bleeding, burning, itching - Capsicum
Piles, oozing mucous - Antimony Crudum
Piles protruding, relieved by cold water - Aloes
Piles large and blind, rectum constricted, bruised pain in back
- Nux Vomica
Piles during pregnancy, lack of thirst - Pulsatilla
Piles, weakness of sight, hysteria - Ruta g.
Pigeon chest - Phosphorous
Placenta retained - Pulsatilla, Secale
Pneumonia - first useful medicine Aconite
- Ferrum Phos & then Bryonia
Pneumonia Croupous form _ Iodine
Pneumonia, fever, burning, fullness, dry cough - Sanguinaria
Pneumonia bilious - Chelidonium
Pneumonia, violent congestion about chest preceding pneumonia
- Veratrum viride
Pneumonia, Biochemic remedy - Kali Mur
Pneumonia, stitching pains even without movement - Kali Carb
Pneumonia, lobar - Phosphorus
Pneumonia, stage of resolution - Antimony tart
Pneumonia, important other remedies - Ant tart, Sulphur
Poliomyelitis - Lathyrus, Kali Phos, Bungaris
Polyuria - Acid Phos
Post operative disorders - Arnica, Bellis, Calendula, Hypericum,
Staphysagria, Strontium
Pregnancy, threatened abortion, changeable pains, faintness, soreness
of uterus - Pulsatilla
Pregnancy, milk fever, breasts very hard, aching in back and limbs
- Bryonia
Pregnancy, toothache, worst at night - Magnesia Carb
Pregnancy, constipation - Sepia
Pregnancy, morning sickness, haggard patient, retching more than
vomiting - Nux Vomica
Pregnancy, palpitation - Spigelia
- Nux Vomica, if due to indigestion
Pregnancy, vaginal discharge - Sepia (yellowish green)
- Calcarea (milky)
- Platina (watery)
_ China (with weakness)
Profuse menses - Lachesis, China, Sepia, Borax
Preventive of catheter fever - Camph. ac
Preventive of cholera - Ars., Cupr. ac., Ver alb.
Preventive of Diphtheria - Apis 30, Diptherinum 30
Preventive of erysipelas - Graphites 30
Preventive of hay fever - Ars album, Psorinum
Preventive of hydrophobia - Belladonna, cantharis, Hyoscyamus,
Preventive of intermittent fever - Arsenic Album, Chinium Sulph
Preventive of measles - Aconite, Arsenic Album, Pulsatilla
Preventive of pus infection - Arnica
Preventive of quinsy - Baryta Carb 30
Preventive of whooping cough - Drosera
Preventive of tetanus - Hypericum, physostigma.
Preventive against Hernia - Cocculus
Preventive of snake poison - Glondrina
Preventive of abortion from excitement or fear - Aconite
Preventive against typhoid - Baptisia
Preventive of hydrophobia - Belladonna
Preventive of recurrence of boils - Berberis Vulgaris
Preventive of boils - Calcarea Sulph.
Preventive of attacks of gout - Fragaria
Preventive of cold - Nux Vomica 3
Preventive of sepsis after operation on abdomen - Rhus tox 6x
Preventive of pyorrhoea and caries of teeth - Calcarea renalis
Preventive of Dengue - Eupatorium perfoliatum
Preventive of rickets - Calcarea Phos.
Preventive of tetanus - Ledum, Hypericum.
Prostate hot, swollen, painful, to avoid surgery - Sabal Serrulata
Prostate, chronic hypertrophy, urine stops and start - Conium
Prostate, enlargement of the aged - Ferrum Picrata
Prostate hypertrophy, frequent urination, general discomfort
- Chimaphilla
Prostate, discharge in morning, stitches rectum to bladder, straining to
urinate - Thuja
Prostate, pressure in perineum - Lycopodium
Prostate enlarged, frequent urination after urinating, dribbling urine, old age - Baryta C.
Prostate enlarged, pus & mucous in urine - Nat sulph
Prostate enlarged, stool & urine tenesmus at the same time
- Nux Vomica
Prostate, acute urine retention - Belladonna.
Psoriasis of palms - Graphites, Hepar Sulph, Lycopodium
Psoriasis of prepuce, nails - Graphites, Sepia.
Psoriasis of tongue - Graphites, Muriatic acid, Sepia.
Puberty delayed - Baryta Carb
Puberty, delayed breast development - Sabal Serrulata
Puberty delayed, late learning to walk, fat, chilly girl - Calcarea Carb
Pulse full and slow with snoring - Opium
Pulse much increased in force and frequency with throbbing of temporal arteries - Belladonna.
Pulse extremely slow - digitalis
Pulsation in epigastrium - Asafoetida, Hydras., Pulsatilla, Sepia
Pyorrhoea - Biochemic combination No.18
Rectal Pockets - Polygonum
Reflects long to answer - Anac., Cocc., Cupr., Hell., Nux m,
Phos ac., Phos.
Refuses to answer - Phos, Sulphur
Refuses to take medicine - Hyos.
Rectal prolapse - Podophyllum
Rejuvenator for old men - Magnesia Phos.
Relaxation of Muscles - Gelsemium
Renal colic - Berberis V.
Renal Colic - Berberis Vulgaris
- Magnesia Phos, a general colic remedy
- Ocimum Canum (blood in urine)
Renal colic, with indigestion - Nux Vomica
Respiration, suffocation - Spongia, Aralia racemosa
Respiration oppressed - Arsenic Album
Retention of urine - Causticum, Nux Vom
Retention of urine in dropsy - Apoc Can
Retention of urine after difficult labour - Causticum
Retina detachment - Arnica, Aurum Met.
Retina, hyperaesthesia - Lilium tigrinum
Retina, haemorrhage - Hamamelis.
Rheumatism - Biochemic Combination No.19
Rheumatism, restlessness, relief on continued motion, fibrous tissues
and muscles, exposure to cold when over heated / perspiring
- Rhus tox.
Rheumatism of joints and muscles, aggravated by motion, tendency to
keep still - Bryonia
Rheumatism, restlessness at night, dry, cold, icy air, desires constant
motion which does not relieve, jaw, neck - Causticum
Rheumatism and gout, pains from below up, nodes in small joints
- Ledum
Rheumatism small joints - Caulophyllum
Rheumatism, shifting pains, single joint like knee, worse warmth
- Pulsatilla
Rheumatism, chest, joints to heart, upper parts of arm, lower of legs
- Kalmia
Rheumatism, belly of large muscles - Cimicifuga
Rheumatism, fibrous tissues, ligaments, evening aggravation
- Colchicum
Rheumatism, acute, sore, stiff muscles, right deltoid - Sanguinaria
Rheumatism, below elbows and knees, damp weather `flying about'
pains - Phytolacca
Rheumatism, contraction of tendons making them out of shape
- Guaiacum
Rheumatism, working in water - Calcarea Carb
Rheumatism, other remedies - Arnica, Calcarea fluorica, Calc Phos,
Belladonna, Dulcamara
Rheumatism, before storm - Rhododendron
Rheumatism of knee - Pulsatilla
Rheumatism of knees, low back, large joints - Ruta
Rheumatic affections of the heart - Bryonia, Colchicum, Kalmia,
Rhus tox, Spigelia.
Rigg's disease - Calc renal.
Rupture of artery, threatened - Aconite, Belladonna, Gels, Glonoin,
Lachesis, Nux Vomica, Opium, Phosphorus.
Scarlet fever - Belladonna, Gelsemium, Bryonia, Amm. Carb,
Rhus tox
Sacral pain - Aesculus
Sadness, weakness - Acid Phos
Saliva runs out during sleep - Baryta Carb.
Salivation after eating - Allium Sativa
Saliva bloody - Nitric Acid
Salt craving for - Natrum Mur.
Scabies - Merc Sol and Sulphur alternately
Scalds - Cantharis
Scratching of skin - Natrum Sulph 6x
Sciatica - Colocynth
- Kali Bich (left sided)
- Colchicum (right sided)
Sciatica, most cases respond to - Colocynth
Sciatica pains extend to toes - Gnaphallium
Sciatica, pains worse at night, better motion - Kali iodatum
Sciatica with involvement of muscles and ligaments - Rhus tox
Sciatica at a fixed hour every night - Arsenic Album
Sciatica pain relieved by lying down, aggravation sitting, better
walking - Amm mur Sciatica, venous stasis, fatigue, heaviness, uterine symptoms - Pulsatilla
Sciatica, great sensitiveness - Coffea
Sciatica, lightening like pains, twitching, spinal column affected, sedentary persons, constipation - Nux Vomica
Scrofula - Biochemic combination No.22
Senile decay - Oophorinum, Baryta Carb
Sea sickness, nausea, vertigo on raising eyes, take before travel
- Petroleum
Sea sickness, tendency to faint from change of posture - Cocculus
Senses dulled - Anac., Baptisia, Gels., Helleborus
Sensation that foetus is lying crosswise - Arnica
Sensation that a hard boiled egg had lodged in the cardiac end of the
stomach - Abies Nigra
Sensation that stomach is swimming in water - Abrotanum
Sensation of constriction in the heart as if an iron hard prevented its
normal movement - Cactus.
Sensation that heart contains too much blood and would be better after
throwing up - Lillium tigrinum
Sensation as if drops are falling from the heart - Cann. Sat.
Sensation of weakness and trembling in the heart - Rhus tox
Sensation that the heart would stop beating he did not move
- Gelsemium
Sensation, cold, about the heart - Graphites, Kali Bich
Septicaemia, gangrene, carbuncles, blue skin, weakness - Lachesis
Septicaemia, redness and soreness at the site of infection, restlessness
- Rhus tox
Septicaemia, dull aching in head and extremities, foul discharges
- Echinacea
Septicaemia, anaemia, pyaemia, soreness, foul odours - Arnica
Sighing respiration - Hell., Bryonia, Calad., Calc. Phos., Carbo
Veg, Digitalis, Ignatia, Ipecac, Sec., Selen., Stram.
Skin problems - Biochemic combination No.20
Skin, moist scabby eruptions, between fingers and toes, fissures,
itching - Graphites
Skin, chronic eczema, itching, burning, swelling - Arsenic Album
Skin diseases, aggravation from washing, rough skin, soreness in
folds, acne - Sulphur
Skin, herpes, eczema, pemphigus, prurigo, vesicles with red aerola
- Rhus tox
Skin, herpetic, itching worse in bed, dirty, unwashed appearance, tinea
capitis - Psorinum (high potency) infrequently.
Skin eruption with gastro intestinal problems, great itching - Oleander
Skin eruption along the course of nerves - Ran b.
Skin ulcers, zig zag raised edges, bleeding on touch, splinter like pains
- Nitric Acid
Skin, hives of uterine or gastric origin, chilliness, scanty menses
- Pulsatilla
Skin problems with acidity - Petroleum
Skin, sudden eruption of welts, itching, swelling, stinging - Apis
Skin, brownish spots, yellow saddle across nose, ring worm, after milk
or pork - Sepia
Skin eruption, moist, folds of skin and joints, easy suppuration, humid
eczema of scalp, scrotum, sensitive to touch and draft - Hepar Sulph
Skin, eczema, capitis, chronic and obstinate - Kali Bich
Sleep position, must lie on back - Arsenic Album
Sleep position, must lie in `Knee-Chest' position - Medorrhinum 200
Sleep position, must lie on belly - Acetic acid, Ammonium Carb
Sleep position, must lie on back with thighs drawn upon abdomen,
hands above head, tendency to uncover lower limbs - Platina.
Sleep position, must fidget feet constantly - Zinc metallicum
Sleep position, must be with legs crossed - Rhododendron
Sleep position, must lie with one leg drawn up, the other stretched
- Stannum
Sleep position, must lie on hands and knees - Cina
Sleep position, must lie with hand under head - Aconite, Arsenic
album, Belladonna, China, Colocynth, Platina
Sleep position, must lie with hand over head - Arsenic album, Nux
Vom, Platina, Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Veratrum album.
Sleeplessness, restlessness, frightful scenes on closing eyes, violent
throbbing in head - Belladonna.
Sleeplessness, sleepy in early evening, awakes very early morning with
anxiety, then keeps awake and sleeps again and wake up late, sleepless from anxiety, worry, over work, over eating, excesses
- Nux Vom
Sleepless from nervous excitement, overworked minds - Hyoscyamus
Sleepless form excessive agitation of mind, acute senses - Coffea
Sleepless children - Chamomilla
Sleepless business men, business worry - Gelsemium
Sleep, cat naps, skin irritation, heat, excitement - Sulphur
Sleeplessness obstinate - Cannabis indica
Solvent of crustaceous and calcareous deposits in arteries - Crataegus
Somnambulism - Kali Phos, Kali brom
Small pox - Aconite, Bryonia, Thuja, Arsenic Album, Variolinum
Sore throat - dryness, brightness, glazed appearance, tonsils
enlarged, worse on right side, constricted sense, worse swallowing, aversion to drink - Belladonna.
Sorethroat, red and swollen on every change of weather - Merc Sol.
Sore throat, tonsils dark red, aching in limbs, worse right side, constant desire to clear the throat - Phytolacca
Sore throat, follicular pharyngitis, grey / white exudation, tonsils
inflamed, gastric disturbance - Kali Mur.
Sore throat, pharyngitis, dry throat, rheumatism, tonsils swollen,
worse right side, holds neck when talking - Guaiacum
Sore throat, sticking in throat, tongue yellow at base, tenacious
mucous, pain in ear canal - Kali Bich.
Sore throat, feeling of lump, worse after sleep, worse left side
- Lachesis
Sore throat, highly inflamed, required at the end of inflammation
- Cantharis
Sore throat, splinter like pains - Hepar Sulph
Sore throat, of smoker, drinker, speakers, white patches in throat
- Nux Vomica
Spine, sensitiveness to pressure which causes nausea, weakness of
lower extremities, pain in lumbar region, reflex from uterine complaints - Cimicifuga
Spine, sensitiveness between vertebrae, better lying on something hard,
vision clouded, worse morning, weakness, restlessness
- Natrum Mur.
Spinal irritation, burning sensations, hands and feet numb
- Physostigma
Spinal irritation, chorea, muscular twitching, sensations of needles of
ice, lumbago - Agaricus.
Spine, aching in back, empty feeling in abdomen, trembling of limbs,
headache, stiffness of neck, giddiness, faint feeling - Cocculus
Spinal irritation from sexual excesses, limbs go to sleep, knees stiff,
numbness of spine - Nux vomica
Spleen diseases, specific remedy - Ceanothus
Spleen, pain, congestion, stitches, swelling - China
Spleen, sensitive, and enlarged - Capsicum
Sterility - Agnus, Nat Mur, Borax
Sterility, apathy, loss of interest - Sepia
Sterility - Silicea
Sterility, slim woman, proud, burning pains, intense interest
- Phosphorus
Sterility, scanty menses, breasts painful - Conium
Sterility, leucorrhea - Borax
Sterility, depression - Aurum Met.
Sterility, insecurity, anxiety, nervousness - Nat Mur
Sub-involution - Aur. mur, nat., Fraxin
Sun stroke - Glonoin
Sun stroke, drowsiness, fainting, constriction of chest - Belladonna
Sun stroke, chronic effects - Natrum Carb.
Shock from surgery - Veratum Album
Shock from injury - Arnica
Shock from loss of blood etc - Carbo Veg
Shock, post operative - Strontium Carb.
Shock, complete insensibility, stupor, blue livid face, loud breathing
- Opium
Sinus, pain right side - Sanguinaria
Sinus, pain left side - Sepia
Sinus, pain both sides - Sticta
Sneezing with cold - Aconite
Snoring - Lamna minor
Sprains, chronic - Strontium Carb.
Sprains, for shock and pain - Arnica
Sprain left side, swelling, pain - Bellis P.
Sprain, pain, stiffness, swelling, after Arnica - Rhus tox
Sprain, worse fatigue, ligaments - Ruta
Sprain repeated of fat, flabby children - Calcarea Carb.
Spinal bifida - Calcarea Phos
Spinal caries - Calcarea Phos, Iod, Phos acid, Phos, Syphilinum
Spinal curvature - Calcarea Phos, Silicea
Stiff neck - Aconite (acute stage)
- Cimicifuga (better by pressure)
- Causticum
- Lachenanthes (twisted to one side)
Stroke - Arnica
- Aconite (early stage)
- Glonoine (threatened attack)
- Lauracerasus (acute form)
- Baryta Carb (paralysis after stroke)
Stammering - Stramonium, Arsenic Album
Styes, usual remedy - Pulsatilla
Styes, hard - Conium
Stye, suppurated - Hepar Sulph
Styes, recurrent - Sulphur
Sun Stroke - Glonoine, Natrum Carb, Belladonna.
Synovitis, white swelling - Apis mellifica
Synovitis, joint pale red, tense, stitching pains - Bryonia
Synovitis, traumatic - Ledum
Synovitis, after exudation has taken place - Sulphur
Synovitis, tendency to destruction of joint, aggravation night, sweating
- Mercurius.
Syphilis - Mercurius, Aurum Met, Nitric Acid, Arsenic Album, Kali