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Vol 5, Issue 1-Update                                                June 2006

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In the News section of this issue of The Black Doll-E-Zine, a prototype photo of the recently released doll, Janae, by Laura Tuzio-Ross, was shared.   Below are actual photos of my doll before and after her wig was restyled. 


In the Collectible Vinyl/Plastic Doll, Over $150 category, Janae won the Doll Reader Magazine DOTY Industry's Choice Award for 2006.  She was one of 70 dolls nominated.  Of the 5 dolls in her nominated category, Janae won the Public's Choice Award, which will be presented at IDEX in Las Vegas on July 1, 2006.  Janae's artist, Laura Tuzio-Ross, has plans for a sleeping AA baby in time for the Doll and Teddy Bear Expo in Washington DC.  Please see the Additional Summer-to-Fall Doll Shows section, below, for more details regarding Expo. 



Many attendees of the 19th International Black Doll Show and Sale in Philadelphia this past Memorial Day weekend reported that the turnout was not as great as it has been in past years.  One doll artist, who exhibits at the show almost yearly,  attributed the low turnout to possibly more people having other plans for the Memorial Day weekend.  We are all hoping that the 20th anniversary of the largest Black-doll show in the country will have a greater turnout next year and that more events will be offered.  

This year the show offered two workshops.  One was the "Cecilia Princess of Courage" workshop conducted by Debbie Britt (a.k.a. DB) wherein collectors, both young and old, were taught to make African wrap dolls.  DB shared photos of some of the beautiful dolls that were created during the workshop and has allowed me to share them with the readers of The BDE.  












African Wrap Dolls made by various attendees of the "Cecilia Princess of Courage" workshop at this year's Philly doll show


Philly show recap from one collector's viewpoint:

When asked her opinion of the show, Deliah Burns, a second-time attendee of the Philly doll show said, "I was in my own little world and couldn't tell you anything about turnout.  I was just so happy to be around so many dolls."  Deliah agreed to share some of the photos that she took at this year's  Philly doll show.

Taye is a one-of-kind doll by artist, Laura Tuzio-Ross.  Deliah's friend, Michele, is Taye's proud new mommy  (congratulations, Michele!).  Michele is contemplating a name and/or gender change for Taye.  If Taye remains a boy, I suggested the name, Logan, since he reminds me of my daughter's son, Logan.  I also suggested the website,, which I have used frequently to name or rename my dolls based on a name's meaning.  

Above is a photo of a Goldie Wilson (GW) doll that Deliah reports was purchased almost immediately.  Deliah also shared a photo of Goldie with one of her dolls that Deliah wanted to purchase, but someone beat her to it.  One thing that I have learned about Goldie's dolls is that if you even have an inkling to purchase one at a doll show, you had better do so hastily.  Otherwise, the doll may be snatched up before you have enough time to ponder the purchase.  Since I did not have Goldie's permission to use her image in this update, I did not feel comfortable sharing Deliah's photo of Goldie.  Deliah took and shared photos of other dolls artists; but again, I did not have the artists' permission to share their images.  

 Even though Deliah was unable to purchase the doll pictured above, she reported that she did purchase a GW doll and baby duo as well as a Patricia Cobb-Coleman doll and several other dolls at the Philly show.  The photos of these dolls will appear in a future issue The BDE.

Pictured above on the left are two Patricia Cobb-Coleman creations.  The doll in the white bathrobe, on the right, was also purchased by Deliah's friend, Michele.  This photo was taken after appropriately posing the robe-attired doll in Michele's bathroom!  Congratulations, again Michele; and thank you, Deliah, for sharing your show photos with us!  



The following photos were shared with me by artist, Lorna Paris, of Leather Doll Creations.

Pictured above on the left are mermaid pouches that sell for $100 each and, on the right, a doll pouch that sells for $90. 

Pictured above on the left is a pair of cloth dolls by Lorna Paris.  The wedding couple sells for $135.  On the right is an all-leather boy decked out in his all-leather outfit with suede shirt and scarf.  He sells for $275.

If you are interested in adding one of Lorna Paris' creations to your collection, send me an email and I will share her contact information with you.  


Above is cutie pie, Jessamyn.  The morning after receiving the Spring 2006 Kish Collector's Society (KCS) Newsletter, I scanned the renewal form, filled it out, and faxed my membership renewal.  Why?  Because Jessamyn is the 2006 Kish Collector's Society Club Doll.  Jessamyn is just under 6 inches and is made of jointed resin.  She has a cotton fiber wig and painted brown eyes.  Her tiny pony tails are tied up in pink ribbons.  She is dressed in a two-tone linen frock, embroidered with colorful circles.  Her booties are shaped like Mary Jane shoes, crocheted in ecru colored cotton and embellished with pink and green rosettes.  Jessamyn is a KCS members-only doll and can be preordered for the cost of the $20 membership and $80 for the doll.  Scheduled for delivery this fall, I can hardly wait to receive my doll.  The news does not stop here... Jessamyn will eventually get a big sister!   I am thrilled that Helen Kish is continuing to add dolls of color to her doll line.  



As reported in the News section of this issue, several members of the WeLoveBlackDolls email list entered into a doll project challenge.  Any doll-related item or items were to be created within a 3-month period.  Below are some of the projects completed by various members.

Ruth Manning cleverly transformed a glass based lamp into a doll lamp, wherein her McDonald's Madame Alexander dolls are now displayed.  Ruth indicated that the base of the lamp originally housed a live plant.  

Debra Richardson made Nettie, a wooden shelf-sitter.  Nettie is decked out in her Fourth of July outfit and is ready to celebrate her independence.

Cheryl Bruce made the above colorful quilt; it originally began as a sewing machine cover.  The quilt has doll icons and other icons throughout. 

Above is one of the whimsical icons on Cheryl's doll quilt.

Cheryl also made the delightful and colorful embroidered paper dolls above.  They are shown wearing some of the outfits that Cheryl made along with their own carrying pouch that she designed/created.

Above is a close-up photo of the paper doll pouch created by Cheryl. One of the dolls and a couple of outfits are enclosed in the pouch pockets.

Above is one of Cheryl's embroidered paper dolls.  When asked when she will begin taking orders for these, Cheryl's reply was, "I will let you know."  To get in line for a set of Cheryl's embroidered paper dolls and pouch, feel free to contact her at



The following doll shows and update are in addition to the doll shows included in the News section of this issue:


National Doll Festival 19th Annual Sale
July 8th - 11th 2006
Sat 4:00pm -- 10:00pm
Sun 10:00am -- 9:00pm
Mon 10:00am -- 5:00pm
Tues 10:00 -- 9:00pm 

Fairmont Hotel
1717 N. Akard
Dallas, TX 


IDEX LasVegas Update
June 30 – July 2, 2006 • Rio Suites Hotel & Casino

Saturday, July 1, 2006
4:15pm – 6:15pm        Workshop: Ethnic Color Application:  Shawna Clymer
Learn the steps to transform a Caucasian baby into an African American baby. The transformation involves adding layers, using Genesis Paints to achieve an ethnic skin tone. Each participant will work on a Secrist “Zoe” Doll that they will be able to take home. Max. 25 students. (separate registration required) $105 per person.

There may be additional openings available for this workshop.  Please visit for details/information.


Lights! Camera! Barbie™!
26th Annual National Barbie® Doll Collectors Convention

July 26 - 29, 2006

Hyatt Regency Century Plaza Hotel and Spa
Los Angeles, CA


Hotel Room Rate:

$159 per night for one to four persons when booked by June 30, 2006

Parking Rate:

$14 per day self park

Presented by:

The Black and Beautiful Doll Club with assistance from Beach Cities Doll Club, Tickled Pink in Ventura County and assorted others.  


The Doll and Teddy Bear Expo 

Public Expo Show Dates are Saturday, Aug. 19,  9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 20 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Marriott Wardman Park Hotel 2660 Woodley Rd NW. Washington, DC 20008 (202) 328-2000 - Details

PUBLIC ADMISSION Weekend Admission to the Doll & Teddy Bear Expo is $15.00, but FREE when you subscribe to DOLLS magazine, Teddy Bear Review or Doll Crafter & Costuming. To obtain free admission, order your subscription onsite at Expo, online at, or by calling Jones Publishing Customer Service at (800) 331-0038, extension 1. Your admission ticket, a $15.00 value, will be included with your August issue free.

September 16, 2006
Greater New York Black Memorabilia & Collectible Show
Crown Plaza Hotel Exhibit Center
2 Harmon Plaza Secaucus, New Jersey

October 7-8, 2006
Gaithersburg Antique & Collectible Extravaganza
Montgomery County Fairgrounds
Gaithersburg, MD (I-270, Exit 11

November 25-26, 2006
Gaithersburg Antique & Collectible Blowout Sale!
Montgomery County Fairgrounds
Gaithersburg, MD (I-270, Exit 11)

December 16-17th, 2006
15th Annual Dolls of Color Parade - A Black Doll Show-
Montgomery County Fairgrounds
Gaithersburg, MD (I-270, Exit 11)


This concludes the update of the May 2006 issue of The Black Doll-E-ZineI hope you enjoyed the update as well as the entire May 2006 issue.  Until sometime in the fall/winter of this year, have a safe, enjoyable rest of the summer... and as always, 

Happy dolling!



Acknowledgements:  Thank you, again, Deliah and Debbie Britt for sharing your doll show  and workshop photos.   A special thanks is extended to WLBD members, Ruth Manning, Debra Richardson, and Cheryl Bruce for their doll project participation and for sharing their photos.  I would also like to acknowledge the unseen projects that members of the WLBD list have either completed, will begin, or will soon complete.  I appreciate all that you do and share. 

To contact Deb: (Deb)

Index ||| Welcome ||| June Update ||| About the Editor ||| Collecting News ||| Profile of a Collector ||| Profile of an Artist ||| Doll in the Spotlight! ||| Doll Care Basics ||| Mailbag ||| Resources ||| FAQ ||| Closing Words