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Vol. 4, Issue 2                               4th QUARTER, 2005


by Debbie Garrett

Index  | Welcome | Mailbag | About the Editor | Collecting NewsProfile of an ArtistDoll in the Spotlight! | Doll Care Basics | Resources | FAQ | Closing Words  


The manner in which dolls are displayed plays a very important role in doll care and the extent of enjoyment derived from dolls. Whether or not the dolls can be seen and easily accessed is very important.  Displays can be temporary, semi-permanent,  or permanent.  The preferred display is the semi-permanent display, which allows you to rearrange the dolls from time to time.   This article focuses on several unique display suggestions that can be used to help enhance doll enjoyment.  

Temporary Displays

Temporary displays are those set up for special events such as doll exhibitions, doll sales, or for personal "doll play."  

Display of dolls that appear on the front cover of The Definitive Guide to Collecting Black Dolls.

The photos above and below contain a temporary display of the dolls that appear on the front and back covers of my book, The Definitive Guide to Collecting Black Dolls.  Two copies of my book were used in the display.  One copy showed the front cover; the other copy showed the back cover. This one-day display was used at Jokae's African American Books in Dallas  where my first book signing was held.

Dolls on back cover of The Definitive Guide to Collecting Black Dolls


This temporary display was used for a photo on a Christmas note sent to a friend. A holly border was added to the photo to enhance the holiday theme.

Above, Margaret Rogers' Tiff, ("Love Makes the World Go Round" by Lee Middleton) is outside sunning for fun!

This adorable trio is ready for fall in this seasonal doll display created by Margaret Rogers.  


Permanent or Semi-Permanent Displays


The above doll is displayed in the foyer of Linda Hayes' home.  Using a doll or dolls to greet your guests will extend a sense of warm, hospitality and add to a room's decor.  

Aaron by Philip Heath

Chairs and other furnishings in the home can be used for large and small dolls. Above, Aaron, by Philip Heath sits in a wicker hanging chair where he is often mistaken by visitors as a real little boy.  The basket on the floor behind and below Aaron's chair contains some sleeping baby dolls.


Portable and stationary doll shelves, children's furniture, doll stands, and doll furniture can be used to create doll groupings based on doll type, size, color of outfits, etc.

Babes in bed -- a wooden doll bed is used to display this doll trio.

Baby Georgia rides the banister

Cheryl Bruce often uses the banister in her home as a clever way of displaying dolls.  Above, Baby Georgia by Heidi Ott is displayed there.  In the photograph below, Will and Seraphina by Philip Heath become a banister display.

Will and Seraphina by Philip Heath on Cheryl Bruce's banister


Cheryl's My Twinn dolls also have big fun on her banister and elsewhere in home as well.

This photo captures Cheryl's My Twinn dolls as they play a fun game of "Ring Around the Roses"...


... here, Cheryl's My Twinn dolls have added to her holiday decor!

As you can see, doll displays can be traditional or nontraditional; temporary, semi-permanent or permanent.  With an ounce of clever creativity added to the mix, doll displays can become quite unique and more appealing.  Adding a little creativity to your doll displays and rearranging the displays from time to time will allow you to enjoy your dolls for many years to come.  Your visitors will enjoy them as well.

If you would like to share  doll care tips, doll makeovers, or other doll-care-related  topics  with  The Black Doll-E-Zine please write to: (Deb).