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Vol 5, Issue 1                                                May 2006


What The Black Doll-E-Zine Readers are Saying:

  Debbie,  Your recent issue of BDE, was wonderful!  Thanks for including my display in my foyer.    Linda H. 

Hi Debbie, I just visited the BDE site and  found it just grand! I keep forgetting to visit!!!! I made a place in my favorites, so I will remember! Debbie, you are so talented! It is a great site!!!!!!!!  Dorothy

Hi Debbie! Another great issue of BDE. I especially enjoyed the Profile of a Collector section!  Bonnie  

Your dollezine is wonderful.    Ellen Ferebee Morrisania Doll Society at

I was excited to read your newsletter. I'd love to be added to the list. If there is a cost, please let me know. Additionally, would you add my friend (you autographed your book for her), Mae Smith. Her email address is xxxxxx. Also the same day I met you, I purchased a beautiful dolls for my friend, Alfreida Stevenson. Her email is xxxxxx. She collects black art and has a few dolls in her collection. Remember if there is a charge, please let me know. While giving her a piano lesson today, I told her about your last email and the Gullah dolls. Now she's excited about your newsletter.

Please have a wonderful holiday season.  Dorothy B.

Debbie, thank you for taking the time to prepare the e-zine. I enjoyed reading it, especially Cyla's profile. What a sweetheart! The doll displays were a lot of fun, too. Thank you for all you do!  Vicky

The new BDE is absolutely wonderful. Beautiful dolls, great information. I especially appreciate you featuring my Doll Pins, Debbie. Thank You again!  Love & Dolly Hugs, Janice

AWESOME! And then some. It's unbelievable that each issue is better than the last. I especially enjoyed the article on Little Miss Cyla. Thanks, Debbie.  Ruth M.

Such a nice issue and good info! And what a surprise to see my pictures! I really did not know what you were using them for. Seeing the dolls makes me want to find the time to do more with re-dressing and posing them again. I miss that! -- Peace & Blessings to you, Cheryl B.

 Hello Deb,   I just read your wonderful doll magazine!!  It's great!  I have a problem that I hope you can help me with. I have a doll business with Apple Valley.  I have a show next week and some dye or ink has rubbed on my dolls hands and arms. I transported them in some very large plastic type shopping bags. One was a blue plaid. When I took the dolls out the blue has stained their fingers and toes I guess from rubbing against the bag.  I have tried all types of cleansers and Skin-So-Soft removed only a little with lots and lots of soft rubbing! Do you have any suggestions! Thank you in advance for any help you can give. 



P.S. You asked me a while back if I would be interested in being featured in your magazine. Yes!! I would be honored!

Just let me know when and what I need to do. I sent you some pictures and I would be glad to send you some samples

  Hi Debbie, Your suggestion to remove the ink stains from my dolls' hands and feet worked!! I am so excited!! Thank you one million times!! Blessings, Ann

Debbie, Black Doll-E-Zine was enlighting. The little girl that collects dolls has a very impressive collection. She is so cute. About Qasimah P. Boston, it really great. I love her dolls.  Dru

Great job, Debbie! I especially enjoyed the profile of Cyla. Thanks for another fantastic issue! Manya

Awesome issue Debbie. I especially enjoyed the profile of a collector. An outstanding job as always.  Margaret

Thanks Debbie! Your doll collector interview is the BEST!  Karen

This issue of BDE is just wonderful. I love it. I was so impressed with the little girl. I love to see little black girls collecting dolls and my hat goes off to her mom and family for their support and you for writing it.  She is adorable and her dolls are too. I also loved the doll displays.  What a nice idea to include it in BDE. It's so nice to see how others display their dolls and I got to see my little boy Aaron.  He is still my true love . You did an excellent job, as you always do. Thank you for taking the time to write BDE for us.  I enjoyed it. Debra R.

Wonderful issue, Debbie. I just loved reading about Cyla and her collection. I hope that Aja enjoys her collection as much at her age. I love Cheryl's bannister display. What an unique idea. Janice, I see you have been busy making more doll art. Beautiful!!! Also, I can't wait to see what Miracle will look like. Thanks again, Debbie, for continuing to write such a great Black Doll e-zine.


I am glad that you enjoyed it, Renee, and that you took the time to let me know. Each time that I feel it's time to offer another issue, I get cold feet because it is a lot of work to put it together and to come up with fresh ideas that will not bore.  The only thing that keeps me motivated is the fact that no one else offers anything that is totally and completely devoted to Black- doll collectors; and if I do not do it, who will?  I am sure that Aja will continue to love dolls for many years. She has an excellent role model. Thanks again, Renee.  Debbie 

You're welcome, Debbie. You should never get cold feet, because your creative and innovative ideas about dolls and doll collecting never cease to amaze me. Keep up the good work!!! Renee 


Thank you all for your feedback!  

Please continue to submit feedback, doll news, doll stories, etc. to: (Deb)

Index ||| Welcome ||| Mailbag ||| About the Editor ||| Collecting News ||| Profile of a Collector ||| Profile of an Artist ||| Doll in the Spotlight! ||| Doll Care Basics ||| Resources ||| FAQ ||| Closing Words