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Harris-Benedict formula calculator.
Gender: Male (value 66).
Harris-Benedict formula diet calculations show Maintenance rates and when Bulking add on the "Bulking" rates.

 Input Boxes: (Enter values in all boxes, then click on "Calculate" or "Reset"
Male Gender Calculations ONLY: Enter weight in Lbs:
Lbs. Kg.
Enter height in Inches:
Inch Cm.
Choose an Activity Level
To make the Harris-Benedict formula more accurate & expanded fill in the following input boxes data, before pressing "Calculate"

Enter Current Bodyfat %:

Daily Protein Gm perLb:

Daily Dietary Fat %:

Bulking Calories @1Lb a week
6 Meals is good for Maintenance

Control Buttons:
 PRESSING 'Calculate' will fill in the Kg weight and Cm height boxes  

Harris-Benedict formula Base Diet Maintenance Totals: Lean Body Mass (LBM):
Lbs. Kg.
Basal Metabolism (BMR):
Base Diet Calories per Meal:
Harris-Benedict formula Bulking Totals: Basal Metabolism (BMR):
Bulking Calories per Meal:

KEY: LBM is Lean Body Mass after fat deduction, If you entered your Current Bodyfat % on the 2nd input line above.
BMR is Basal Metabolism Rate or the amount of Calories used at rest
Activity is one of the chosen rates of energy consumption added to the BMR
TEF is the Thermic Effect of Food, the macronutrients Protein, Carbs and Oils burn extra energy converting food for the body
Bulking is the rate of extra Calories added on to the BMR+Activity+TEF to allow the body to add/create muscle above Maintanence levels,
3500 calories is equivalent to approx' 1 Lb of muscle weight, so in 7 days addon just 500 Calories per day to Bulk, or 1000 Calories = 2 Lb etc.

Convertion of Macronutrients is at these rates: Protein 4.1, Carbs 4.1, Oils 9.1. Food Thermic Effect is factored onto the BMR+Activity (@+10%).
The BMR and calculations that give the Harris-Benedict formula above, allow the following daily food calculations evenly spread out for a day,
as shown in these tables. You can freely adjust/swap any meals content to your own grams, with your daily total using up all the macronutrients.

 Base/Maintenance Diet macros calculated from: Protein per Lb of LBM & Dietary Fat%
Protein grams per Lb of LBM: Carbohydrates grams total: Fat grams total:
Protein calorie total: Carbohydrates calorie total: Fat calorie total:
Protein grams per meal: Carbohydrates grams per meal: Fat grams per meal:
Protein calories per meal: Carbohydrates calories per meal: Fat calories per meal:

 Bulking Diet macros calculated from: Protein per Lb of LBM & Dietary Fat% & Bulking rate
Protein grams per Lb of LBM: Carbohydrates grams total: Fat grams total:
Protein calorie total: Carbohydrates calorie total: Fat calorie total:
Protein grams per meal: Carbohydrates grams per meal: Fat grams per meal:
Protein calories per meal: Carbohydrates calories per meal: Fat calories per meal:


Rotating Carbs for the BASE/MAINTENANCE diet, use for an extra cutting effect.
Cycle in 3/4/5 Days 'On' & 1 Day 'Off'. 'On' Days cut Carbs 40% below, 'Off' Days increase Carbs 15% above.
This SLOWs FAT GAIN when Bulking, or trims fat when on the Base/Maintenance diet.

"On" days Carb Cal total:

Grams total

"On" days Calories per meal:

 Grams per meal

 "Off" day Carb Cal total:

Grams total

 "Off" day Calories per meal:

Grams per meal

“The Harris Benedict equation is a calorie formula using the variables of height, weight, age, and gender to calculate basal metabolic rate (BMR). This is more accurate than calculating calorie needs based on total body weight alone. The only factor it omits is lean body mass and thus the ratio of muscle-to-fat a body has.
Remember, leaner bodies need more calories than less fatter ones. Therefore, this equation will be very accurate in all but the very muscular (Harris-Benedict will under-estimate calorie needs) and the very fat (Harris-Benedict will over-estimate calorie needs).”

Harris Benedict Formula for Men: (uses 66 as the male gender constant)
BMR = 66 + (13.7 * weight in kilos) + (5 * height in cm) - (6.8 * age in years)

Say you're a 25 year old male, who's 6'0, 210 pounds and is moderately active:

1. Convert your height to inches, which would be 72 inches and then to centimeters (72 * 2.54) = 182.88 centimeters.
2. Convert your weight to kilograms. (210 / 2.2) = 95.45
3. Plug in your numbers.
66 + (13.7 * 95.45) + (5 * 182.88) - (6.8 * 25) is
66 + 1,307.67 + 914.4 - 170 = 2118.07 BMR
2118.07 BMR * .5 = 1059.04 activity factor
2118 + 1059.04 = 3177.11 BMR+activity factor
3177.11 BMR+activity factor * .1 = 317.71 thermic food effect
3177.11 + 317.71 = 3494.82 Calories is the BMR+activity factor+thermic food effect

For the inquisitive, some insights into the finer points of this program:
While the Harris-Benedict formula may be a challenge to many to program? The expanded sections after the main formula were much more complex to set in order.

Starting of with the input box to set a grams amount of daily protein per pound of LBM (lean body mass). Rates for this and dietary fat can be set (as input values) which determine the final outcome of the amount of carbs. You see the Harris-Benedict calculations only allow a maximum bound of calories per day, and adjusting protein and fat intake for your personal preferences (in grams), means the total of calories per day, may be for the most part be used up. Otherwise the dreaded overeating and consequent fat storage will occur in the body.

While an increased protein intake will be beneficial to a bulking diet, it can be set as a normal, above maintenance setting by yourself. The same type of entry for fats is adjusted by yourself, (Udo recommends adjusting this for summer and winter as the seasons change the bodies oil requirements, i.e dry/scaling fingers, announce the need of more oil per season, the oils being used at this time by other bodily functions, leaving the hands without supplies).

The input entry for a bulking amount from 500 calories to 1500 calories, allows for a basic 500 calorie per day setting of 3500 calories per week (7 days), for a 1 pound increase (bulking) in weight. This bulking value is extra above the calculated upper bound of the base diet H-B formula, and includes all macros (protein, carbs and fats) in the bulking amount - THIS IS NOT SPECIFICALLY AIMED AT PROTEIN. Here, the divided ratio of macros is taken from the base diets set input values of the protein grams per Lb of LBM, and the percentage of fat in the dietary food. Once this ratio/percentage is calculated, then the bulking amount is divided by the same ratios to split up between the totals shown in the lower table marked "
Bulking Diet macros calculated from: Protein per Lb of LBM & Dietary Fat% & Bulking rate".

Finally the lowest table on the screen shows the
"Carb Rotating diet", This is expounded fully in a book by Chris Aceto, see his site for the book "Everything you need to know about fat loss". This is an expert way of trimming extra fat from the diet. Adjust the carbs only in the diet, by the shown amounts, you may need the book to fully understand its working.

Sources: (with much thanks for making this program possible)
MMI website forum,"The Bulking Primer":

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