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Casualties from the Village of Muston
This page is dedicated to the men of Muston who fought and died in the two World Wars


This page is dedicated to the men of Muston who fought and died in the two World Wars




To the greater glory of God

And in proud and Loving memory

Of those who from this village

At the call of King and country

In the Great Wars

Left all that was dear to them

Endured hardships, faced danger

And finally passed out of the sight of men

This cross is erected

By their fellow villagers

In gratitude for their devotion to duty

And self sacrifice

"Their name liveth forevermore"


G. R. Brambles

J. A. Overfield

J. Brambles

J. Stavely

E. Danby

W .H. Steel

J. W. Glenton


N. J. Dixon

D. Overfield

E. A. Hullah