Filey Casualties The Second World War

Fifty three men died whilst serving as part of the armed services in WWII. Many of these were fishermen who had been conscripted into the Naval Patrol Service, but many more belonged to the R.A.F. and land army services. Their details are accessible via the links below.

For information on casualties connected to Filey but not on the town memorial click here.

C. W. Bailey

W. Biggins

G. W. Bradley

C. G. Cammish

J. Cammish

J. R. Cammish

W. I. Cammish

W. H. Campling

F. E. Cappleman

R. F. Cash

R. H. Clark

J. B. Colley

W. Colling

W. Collings

W. J. Colling

T. H. Coultas

R. S. Crane

J. Douglas

J. G. Douglas

C. E. Edwards

G. Edwards

F. E. Farline

W. Gregory

F. H. T. Halifax

P. M. Hall

W. P. Hannigan

R. Harrison

W. E. L. Harrison

R. Haxby

R. T. Holloway

E. Hunter

F. Hunter

J. Hunter

J. W. Jefferson

J. W. Johnson

R. Lewis

J. C. P. Lowrey

E. Major

J. T. McPherson

T. A. Morley

J. J. Nunn

J. H. Parish

G. R. Pearson

T. E. Pearson

J. W. Powley

J. R. Rickard

M. N. J. Rickard

J. Robinson

R. D. Robinson

J. B. Sawdon

A. C. Stonehouse

J. Watkinson

R. Watkinson

J. W. Williamson

G. Willis

H. Willis