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House of Demonic

The House of Demonic is a temple for those who want to further the study of Left-Hand Path religions, without fear of ridicule.
It is a place to learn study and worship in the safety of those with the same goals.

The motto of this Temple is you get out of it what you put in to it.

The Founder of the House of Demonic has been studying the Beliefs and the Magick of the Luciferian Religion for 18 years and has also learned many of the other left-hand paths and has studied some Pagan religions.

This Temple is filled with member offerings of their many diverse Paths that are shared with the other many members of the Temple that is why our motto is what it is.

Members are required to take an active role in both the sharing and the learning process of Religious Study.

The Truth about Satanism and Luciferianism?????

In the HOD we believe that Lucifer/Satan whatever name you chose to give him is a fallen Angel. He is from God.He is the Bearer of Light and Knowledge. The reason he was thrown from Heaven is because he cared for humans and their place on Earth. He believed that God had not given Man the Choice of "FREE WILL". God wanted man to follow him as if they were a flock of sheep, doing only Gods work and not have the knowledge to choose to live life on Mans own terms. Lucifer wanted Man to have the knowledge of knowing what would make each persons life more enjoyable to their own self and to choose to live for God if thats what they wanted.Lucifer believed very simply that Man should be smart and to do what made him happy.I feel that man would still be "cavemen" had Lucifer decided to obey God and not given man Knowledge and free will.
The HOD does not believe in the Hollywood version of Satanism, it really is nothing better than The Catholic churchs threat of going to a place of "hellfire and Brimstone" or "Damnation" after death so as to keep the catholic people "God Fearing" note the wording in that God Fearing
Why would you want to worship a God you had to Fear?????

Along with knowledge and free will Lucifer gave as the ability to take responsibility for what we do. To make choices in our lives not to follow but to lead.So all together knowledge, free will, and responsibility is what took us from animals to people. And for this I am thankful and with these options I can choose to Love my Lord Lucifer and not to have to fear my Lord God.

The HOD does not nor will it ever condone the harming of any human or living creature in any ritual magick or any type of worship.


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