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A page dedicated to my dear cousin and good friend

Anja, well, that's my cousin. (o: She's 2 years older than me and just as mad. We have had some great times together in good old Germany when we were younger. Then our ways parted, she moved to England and I ended up in Northern Ireland. We don't see each other that often now, but we still keep in touch.

I have created this website to relive the memories and the fun we had together, not just at home but also during our (and my greatest ever) holiday in Ireland in 1998.

Well, this building holds some special memories for me...but it was only a small piece of what was a wonderful time on the Emerald Isle.

We had a great time driving round in her little car, getting to see every corner of Ireland. Cork, the Ring of Kerry, Limerick, DOON, County Clare (and of course TULLA!), Galway, Mayo, Donegal, Dublin, Wexford, Waterford, Tullamore, Tipperary, keep it short: We have been EVERYWHERE! :o)

One thing we definitely won't forget: Sheep!! Loads of Sheep everywhere! And we loved it...even though they seemed to be a little unsociable at times...and some of them would just not move off the road...

But we did not only meet unsociable creatures. I have to say that all over the country we met very nice, warm and friendly people. Some we got to know better than others. And one we didn't really want to get to know even though he was a great dancer...(o: But that's a different story. It was fun meeting all sorts of people. There were mad ones, shy ones, very charming ones and ones that were just happy-go-lucky all the time.

Things have changed now though, and I doubt we will ever be able to do anything like this again. We have both moved on in our lives and have new responsibilities. But no matter what, I will never forget the 4 weeks I spent with Anja on the Emerald Isle and neither will I forget our weekends together that we spent with late nights, a lot of Guinness and loads of gossip about teenage dreams. I'm sure she will know what I mean. ;o) All I'll say is "He's probably chasing chickens!".

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