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Hogwarts-Oxford WItching Program (Hoxford or Oxwarts)

Hogwarts School of Witchraft and Wizardry resides currently alongside the Oxford University program. We work within their buildings, and study alongside Muggles. It has so far been a very useful program.


As the administrator of the school, we have a few major situations at hand. There are three groups of students to be had. Four actually, four yes... that would be it.
The Shapeshifter Program is for students who happen to have either been born with, been given, or have somehow acquired a means of differing from their humanoid form. They are trained in all the basic magics as well as magics in how to use their shapeshifting abilities.
The Magical Training Program takes only students who are of 11 years of age and have been put onto the sorting hats list. This is a seven year program designed to help young magicians learn their powers as well as they can and use them to their best advantage.
The Exchange Program is so that any student from any magical school throughout the many different worlds and universes of our ranged contacts may come and study at Hoxford if they feel that it is a good thing for their magical career (mind, I most certainly wouldn't do it, but to each his own I suppose...) students who are faeries, Narrealm, Blaeners, residents of Avalon, of Adfyw Gan Byth and of Tir Na Nogh often come for quarters or semesters to take a class or two from our wonderful faculty.
The Service Teaching Program provides those of us who don't quite have the funds to get our books and such together with an alternative. We work our way through school. I should know. Its hard. But you learn a lot more, and you spend more time with the Professors than you ever wanted to. That includes the end of year staff party where everyone gets drunk. Its quite frightening really.

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