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The Quotes of Old and New

There and Back Again

We all say strange things. Especially in roleplaying games.

So basically, this page is devoted to alll the weird things we've said. Yes, you, over there.

"Cremation, the less mess burial!"- Iesult Greensleeves (Ravenna), 1999.

"Tam. Keep it in your pants." ::he doesn't keep it in his pants and it gets out and attacks everyone in the teachers lounge a la Cthulu:: - Minerva McGonagall (Ashley) and Tam Wolfsong (Dolphin), 1999

"What is a girl to do with two minutes, twenty six letters and a keyboard?"- Ravenna, 2003.

"::looks around himself:: No, Not married yet mother. Not married yet." - Ailil Greensleeves (Devin) , 2003.

"Dr. Greensleeves is sometimes much more than a pain in the ass."- Severus Snape (Polgara), 2000

"Fine, take your son out of this school, Mr. Malfoy. It would do better for my sanity anyhow."- Dr. Greensleeves (Ravenna), 2002.

"Prince Sushi. 'Nuff said." - Aria, 2001.

"That is some bready cheese!"- Leo, 2003.

"I knew it was Raven before I even saw the sign. It was the skirt that did it." - Aria, 2003.

"Angstburger- The Place to Feed your Inner Goth"- A creation of Devin, Aria and Raven. 2003

"We Are the Order of the Rabid Weezle!"- Raven and Leo, 2000

"How many times do I have to tell you NOT to blow up the lab!"- Severus, to Dolphin. 2000

"So Remus, are you a cross dresser?"- Axle Saille (Kelsey), 2003.

"I think Alastor Moody is a queer. Tell me you can't picture him and Kingsley Shacklebolt together."- Devin. 2003.

"I want to feel your hulking fish flesh under my hand, Dolphin." "get away from me. Now." - Tennyson (Polgara) and Dolphin (Dolphin), 2002.

"The marriage of a queen is- " "hers to decide, my lord." - My Lord Ardelay and Princess Regent Rioghan Silverwolf II, 2003.

"I think thats what you call dead, Iesult." - Tam "Not until I've seen it entirely decapitated."-Iesult ~Raven and Dolphin, 2001.

More to come when we have our papers in order.