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2 RSN 599 Dragon Slayer's Homepage


Welcome, to DRAGON SLAYER'S Homepage !

My name is Joan, I live in South Carolina.

I have been a amatuer radio operator since 1995. My call sign for ham radio is, KE4VZM,

I am also active on the 11 meters band as 2 RSN 599. I am the SC Director for the RSN Group.

I enjoy the radio because it is a good way to meet new people, and make friends around the world.

You are probably wondering why this page is listed as Dragon Slayer. Well, this pass year I have battled against Hepatitis C. People who have Hep C, have nicknamed it the Dragon, so it was only appropiate to name this page Dragon Slayer .

I took a chemo type treatment, for 48 weeks, with no promise that it would work. The good news is it seems to have worked for me. Which means they can't detect the Hep C Virus in my blood.

Having this sickness has taught me alot this pass year, alot about Hep C, alot about not feeling sorry for myself, cause there are alot of people out there with worse stuff going on in their lives. It has also taught me to enjoy life to the fullest, and not take things for granted.

I urge everyone who has had a tattoo or body piercing to get checked for Hep C. You see, I got a tattoo when I was 19, and now 20 some years later, I found out I had Hep C.

Please if you want to learn more check out my link for Hep C, this is a very informative site for Hep C, and other dieases .

I appreciate you coming to see my site and if you have any suggestions, or comments, please email them to me.

Y'all come back soon !

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My Favorite Web Sites

RSN HQ Swenden
SC RSN Homepage
USA Divison's Web Page
RSN's VP Homepage
Ultimate Guide to 11 meter antenn
QSL Maker
Hepatitis C
