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Snave's Tibia Page

Hello, the following lists are designed to be used as a quick reference whilst playing the Computer Game 'Tibia'. The info on this page was entierely compiled and formatted by myself except where noted otherwise. As a result, parts of the loot list and the map are not yet complete. Unfortunately, this appears to be the only way I can accurately ensure that the data is up-to-date.

Coming Soon: Possibly an update!

Oh, and one more thing, the formatting of this page is still terrible, but, I admit my webpage making skills suck fairly severely, so meh, you can put up with it.

- Snave a.k.a. Paul


Tibia Quote of the Moment

'hacked' is a euphemism, usual for neglectful stupidity.

- Steel Rabbit


Quick Reference Pages

Key List

Transportation Fares

Summon And Convince Lists

Quest Hints

Loot List (work in progress denoted in red)


My Personal Map of Tibia

This map is missing quite a lot, but is still in the progress of being updated. As you can see, the most obvious missing segments are the two Premium Isles. Note that this map is 100% up to date from the map update in which the Premium Area of 'Rookgaard' was implemented. Any major or minor changes since that particular update may or may not be shown on this map.

View Map

Places still nedding to be mapped:

  • Some of the premium isles, including much of Darama

  • Some small miscellaneous islands

  • A few scattered houses/guildhalls



The following are a few useful Tibia related websites you may wish to check out:

Official Tibia Website


World of Tibia


Got something to say about the site? Seen a bug in the info presented here? Go ahead, send me an email, and I may fix it! Please note that I cannot respond to all emails if there are many, or if yours is off-topic.

Email Snave