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My Favorite Web Sites

GO to my Music Page
GO to my In Flames tribute Page

"Victims, aren't we all"
-Eric Draven

This Site Owns You

3-6-03 UPdate- Music page additions and personal Bio are up
3-4-03 UPdate- Music page and In Flames tribute page are up
3-4-03 ONtap- A bio on me (lucky you), In Flames tribute page modifications and adjustments
Still kind of new at this so bear with me for a few days....This site will have on it all the shit that I like, including things about music and sports, and whatever else I want to include. It is going to make all those electronic diary sites lick my taint hardcore.

I've decided that there will be three basic parts to my kick-ass site. These parts are to be; a page about sports (mostly hoops probably), a page about music (including good bands, and guitars or what-not), and a part about whatever I am currently interested it.

The BEST thing about this site, is that if you don't like it....I don't care! Leave. If you have similar interests as me though, stick around.
-Bio on me-

Because I'm nice, and because I'm sure you are just dying to know...I've decided to provide the following biographical info. on myself...I know what you're thinking- "What a loser..."

-Vital Stats-

Name (first)- Kevin

Name (last)- Don't worry about it if you don't know me :-)

Height- 5'6" give or take

Eyes- blue

Hair- blonde

Birthplace- Baltimore, Maryland

Resides in- Maryland, USA

Birthdate- 1/23/87

Age- a little bit

Prized Possesion(s)- My Squire Stratocaster autographed by Megadeth (above- Better pictures will arrive soon, these will do for now though)


Food- steak, lobster

Movie- The Crow, Heat

Movie genre- SciFi, Horror

Actor- Al Pacino, Anthony Hopkins

Book- "Aliens" series, by Steve Perry

Book genre- SciFi, Horror

Music- Find out for yourself, go to my page (top of page)

Bands- Iron Maiden, Megadeth, In Flames, Sentenced, Sonata Arctica (to name a select few)

Sports- basketball (when not busying myself with music, that's what I'm playing)

General Interests- playing guitar (4 years).....listening to, downloading, and playing music.....hanging out with my friends.....trying to play billiards (trying)

Anymore than that, I couldn't imagine you'd want to know. But, if there is something, drop me a line.
