Kate Roberson · 11013 Chautauqua Rd · Cattaraugus, New York · (208) 880.9752 · (716) 358.4810 · origamicorgi@gmail.com
In the fall of 2004 I fell in love with a blue-eyed, tan-pointed boy. The rest is history!
Hagaren is a small kennel specializing in blue merles. The blue merle Cardigan is a gray or silvery color, varying from pale "smoke" to dark "slate" and marbled with black markings. These markings can range from minimal black to covering most of the colored area of the coat. The latter is called "cryptic." Blue merles may have brindle or tan points, and are allowed to have blue or partially blue eyes, as well as "butterfly" (black and pink-spotted) noses.
The Cardigan Welsh Corgi is an amazing breed - intelligent and funny, and beautiful in their way. A well-bred, well-socialized Cardigan is a wonderful life-long partner who will keep you laughing.
All of my dogs live in the house and enjoy couch and bed privileges. They are beloved members of the family, as I believe ALL dogs should be.
Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to contact me with questions or comments - and don't forget to check out the blog for lots of pictures and updates.
IN THE RING: The New York Blues and I have been having quite a time! Dexter is more than singled out, having 12 single points, several from placements as BOB and BOS over specials. Ella is close behind, with 8 single points and more limited showing. She is looking for one more single, and then both are major-hunting. Majors have been impossible to find, even when I have traveled for them. I am hoping for some better prospects this fall.
Highlights include Dex taking 4th in his Sweeps Class at the Cardigan National in April, and Ella taking Best In Sweeps at the Herding Group Association of New Jersey show in March, which was one bitch shy of a major. Dex was BOS to his sister that day.
IN THE FIELD: Dexter took his evaluation for Therapy Dogs United in June of 2010 and passed with flying colors! He is now Hagaren's Street Spirit, CGC, TDU. Nothing phases this dog! He is a huge sweetheart and was born for therapy work. Golem earned his TDU the same day and will be assisting his son from time to time.
IN THE BOX: I am planning a litter for Ella, which will be whelped in the early summer of 2011 if all goes as planned. The sire will be Rush, GCH Regent Midnight Rush. This will be one of Rush's first litters, and we are all expecting him to produce beautifully. This is an exciting pedigree, marrying Carbon and Fudge lines. If you are interested in this litter, please visit the puppy page and drop me a line. Check my blog for all the most recent news.
Hagaren Website Updated February 7, 2011
Materials featured on this site, as well as affiliated sites,
are the property of Kate Roberson, unless otherwise credited,
and may not be used without permission.
site design by Kate Roberson © 2004