1. Taking Off
___The most important thing about flying the dodo is to know how to take off(well, u cant fly it without taking off do you?).
___To take off drive to a long flat road. The runway that goes straight to the east is perfect for that couse.
___now for the take off itself:
___1.1 Stand straight on the runway looking east.
___1.2 Hold down the "Dodo down" key.
___1.3 Start accelerating.
___1.4 Dont leave the "Dodo down" key untill you see sparks comming out of your plane.
___1.5 Leave the "Dodo down" key.
Congratulations! You took off! But u cant really do nothing because the plane just stalls and falls to the ground.
That leads us to the second lesson!
2. Leveling
___The next section teaches you to level the plane after take off.
___2.1 Tap down on your "Dodo down" key.
Note : When I say "tap" I actually mean "Tap". Never hold any key down, unless I say so.
______2.2.1 In view number 2: Keep tapping down on the "Dodo down" key untill you cant see the red nose of the plane.
______2.2.2 For more expirienced pilots: Keep tapping down on the "Dodo down" key untill you feel that the plane is stable.
___2.3 Through the whole prosses never touch the left and right keys.
___2.4 If you tap too much on the "Dodo down" key you will starts loosing altitude.
___2.5 If that happens do NOTHING. The dodo will start gaining altitude again after a while.
___2.6 When the dodo starts gaining altitude again do steps 2.1 - 2.5 again.
___2.7 You know you are stable when the plane is almost not moving up or down.
Congratulations! You now know how to keep your plane in the air! Though after a short time its getting boring just flying
straight into the stounton island buildings and crashing there. You need to know how to turn! Next lasson!
3. Turning
___The next section teaches you to turn your plane.
___3.1 First of all make sure you are leveled.
The trick here is tapping, just like you did when you learned to level your plane. The more you tap, the more the plane will
___3.2 Tap on your "Right" key two or three times. The plane should start moving right.
___3.3 If you feel that the plane turning too much to the right tap on your "Left" key as much times as its needed for
______the plane to be back to be leveled.
___3.4 When you need to stop the turn and continue to fly forwards, tap on your "Left" key as much times as its needed for
______the plane to be back to be leveled.
To turn Left just do the same as above, just switch the "Right"s to "Left"s, and the "Left"s To "Right"s.
Congratulations! You now know how to turn your plane!
4. Gaining Altitude
___Eventually, you will want to gain altitude, eather because you will want to do a high altitude trick, eather saving your
___ass from crashing into the sea. There are three known ways of gaining altitude.
___4.1 Easy Way
______4.1.1 The easyest way of gaining altitude is just managing a leveled state and flying around the islands. The dodo
__________naturally will try to rise its nose upwards.
______4.1.2 When it does that just level it back to normal.
______4.1.3 It may not seem so, but u just gained some altitude.
______4.1.4 Doing 4.1.1 - 4.1.3 over and over again will slowly take you up to the highest of liberty city.
___4.2 Hard Way
______4.2.1 This is an instant altitude gain way. I personally use it not to gain altitude but to escape from incoming
______water or to dodge nasty high buildings. To pull it of just tap 3 short and fast taps on the "Dodo up" key.
______4.2.2 This will make the dodo lose a big amount of its speed and if done wrong u will stall and may even crash.
______4.2.3 Right after the 3 taps tap on the "Dodo down" key to level yourself.
___4.3 Expert way
______4.3.1 This method of leveling is totally different from the other ones,
______once you got control over the mass of the dodo there shouldnt be any situation where you cant catch yourself,
______even if you spin in all possible directions.
______4.3.2 Speed = Height, and the most effective way to gain speed is to fly circles.
______To fly a never ending circle you have to get the wings of the dodo in vertical position:
______4.3.3 Tap the left key until your dodo makes a sharp turn, in the first half of the turn the dodo will go downwards
______And in the second half upwards.
______4.3.4 Normally when the dodo comes upwards it goes automaticly in a horizontal position but we want it in a vertical so
______just keep on tapping left (You shouldnt let it level up to the max, better keep the speed for the circle).
______4.3.5 After you made it into a vertical position you just have to wait until you get enough speed (You can tap the
______"Dodo Up" key to fly a smaller circle and gain speed and hight faster).
______4.3.6 When you think you got enough speed or hight just tap right and you'll leave the circle but then you got
______to catch yourself and get stable again.
5. Gaining Speed
___Well, this section is not ment for newbies. Newbies dont like speed. This section is ment for the more expirienced pilots
___that flew for a while and 'just' flying got boring. This section is the basis for almost all of the tricks you can do with
___a dodo.
___5.1 Press on the "Dodo down" key for 1.5 seconds. It should make the dodo go down quite a lot, but will give you the best
______speed for most tricks.
___5.2 After this dont let the dodo gain back much altitude, as gaining altitude makes it slower.
___5.3 When you feel the dodo is fast enough just start leveling the dodo till its back to normal. Now its leveled, but fast.
6. Landing
___Now that you know how to fly the Dodo, you should know how to land it. Landing is important. "Why?" you ask? Because if
___ you perfect this, you perfect flying the Dodo, and you now can proceed into making all those cool stunts im gonna list here in the future!
___6.1 Start slowing down using the "Dodo up" key.
___6.2 Release the acceleration key.
___6.3 Head for the land you are trying to land on.
___6.4 Level off yourself as much as you can. This is important to make a perfect land directly on the ground you were targeting to.
___6.5 When you reach a medium speed (Not fast, yet not too slow) pitch the Dodo upwards to 35 degrees.
___6.6 Let the nose go down a bit and then Hold the "Dodo up" key.
___6.7 The Dodo now starts losing alttitude fast. When about 7 meters above the ground release the "Dodo up" key.
___6.8 The Dodo's nose is now going to head down, but you should be low enough just in time so that the Dodo would
______ touch down with the ground in a perfect landing.